Rapeworld Isekai

Chapter 1 – Transported to Another World

Ethical Disclaimer: If you couldn't tell from the title, this work contains scenes of non-consensual sex and unethical BDSM practices. I want you, the reader to understand that this is a work of fiction and fantasy. Please note the "Horror" tag. Nothing written in this story should be considered acceptable in real life. Those who like their sexytimes a little rough should remember to always keep their play Safe, Sane, and Consensual, and always use a safeword whenever roleplaying sexual non-consent with their partner.

A conclave of noble-ish heroes gathered around the table, deciding how best to divide the spoils of their latest adventure amongst themselves. Amongst the merry band of murder-hobos, there was an elven wizard, a tiefling sorceress, a human barbarian, a half-elven rogue, and an aasimar cleric. At the head of the table sat a sixth person, a living personification of fate and destiny, the great and powerful Dungeon Master.

This was a normal Saturday night for the University tabletop roleplaying club. Instead of drinking, dancing, and occasionally getting laid like normal college students, we sat together in a dingy basement drinking lukewarm root beer and eating junk food, rolling dice at each other.

The DM, Lysander, a lean guy with a hawkish face, dark hair and square framed spectacles, gave me a cool glance.

“Tyler, roll me a knowledge arcana check.”

In this particular campaign, I was the official party spell thrower and item identifier, the mysterious elven magician Elandre, the ambiguously gendered. A loose purple robe hid my androgynous frame, and nobody in the party knew my character’s actual sex. Ashley’s rogue tried to check once, while my character was sleeping, but she found out I’d woven an alarm spell into my underpants to prevent the curious from peeping.

I rolled my dice, “Nine.”

“You added your bonus, right?” he reminded.

“Yes, I just rolled like shit,” I sighed.

I checked his face for tells, but our DM kept his expression perfectly serene. “You have no idea what the potion does.”

“It’s purple and sparkly?” I asked.

“It is.”

I gestured towards my roommate, Matt, currently roleplaying as the world’s dumbest barbarian. “Hey Hragh! You’ve got a good constitution, drink this. It’ll make you super strong. And it’s grape flavored.”

Matt was a gentle, intelligent, soft-spoken chubby guy in real life, with a non-threatening baby face. As part of the official uniform of computer science majors and hipster Linux enthusiasts everywhere, he also had a legit neckbeard. Basically, he was the opposite of the wiry musclebound barbarian he was roleplaying. He put on the most aggressive face he could muster, which wasn’t terribly aggressive.

“Hragh no trust you! Last time Hragh drink weird potion, Hragh fill tavern’s toilet with literal fire,” he grunted.

Aw, no fun! “No, no, I’m not tricking you this time. Last time was just a joke, but this time I’m telling the truth. Um… Ashley’s Character, tell him I’m trustworthy.”

“It’s Jack.” Ashley said in a stage whisper.

Ashley was one of only two females in our tabletop group. Though as an utterly blatant butch lesbian she was more of an ‘honorary dude’ than anything. With her short purple hair and men’s clothing, I’d say she was a trans man, but she was too curvy to pass as male, and didn’t bind her boobs or use male pronouns. There was probably a fancy name for whatever weird gender thing she had going on, but she didn’t care about the label, and neither did we. Her character was an actual dude, the party rogue.

“Jack, tell him I’m trustworthy,” I corrected.

Ashley perked up and put on her fakest smile. “It’s true. You should totally trust her. She’s a wizard. She knows what she’s talking about.” She rolled the dice. “Got a twenty-one for Deception.”

Ashley had apparently decided my character was a female. Matt agreed. Peter, our pervy cleric, maintained I was a futa, or feminine hermaphrodite. Chloe, the other girl, didn’t want to share her opinion. Lysander was the only one who thought I was fully male underneath my robes. The latter was correct, Elandre was a man, though I wanted to keep the group guessing for as long as possible.

Matt nodded sagely, “Hragh have seven intelligence, no need for Sense Motive roll. Hragh decide the pretty man-woman not lie this time. He trust his friends and drink potion.”

Lysander grinned cruelly from behind his DM screen. I swore the guy was a sadist, “Your body tingles and begins growing warmer. Something is happening. Do you want to try to resist the potion’s effects?”

“Hragh feel weird,” the barbarian said, before Matt spoke out of character, “Can I tell what is happening to me before I decide if I want to stop it?”

“You’re not sure, but think you might be getting prettier,” said Lysander.

“Hragh is an ugly bastard… but he has been tricked by pretty people many times.” Matt explained. He switched back to his barbarian voice, “Beauty is a powerful weapon that will make Hragh strong! Hragh will not resist the beauty! Bring it on!”

