Records Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 97 - Alpha under the full moon

Chapter 97: Chapter 31 Alpha under the full moon

Translator: Doggotranslation 

The truck that had been bumpy due to the ravages of the werewolf and the vampire has been resurrected by the extremely hard-working werewolf in the last three days. Now, this dirty, old and broken truck was driving south on Highway 27.

The vampire holding the steering wheel looked at the werewolf questioningly. Although he was happy that he didn’t need to go through the dieting period, the werewolf was a bit too calm now. The bottom of the sun was only a line away from the horizon on the west, and it wouldn’t be long before night would come to Barton, and in the east, surrounded by stars, the full moon would become the protagonist of the sky.

Normally at this time in the past, the werewolf was always very irritable. Most of the time, the hungry vampire would not give him a ride.

The truck made a turn on the border of the city of Barton and then continued to drive on the land without roads until the surrounding trees stopped the vehicle from moving further. Zach watched Benjamin jump out of the truck, take off his clothes quickly, and threw it back on the truck. Before the sun had completely set, he disappeared in the shadow of the tree.

Zach stopped lingering, drove back to Highway 27, and returned to the Grande Funeral Home.

Benjamin’s running at this moment had no goal. The soft soil, broken twigs, and yellow leaves were trampled on by the werewolf’s feet. Across the sturdy tree trunk, the werewolf’s body was covered with a layer of brown hair, his legs continued to kick back, his sturdy front body leaned forward, and the hair-covered arms pressed against the ground and moved backward like the forelegs of a wild beast. The werewolf’s speed became even faster.

The sky was getting dark. When the sun finally sank below the horizon, the running werewolf seemed to leap into a low-lying place, and his body was plunged in the darkness for a moment.

When the world adapted to the night dominated by the full moon, in the depths of the woods on the southern border of Barton, a ‘wolf’ covered in dark brown fur jumped out of the darkness and was bathed in the moonlight in between the shade of the trees.

It raised its chin and looked at the full moon in the sky, and its fur swayed in the breeze. It waited quietly, waiting for the full moon staring at the earth to tell it something.

Benjamin always refused to talk to it, so he could only ask the distant star.

A deep growl from the depth of the throat came out of this Alpha’s mouth. The full moon in its eyes was squeezed into a line by the constricted pupils. The brown hair stood up slightly, no longer being swayed by the airflow, and under the grinning lips, the sharp fangs made all life in the woods tremble.

In the dead silence, the sound of the beast running in the woods sounded, and Alpha was running. Unlike Benjamin, Alpha seemed to be very clear where he was going!

The main entrance of Grande Funeral Home was glistening in the moonlight, quiet and peaceful. A lime-like white line started from the porch and extended around the corner of the building and surrounded the entire Grande Funeral Home. The faint light and shadow formed a ‘wall’, shutting out all evil things,

including Zach the vampire.

Zach stopped the truck in the backyard, took off his jacket, folded it, and put it in the truck. He pushed open the truck’s door and looked towards the second floor of Grande Funeral Home. The banshee Alice, Old Hank, and Louise were standing by the window, looking at the backyard.

Tritely, Papa Midnight chose to attack when the werewolf left.

“You! !”

Revenge, who was no different from a normal person, glared at Zach when he appeared, with anger and hatred in his eyes!

Zach put one hand on the shoulder of Ian, who was about to attack, and unbuttoned his shirt with the other. He ignored Revenge, but looked at the walking corpses standing behind him.

“Papa Midnight, do you want to chat first? Or let us all save some time and get started quickly? ” Zach asked the walking corpses.

Being ignored, Revenge wanted to step forward, but his shoulder was held by a rotten and withered hand. The stiff and dry facial muscles still completed the smiley expression. Papa Midnight’s “messenger” walked past Revenge’s body and looked at the vampire who rolled up his sleeves: “Let’s talk first.”

Zach’s face seemed to have a pretentious disappointment. It was as disappointing as when he was ready to fight, but the other party said, ‘Let’s be friends’.

Zach looked at the gloomy-looking Gale couple. The two Inans stood at the place where Ryan’s remain was buried, and his eyes focused on their former eldest son.

Zach nodded to the two of them, pressed down Ian, whose eyes were already red, and walked away from the Gale family. The walking corpses near Revenge were also very cooperative, moving away from Revenge while keeping a distance from the vampire.

Great Dane Jim’s two eyes were weirdly looking in two different directions, but he eventually seemed to have received Zach’s instructions and stayed beside the Gale couple.

“What do you want to talk about, Papa Midnight.” Zach waved his hand casually and said.

“Will you give me Ian Anthony?” The walking corpse asked casually.

“Of course not!” Zach raised his mouth, seemingly smiling at something.

“We should probably ask his own opinion.” The walking corpse proposed.

“He is too young to make any decisions…” Zach stopped because Ian, who was being held by him, stopped. He turned his head and looked at Ian.

Then the smile on Zach’s face disappeared. The ‘child’ he had lost for thirteen years lowered his head.

“Ha! You see, he doesn’t seem to think that way…”

One of the fingers of the vampire Zach raised in the air. He did not look at the walking corpse, but used his sharp fingertips to indicate that he was not in the mood to talk to the other party.

The conflicts in the Gale family seem to have broken out, and the fierce quarrel contrasted with the quietness here. Zach didn’t speak, he was waiting for Ian to speak. Feeling that something will happen is not the same as confirming it in person.

