Reborn as a Goddess with a World Creation System

Chapter 28: The Scorpion Threat

The rest of the group, upon noticing that Ekiles and Noah were standing, armed, and alert, quickly followed suit, rising to their feet and drawing their own weapons.

One of the mages, positioned beside Ekiles, inquired, "What's happening? Are we under attack?" Ekiles looked at the mage and sighed, "It seems there's something peculiar in this desert. We'll try to leave at dawn," he declared.

A healer in the group surveyed the surroundings before noting, "But we only see sand around us." Theo placed his hands on her shoulder, reassuring her, stating that they would find a way out. He shared stories of challenges overcome over the centuries, and the healer admired him with bright eyes.

Some members of the group returned to their places to rest, while Ekiles and Noah remained alert, taking turns to watch for any signs of threat.

The night turned into dawn, and the group rose, ready to continue their journey to escape the desert. One of the mages attempted to conjure water from the scant vapor in the air, facing difficulties due to the extremely dry climate. He managed to gather only a few liters of water, as creating water from nothing consumed a significant amount of his mana, leaving him fatigued. Determined to overcome this challenge, he recalled Safira's inspiring demonstration of summoning rain before him.

Since that day, the mage was determined to enhance his skills, seeking to match Safira's mastery. Joining an expedition with three of the most powerful individuals in the village was a unique opportunity, a chance to explore the unknown and refine his magical abilities.

This same yearning for growth and strength was shared by most of the group. Everyone aspired to become stronger, aware that increased power not only ensured survival in hostile environments but also extended life expectancy.

Under the scorching sun, the group continued the journey, with the young mage using magic to alleviate the heat at times. However, this demanded a considerable amount of his mana. Ekiles, Theo, and Noah, accustomed to hostile environments, barely felt the effects of the heat on their well-trained bodies.

After a few hours of walking, Theo, the most vigilant of the group, suddenly stopped. Ekiles and Noah, understanding the gravity of the situation, drew their weapons, prompting others to do the same. Warriors surrounded healers, mages kept their guards high, preparing for a possible attack.

Suddenly, the sand around them began to move, and several crystal scorpions emerged from the ground. The light shone on them, creating dazzling flashes that hindered the group's vision.

Realizing how critical the situation had become, Ekiles acted swiftly, wielding the large hammer he carried and striking the ground with all his might.


Sand flew in all directions with the massive impact. Crystal scorpions were thrown away, and weaker members of the group were also knocked down. A healer coughed, bothered by the suspended sand in the air.

The warrior, helping the healer to her feet, gave Ekiles a disapproving look. "You should be more careful. You could have hurt any of us," he complained, expressing his frustration.

Facing the reproachful gaze, Ekiles sighed and responded firmly, "If I hadn't done that, you would all be dead now." His words fell heavily, plunging the area into a brief silence.

Noah, upon hearing Ekiles' explanation, turned to him with an inquisitive look. "Those were scorpions, right? I couldn't see well because of the light."

Ekiles nodded. "Yes, they were scorpions. We know they have a lethal venom, and if these, which are possibly stronger, also have venom, we could be in trouble," he commented, emphasizing the seriousness of the situation.

It was at that moment that the rest of the group realized the gravity of the imminent threat. Ekiles had acted quickly because the situation was critical; the scorpions were already too close, representing a real danger.

The now alert group stood, attentively scanning their surroundings for more scorpions. Theo, with his bow in hand, spotted one moving through the sand. Pulling the bowstring with vigor, he shot an arrow that hit the scorpion precisely, destroying part of its body.

A green liquid oozed from the scorpion's crystals, and smoke rose when the liquid touched the sand, as if melting it. The faces of the less experienced members of the group darkened; the sting of these insects could be fatal, even with the presence of healers.

Noah and Ekiles began to circumnavigate the perimeter, provoking the scorpions to draw them away from the central area. Each time one appeared, the two retaliated with precise attacks, eliminating the threats one by one.

Meanwhile, Theo remained with the group, ready to offer support from a distance. One of the healers let out a scream, indicating the presence of a scorpion behind one of the mages. The mage, agile and alert, invoked his wind magic to repel the scorpion, remaining unharmed.

However, the mage was frustrated to find that his attack caused no significant harm to the scorpion. It seemed that the crystalline properties of these insects made some spells less effective.

Quickly, more scorpions emerged from the ground, surrounding the group from all directions. The situation became critical, and despair was evident on the faces of the young warriors, mages, and healers. Those considered the prodigies of the village, the future protectors, now found themselves in a battle for survival, facing an unknown and relentless enemy.

Noah and Ekiles, after exchanging glances, decided to return to the group, sheathing their weapons. This action bewildered the other group members, who couldn't understand why the leaders were giving up the fight at such a critical moment.

However, before despair could grip everyone, Noah turned to Theo with a serious expression. "Well, now it's up to you."

Theo smiled confidently, as if a peculiar aura enveloped him. Pulling the bowstring, a mana arrow materialized, surprising everyone. It was a mana arrow, an achievement only those with a high level of mastery could accomplish.

Theo aimed his bow at the sky and released the string. The arrow soared upward and, upon reaching its zenith, exploded into hundreds of other arrows that rained down on the scorpions, completely destroying them.

Amazement and incredulity overwhelmed the group at Theo's display of power. The warriors, who moments ago were on the brink of despair, now realized the true extent of the potential accompanying them on that expedition.

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