Reborn as Batman’s Little Brother

Chapter 14: Still Alive

Chapter 14: Still Alive

In the vast space of the universe, a young man’s body could be seen floating in space.

It was unknown how long he had been drifting in space but he continued to sleep without moving for a very long time.

At this time, his finger started to twitch!


He groaned and started to frown.

Slowly, he opened his eyes and saw the deep blackness of the galaxy and he gasped!

“Fuck! Where the hell am I!?”

...Needless to say, this man is indeed Lucas Wayne.

=== it seems I’m in space right now.

...Floating...and space…

Um...Superman’s flight should still be possible for me right?

I tried to maneuver my body and sure enough, I am capable of flying in space.

Heck, I’m also able to breathe in space…let’s blame it on the Superman nonsense power.

“First of all...let’s check my status.”

[Name: Lucas Wayne]

[Level: 6 (140/600)]

[Characters: ]

  • Superman (Clark Kent/Kal-El) : 100%
  • Wonder Woman (Diana): 100%
  • Mera (Y’Mera Xebella Challa): 100%
  • Darkseid: 84%
  • None
  • None 

Damn! I actually leveled up twice!?

Did I actually kill Darkseid?

...Nah, that’s highly unlikely. I probably satisfied some sort of achievement or something from the system which then provided me with plenty of experience…

Still, there are now 2 blank slots. I wonder who I can use it on?

“Now then...where am I supposed to go?”

It would be so good to meet a squad of Green Lanterns around and ask for directions or something...heck, I’d be happy to meet Darkseid again just so I know where to go…

After that explosion from the Father Box, the blast had thrown me so far in space...not to mention, I don’t even know how long I was unconscious.

...Whatever. Let’s go in...that direction.

Since there was no use trying to understand things I don’t know, I decided to simply point in a random direction and go there.

Here in space, I had no notion of time at all. I don't know how long I have been flying yet seeing no sign of civilization...or planet for that matter.

All there was are rocks, and...well, just the vast universe is all.

I was bored like while flying, I would play with Darkseid's Omega Beams and would control the lasers in separate directions as I hit all the asteroids I can see.

Basically, I am being environmentally friendly by taking trash…

Even that bore me after some time so I started to draw in the space with the Omega Beams instead.

Batman! Superman! Flash! I drew all the logos I can think of and after some time, I got skilled in controlling the lasers and can draw intricate drawings like people!

I am basically the Bob Ross of space!

Bored again, I drew a model of a motorcycle and pretended to ride it as I moved!

It looked cool would be better if someone saw me…

If Darkseid is here, he may just spit out blood! Haha!

And then...a spaceship passed.

The spaceship stopped in front of me. There seemed to be some sort of silence as the two of us stared at each other. Me, and the spaceship.

I didn’t know whose spaceship this is or if they could even understand me so I didn’t speak first.

On the other hand, the people inside the spaceship were staring at me dumbfoundedly. I can tell, after all, I have x-ray vision!

The people inside seemed to be humanoid but their glowing eyes said otherwise.

I raised both my hands up, signaling that I meant no harm.

A gate opened from the spaceship and a dark-haired woman appeared with glowing green eyes. She was wearing a very tight and revealing suit that well emphasizes her figure.

Looking at her feels familiar but can’t quite recall who she is.

She floated in front of me and spoke in a language that I didn’t understand.

After thinking for a bit, I used the system to slot her in one of the synchronization slots. I may have wasted a slot but at least this way, we can now understand each other.

-Is what I thought. However, when I saw the name shown in the slot, I nearly broke a sweat.

  • Blackfire (Komand’r): 1%


I met a random space chick and it turned out to be...Blackfire!?

While I was still dumbfounded by the turn of events, Blackfire continued to speak.

“Can you not understand me? I ask you, who are you and what are you doing here!?”

“Ah! Err, I understand you...I was just surprised to see you- I mean, not that I know you or anything. I was just surprised to see someone beautiful. Yep, that’s it!”


Blackfire blinked in surprise but rather than flattered, she felt more irritated instead.

“Do not flatter me, boy! I ask again. Who are you!?”

