Reborn as a Goddess with a World Creation System

Chapter 15: Ten Years of Prosperity

Ariana walked through the forest, determined to find a solution to the problem of goblins attacking humans. She was aware that goblins reproduced rapidly, making the attacks more frequent. However, instead of creating a new creature, she had a different idea.

As she walked, Ariana spotted a bear in the forest. Carefully, she approached the animal and touched its fur. The bear noticed her presence but showed no aggression and did not flee. Ariana began to channel her magic and touched the bear with hands glowing in a deep golden hue.

As Ariana's magic flowed, noticeable changes began to occur in the bear. Its greenish fur started to resemble the forest's grass, its eyes gleamed with a deep golden hue, and other transformations took place. The bear was being altered, and Ariana was about to create a natural sentinel to protect the forest.

[Name: Forest Bear]

[Power Level: 2 [Intermediary]]

[Mana: 1000]

[Strength: 300]

[Intelligence: 18]

[Magic: 500]

[Abilities: [Claws of Life Lv1], [Magical Hibernation Lv1], [Green Camouflage Lv1]

The majestic bear that Ariana transformed remained imposing before her for a moment, as if regarding her with recognition. However, it soon moved away and began to roam the forest.

Ariana made a wise decision. She recognized the importance of not adding too many creatures to Arcadia, as it could disrupt the delicate balance between different species and ecosystems. She had learned from the conflicts between goblins and humans that moderation and careful observation were key to ensuring harmony in her ever-evolving world. Ariana intended to take a break from her creations and allow events to follow their natural course, eager to see how things would develop from this point.

Ariana went to Angely and communicated her decision to be absent for a while. Angely listened with respect and affection as she explained her planned absence.

"Angely, I'll be gone for a while, but don't worry; I don't intend to stay away for long," Ariana said gently.

Angely, demonstrating her loyalty and commitment to Ariana, knelt before her and assured that she would take care of Arcadia in her absence. She promised that the primordial fairies would continue to work diligently to spread life and harmony throughout the world of Arcadia.

Ariana gazed reluctantly at the places that made up Arcadia. Leaving worried her, as she feared what she would find upon her return. Nevertheless, she knew she needed to make this decision. With determination, she rose into the skies and called upon the System.

"I want to make a time jump," she declared.

The System promptly responded: [How many years ahead would you like your world to go?]

Ariana reflected for a moment before answering, "Just ten years. I'm not sure how things would turn out if I traveled further in time. I want to have some control over the situation and not risk losing my way."

The System agreed with her decision. Thus, the world of Arcadia was enveloped in a massive green energy, and in the blink of an eye, ten years had passed. Ariana was ready to see how the world had evolved in her absence.

Ariana descended to Arcadia and headed to the village of the primordial fairies, which was bustling as ever. After a brief walk through the village, she found Angely, who greeted her with great reverence.

"My Goddess, you've returned! It's been so long," Angely said, bowing in a sign of respect.

Ariana, with a smile, responded, "For me, it felt like just a blink," and they both laughed.

Angely then began to tell Ariana about the progress in Arcadia over the past ten years. She had created hundreds of new creatures, all inspired by the memories and visions Ariana had provided. The seas of Arcadia now had a great biodiversity, with numerous fish species and even majestic whales.

However, Angely mentioned that she had also created a frightening creature she had seen in her memories: the Kraken. A legendary beast that did not exist in reality but now inhabited the seas of Arcadia. Angely had decided to create only one Kraken, recognizing the potential danger of such an imposing creature.

Ariana was surprised by the mention of the Kraken. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the fact that, thanks to Angely, the seas of Arcadia now hid a terrifying monster that might become a legend among those who ventured into those waters.

Angely also shared another curious story about her creation attempts. While trying to create the majestic whales that now swam in Arcadia's seas, an unusual failure occurred, resulting in the creation of a whale with the ability to fly. This flying whale was now likely soaring through the skies of Arcadia somewhere. It was immense and white, making it easily visible.

Ariana couldn't help but laugh at the idea of a whale flying in the skies of Arcadia.

Angely continued to share her stories and observations with Ariana. The goddess enjoyed hearing her friend's tales with enthusiasm and joy.

Regarding the humans, Angely revealed that the goblins had returned at a later point, but their attempts at attack were ineffective. The humans had set up a trap using slime orbs, preventing the goblins from approaching their homes. This infuriated the goblin leader, who continued to send forces to attack, only to see them destroyed by the mysterious creature in the forest.

There was an imposing bear in the forest that eliminated any goblin that dared to approach. Even when the goblin leader sent mages and evolved hobgoblins to confront the beast, they were all easily defeated. This frustrated the goblin leader and temporarily made him give up on his attacks.

However, the goblin leader did not give up for long and resumed his attacks. The humans, already accustomed to the assaults, trained and improved their skills. Finally, they decided it was time to put an end to this threat once and for all, formulating an attack plan to locate the goblins' hideout.

The battle against the evolved goblins was tense and challenging. Hundreds of goblins had gathered, including goblin mages, and the goblin leader himself had evolved into a goblin king. However, the humans had trained intensively during the repeated goblin attacks, making them better prepared to face the threat.

As they attacked the goblin camp, the humans' skills were noticeably stronger. Aqua had enhanced her plant manipulation abilities, allowing her to immobilize a large number of goblins at once. Safira displayed impressive control over water, revealing formidable powers. Ekiles and Noah's fencing skills had reached another level, making them formidable opponents in combat. Theo had also honed his archery skills, capable of firing two arrows with a single shot.

These improvements made the humans much more effective in combat, allowing them to face the goblins with increased confidence. Aurora, with her incredible healing abilities, was also there to assist at any moment.

Angely reported that the humans had achieved a significant victory over the goblins, eliminating most of them in the confrontation. Some surviving goblins chose to flee and seek refuge in other regions, far from the humans. This resulted in a significant shift in the balance of power in the region, with goblins now scattered across various areas but no longer posing an imminent threat to the humans.

Angely shared that, after the period of battles and conflicts with the goblins, the subsequent years had been marked by prosperity for the humans. They finally enjoyed relative peace, with fewer hardships and constant threats. This period of tranquility allowed the humans to focus on improving their skills and enhancing their quality of life.

Theo and Safira had also started a relationship, deciding that each couple should have their own home. Construction began, and even in separate houses, they remained close neighbors.

Aurora continued to express her gratitude daily, visiting the Goddess's statue she had sculpted and thanking for the divine protection they received. Additionally, the group now had horses and raised sheep, pigs, and chickens. Safira contributed her sewing skills, creating clothing for everyone, further enhancing their quality of life. With a safer and more prosperous environment, the human community in Arcadia was evolving and developing remarkably.

Ariana was surprised by the scene before her eyes. Noah was training a boy who appeared to be around seven years old, named Kayn, in sword techniques. His voice was filled with determination as he gave advice to the young one.

Aqua stepped out of the house and intervened, asking Noah not to be so hard on their son, reminding him that Kayn was just a child. This revelation left Ariana very pleased, as it demonstrated that the humans were beginning to thrive and expand their community, including the birth of children.

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