Reborn as a Goddess with a World Creation System

Chapter 27: Ariana Molds New Beings


In the human village, Noah and Theo were engaged in a serious conversation. Seated in the shade of a large tree, they watched the hustle and bustle of the village while discussing the whereabouts of the young man.

Theo, with a concerned look, pondered, "I think we were too harsh on him. Perhaps we should give him a chance after all."

Noah, with a thoughtful expression, replied, "He hasn't returned yet. It's been a few days, and we don't know where he went. I'm starting to worry."

Theo proposed a solution, "Let's gather some brave people and explore a bit farther. Call the best explorers and make sure to bring two healers for any eventualities. They deserve a reward for the risk."

Noah agreed with Theo's suggestion and quickly summoned the most experienced members of the village for this mission, offering a financial reward for those who volunteered.

Meanwhile, Ariana enjoyed a peaceful moment by the sea, sitting in a comfortable beach chair she had created. As she watched the waves breaking gently on the shore, she took a sip of her drink and savored the delicious flavor.

While enjoying her drink, Ariana was absorbed in thoughts about the development of Arcadia. Now that the village was progressing well, her focus was on creating new forms of life.

Vague memories of Glacius and Angely crossed her mind, and a smile formed on her face. It had been some time since her last visit to Glacius; she imagined he was watching over the penguins and polar bears.

Inspired by these memories, Ariana already knew what her next creation would be. She rose from her beach chair and, with a powerful impulse, flew at high speed to the forest she had created, where giant trees cast imposing shadows.

Her gentle landing caused the flowers around her to glow intensely, illuminating the dense dark forest. With 1280 creation points at her disposal after shaping two biomes in the desert, Ariana was ready to grant life to new creatures. Ariana, infused with divine power, acquired two mass creations, unaware of the significant impact these creatures would have on the future of her world. Concentrating and raising her voice with authority, she proclaimed with a divine tone, "O, elements of this world, I call upon you. To you, I give physical form, consciousness, and power. Come to this world and command the elements."

When her hands opened, an intense brightness erupted, and from this splendor emerged several beings resembling small humans. Each of them displayed a wing color, flying with curiosity in all directions. Each color represented an element, and there were Elementals of fire, gazing with fiery eyes and crimson hair. Large wings of fire adorned their backs as they joined other elemental fairies, exploring the new world.

Deciding to call them Elementals, Ariana realized that they were beings who mastered the elements. Some with gleaming blue hair dove into the waters of a nearby stream, showcasing mastery over water. Others flew swiftly, assisting squirrel pups in finding their way back to their burrows.

While Ariana observed the spectacle of colors and elements she had summoned, she noticed that the glow from the origin of the Elementals still persisted. From there, resplendent golden hair blossomed, and a woman, the same height as Ariana, appeared. Her eyes were as blue as the sky.

She glanced at Ariana, nodded, and in the blink of an eye, transformed into pure light, fading into the forest. The surprise on Ariana's face was evident; the appearance of that entity, the Light, was not planned. While she looked perplexed, the other Elementals expressed solemn reverence for the newcomer.

Ariana watched with a slight smile as the Elementals spread to all corners, each mastering the elements with curiosity and enthusiasm.

Meanwhile, in the human village, Theo and Noah gathered with a select group of people. Around them were two skilled healers, talented mages, precise archers, and courageous swordsmen. It was a formidable ensemble, and Theo and Noah had trained them together, honing their skills. A new member had joined the group, Ekiles, bringing his expertise.

Armed with supplies and determination, the group set out, walking for hours, conversing while staying alert. As time passed, the sky acquired a dark orange hue, and strong winds blew, throwing sand at them. Visibility became practically nonexistent, and all they could do was shelter and resist the sandstorm.

When the dust finally settled, they found themselves in the midst of a vast desert, facing a landscape of arid vastness. The scorching sun punished the terrain, and the sand stretched as far as the eye could see. This was an arid and unforgiving environment that contrasted drastically with the lush beauty of Arcadia.

With the help of the skilled mage in the group, they managed to stay conscious even in the sweltering heat. She used her magic to create a cool aura around them, preventing them from fainting due to the extreme heat.

Hours passed as they walked relentlessly, with nothing but endless sand dunes in sight. When night fell, leaving the desert shrouded in darkness, the group, exhausted, decided to take a well-deserved break next to a colossal rock that rose solitary in the barren landscape.

While everyone prepared to rest, Ekiles, restless, stood up and gazed into the distant horizon of the desert. Observing Ekiles' behavior, Noah approached and asked, "What happened?"

Ekiles, with a thoughtful expression, replied, "I had the impression I saw something... I'm not sure; it might have been just my imagination."

About to suggest that Ekiles return to rest, Noah also noticed a faint glow in the distance. Intrigued, he questioned, "Was that what you saw?"

"Yes, I found it strange. There doesn't seem to be anything in this desert except sand," Ekiles replied, revealing a mix of curiosity and caution in his gaze.

Gradually, it seemed that the glow was approaching closer and closer. Every hour, it appeared in some place and grew larger until it came close enough for Ekiles and Noah to see. It was like a bright mirage in a humanoid form. It appeared in front of them and stared at them. Ekiles and Noah quickly drew their swords, but the being had already disappeared.



It took me a while to release this chapter because I'm very busy with work and college, and if I don't work I won't be able to pay for college :P this chapter has fewer words because I don't have time to dedicate to writing.

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