“No Con save then,” Lysander nodded. “Hragh, you feel your body changing. There is a faint burning and strange tingles. You feel your insides cramp. It is painful but not unbearable for one as strong as you. Over the next minute or so, you grow a little bit shorter, your hips widen, your bulging chest muscles turn into something a little softer…”

“Hah! Potion of gender bending,” Ashley chuckled.

“Welcome to the sisterhood…” Chloe said quietly, with a shy little smile.

Chloe… we had no idea why she wanted to hang out in a dank basement with a bunch of pervy dudes and an equally pervy honorary dude. Unlike Ashley, she was feminine, though she hid her face behind her long hair, and hid her figure beneath a baggy hoodie and frumpy sweat pants. She was as pale as a ghost, with platinum blonde hair to match. She was also terrifyingly quiet, with a tendency to startle me every time she spoke up.

She was the party healbitch, a cleric specializing in support and healing magic. Yes, it was her idea. No, we didn’t bully her into it. Yes, we actually called her a ‘healbitch’ in character. And no, she didn’t seem to mind.

Despite our degrading term for it, being the official party healbitch was a role she embraced with an almost scary level of enthusiasm. Whenever our characters bossed her around, treated her like a doormat, or otherwise degraded her, she always seemed to smile and blush a little. I was pretty sure she was quietly getting off on it.

I might have had a little bit of a crush on her because of that. It was hard to supress the urge to constantly bully her.

“Indeed,” Lysander confirmed. “Hragh, care to describe your new female form to us?”

Matt cleared his throat, not missing a beat, “The new Hragh is far more beautiful than before… a solid four out of ten at least. She stands at six foot five, chest and face still a patchwork of scars. She has bulging muscles, thick thighs, and a gigantic firm butt. The beard is gone, but the rest of her body is only slightly less hairy than then man she was before. She is very confused right now.”

“Now that’s an image I didn’t need…” I grumbled.

“Hragh wasn’t wearing a shirt before, was he?” Peter commented.

Peter wasn’t his real name, he changed it when he immigrated here to Canada. None of us but Lysander could pronounce his real Chinese name. He was the final member our little band of heroes, awkwardly roleplaying as some sort of loli tiefling magical girl thingy. I was pretty sure one or more fetishes were involved in that choice of character. Whatever. This whole tabletop group was a bunch of perverts, myself included. I wasn’t one to kinkshame so long as it didn’t get too creepy.

“Hragh displays his new F-cup weapons of seduction proudly! Hragh has no need for shame or modesty!” Matt announced.

“Jack is strangely intrigued by this hairy amazon and her udder-ly ridiculous boobs,” Ashley said. “Can I roll a Stealth check to go in for a sneaky grope?”

“Going to need to get you some bikini armour,” Peter suggested.

“Elandre sneaks out of murdering range and tries to pretend this wasn’t their idea,” I said.

And then the conversation was interrupted by a sudden, bright flash of unnatural green light. The light bulb above our heads shattered in a shower of sparks, and the room went dark.



I blinked and I was in a boundless white room. Light seemed to come from everywhere at once, with no shadows being cast, and no way to tell where the floor ended and the walls began.

I wasn’t alone. I was kneeling next to five other confused people, also on their knees. Their shapes were foggy and insubstantial. They just looked like shadows, but each carried the impression of a person I recognized: Lysander, Matt, Peter, Chloe and Ashley, my tabletop group from earlier that night.

There was another person in this space with us, as well. They were sharper, more clearly defined, but at the same time, my eyes seemed to slide off their body, and my mind seemed to let go of the details the instant I looked away. I felt a sense of power, nigh limitless in intensity but tightly constrained in what it could and could not do.

“Greetings, champions,” it said.

“The fuck?” Ashley grumbled, her voice was echoey and ethereal.

“Who are you?” I asked the entity.

“I am Vyreth, God of Struggle and Valor,” the entity replied.

“Care to explain what’s going on?” I asked.

“You have been chosen. Your souls have been brought here into our realm, with a sacred mission to help save this world from certain doom.”

“Isekai?” Peter gasped, incredulous. “Seriously? What is this, a shitty light novel?”

“Guys,” Matt scolded. “Maybe don’t mouth off at the literal God? I’d rather not get smited…”

“Some confusion and fear are to be expected for one in your position. Worry not, for I am not so easily offended,” Vyreth replied.

“What specifically is our task?” Lysander asked.

Despite everyone else’s obvious agitation, his voice was as calm and unflappable as ever. It felt sort of reassuring to have him with us. Lysander was… an exceptional dude. I’d known him since I was a kid, longer than anyone else in the group. As an engineering student, I’d call myself smart, smarter than average at least, but not a genius. Lysander, however, was a full-blown, capital-G, Genius, with an IQ somewhere in the mid one-fifties.

