Reborn as a Goddess with a World Creation System

Chapter 34: Five hundred Years Pass: The Day Evil Awakened

The gigantic tree savored its meal, its aged voice echoing, "I thought you wouldn't come," it said with a distorted expression.

"Forgive my delay; I had to attend to some urgent matters," the elder apologized.

"I hope you elves don't forget who your God is. It is I who provides you with everything: food, shelter, and protection. And I can take all of it away from you as well," declared the giant tree, its face contorting.

"We are aware of our agreement, but things are complicated with the strong presence of demons lately," explained the elven elder.

"So, something is competing for the food. But that is not my problem. You should deal with it. The humans you've been bringing me are too weak; they don't possess enough power to satisfy me," expressed the giant tree discontentedly.

"We are taking measures to contain the demons' advance. If you wish, I can bring demon meat for you to taste," suggested the elven elder.

The eyes of the giant tree turned towards the elder with curiosity. "Interesting, very interesting. I accept!" she agreed.

"I only ask for more time to continue offering you proper offerings," requested the elven elder, stepping back. The enormous face in the gigantic tree gradually faded away.

In the elven castle, the old elf headed to a room. Upon arrival, he knocked on the door. "Open up! It's me!" he exclaimed.

"GO AWAY!" a shout came from inside.

"Are you sure? I was thinking about letting you out!" teased the elf.

The door opened quickly, and a young elf with beautiful white hair emerged. "Are you serious?" she asked.

"I swear by my name, Arionis, that you can leave," declared old Arionis.

"When can I?" inquired the young elf, clearly excited.

"Whenever you want. If you wish, you can go now," said Arionis.

The young elf, hurriedly packed her backpack and collected her belongings as she headed quickly out of the imposing elven castle.

Upon reaching the majestic gates that separated the elven realm from the outside, the guards promptly stopped her. "Miss Thalia! You can't leave," said one of the guards, surprised by her presence.

"My master allowed it. Get out of the way," exclaimed Thalia determinedly.

"Please, Thalia, don't complicate things for us. If your master finds out you left, we will die," pleaded a guard, almost crying.

"I don't care!" she replied, sticking out her tongue with a touch of rebellion.

"Hahaha!" a warm laughter echoed in the distance, revealing the presence of the old elf Arionis. "It's our end," commented one of the guards.

"Don't worry; I allowed her to leave," stated Arionis with a serene expression. The guards exchanged surprised looks while Thalia mocked them. "See, I told you!"

The guards quickly opened the gates, and Thalia ran outside. "Thalia! Be careful," said Arionis, watching her leave. She flashed a confident smile. "Don't worry! I'll come back to visit you." Old Arionis sighed and walked away, murmuring to himself about the plans of the elders.

After finishing her meal, Ariana ventured outside. The scene was familiar: elves gathered, conversing, and having fun. Most of them had never explored the outside world, relying only on the stories of the elders.

Despite their natural curiosity, most elves hesitated to leave the safety of the elven realm, especially with the growing threat of demons nearby. These creatures, not created by Ariana but originating from an error by Angely, concerned the elven community.

Over the years, Ariana had interacted several times with the primordial fairies, especially Angely. She watched with satisfaction as Angely's power increased in the ability to shape creatures.

In a distant past, Angely created the demons in an attempt to replicate a humanoid being. These creatures, stemming from Ariana's memories and frequently present in the anime she watched, caught her attention. The system advised her not to interfere, letting the inhabitants deal with this challenge.

In the beginning, only a few demons inhabited the land. Aware of their aggressive nature, Angely decided to take them to distant lands where they could start their journey for survival. This choice was a measure to avoid immediate conflicts with other races.

Curious, Ariana appeared before Angely, who, surprised, immediately knelt. "What brings you here, my Goddess?" Angely asked with reverence.

Ariana, hovering in the air and descending slowly to the ground, inquired, "Why did you create such a living being, Angely?" The gentle breeze moved her beautiful green hair from side to side.

Determined, Angely raised her head and replied, "As you explained to me in the past, we must maintain balance in the world. Having a living being that poses a challenge to the survival of other races will make them stronger."

Angely's response surprised Ariana, leaving her extremely satisfied. "Are you aware that other living beings might interpret the creation of these demons as a mistake?" Ariana said, staring at Angely as if questioning with her gaze if she understood the weight of her actions.

Nervous under the Goddess's gaze, Angely responded, "Yes, my Goddess!"

Ariana smiled before disappearing.

Years passed, and Ariana dedicated part of her time to observe the development of the demons. Despite sharing a similar appearance to elves and humans, the distinction was made by the enormous horns adorning their heads.

Initially, demons instinctively hunted like hungry beasts, ignoring the construction of shelters, as if food were more prioritized than anything else. Over time, the demon population increased, and newborns were often abandoned to survive on their own. In the early days, many, small and fragile, faced hunger, and unfortunately, some perished under predator attacks.

With time passing, a hierarchical society developed among the demons, where the most powerful was acclaimed as the Demon King, and all other demons were compelled to obey him under the penalty of death. Over the years, demons strengthened, acquiring incredible magic and remarkable resistance. Faced with resource scarcity, the Demon King ordered his servants to seek a more abundant source of food.

That's when terror fell upon the humans. A reliable servant of the Demon King, accompanied by other demons, headed to a human city that, unaware of what awaited them, was practically annihilated. Screams and cries echoed from all sides as mages and warriors of the city tried to resist, but were ruthlessly killed by the demons. The strength of a small city was nothing against the ferocity of these creatures, especially the demon leader of the group, whose impressive appearance, with flowing black hair and piercing red eyes, made everyone feel inferior.

The bravest warriors surrounded the leader for a counterattack, but in the blink of an eye, his face transformed completely, revealing a maniacal expression. Veins bulged on his body, and all the rage and hatred appeared in his red eyes. With a single motion, the heads of the warriors lay on the ground.

Other cities nearby, upon hearing the news of an entire city decimated, were terrified. What remained of the city were only ruins, with no bodies in sight, just a macabre trail of blood, indicating that the demons had taken the bodies of the deceased citizens.

Amidst the debris, someone found a letter, and what was written in the letter left the person perplexed. "I don't know how to start... everything is chaos. They invaded the city, and despair is in every moving shadow. I tried to fight, believe me, but it's like fighting against the darkness itself. They are cruel, powerful, and our defenses are nothing against them.

There was one of these people, God, he was beautiful. A beauty that cuts like a blade. But behind that appearance was a overwhelming force that tore everything we loved. I saw our warriors being annihilated, one by one, like chess pieces being toppled by cruel hands.

I'm writing this while hidden, with a heavy heart and blurry eyes. I don't know if this letter will reach you, but I needed to leave something behind. My hands tremble so much that I can hardly write properly, and the tears don't stop.

I want you to know that I love each of you. You were the light in my dark days, and the thought of not being able to see you anymore is agonizing. I'm sorry for not being able to protect you. I try to be strong, but now, the darkness is swallowing everything.

If you find this letter, keep it as a memento. A reminder of a time when we were a family, happy, even amid chaos. I'm sorry for not saying this in person. I think I hear footsteps approaching. The end is near.

Goodbye, my beloved family. Hold onto each other, and please remember me." Unfortunately, the letter had no signature, so it would be difficult to discover who wrote it.

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