Reborn as a Goddess with a World Creation System

Chpater 9: Powers and Mysteries in Arcadia

With the creation of the world of the dead, a remarkable phenomenon began to occur in Arcadia. The souls that once wandered aimlessly through the world started to gradually vanish, as if they were drawn by an invisible and irresistible force. One by one, these souls found their way toward the world of the dead.


As they ascended the endless stairs that stretched to the horizon, the souls passed through a majestic scenery. At the top of the staircase, a gigantic scale was positioned, imposing and majestic. It was there that the fates of the souls would be decided. The scale would weigh the sins and virtues of each soul with relentless precision, determining how they would be reincarnated in their next lives.


As the Cycle of Reincarnation unfolded, Ariana watched with satisfaction as the lost souls of Arcadia began to find their way to the World of the Dead. Gradually, these souls disappeared from the world of the living, leaving behind only a few who, for unknown reasons, did not follow the natural flow.


Glacius, still awestruck by the power he had witnessed, remained seated in the ice desert, contemplating the magnitude of the divine forces that governed Arcadia.


Meanwhile, Angely ran quickly towards Ariana, her fairy eyes shining with admiration and curiosity. "My Goddess!" exclaimed Angely. "Did you feel that? What an extraordinary power! I thought I would be crushed," she said, expressing her amazement.


Ariana chuckled gently, understanding Angely's reaction. "Haha! It's not that big of a deal, my dear Angely. This is my doing," Ariana explained calmly. "I created a cycle of reincarnation in the world of Arcadia, and I needed someone capable enough to manage it."


Angely listened attentively to her Goddess's words and, despite her initial shock, felt a sense of relief and understanding. "The power surge was just a slip... I see," she murmured, processing Ariana's explanation. "And you'll notice a difference in Arcadia's mana flow. Before, without a place for the souls to go, they would wander, leaving the surrounding mana chaotic," Ariana added.


Ariana watched as Angely sped off into the skies of Arcadia. She felt a sense of pride and confidence in her primordial fairy as she saw her fulfilling her duties with dedication.


Next, Ariana turned her attention to the night sky, marveling at the difference from the world she had known in her past life. There, there were only a handful of twinkling stars, a far cry from the starry expanse that used to illuminate her skies.


Her curiosity was piqued, and Ariana decided to use her divine powers to investigate what was happening with those solitary stars. However, when she attempted to delve into her divine sight, a powerful and unknown force repelled her, blocking her access.


Ariana was surprised and intrigued by the resistance she encountered. As a Goddess of creation, she was accustomed to being omnipotent in her own realm. This inexplicable barrier left her perplexed, questioning what might be beyond those solitary stars and why she was being prevented from exploring this mystery.


Ariana observed the changes unfolding in Arcadia with a mixture of emotions. Happiness for the world's progress and the creation of the Goddess of Death blended with her curiosity about the stars she couldn't see.


As rain began to fall on Arcadia, Ariana noticed that the weather was undergoing significant transformations. It was the first time she had seen heavy clouds and such intense rainfall in her world. She knew that these changes were related to the recent alterations in the planet's seasons, as the System had warned her. Although there had been a warning about the risks of making changes to the world on her own, the rain didn't seem to pose an imminent threat, so Ariana wasn't overly concerned.

Ariana watched in wonder as the rain began gently, with small water droplets falling to the ground. Puddles started forming in various places, and the sight of the water falling created a breathtaking scene, as if the world was being painted with delicate strokes of nature.


In the middle of a large forest, there was a small house where the six humans were gathered, enjoying warm conversation and mugs of hot milk to keep them warm. Safira expressed her concerns about the crops due to the heavy rain.


"It seems like the rain is getting stronger," she commented with a worried look.


Theo, trying to reassure everyone, responded optimistically, "Don't worry, Safira. The rain will pass soon, and our crops will be fine."


While they chatted, they could see through the small door window the view of the trees outside, swaying back and forth in the strong wind, as if they were dancing in a natural choreography among themselves.


The small house of the six humans was made of wood, which meant that some cracks allowed water to enter when it rained, and the cold wind also found its way inside. However, with the recent climate changes and Aurora's concerns about the cold, they came together to find a solution.


After considering their options, Ekiles had a brilliant idea. Together, they built a small stone oven inside the house. This oven not only allowed them to cook food more conveniently but also kept them warm during the coldest days. Now, they could enjoy hot meals and comfort even when the weather outside turned harsh.


The situation in the small house became tense as the rain persisted, flooding the interior. Concerns multiplied, especially regarding Aqua's health, who was already suffering from a cold and now faced the discomfort of being soaked by the cold rain and cutting wind.


Theo tried to stay calm and offered words of encouragement, assuring that the rain would soon pass, and they could fortify the house to prevent future issues. However, Aqua's condition was deteriorating rapidly, and Aurora, who was taking care of her, expressed her concern.


As everyone discussed what to do, Safira remained frozen in the middle of the room. She seemed oblivious to the voices around her, lost in contemplation. Her mind was blank, and she couldn't hear the words of the others.


When she finally snapped back to reality, Safira realized that everyone was watching her with perplexed and amazed expressions. That was when she became aware of what was happening. All the water in the room, which had been flooding the house, was now circulating around her body. Safira felt as though that water was a part of her, an extension of her very being. Countless droplets floated around her, responding to her movements and commands.


Noah, bewildered, asked what was happening, unable to tear his gaze away from the phenomenon unfolding before his eyes. Safira, equally surprised and frightened, responded, "I-I don't know, the water just obeys my commands," she described.


Meanwhile, Aqua's condition continued to worsen, and Aurora, concerned for her friend's health, shouted, demanding that Safira remove all the water from the place. Without a second thought, Safira moved her hands, causing the water to be rapidly expelled from the house.


Everyone in the house watched Safira with a mix of surprise and curiosity, not fully comprehending what had just happened.



The rain persisted for most of the night, bathing Arcadia in its refreshing blessing. When the sun finally appeared on the horizon, it created a spectacular rainbow that stretched across the sky, leaving the primordial fairies in awe of the dazzling sight. The air was pure and fresh, and the gentle, chilly breeze made everyone wish to simply lay back and savor the day.


However, the reality was that the work of the primordial fairies never ceased. Day and night, they dedicated their tireless efforts to spread life throughout Arcadia. Ariana often observed these fairies as they carefully and dedicatedly transported larger animals from one place to another. They provided food and created a suitable environment for the animals to adapt to their new lands and thrive.


Ariana had the power to create life throughout Arcadia with a simple snap of her fingers. However, she understood the importance of the purpose of the primordial fairies and valued their relentless work. She preferred to allow slow and organic development for her world rather than using her powers indiscriminately, potentially causing irreversible harm.


Ariana continued to contemplate the development of Arcadia. While the evolution and prosperity of the world were important, she knew that it was crucial to maintain balance in all aspects. The creation of predators was essential to control the population of prey and prevent overpopulations that could harm the ecosystem.


Furthermore, Ariana recognized the need to establish challenges for the humans who would inhabit Arcadia in the future. In a world filled with magic, the potential for human evolution was limitless, and significant challenges would be necessary to help them grow and develop their powers responsibly.


With these thoughts in mind, Ariana began to plan how to gradually introduce predators into the world of Arcadia and create opportunities for the future inhabitants to face challenges that would help them reach their full potential.

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