“Allow me to provide some background.” The god nodded what my mind interpreted as a head, “Thirteen-hundred years ago, a rift opened, connecting our world to another. Through this rift, a great evil invaded our world. The Gods and our champions acted quickly to close the rift and repel the invaders, but their evil Taint remained. The Taint was a vile self-propagating corruption. It spread over the land, passing from creature to creature like a disease. Tainted creatures turned into vicious monsters attacking all those that were Untainted, causing them to fall to corruption as well.”

“In response to this, the gods created a blessing that all Untainted now receive at birth. It absorbs and converts the Taint of defeated monsters into magical potential. Those who kill tainted creatures absorb the Taint into their bodies, and convert it into a magical fuel they can use to transform their bodies and minds, enhancing themselves and growing stronger.”

“Let me guess,” Peter groaned. “This blessing shows up as a System with little blue boxes, and the power we gain is represented by classes and levels…”

“You are indeed correct, impudent one,” the god replied.

Peter was only a shadowy ghost, but I got the vague impression that he was rolling his eyes.

Lysander raised a shadowy hand, asking a question, “Assuming every member of the Untained population has this blessing, with the ability to grow in power, why summon us? What have we to offer that your own citizens do not?”

“Purity,” Vyreth replied. “Your souls have never been exposed to the Taint, not even the barest trace. This allows me to offer you a more powerful blessing without the risk of inadvertently killing you. Where others can absorb and convert the Taint of fallen monsters they kill, the blessing can become overwhelmed if too many monsters are killed in short succession. Those who kill monsters for a living gain a high level of power, but if they grow too quickly, their bodies inevitably accumulate a certain level of Taint over time. This can lead to corruption and depravity. Not only that, but a very common method of… Taint impregnation… can bypass the blessing’s defenses entirely if a victim is captured alive.”

“You six will not face that problem. You will be completely immune at a fundamental level. You will be able to fully convert all sources of Taint absorbed by your body. That means you will be able to kill any number of monsters without fear of accumulating Taint within you, allowing you to grow quickly. And even if you were to be captured by a monster, not only would it fail to corrupt you, its attempts would only make you stronger.”

“Taint Impregnation? That’s a scary choice of words…” Ashley grumbled.

“I don’t think he means it that way… they probably just sting you with Taint venom or something…” Matt reassured her.

“I indeed used the term ‘impregnate’ in the general sense, saturating something with something else. Literal impregnation is impossible, Tainted seed is not able to fertilize human ovum. Ashley’s fears are not entirely unjustified, however. The most common and successful way for a monster to corrupt a defeated victim is via repeated forced insemination.”

“Wait, what?” I gasped. Does that mean monsters will try to rape the girls…?

“In plain language, nearly every variant of monster will rape any Untainted creature they can capture alive, corrupting the victims with their seed and creating new Tainted.”

“D-do they rape guys as well?” Matt asked nervously.

“They are primarily attracted to women, though many will target men as well, should no nearby woman be available to sate their lusts,” the god replied.

“Eep…” Chloe’s ghost squeaked. If shadow ghosts could get wet, I was sure she would be.

“Yeah, fuck that!” Ashley snapped. “I, for one, am not at all interested in adventuring in your fucked-up rape world. Send me back.”

“Allow my to clear up a misconception,” the god replied its voice going cold, “You were chosen. You are not being asked, you are being informed of your new reality. There is no returning to your original world. Your current souls are duplicates of the original created with my divine power. Your original selves are alive and well, ignorant of your existence. There is no place in your old world for you to return to.”

“Wait, so I’m a copy?” I gasped in existential horror.

“Hmm… that’s reassuring.” Lysander said calmly, without a hint of sarcasm.

What?” I snapped. “How’s that reassuring?”

“Well, I was hoping to finish my PhD,” Lysander explained. “I am pleased that my original self has not had his plans disturbed. I don’t like unexpected disruptions in my life.”

“But you’re not…” I started, and then just sighed. “Oh whatever.”

Lysander was… a strange dude. Despite how long I’d known him, I still couldn’t say I truly understood what he was thinking half the time.

Vyreth continued, “So yes, you are copies of the original, but no less real because of it. This world is your new home. You will live here, and hopefully do your part to save it. If you do not want to be raped by monsters, then you must simply get strong and not allow them to defeat you.”

“This is total bullshit…” Ashley grumbled.

“So, our bodies are back on earth… right? Do we get new bodies?” Matt asked, sounding slightly hopeful. “Can you make me less fat?”

