Reborn as Batman’s Little Brother

Chapter 15: Tamaran

Chapter 15: Tamaran

It took a few minutes before Blackfire and the rest were able to react. The moment they did, Blackfire immediately shouted her orders.

“Q-quickly check for any remaining life on the ship!”


After a while, the soldiers who checked looked at each other in shock before returning to Blackfire.

“P-princess...we have checked! Currently, all life signals on the enemy ship are...gone!”

“G-gone...just like that…?”

Blackfire was still unable to believe what had happened. She looked out the window and saw pieces of the enemy ship scattered outside the space along with the Psion corpses…

It only took that guy a few seconds...maybe even a minute at most!

Blackfire looked back to the room where the strange man they had picked up in space had gotten in as all sorts of ideas appeared in her mind.

They had told stories of their world to one another, and even though she can feel as if he was still holding back on giving information, she could still tell that he was special even on his home planet.

It should be impossible that his strength is common on that planet...because if that was the case...just imagining it brings chills down her spine.

Blackfire fell silent for a few moments.

If I bring that man home with doubt, my father will surely praise me for it!

He may not be Tamaranean...but for someone of his level of power…

We must have him!


Inside my room, I continued to contemplate on my power.

It seems that I have underestimated myself...the powers in me are completely...OP!

Not only that, but thanks to synching with Blackfire, my strength has even further increased…

I’ve already learned before that my strength actually multiplies depending on the character that was synched.

Basically, I had the strength of Superman, Wonder Woman, Mera, Darkseid, and Blackfire combined!

This was also one of the reasons why I was able to hold off Darkseid.

Other than that…

I lifted my hand and a white shining energy appeared around it.

This is supposed to be Blackfire’s power. The ability to absorb and control pure ultraviolet radiation. She called them ‘blackbolts’ because it had a dark color, different from her sister Starfire’s ‘starbolts’ which were green...but for some reason, when I use it, it turns to white just like Superman’s heat vision and Darkseid’s omega beam.

...Well, since they’re white, I’ll just call them ‘lightbolt’.

Anyway, that’s not important.

The thing is, ultraviolet radiation comes from the sun, or rather, the stars in the universe.

If I add to that the fact that my strength also increases around a yellow sun like Superman...if I store energy from a yellow star, wouldn't I be unstoppable? I really turning into a broken character?

Isn’t this just cheat!?

While I was still shocked by my own power, there was a knock on the door.

“Come in.”

I shook those thoughts away for a moment and focused on the matter at hand.

Blackfire appeared from the door. Strangely enough, she seemed to have straightened her appearance and looked more charming than before…

...I am so in trouble…

I can already feel where this is all headed…

Blackfire was the first to speak.

“How are you? Tired?”

“Ah?...I’m good. Thanks for asking.”

Blackfire nodded and continued.

“Listen...thanks for taking care of the enemy. You probably don’t know, but Psions are very hard to deal with.”

“It’s fine. It’s what I should be doing.”

“If it’s alright with you, I would like to properly thank you back in our planet. I’m sure you will receive the warmest of welcomes.”

Hearing what she said, I smiled wryly.

Are you kidding me!? If I still go back to your planet with you, are you sure you’re still going to let me go back!?

I can already see through her plan.

Naturally, I won’t take the bait!

“Umm...perhaps another time. I need to return to my home planet before that damn Darkseid returns again.”


Blackfire’s eyes widened in surprise.

Even she knows who Darkseid is. This man is a destroyer of numerous planets after all. Even their Tamaran is no match for him if he chooses to raid their planet.

She didn’t expect to hear this name from me.

“Did you just say Darkseid!?”

“Yeah...Last time, he came to our planet and tried to rule over it. Thankfully, I managed to send him away and sealed the portal between our planets but this will only delay him.”

I sighed and rested my hand on her shoulders.

“Listen, Komand’r...I appreciate the hospitality, but I must return to my planet.”

