Rapeworld Isekai

Chapter 2 – Welcome to Rapeworld

I woke up to the sound of leaves rustling in the wind. I opened my eyes and saw a clear blue sky, framed by a canopy of trees. The air was fresh. I felt the prickle of grass, dried leaves and sticks poking into my bare back.

I groaned and sat up. A chorus of other groans echoed me, my fellow Isekai protagonists waking up with me, I presumed.

I blinked my bleary eyes, and glanced around. My eyes shot open wide in shock. Everybody was different. The god said we’d get new bodies, but this was… There were too many surprises to process at once. I started with myself.

Glancing down my body, I found tits. They were small tits, perhaps a B cup, but tits nonetheless. Glancing further down at my flat tummy, I noticed my sides tapering in with a feminine curve and flaring out to meet my round hips. Between those hips was a perfectly smooth hairless mound, with only the barest hint of a cleft visible from my current vantage. Yep… that was a pussy.

I reached up to my head, and felt at my short hair, only barely long enough for me to hold a strand in front of my eye. Black hair. It was a familiar pixie cut. I looked down at my pale and slender body again, with an appraising eye. I was a petite girl with lean muscles, but no real strength… Just my type, ironically, perfect for pinning down and manhandling.

“What the fuck?” I groaned in a feminine voice that I could barely recognize as my own.

Not only was I female now, I was the petite little pixie goth chick from my dream earlier, the one that was getting it roughly in the butt.


This didn’t bode well. My current body was based on an idealized partner from a male-dominant sex dream. I was literally invented by my own horny brain to be the perfect submissive rape doll. That… wasn’t ideal for a new heroine starting her adventuring career in a magical realm full of rape monsters.

“I’m… a… girl?” someone else muttered.

I didn’t recognize her at all. She was a voluptuous, leggy, golden blonde bombshell, with blue eyes and long hair down to her back. Where my body shape was slender, like a ‘teen’ pornstar, hers was more like a fit swimsuit model. She had a toned, lean body, with visible abs, wide child bearing hips and generous, round, gravity defying boobs, maybe a D cup, or even double-D.

“I think we all are…” I said, glancing at the others.

“Makes sense,” Lysander replied cooly, the tone of voice and inflection was unmistakeable, though she spoke in a higher register now, “Females would be optimal for absorbing Taint. If we are defeated, we would not be killed immediately. We would merely get repeatedly raped by lust crazed monsters, allowing us to fulfil our purpose to absorb and process Taint even in defeat.”

“Oh, is that all…?” I grumbled bitterly.

Lysander was recognizable as himself, or herself I supposed. She was largely the same as before. She had the same angular face, the same hawkish nose, the same messy mop of chestnut hair, and the same skinny figure. Yep, she was a skinny bitch too, like me, though I’d been invented in a sex dream, and the difference showed. Lysander was a bit more androgynous, like a gender-swapped version of her former self. Compared to me, there was a bit less curve to her boyish hips, and her breasts were barely there, more like A-cups. If she wasn’t naked, I wouldn’t have thought anything had changed.

“What the fuck? Am I a loli?” came a squeaky little voice.

Indeed, it was a loli. She looked like a little asian middle school girl, perhaps thirteen or fourteen years old. She had a tiny body, even smaller than mine, with a round girly butt and a flat little chest that looked to still be developing. She had black hair, with a bright crimson stripe dyed into it. Like me, there wasn’t a single hair on her body below her neck.

“Indeed you are, Peter,” Lysander confirmed. “It seems your predilections for roleplaying as youthful looking characters, conspicuously over eighteen years old for various reasons, has come back to haunt you. I suspect our current shapes are somewhat controlled by our subconscious desires.”

What? I wanted to be a rape doll? No way! Sure, I desired to have this body, but like… as a partner. I didn’t want to be this body…

“How does this help me fight monsters?” She whined. “Your semen harvesting theory is flawed too. This body’s female, sure, but it’s too young for penetrative sex…”

“Um… no it isn’t…” Chloe said softly. “I mean… I um… lost my virginity at eleven… it… works.”

Well… that was a hell of a bomb to suddenly drop on us out of the blue. I didn’t know how to respond to that. That had to be a case of child abuse, but Chloe seemed completely nonchalant about it as if it was perfectly normal and expected. I knew the girl had some deep seeded self esteem issues, but I didn’t know why… I stared at her in astonishment.

Chloe, like Lysander, was largely unchanged. She had the same long platinum blonde hair, partially covering her face, as before. Though now that she was without her protective hoody and baggy clothes, I could see a bit more of her figure. She was on the slender side of average, somewhere between me and the blonde bombshell’s body. She was amazingly attractive though… I privately mourned the fact that I’d lost my dick. Was she bisexual? I hoped so.