Poor Matt. He’d had weight issues for years. The dude was a bit of a stress eater, and anxiety about what people thought of his weight ironically made him eat more.

“Yes,” the god replied. “You will all receive new bodies suited to your role as heroes. Matt’s new body will be a healthy weight.”

“Oh… uh, thanks.” Matt replied.

“Give me a big fucking dick!” Ashley shouted.

The god, and every shadowy ghost all went silent and stared at her.

“I want to fuck some bitches with a real cock, not a shitty strapon. I am so done with having a cunt. Give my body just… the biggest man sausage you can. Better yet, make me a big burly dude with lots of hair and big fucking balls! Do that, and I’ll be your most devout champion, I’ll fuck up as many monsters as you want me to.”

There was an awkward pause, and then the god broke the silence with a full-bodied laugh, “I will take your request under consideration.”

“Hey can I uuh…” Peter began.

“No.” Vyreth interrupted sharply. “You will all receive appropriate bodies to maximise the amount of Taint you can absorb. Ashley’s request was amusing and so it will be granted, but I do not bow to mortal whims. Good bye. I wish you the best of luck in your new life.”

The god snapped his fingers, and the world went dark again.



I had a strange dream. A sexy dream.

Everyone had their kinks, and my biggest one was BDSM. Specifically, I enjoyed the domination and sadism aspects, with some non-consent kink added in for flavour. I liked the idea of pinning down a girl, grabbing a fistful of hair, and brutally shoving my dick inside her. I wanted to spank her butt until it was red. I wanted to inflict pain. I wanted to force her to take it, and ignore her whining and begging.

I didn’t exactly know why I was into this sort of stuff. I didn’t think I was a bad person. I didn’t hate women or anything. I supposed it was more of a power thing, taking a person, owning them completely and watching them squirm.

At least in theory. BDSM and rape were my pornographic flavours of choice, but I hadn’t done anything like that in real life. I wasn’t much of a ladies’ man, to be honest. Chloe was a prospect, but I was only just starting to get to know her and I hadn’t asked her out or anything yet.

I’d also had a girlfriend in high school for a while, until we broke up when she moved away. We had sex, but she was fairly vanilla, and she didn’t like it all that rough. We’d done a bit of light bondage and roleplay, and that was fun, but I had to make sure not to push her too hard. I wasn’t the type of douchebag to act on my sadistic fantasies without my partner’s enthusiastic consent.

But here, in dreamland, I could be as rough as I wanted without feeling guilty. My imaginary partner didn’t need to consent to anything. I could be as mean as I wanted, take things to a level that I would never dare in real life. I could rape a girl as viciously as I wanted without consequences.

So, there I was, balls deep inside some innocent goth pixie girl’s ass. She had a perfectly good pussy that I was ignoring because anal hurt her more, and I wanted her to hurt. She was cute and petite, the perfect size to bully and manhandle. Her ass cheeks were covered in red hand prints, her tears ran down her face. She was begging me to stop, but at the same time, moaning like a slut in heat. She clenched her teeth in pain, but there was a masochistic grin on her face. Clearly, she was loving every second of my brutal love, despite her protests.

And then… I switched. I wasn’t the guy anymore. I was the girl. I was bent over in a submissive position, exposed, vulnerable, at the mercy of a sadistic bastard that was going to do anything he wanted to me regardless of how much I fought or begged. My ass was on fire. My spanked cheeks burned, and my formerly-tight little hole was stretched open agonizingly wide. They said anal hurt if you weren’t prepared, and that was definitely true in my case. It was even more painful than I’d imagined.

But my neglected pussy was dripping, throbbing with arousal. The pain I felt wasn’t the same as pleasure, but it was… enjoyable in its own way. Like a spice added to a meal. I was weak and helpless, a living sex toy at the mercy of some cruel bastard, using my old body to abuse my new one. And I loved it.

I was a straight dude. And a dominant one no less. I shouldn’t have enjoyed this, but I did.

The dream continued on and on, growing less and less lucid. Eventually it only carried the vague impression of me being fucked, of pain and pleasure mixed in equal parts.

My conscious mind slowly slipped away, and I woke up in a new world.

Hello my beautiful degenerate friends, thanks for reading my story.

I'm a bit of an amateur when it comes to writing, but I'm happy to accept feedback and criticism. Feel free to leave comments, telling me what you liked or disliked, or offer suggestions as to what I should fix, or do with these characters in future chapters. I have a few ideas, but I'm more or less making this all up as I go.

Also feel free to make lewd requests if there's some sort of sexy scene you'd like me to write for these characters. I'd like my story to have a nice variety of scenarios.

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