“...If what you say is true, then isn’t it all the more reason why you must not come back!? Come with me! Stay in Tamaran and we can live together peacefully!”

Blackfire seemed anxious as she grabbed onto my hands.

I just smiled and shook my head.

“I can’t.”

“...What is it on your planet that you must return at the cost of your life?”

“That’s what being a Hero means.”


Blackfire frowned.

It was not as if she did not know this word and its meaning, but from where she came from, everyone was powerful.

There were no heroes.

That’s why she never understood the need for one.

I knew what she was thinking so I sighed. 

“Just think of it as the responsibility of those with power to protect those without.”

“The responsibility...of those with power? To protect those without?”

Blackfire muttered, seemingly contemplating on what I said.

I don’t need to explain more to her, but I do hope that she does not become a villain.

Before she could speak again, a soldier reported that they were already near their destination.

It was finally time to say goodbye.

Perhaps Blackfire also thought the same as she sighed and appeared sad.

Seeing her expression, I smiled and patted her head...which now I realize looked weird seeing as she was taller than me…

I pretended like I didn’t notice her confused look and spoke.

“Look, I’ll come to visit again next time. Okay?”


Seeing that she’s satisfied with this, I sighed and waited for the ship to land on the planet.

Once we got there, Blackfire ordered her men to start unloading their trades and accompanied me around the place.

Just like on Earth, it seems even women of Tamaran have this unique obsession with shopping...

There weren’t any Green Lanterns on the planet but I was able to find a merchant ship leaving and headed for Oa.

Blackfire helped me make a deal with them and I was allowed to board their ship.

“Well...this is goodbye then. Once again, thank you for letting me stay on your ship the past few days.”

“It was nothing. You had helped us defeat the Psions as well. It was the least we could do.”

I nodded and prepared to turn around when suddenly, Blackfire held onto my hand and pulled.

Still confused, I was about to ask but before I knew it, Blackfire’s lips were already touching mine.

The kiss lasted a few seconds.

Blackfire pulled out and turned around with a snort.

“Hmph, you should know. Us Tamaraneans, when we fall in love, we don’t change our minds.”


Blackfire walked away without waiting for a reply.

An alien who was nearby saw what happened. He quickly walked over to my side and nudged on my elbow.

“She’s right you know. If you're looking for a one-night stand, don’t find a Tamaranean. It will cause all sorts of trouble. Believe me, I know.”


Surprised with what he said, I looked over and saw a humanoid alien with protruding horns...or is that antenna?

...Anyway, I’m surprised this guy actually had experience with Tamaranean women…

The alien saw the look I gave him and least, I think that was a chuckle? It was really just some noisy snarling…

“Heh, don’t worry about it. Look, I know a couple of good alien women. How about I introduce you to them? There’s one from Thanagar, a few from Rann...just tell me if you like any of them!”

“...Err, no thanks…”

The conversation took a weird turn so I quickly escaped to the ship. It was best that I stay away from that guy...who knows what sort of bad luck I’ll run into if I continue to be with him!?

After settling in my room, I rarely got out and just patiently waited until we reached OA.



Blackfire had just returned home after a few more days of travel. Immediately, she asked to see her father and reported what had happened.

After hearing her report, her father was surprised.

Even he could not imagine how a single man was able to defeat a warship of Psion in a few seconds!

“My daughter, is this truly real!?”

“Yes, royal father. The soldiers who accompanied me also witnessed it.”

“Amazing! Then? Is he with you right now!?”

Blackfire hesitated for a moment before finally speaking and explaining what Lucas told her.

“Unfortunately, I couldn’t make him stay. He is needed on his home planet.”


“Yes. Apparently...his planet is under attack by Darkseid.”


When her father heard that name, his eyes widened in shock! How could he not know who Darkseid is!?

To think that that man is returning to his home planet knowing that it is being targeted by Darkseid…’s too much of a waste for someone like that to die.

“Very well. Call your sister over.”

“Koriand’r? What for?”

Blackfire frowned and felt something wasn’t right.