“Haha...the name’s Lucas. A pleasure to meet you, your highness.”

I did a bow and called her highness...wait, she is a queen, right? Or is this another version of her? Honestly, with all the different versions, it’s hard to keep track of which is which…

It seemed to work though since Blackfire looked satisfied.

“Do you know who I am?”

“I apologize, I am a simple drifter in space...but your majestic aura and beauty are enough to speak for itself that you must be royalty.”

For now, let’s just satisfy the lady so that she can give me directions...or who knows, maybe even a ride back to Earth.

Blackfire nodded and her tone seemed to have changed.

“Ahem, I am indeed royalty. However, I am simply a princess. I am not the queen yet.”

“I am sure it’s just a matter of time.”

Blackfire smiled.

“Alright, consider your bootlicking to be successful. Speak, what is it that you want?” seems she still saw right through me…

I cleared my throat and asked her.

“Well, it would be good if you could tell me where I may find the Green Lantern Corps. I have a friend there who I wanted to meet but...I got lost.”

“Don’t you have a ship?”

“Err, no. I was sort of...blown away here…”

Blackfire raised a brow at that but didn’t ask.

Seeing her like this, I wondered why she seemed to be so...different from the comics? Isn’t she supposed to be a villain that is hell-bent on destroying her sister, Starfire?

How come she’s so...amiable?

Hmm, there is that part in her origin where she’s been experimented on by the Psions which can be explained why she was driven mad. I guess she hasn’t met them yet?

From what I remember, the reason why she hated her sister so much was because of a disease she had, giving her the inability to fly. She was seen to be inferior from her sister and it had caused the people and her parents to think that she was unfit to be the Queen.

The details are probably not exactly like that but that was the short description of it.

While thinking of these things, Blackfire had nodded and spoke again.

“In that case, how about you come with us. We are on our way to another planet to trade. Perhaps you may find a Green Lantern on that planet.”

“Well, I shall take you up on your offer. Actually, I have been wandering around the space for some time now...and I very much appreciate the company.”

“Careful now. Don’t get too comfy.”

Blackfire chuckled and returned back to the spaceship.

I soon followed behind her as well.

Finally touching the ground, I sighed in relief and began to look around.

“Wow, it’s my first time being on a spaceship!”

“Really? They don’t have spaceships on your planet?”

“Well...we have planes...I’ve been on planes…”

“What’s a...plane?”

“It’s kinda like a spaceship...but it doesn’t go into space. We ride it to reach long distances within the planet since our kind doesn’t have the ability to fly. Of course, there are exemptions.”

Blackfire seemed intrigued when I described Earth.

“Your race...cannot fly?”

“Un. Most of them can’t. Only a few...shall we say, special people, could.”

Blackfire showed a sad smile.

“It’s different on our planet. Everyone can fly...those who cannot are looked down upon as lesser beings.”

Looking at her sad expression, I was about to speak again to comfort her but she already regained her previous expression as she spoke in a serious manner.

“Anyway, we’re still a few days out before reaching the destination. Guards! Show him to the guest room. And you...don’t roam around too much. Dismissed!”

“As you command!”

Two guards appeared on both my sides as they started to glare at me sternly as if to say ‘Move or you will be moved!’...

I sighed and just followed them to the guest room.

Once inside, I slumped down on the soft bed and drifted off to sleep.

It felt like a long time since I was able to sleep on a bed…

I don’t know how long I slept, but the next moment, I was woken up by the guards.

“Wake up, the princess wants to see you.”

“Mmm...gimme 5 more minutes...zzz…”


Though I said that, the next moment, I was already thrown out the bed by the two guards.

Ugh, give me a break…

“Alright, alright! I’m up! Sheesh!”

Feeling a bit annoyed, I followed the guards out of the room while yawning.

They led me to another room where Blackfire was waiting on the dining table.

Seeing the food and the empty seat, I asked her cautiously.

“Ah? Is this...for me?”

“Un. I take it you haven’t eaten yet?”


Blackfire nodded to the two guards and motioned them out the room, leaving only me and Blackfire alone.

I looked around and felt a weird atmosphere in the room.

“...Is this a date?”

“What’s a ‘date’?”