There was one big difference, however. Elf ears. Yes, Chloe had long pointed ears sticking out of her hair on either side, three or four inches long. There was a strange ethereal quality to her she didn’t have before. Her eyes were a vibrant emerald green, almost magical. And she was lighter somehow, not necessarily physically, just her presence… She was more airy, a little bit detached from reality.

I also noticed she was holding an arm over her breasts, and I wasn’t. Right… right… girls covered their boobs, didn’t they? As a former guy, being bare chested didn’t feel all that weird to me, though I should probably be a bit more self conscious about that now.

“I’m pretty sure eleven is too young for most girls…” Loli-Peter said nervously. “From a medical perspective, at that stage of development, it could only be painful and traumatic experience, at least for most.”

“I guess it was…” Chloe confirmed quietly. “But it made the man happy, made him cum… so in that sense, it worked like it was supposed to. Um… but maybe carry a healing potion or something… if you’re planning on getting raped? My first time hurt me a lot... Do they have magic healing in this world?”

“I would suggest avoiding sexual situations entirely, if at all possible,” Lysander added.

“No shit Sherlock…” Loli-Peter grumbled.

“Hah! Hey guys! I’m not a girl,” came a deep rumbling voice.

Ashley wasn’t recognizable as herself, though he was the only man among us now. He was… a big dude, like a walking mountain. He stood, probably seven feet in height, and had massive rippling muscles, though he was built for strength, not body building competitions. He had a round barrel chest, a thick core that almost looked like a beer gut if not for the bulging abs, and thick tree trunk legs. As Ashley requested, his body was a forest of dark brown body hair. He had short, messy hair on his head, and a bushy beard to match the rest of the whole mountain-man aesthetic.

“Looks like you got what you wanted Ashley…” I said, carefully keeping my gaze above his waist.

“You can call me Ash,” the monstrous man replied, and looked down. “Oh shit! Look at this python guys!”

Ash leapt to his feet, and stood proudly in a superman pose, with legs akimbo. He waggled his hips… and his heavy cock waggled back in response. For a second my eyes deceived me, it almost looked normal compared to his body, above average, but not exactly monstrous. But then I realized the big man’s size was throwing my estimate off. In absolute terms, even dangling flaccid between his legs, that thing was probably longer and thicker than my former self’s erect size. And if he got a boner… scary.

That would destroy me…

“I can’t help feeling a bit intimidated…” I admitted, feeling my pussy clench for no reason. No reason at all.

“Hah! You should be, bitch!” Ash growled with proud grin. “Uh… which one are you… Tyler or Matt?”

“I’m Tyler,” I said.

“Um… Matt,” the blonde bombshell replied. “Though I guess that’s obvious now huh…”

“Nice tits Matt,” Ash said, with a thumbs up.

Matt reached down and groped one of his boobs, looking somewhat lost as if he wasn’t sure what to do with it.

“Thanks?” he replied, not entirely sure how to take the compliment.

“You don’t look like a Matt anymore, you’re more like… a Stacy, or a Barbie… Maybe a Bambi?”

“Please, no bimbo names…” Matt pouted.

“Or just like… a feminine Matt then? Hmm… Matt, Mattie, Mathilda? No, Matt-ison, Madison?”

“Madison works well,” Peter commented.

“As fascinating as choosing new gendered names may be, perhaps you should choose your starting class and familiarize yourself with your System?” Lysander interrupted.

“And how do I do that?” I asked.

“Status!” Peter cheerfully called out. “Hah, it worked! My knowledge of trashy Isekai tropes is paying off.”

“You don’t need to say it out loud,” Lysander added. “Merely verbalize it inside your own mind with the intention of opening the menu.”

Status, I thought.

A videogame like screen popped up.


Name: Tyler Erikson

Age: 21, Sex: Female

Species: Human

Class: --

HP: 17 / 17,
STA: 20 / 20,
MP: 22 / 22

Str: 6
Dex: 11
End: 9
Per: 13
Int: 18
Will: 12
Mag: 12

Perks: Greater Blessing of Vyreth

Skills: <none>


You are eligible for a class upgrade!


Neat. I didn’t really know how any of that translated into my new reality. If this was anything like the tabletop game we were playing before, a 10 in any stat was average. I had nothing to really base that assumption on, other than my instinct as a nerd.

