Reborn as a Goddess with a World Creation System

Chapter 10: The Emergence of Challenges

Over time, the group of humans became accustomed to the idea of Safira having powers. Initially, it was hard to believe, but after they recalled the miracle they had witnessed with the fruit trees, they put their doubts aside. They even began to question how they had come to this world and why it was only them, due to Ariana not allowing them to remember any memories about her.


Safira walked through the small plantation, occasionally moving her hand back and forth, causing small amounts of water to appear to water the vegetables.


Every now and then, Safira would stop, and from the perspective of the others, it seemed as though she was gazing into nothingness. However, it was not quite the case. She was observing the interface that appeared before her.


[Name: Safira]

[Power Level 1 [Beginner]]

[Age: 1 year]

[Mana: 100]

[Strength: 13]

[Intelligence: 23]

[Magic: 30]

[Abilities: [Water Manipulation Lv1]


She was intrigued when she discovered the interface that appeared whenever she called it. She tried to explain to the others what it was, but they all remained confused.


Safira decided to test this System using her abilities and realized that her mana decreased when she used magic.


The group of humans, despite occasionally casting envious glances at Safira, was, in general, happy for their companion. They understood that Safira's growing powers would be beneficial to everyone at some point.


Meanwhile, Ariana, who always kept an eye on any changes happening where the humans lived, decided to take a peek after sensing a significant surge of mana in the region. She observed the group of humans discussing Safira's new abilities and focused her attention on how Safira wielded her magic.


The Goddess watched attentively, noting how Safira frequently paused and observed the System or cast spells. It was at this moment that her curiosity was piqued. She decided to ask the System what "Power Level" meant.


"System! What is Power Level?" she asked, her curiosity clearly evident.


The System promptly responded, explaining: [Power Level is the user's capability within the System. As the name suggests, it represents the user's power level. The System classifies it into various levels, as you can see. Safira is only at level one, classified as a 'Beginner.' At Safira's level, newly discovered powers are barely understood and controlled. She is merely scratching the surface of her potential.]


"And what about my Power Level, System? Why doesn't it appear?" Ariana inquired, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.


The System replied promptly, explaining: [You, as a Goddess of Creation, would be classified as Level 10, Supreme Master. However, as a Goddess of Creation, your Power Level classification is not as significant.]


The System's response made it clear that, for a divine entity like Ariana, the Power Levels of humans and other beings were less relevant, as she resided in a separate, much higher category than mere mortals. The System's explanation didn't leave Ariana disheartened; quite the opposite. Her curiosity was further intensified regarding Power Levels. She was eager to observe the evolution of each Power Level and perhaps explore the possibility of elevating her own.


With her doubts satisfied by the System, Ariana decided to refocus on the humans. Given the abundance of mana in Arcadia, she knew it wouldn't take long for someone in the group to master magic. Her eyes roamed the camp as she observed the group performing their daily tasks. Ekiles, on the other hand, was busy forging swords and bows for the rest of the group, preparing for potential encounters with bears and other forest creatures. After all, they lived near a vast forest, and Theo and Noah had already reported encountering a large brown creature with sharp claws.


Ariana chuckled at how Theo and Noah described the bear. It was their first time seeing the animal, so it appeared frightening to them. They described it in a way that made it seem like a terrifying demon, leaving the girls all frightened.


"You call that scary? I'll show you what's scary," Ariana murmured mischievously. That's when she opened the System interface and purchased another [Creation of Living Being] to achieve greater precision in her creation.


Ariana landed in Arcadia near a cave, far from where the humans lived. She stood tall, her imposing figure emanating a divine aura. She raised her hands, and in the air around her, magical symbols began to glow intensely. Her voice, smooth and melodious, echoed.


"I grant you life, little creature. Your destiny shall be to serve as a trial and challenge for the humans' evolution."


As her words flowed from her lips, the form of a small goblin began to materialize before her. The being emerged from the shadows, appearing wild and with a cunning look. It was a challenge, a test of courage and intelligence for the humans of Arcadia, created by Ariana's will.


The System's ability to create living beings was truly extraordinary. But Ariana couldn't always rely on it. Creating living beings required a precise combination of thoughts, intentions, and divine power, and a single mistake could result in deformations or the inability of these creatures.


She watched as Angely, her primordial fairy, continued her tireless attempts to create living beings, often failing before achieving the desired result. It was a challenging task that required patience and dedication.


Ariana understood the complexity involved in creating highly intelligent living beings like goblins. With each attempt, she doubled her concentration, ensuring every detail was precise. Her creation wasn't just physical but also included the formation of these creatures' minds and personalities.


She was aware that the slightest distraction or mistake could result in failures, such as the absence of a mouth or a lack of natural instincts. Therefore, she strove to maintain perfection in her creations.


Ariana realized that, with the System's assistance, she had learned much about the complexity of creating living beings. She felt more confident and capable of creating new creatures on her own, without relying entirely on the System's aid. It was like solving a puzzle, where she knew each piece and how to fit them perfectly to form the desired image.


Although the temptation to multiply the goblins using the System was strong, she recognized that such action could have serious consequences for Arcadia's ecosystem. Goblins were known for their rapid reproduction rate, and an overpopulation of them could upset the entire environment. Ariana preferred to proceed with caution, creating goblins in moderation and allowing them to integrate into the world gradually.


Creating goblins, despite Ariana's conceptual understanding of what they were, proved to be a real challenge. She faced multiple unsuccessful attempts, despite her profound understanding of goblins from RPG games in her past life. Creating something she had only known from fictional worlds proved to be a complex task in reality.


After some time, after numerous attempts and tireless efforts, Ariana finally succeeded in creating a total of seven goblins, divided among male and female goblins.

[Name: Goblin]

[Power Level 1[Beginner]

 [Age: 0]

 [Mana: 0]

 [Strength: 8]

[Intelligence: 12]

 [Magic: 0]


The goblins, as they became aware, looked at each other as if recognizing an instinctive family bond. There was no reason to be concerned; they were a goblin family.


One goblin's stomach rumbled loudly, and its intelligence or instinct led it to act. It quickly pounced on a nearby rabbit, grabbing it by the ears and delivering a fatal bite to its neck.


This left the other goblins excited, all eager to share the meal, but the goblin that had caught the rabbit proved to be fierce. He didn't allow any of them to come near.


A low, harsh growl escaped the goblin's lips, full of anger and malice, as he pointed toward the forest. It was as if he was indicating that if they wanted to eat, they would have to hunt for themselves. The other goblins, although frustrated, understood the message and ran into the heart of the forest in search of their own food.


While the other goblins ran into the forest in search of food, only two female goblins remained in that spot. One of them watched as the male goblin indulged in his meal. Upon realizing the other goblin's gaze, the male goblin approached and offered a piece of rabbit meat.


The female goblin quickly accepted the offer and hungrily bit into the rabbit. The other goblin tried to approach, but it was immediately pushed away with a fierce growl from the female goblin who was eating. It was as if she wanted to make it clear that the territory was already hers.


The other small female goblin, realizing that her attempt to get a piece of the rabbit had been thwarted, quickly ran toward the forest. She would have to join the other goblins in the search for her own meal.

As I don't have a professional editor to help me, I look for AI help, to translate into English or to correct my spelling mistakes, irrelevant ideas and unnecessary passages.

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