“I want to stay here and fight for you.” Ian raised his head and looked into the vampire’s eyes, “I like to be taught by you. I like to be the only ‘Toreador’ with you. I like this ‘Grande’.”

When Benjamin temporarily replaced Zach as the master of Grande, the two vampires in the basement had already told each other all the past stories, and then the rest of the time was to look to the future. But regarding this, it was Zach talking most of the time, and Ian was always listening.

So, now is the time for ‘everything is good, but…’.

“But you still don’t want to stay.” Zach carried on after Ian.

“Ann doesn’t want me to be here.” Ian’s eyes were lost for a moment, “He is my younger brother, I know him. Thirteen years ago, it was for his troops. Now, it is for his citizens. Nothing has changed.”

Zach was silent.

“I know, I have never been the candidate for the descendant in your mind, it has always been Ann. I’m stubborn and impulsive, if An hadn’t begged you, I wouldn’t have been here.”

“Everyone will change.” Zach frowned. He was trying to find a weak point in Ian’s words as a standpoint for his counter-argument.

Ian seemed to smile bitterly, frowned, and said something completely irrelevant, “I’m surprised, Ann is getting old.” Ian closed his eyes and opened them again, “You have all changed, but it is for each other, and me…” Ian’s eyes became serious: “I will never catch up with your changes! One day, you will find that I cannot be the ‘child’ you expected, and when Ann expels me again, you will not twist his will.”

Zach sighed, his counter-argument reached a dead end. In his slow breathing, the vampire’s eyes became cold, “Have you made up your mind?”

“I will be a good soldier! Outside the federation, I will…” Ian tried to explain something. Zach is still his ‘father’. If Zach becomes strict, he will still try to find a reason for himself like a child.

Zach didn’t listen to Ian anymore, and turned to walk to the Gale couple. He tried and failed, so he didn’t want to keep holding onto it.

Spell took out a doll from under the cloak. The woman’s slightly opened mouth breathed slowly, and her finger cut by the knife dropped a drop of blood on the wooden doll. Coord on the side also smeared the blood from his fingers on the doll.

Revenge’s face was sullen, and his chest was undulating violently because of the quarrel just now. Judging from where he stood, he did not succeed in making the Gale couple retreat and give up the place where Ryan was ‘buried’. He stared at the movements of the two people, the wooden doll’s head was removed, revealing the hollow body inside, and Spell took out a box and opened it.

“What is that? What are you doing! !” Revenge shouted vigilantly.

“Don’t you remember?” Spell’s face was sad and angry. “This is your tooth. When you were twelve years old, it fell from a fight you had with our neighbor.”

Spell seemed to be immersed in the past memories, but Revenge had no intention of reminiscing with his mother. What he cared about was the thing in her mother’s hand.

“What are you doing!” Revenge almost gritted his teeth and roared.

“I don’t want my blood to become someone else’s slave.” Spell didn’t look at Revenge again, and put the head of the wooden doll back, then she lifted the wooden doll to her mouth, and her lips started to move.

On the wooden doll stained with the blood of the Gale couple, the red spell suddenly grew out of the red blood, bending in the air like a chain! As if the sound of chains colliding with each other, the chain that grew out of the wooden doll in Spell’s hands rushed towards Revenge not far away like an arrow!


The crimson chain connecting them was unusually cold and terrifying at night. The moment the chain bound Revenge, the crimson chain suddenly glowed and disappeared! The doll in Spell’s hand was held high, and at this time, the densely packed spells that were covered on the brown wooden doll were responding to the spells on Revenge’s skin!

incantation complete!

“Heed my words, and obey my wishes!”

Then, Spell stared at her eyes and tore off the wooden doll’s left arm.

“Ah! !”

Revenge’s painful scream tore the night sky! His thick left arm bent behind his back in a strange way!

Spell’s logic is very simple. She didn’t want to give the Dead Apostle the opportunity to use the other arm, so she simply tore it off directly. Papa Midnight’s Dead Apostles witchcraft and Spell’s control witchcraft overlapped on Revenge’s body and completely broke his left arm.

Zach frowned, stood behind the Gale couple, and guarded them with Jim, treating Ian who had already entered the walking corpses’ group like a stranger to him.

The reason Zach frowned was that Spell’s reluctant to accept it. She still wanted to use the method of ‘persuasion’ to liberate the contract of the Dead Apostle and free Revenge’s soul from the control of Papa Midnight.

Spell controlled the doll with both hands and guided the right hand of the doll to move to its waist.

Revenge’s right arm did something against the owner’s wishes. It fumbled around his waist, grabbed the hunter’s dagger, pulled it out, flipped it using his fingers, and the tip of the dagger was then pointed at himself!

“Stab it!” Spell yelled at the doll. In the woman’s unique scream, her withered fingers pressed the doll’s right hand and pierced the wooden doll’s left chest!


The sound of a dagger piercing into the flesh burst out on Revenge’s body.

The first stroke of X has been completed! Spell’s fingers were shaking, she pushed aside the doll’s bent arm, and the exquisitely carved wrist was turned in another direction, another stroke of X!

The bones of the Great Dane suddenly wriggled, and the skin and the muscles of the whole body quickly changed. The shapeshifter, whose original name was “Shougong”, bounced like a scarlet Gecko, and Coord’s body was wrapped around by its thick tail and pulled back quickly.

The vampire’s pupils were occupied by red, and he had no time to retract the sharp fingertips, grabbed Spell’s shoulder, and backed away!

Blood triggered the curse under the full moon, and the new Alpha was born.

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