Strength was my lowest stat, with a score of six. That sounded pretty pathetic, but given that my current body was designed by a horny sadist with a kink for struggle snuggles… Yeah that was probably fair. On the other end of the spectrum was Intelligence. I’d been pursuing an engineering degree, before getting genderbent and sent to rapeworld, at least. Compared to Lysander, I was a dunce, but compared to most other people, I was actually pretty proud of my smarts. Perception and Magic were decent too. With stats like these, clearly I was well set up for some sort of mage build.

I read the words at the bottom, saying that I was eligible for a class upgrade, and I felt something strange. It felt like I could press against the words with my mind by focusing on it. I did the mental equivalent of a mouse click and a new screen opened.


Class Options:

Warrior (Tier 1)

Mage (Tier 1)

Commoner (Tier 0)


Huh? That was it?

“Uh guys… do you have more than just three class options?” I asked.

“Warrior, Mage, and Commoner, that’s it…” Peter grumbled. “How boring!”

“There’s no Healer class…” Chloe said, sounding disappointed.

“Why? Going to be our party healbitch again?” I asked with a slightly sadistic grin.

“Um… yes Sir, er… Ma’am… if that’s alright with you…” she demurred submissively, getting into character like a good girl. The lewd grin on her face was unmistakeable.

“If you select Mage, you unlock the general mana manipulation skill, and can spend skill points to unlock various magical disciplines. If this world is consistent with fantasy and video game tropes, I would wager that healing falls under holy affinity magic, or perhaps some combination of water and earth.” Lysander explained.

“You went Mage, Lysander?” I asked. “What am I talking about… of course you did.”

“Indeed. I bought pure arcane magic to start with.”

“You’re all a bunch of pussies,” Ash grumbled. “I’m going Warrior.”

“As a matter of fact, I sort of am a pussy. I’ve got six strength in this body… I doubt I could even hold a sword.”

“I’ve got a sword you can hold right here…” Ash grunted, grinning savagely.

“Yes, yes, you’re proud of your cock, congratulations,” I said, rolling my eyes.

“Hey, you have any idea how many years I’ve wanted to have my own cock? Let me enjoy this. Catcalling and sexually harassing my female friends and coworkers is just part of the whole man experience.” Ash waggled his eyebrows, “Wanna come sit on my face sweetheart?”

Playing along, I gave him a deadpan expression, “Maybe later.”

“Is that a promise?” Ash replied with a grin. “All joking aside, you’re talking to a former dyke here… I’ve got mad skills with my fingers and tongue. Say the word, and I’ll chain-orgasm you into oblivion.”

Oh shit, he was serious? “Um… Maybe not right this minute…” I nervously replied.

“Hah! Let me know if you change your mind,” Ash said.

I decided to ignore him for now. I was ashamed to admit it, but I was seriously considering Ash’s offer. If Ash was still Ashley the girl, then I’d have accepted in a heartbeat, no problem there, but as a straight guy in the girl’s body, letting another guy touch me was a bit weird…

If I let a dude eat me out, was that gay? Or was it straight because I was a girl now? Liking girls as a guy made my straight, but if I still liked girls did that make me gay now? If so, was fooling around with a guy gay or straight? Ugh… This was confusing. I didn’t want to think about all this right now.

The class selection prompt was still floating in front of my eyes. I selected Mage.

Congratulations, you are now a level 1 [Mage].

You have unlocked the skill: [Mana Manipulation].

You have (1) skill points to spend on unlocking class skills.

I closed the prompt, and returned to my status. I noticed that I could interact with the skills menu now. Using my mental mouse click, I selected it and received a list of skills I could learn.


Arcane Magic I

Fire Magic I

Water Magic I

Earth Magic I

Wind Magic I

Holy Magic I

Unholy Magic I


There was a long list of skills, most of them seemed useless at the moment. Meditating to regenerate magic faster, making potions, or inscribing spell books with my non-existent catalog of known spells wasn’t useful at level 1. I ignored them for now.

The tier 1 Magic skills were the only choices that could possibly let me wield magic and do actual damage to enemies. If I didn’t pick a type of combat magic as my initial skill, I wouldn’t be able to fight.

As for what sort of magic to pick? I was taking electrical engineering at school, and I’d just finished taking a course all about arc flash and high voltage discharges. I was intimately familiar with the power of lightning. Lightning magic wasn’t an option, but I suspected I could unlock it later, as an advanced version of fire, or maybe fire mixed with air magic? Regardless, fire magic would probably be a prerequisite, and flinging fireballs would be a good place to start my magical career.

You have unlocked the skill: [Fire Magic I].

Instantly, knowledge came into my mind. A complex four-dimensional glyph that hurt my brain when I tried to parse it. That was my first magic spell, conjuring a weak bolt of fire and flinging it a long distance. To cast it, I had to control the mana inside my own body with the [Mana Manipulation] skill, and match it to the shape. Easy in theory, complex in practice… That glyph’s shape was complicated.

