Reborn as a Goddess with a World Creation System

Chapter 4: The Glimpse of the Future

After granting Angely the Divine Gift ability - Creation of Life, Ariana felt a powerful impulse to explore the future of her world. With a gentle touch on her new ability, she channeled her divine energy to advance 125 years ahead in time and witness the progress of Arcadia.


As energy flowed through her, a vision unfolded before Ariana's eyes. The entire world was surrounded by a mysterious energy, and before her eyes, she saw time in her world passing at an extraordinary speed. A vision unfolded, and she found herself in a landscape that seemed both familiar and unfamiliar. Arcadia had undergone a remarkable transformation.


Ariana was surrounded by a variety of creatures. New animals, with exotic shapes and dazzling colors, coexisted harmoniously amidst the lush nature. They moved with grace and beauty, a true celebration of diversity. Ariana marveled at the diversity of plants that now flourished in Arcadia. They were vibrant, radiant, and seemed to pulsate with vital energy. Each flower, tree, and bush had a purpose, contributing to the ecological balance and beauty of the environment. There were several animals she knew, some tigers running through the fields, beavers building dams, eagles soaring in the sky, and huge whales in the seas. She saw various familiar creatures, and for her, it was too common.


The system, seeing what Ariana was thinking, explained, [Since Angely is a mortal and does not have divine abilities, she does not have complete control over the ability. She has restrictions on her capabilities, being able to only create common living beings, which is already extremely powerful, as creating life is not something anyone can do.]


"I understand, so being a god-level ability, Angely cannot fully use her power," said Ariana. Still with doubts, she asked, "But why was the ability created at the god level?"


The System promptly replied, [The ability reached the god level because it was created through your divine wisdom and the utilities of the System itself, Goddess Ariana. Your ability to grant life and shape the world transcends the limits of mortal abilities. The Divine Gift - Creation of Life is a supreme expression of your power as the Goddess of Creation.]


"Understood!" replied Ariana.


Looking at her world, Ariana decided to descend and see how things were going. She saw a little boy by the riverbank, shirtless with beautiful blue hair, and a pair of wings behind his back. He was a primordial fairy. She calmly approached the boy and knelt beside him. The boy was distracted, playing in the river with the little fish. As soon as he noticed Ariana's presence, he quickly jumped back.


"W-who are you!" exclaimed the boy, stuttering. He knew everyone who lived in that land, and there was no one like this woman.


"Haha!" laughed Ariana. "Don't worry, I'm not your enemy. My name is Ariana, nice to meet you."


Still alarmed, the boy stood up. "Nice to meet you, everyone here calls me Blue," he said, avoiding eye contact.


Ariana looked at Blue tenderly, sensing the mixture of curiosity and caution in his eyes.


"Blue, you're a primordial fairy, a unique and special being in this world," said Ariana, extending her hand to calm his apprehension. "I came to witness the progress of Arcadia after such a long time, and it's a joy to find someone like you here."


Gradually, Blue started to relax, realizing that Ariana's presence was peaceful. He observed her green hair and youthful appearance, recognizing the stories he had heard about Goddess Ariana. "Are you... Goddess Ariana?" he asked, his eyes widening in surprise.


"Yes, I am Goddess Ariana," replied Ariana serenely. "Over the years, Arcadia has undergone incredible changes, and I am glad to see how nature has flourished and diversity has thrived."


Blue was amazed. He was standing before the Goddess of Creation herself. He felt a mix of emotions, a blend of admiration and gratitude. "It's an honor to meet you, Goddess Ariana. I have always heard stories about you."


"Let's go to the village! The fairies will be happy to see you. Angely used to tell us a lot about you," said Blue, smiling.


Seeing Blue's excitement, Ariana followed him to the village where all the fairies resided. Upon arriving, Ariana saw tall trees with houses nestled among them and an abundance of flowers. The fairies were flying back and forth. Angely was sitting in a lotus position inside the enormous tree at the center of the village, radiating a majestic and commanding aura. She slowly opened her eyes and sensed Ariana's presence.


"So, you've returned," she murmured.


In the blink of an eye, Angely appeared in front of Ariana, startling Blue.


"A-Angely!" Blue exclaimed.


All the fairies gathered around when they heard Angely's name.


Seeing her kneeling like that, all the primordial fairies focused their gaze on the beautiful young woman with green hair in front of them. It was then, looking at her, that they understood who stood before them.