Unlike herself, her sister was gifted with the ability to fly and was more powerful than any normal Tamaranean.

Growing up, she was always compared with her over and over and eventually, she had gotten to hate this little sister of hers.

After talking to Lucas about it in the ship, he was able to convince her that her little sister was not at fault. She was born that way and there was nothing she could do.

In the end, she is family. Rather than hating her, she should be loving her instead.

It wasn’t like Blackfire will suddenly change how she looked at her little sister just because Lucas told her to. But she certainly hated her less now.

“Based on what you said, Darkseid is unable to return there in the meantime. I’m thinking of sending Koriand’r to his planet and retrieving him. It’s a waste of his power to die at such a place.”

“! But father! Why can’t you send me instead!? I know him better!”

“Enough! You are needed elsewhere. Ah, you do know where his planet is, correct?”

Blackfire gritted her teeth but answered nonetheless.

“...Yes. He tried to hide it from me, but I have a sample of his DNA. I will send it to the lab to check his origins. It should take too long.”

“Good. Now go and fetch your sister.”

“...Understood, royal father…”

Blackfire bowed slightly and left the room. As soon as she was outside, she punched at the wall in frustration.

Having relieved her anger, she took a deep breath and calmed down.

She walked to her sister’s room and opened the door without knocking.

“Koriand’r, father has requested your presence.”

“Ah! Sister! Can’t you at least knock before entering!?”

A teenage girl with bright red hair and green eyes greeted Blackfire with a pout on her face.

This was none other than her little sister, Koriand’r. AKA Starfire.

Blackfire rolled her eyes.

“If you want me to know, at least lock your door next time. Anyway, father is looking for you, just get going.”

“Father? What is it about?”

“He wants to send you to a distant planet to get someone.”

“Huh? But why? I don’t wanna go!”

Seeing the childish tantrums of her little sister, a small vein popped on Blackfire’s temple.

She walked over to Starfire and placed both her hands on her cheeks.

While Starfire was still confused, Blackfire had already pinched both sides of her cheeks!

“Auuuu! Sibter, stob bulling my cheeeks~!”

“Listen Kory, I don’t want to see you seducing my man when you see him! He may be similar to you in terms of age, but he’s mine! Understood!?”

“Uuuuu, then why can’t you go instead!?”

Starfire rubbed her cheeks which had turned red from being pinched.

Blackfire sighed and turned to leave.

“Father has requested you. Now go!”

Starfire pouted and followed her out.

As the two of them walked the hallway in silence, Starfire became uncomfortable so she spoke up again.

“So...this man I am going to get like him?”


Blackfire felt like she’s gonna explode in anger again so she just ignored her and quickly left for the lab.

Starfire looked at her disappearing sister in confusion.

That’s weird, normally, my sister would hate me a lot before...but why do I feel like she’s become friendlier?

Starfire tilted her head in confusion but was unable to come up with an answer.

Sighing, she looked for her father as she was requested.

In the lab, Blackfire had Lucas’ DNA tested and his species was identified to be human.

There’s a lot of human planets in the galaxy but Blackfire was able to narrow it down to one based on the stories that Lucas had told her.

“ that’s your planet...Lucas…”

Finally updated XD

Anyway, to those knowledgable DC fans there, you may have noticed that there are a lot of changes to the original story of Blackfire and Starfire. Blackfire's attitude is milder here than in the comics and Starfire is sent directly to Earth and not because she had escaped after being offered to the Citadels...

In fact, I don't really have a good grasp on their origin so I just made my own while basing it to the facts that I do know.

MC is now headed to Oa, home to the Green Lanters XD Hopefully, he'll meet Hal and return soon.

See ya next chap!

DISCLAIMER: You are not obligated to donate at all and even if you do donate, it won't mean more chapters. I merely made one just for the sake of making one in case I get fired from my work or I resign and don't have work. For now, donating comes with no benefits at all other than giving me money.

If you still want to donate, here are the links:



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