Okay, I was ready to give this a shot. I focused on the shape burned into my mind, and tried to control my mana to match it. It was insanely difficult, like trying to mold a sculpture out of flowing water, changing something on one end could create feedback and cause the other end to go unstable and collapse. Not only that, the second I lost concentration, the whole thing slipped away out of my control and I had to start over again.

This was going to take forever to figure out…

There were rapid footsteps behind me.

I glanced back over my shoulder. A mountain of grey-brown fur with a wide-open fanged maw flew towards my face. I screamed like the girl I was, and reeled back out of the way, but the vicious jaws caught me anyway.

Teeth closed around my throat, piercing into my skin and choking me. I slammed hard into the ground, forced down onto my back. The air was knocked out of my lungs. I let out a crying gurgle of panic, gasping for air, batting at the furry monster with my fists and doing absolutely nothing at all to deter it.

I felt something hard and warm against my inner thigh, sliding up between my legs. I clenched my knees shut, but the beast’s thick furry body was between my legs, stopping me from closing them.

Seriously? I’d been in this world for like, ten minutes, and already something was trying to rape me.

Hitting the thing wasn’t doing anything, so I covered my pussy with my hands instead, denying the beast access to my nethers. Moments later, the monster’s dick poked against the back of my hands, searching for my entrance and not finding it.

That pissed it off. It growled and tightened its jaw.

The beast’s teeth sunk deeper into my skin, and I lost the ability to breathe. I panicked, fighting for air, choking, kicking and flailing my arms, but there was no effect. I desperately tried to pry its jaws open with my hands, but I couldn’t budge the beast. I felt the creature’s cock press up against my now-unguarded pussy, and felt my eyes tear up. I was helpless. It was going to happen… I was going to be raped and choked by an ugly smelly beast and there was nothing I could do to stop it…

If I was getting a little bit wet, it was only as a defensive measure… my body trying to protect itself. That was it.

With teary eyes, I noticed Ash standing above me, beating on the creature’s side with what looked like a tree branch. The beast barely noticed, intent on me… it’s prize. The monster’s cock started to push into me, and I felt my pussy spread painfully wide to accommodate it. This was it… I couldn’t stop myself from whimpering in terror.

A flash of purple filled my vision, and a spray of blood covered my face. There was another flash of purple, and another. Each impact struck the beast hard, and sent up a fresh spray of blood. The jaws around my throat loosened and I gasped in relief, eagerly gulping fresh lungfuls of air.

Then, the beast collapsed on top of me, and with it, came the beast’s hips.

I screamed in agony as the falling beast’s monstrous cock tore me open deep and wide. My world became nothing but incandescent pain. The furry behemoth crashed against my cervix with a cock almost as thick as my wrist. The sudden impact knocked the wind out of me again.

“Ah…” I gurgled pitifully.

Bloody jaws hung open next to me, as the mangled beast gasped its last breaths. I lay pinned beneath it, whimpering and trembling with its cock still hilted painfully inside me. I felt a sudden burning tingle through my body as dark corruptive energy flooded out of the dying beast and into me.


Your party has slain a Level 5 Dire Coyote.

Level up! You are now a level 2 [Mage].
You gain +1 Mag, +1 Free Attribute Points. You gain +1 Skill points.


A magical text box popped up in front of me, and vanished when I thought to dismiss it.

“You fucking bitch, son of a whore, shit fuck, cunt sucking…” Ash continued to curse, and smash the creature with his tree branch, not even noticing that the creature was dead.

“Oww…” I whined.

Between my legs, my violated hole clenched around the monster cock. With the beast dead, it was starting to deflate, but it was taking too long. I was still far too full for my liking.

I gingerly touched my bleeding throat. Luckily, the tooth marks were shallow, and it missed nicking my jugular vein. The beast wasn’t trying to kill me, only hold me still while it stuck a dick in me. I had no doubt that it could have torn my throat out in a second if it wanted. Fuck I was weak…

“Ash and Matt, you look like the two strongest here. Roll the wolf’s body off her please,” Lysander said calmly. “Chloe, did you receive a level too? I don’t suppose you’re able to select a healing ability yet?”

“I didn’t level up yet… but I got [Life Magic I] as my first Skill unlock,” Chloe said nervously. “Um… it has a healing spell I can try. The spell seems kinda hard to cast though.”

“Its… cock… still inside me…” I whimpered. “Help…”

Everyone but Lysander cringed at that.

“Unfortunate,” Lysander commented dryly. “We’d better not roll the body then.”

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