Since explaining is troublesome, let’s just stop talking and eat…

Seeing me eat the dishes properly, Blackfire sighed and spoke again.

“I believe I haven’t introduced myself yet. I am Princess Komand’r. The eldest daughter of the Tamaran Royal family.”

“It’s an honor to meet you, your highness.”

Blackfire nodded and started to ask me some questions regarding where I came from.

I answered her as normally as I could without giving out too many details. After all, who knows if they will decide to attack our planet or something…

After the meal, we still continued to talk and chat about various things.

I would tell her stories from Earth and she would tell stories from Tamaran.

She also disclosed the fact that she is unable to fly. It seems that my being from a world where it was normal not to fly made her feel as if I was easier to talk to than her own kind.

She also doesn’t feel the need to impose her royalty on me as I am from another planet.

Since it was getting late, I excused myself to return to my room. The atmosphere was getting weird and the way Blackfire looked at me had also...changed…

I learned from experience that sleeping with royalty will only lead to more troubles in the future!

Sigh, why is it so hard to be handsome?

The following day, I was once again asked to eat with Blackfire when the whole ship started to shake and alarms rang out.

Blackfire also left her room and started shouting orders.

I followed her to the command center to see if I can help with anything.

“What’s happening?”

“Enemy attack!”

“Enemy vessel sighted!”

“It’s the Psions!”

“Engaging evasive maneuvers!”

“Activate the weapons!”

The whole command center was busy and I didn’t know where to help.

Looking out the window, I could see there was a huge ship about 10 times bigger than our own ship!

I looked back at Blackfire and saw her frantically shouting orders and sending soldiers outside to attack as well.

Tamaraneans are a powerful race that can absorb star energy and shoot it out. Their durability and strength are also multiple folds higher than normal humans.

However...a few of them aren’t strong enough to destroy a huge ship like this!

Seeing the situation, I turned back to Blackfire again and shouted.

“Open a hatch! I’m heading out!”

“Are you crazy!? You will die!”

“Just trust me!”

“...Ahh fine! Just go and die for all I care!”

Perhaps irritated that I didn’t listen to her or that I shouted at her, Blackfire no longer cared and ordered for a hatch to be opened for him.

I quickly flew out and arrived in front of the huge-ass spaceship in front of me.

Floating in front of it, I shouted in Tamaran language.


In the ship, Blackfire facepalmed herself and even blushed in shame.

This bastard! Why did he have to shout her name too!?

Naturally, I don’t know what she was thinking, only, I just felt like teasing her...As for the spaceship in front of me, it answered by turning their weapons at me.

“So this is your answer?”

My eyes started to glow white as I grinned.

Shooting Omega Beam at the spaceship while I flew straight towards it, I drilled through the entire spaceship like a bullet!

But I was far from done.

After penetrating the ship once, I turned around and continued to drill holes into it at high speeds!

It only took a few seconds before it…



With my back against the explosion, I calmly floated back to Blackfire’s ship like a badass.

Back inside I saw Blackfire and the rest had their mouths wide open as if they still couldn’t believe what they saw.

Walking over to Blackfire’s side, I pushed her jaw up and gave her a playful wink before walking away.

“You’re welcome.”

Damn, I must look cool right now!

If Blackfire falls for me, I can’t be blamed for this! I’m just too awesome!

Finally the continuation!

Well, since this was the result of the votes, I will continue the story as it is. However, when I have time, I will come back on the previous chapters and edit/rewrite it a bit if possible.

Anyway...I was thinking of going with Starfire first, but I figured that Blackfire was also good so I started with her. I'm not too knowledgable with the various alien races in the DC universe so I'll just use the most known ones.

Also, Blackfire and Starfire's origins have been...reworked a bit in my version as I was not too familiar with it. I only know a brief explanation or something from wikis and such. Since it was too troublesome to do it exactly the same, I just made my own version of it.

Blackfire was supposed to be captured by the Psions here where they will start torturing her from experiments, gradually awakening her ability to fly and enhance her powers...but as you can see, Lucas intervened and Psions went kaboom.



See ya next chap! I'll see if I can update tomorrow...

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