And with a thud, one by one, the fairies began to kneel on the ground.

[+47 Devotees]

[+235 Creation Points]

Ariana smiled at the sight of all those fairies before her. "Hello, Angely," she said.


"Hello, Goddess Ariana," Angely replied.


"It seems that things have changed a lot during this time. You have all worked so hard, and I am very happy," Ariana commented, with a smile.


"Goddess Ariana, it has been a challenging journey, but with your gift and divine guidance, we have brought life and prosperity to Arcadia," Angely said, moved. "The primordial fairies have been dedicated to preserving harmony and balance in this world. We are deeply grateful for your wisdom and blessing."


Ariana nodded, appreciating the dedication of the primordial fairies. She approached the fairies who had knelt before her, gently lifting them up.


She walked through the Village while conversing with Angely.


"I have noticed your curiosity about the changes that have occurred during all this time, Ariana," Angely said.


"Yes, Angely. I was curious to know why, even after 125 years, the number of primordial fairies has grown so little," Ariana replied.


Angely reflected for a moment before explaining, "Well, Ariana, it turns out that the flowers from which primordial fairies are born are extremely rare. Even when these flowers appear, it takes a great amount of mana for a fairy to form. Even with all my mana, I cannot bring a fairy to life in a short period of time. It is a delicate and time-consuming process that requires a lot of energy."


Ariana listened attentively, absorbing Angely's explanation. Her curiosity then turned to the animals Angely had created. With a curious look, she asked, "Angely, I was fascinated by the animals you created. Many of them are so familiar to me. I would like to know where you got the ideas for them."


A smile appeared on Angely's face as she shared her perspective, "When you granted me this power, Ariana, a series of images and ideas came to my mind. It was as if a universe of creatures and beings came to life within me. When creating the animals, I took into consideration various aspects. Some of them were beautiful and enchanting, while others seemed necessary for ecosystem balance, and some had unique characteristics that caught my attention."


Ariana listened attentively, capturing the essence behind Angely's creations. She noticed the care and attention put into each animal and questioned, "Angely, could you tell me more about the animals you created? What were the specific reasons for creating each one?"


Angely nodded, eager to share her reasons, "Certainly, Ariana. Let me tell you about some of them. I created sardines and several species of sharks to balance the food chain in the oceans. Stingrays and squids were created to provide diversity and maintain harmony in marine ecosystems. In the sky, eagles represent majesty and strength, while macaws bring vibrant colors and joy. On land, pigs, cows, and chickens were created to meet the food needs. Tigers, zebras, and horses symbolize the diversity and wild beauty of terrestrial ecosystems."


Ariana listened attentively, admiring the variety and rationale behind each creation. She noticed a small insect buzzing near her and suddenly her expression darkened. With a grimace, she muttered, "How disgusting... insects."


Noticing Ariana's discomfort, Angely quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, Ariana. I wasn't aware of your aversion to insects. After creating them, I couldn't completely remove them from the world. However, I only created two species: flies and bees. Bees have been particularly beneficial. They produce a delicious honey that feeds bears, and bees do something that makes our flowers last longer."


Seeing Angely's reaction, Ariana laughed, "Haha! Don't worry, I don't pay much attention to it after all. Insects are important, whether we like it or not."


Ariana praised Angely's work and bid her farewell, floating in the sky and appearing again in the void. "How interesting," she murmured.



[With the good progress of your world in these 125 years, you will be rewarded with 1500 Creation Points], the System informed.


Surprised, Ariana asked, "Wow, this reward without me even having done anything?"

 [Whether intentionally or not, you did something. Before advancing in time, you prepared for the progress of the world to flow], the System replied.


"I understand," Ariana said.


[However, you must be cautious with the use of time jumps. As your progress increases, the amount of time that the time jump advances becomes greater, and so does the cost. Therefore, every time you advance in time, you lose the ability to interfere in the world. Let's say you advanced another 125 years, and within those 125 years, a meteor was heading towards your planet, ready to destroy it. You wouldn't have the ability to intervene since you instantly advanced 125 years], the System warned.


Realizing the danger she faced, Ariana became frightened. "I need to be more careful next time," she murmured.


Author: Hello everyone, I'm back to writing, or at least I'll try to be. I'm currently working, so I can't focus on writing as much, but if you'd like to make a donation to help me maintain a good frequency of chapters, I would be grateful for any amount. This chapter is without images because I don't have the funds to generate new ones.





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