Reborn as a Goddess with a World Creation System

Chapter 5: Humans

Looking at her world in the palm of her hand, Ariana focused on the one spot where there was a great concentration of life—the village of the primordial fairies.


Although they were all doing a great job, bringing life to an entire planet is not an easy task. Every now and then, Ariana would look over there and see one or another primordial fairy relocating an animal to a place where there is no animal life yet.


As time passed, a good portion of that continent was teeming with life. But when Ariana looked at other places on the planet, they were empty, with only plants upon plants.


After all, the primordial fairies couldn't travel the entire planet in such a short time. Occasionally, a few would venture out at Angely's command to explore the surroundings.


Because even though Arcadia is classified as a small world by the system, it is still slightly larger than the planet where Ariana lived in her past life.


As soon as Ariana appeared in the primordial village, she noticed that Angely was sitting inside the enormous tree at the center of the village, gathering a large amount of mana. Ariana was curious about what she intended to do but didn't ask.


Looking at Arcadia now, she realized that Angely was trying to create something similar to herself—a living being with consciousness.


Ariana stopped and gazed for a while. "It must be lonely," she murmured.


"System," Ariana called.


[How can I assist you, Goddess Ariana?] the System asked.


"Do I have to buy from the System's store if I want to create life?" Ariana asked.


[It is not necessary for you to do that. After you sacrificed your reward and used the ability creation, you developed a natural ability to create life. You can use it to create life, but of course, there are limitations. Without the system's assistance, the creation is not 100% as it normally is, and you cannot create highly powerful magical beings like the primordial fairies you created], the System replied.

"Then I can also use the ability I created for Angely," Ariana thought aloud, fascinated.


[Naturally, anything you create, you can use], said the system.


After having her doubts cleared by the System, Ariana jumped into Arcadia and landed in a beautiful field.


Her hair fluttered, her eyes gleamed in the purest green, and an aura of grace and beauty emanated from her.


With a wave of her hand, Ariana said, "Divine Gift - Life Creation," and a tremendous concentration of energy began to emerge in that location.


Angely, who was wandering swiftly, felt the shift in the world's energy and quickly headed towards the anomaly. Upon arriving, she saw Goddess Ariana.


"What power, what mastery," she murmured, with respect and awe in her heart.


All that energy converged in Ariana's hand, and with a single motion, six human beings appeared before them.


[Congratulations, you have just created a being with the capacity to evolve], said the System.

"Yes, I know," Ariana replied.


[Humans are beings scattered across various worlds in the universe. They are corrupt and destructive, so be cautious], warned the System.


"I understand," said Ariana, surprised to learn that humans exist in many other places.

Angely, who was observing, was fascinated by what she had just witnessed. After hundreds of attempts, she had failed to create a humanoid being.


And on her first attempt, Ariana succeeded, the difference in power was immeasurable.


"Congratulations on your successful creation, my Goddess," said Angely, kneeling before Ariana.


"Oh, you're here," Ariana said, pretending not to have noticed Angely. "Great, let me introduce you. This is the human race, another creation of mine. They are not as strong as you, but they have the ability to evolve, surpassing any other."


Angely stood up and looked at the six humans standing before her. They were all naked and had their eyes closed—three handsome men and three beautiful women.


"Do not interfere too much with them unless necessary. After all, they are weak and fragile, in need of protection. Just keep an eye on them for me," Ariana ordered.


Angely bowed her head in agreement.


The six humans opened their eyes, looked around, and then at each other. Their gaze finally fell upon Ariana.


"You six, this is your home. Explore, hunt, and build if you want to survive," Ariana said.


They looked at each other once more, and each went in a different direction.


"Well, let's see how they fare. I've given them enough intelligence to develop," Ariana murmured as she ascended to the skies.


Angely also returned to the tree.


Ariana observed the six human beings dispersing across the land, curious to see how they would fare. She knew that humans were complex and unpredictable beings capable of great feats, but also capable of acts of destruction.

As she flew over Arcadia, Ariana noticed how the humans began to explore the environment around them.


After dispersing across the land, the six humans ventured into different regions of Arcadia in search of essential resources for their survival. Each faced unique challenges, but they all shared the same goal of ensuring their subsistence.


While hunting animals for meat and skins, some of the humans learned to craft rudimentary tools and weapons to aid in capturing their prey. Others ventured into the forests, gathering fruits, nuts, and edible roots from the trees.


After days of exploration, the six humans finally met at a predetermined gathering point. Sitting around a campfire, they shared their experiences and discoveries.


"I managed to find a river near my area. The water is clean and abundant. I also found some fruit-bearing trees that will provide us with regular sustenance," one of the men said enthusiastically.


One of the women proudly displayed her achievement. "I hunted a deer today and obtained some skins. Now we have material to make clothes that will protect us from the cold and the elements."


Another woman added, "I found a nearby cave. It can serve as shelter for all of us. It is spacious and offers protection against wild animals and weather variations."


Meanwhile, one of the men showcased a set of sharp stones. "These are my cutting tools. With them, we can easily cut meat, wood, and other materials."


As they shared their accomplishments, they discussed strategies for the future. They decided to divide responsibilities and specialize in different areas to ensure efficiency and the group's survival.


"Let's establish specific hunting areas and share our resources to ensure that everyone has enough food," suggested one of the women.


"Furthermore, we need to establish rules for the sustainable use of natural resources, so we don't deplete the sources we've found," added another man, concerned about ecological balance.


With a sense of community and teamwork, the six humans were determined to build a prosperous life in Arcadia. They realized that despite the difficulties, they were stronger together than apart.


As night fell upon them, the six humans rejoiced in the knowledge that they were on the right path. They had survived the initial trials and were now ready to face the challenges that the future held for them.


With the flame of hope in their hearts, they shared a moment of gratitude and optimism before retiring to rest. They knew that their individual journeys were intertwined and that together they could overcome any obstacle that came their way.


Ariana, observing these humans, was amazed by their capacity to adapt. The climate and location also played a role since no dangerous animals would appear here.

The next day, when they woke up, one of the women took the skins and some dried vines to make small garments to cover their intimate parts.


Two of the young men went out to hunt and gather food, while the other was in charge of gathering wood and starting the construction of a shelter.


The other girls started creating a small plantation and fetching water.


Ariana was very pleased with the progress they were making.


Angely now spent most of her time observing the humans along with a few other curious primordial fairies.


While they observed, Ariana noticed how the humans worked together to achieve their goals. They shared knowledge and skills with each other, constantly learning and improving their survival techniques.


The humans also showed respect for the environment around them. They took care of nature, avoiding excessive exploitation of resources and seeking sustainable ways to meet their needs.


Ariana felt proud of her creation. The human beings were showing that they were capable of learning, evolving, and building a harmonious community amidst nature.


While observing the humans interacting and building their own home, Ariana noticed that a special feeling was emerging among them. Two members of the group, a man and a woman, were growing closer.


As time passed, their conversations became more intimate and their gazes filled with meaning. During the starry nights, they found moments to walk together through the forest, sharing laughter and secrets.


Ariana observed that, beyond the basic needs for survival, the humans also began to develop social and emotional relationships with each other. During breaks from their daily tasks, they shared stories, danced around the fire, and showed affection for one another.


Covering one eye, Ariana blushed with embarrassment. Angely and the other primordial fairies didn't understand what they were seeing.


The two humans let out soft moans, running their hands over each other's sweaty bodies. The man held the woman and gave passionate kisses along her body.


Goddess Ariana knew that reproduction and the development of emotional bonds were important for the continuity of the human race. She had given humans the ability to love and form families, and now she was witnessing the manifestation of that ability.

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