Quantum Immortal

Chapter 42: The Spiritual Root Test Begins

The air around the testing grounds grew still as anticipation hung heavy over the gathered participants. Hundreds of eyes fixed on the platform ahead, where an elder, draped in flowing robes of deep crimson and gold, stood atop an elevated platform. His presence radiated an aura of authority, and with a casual wave of his hand, a small pillar rose from the ground.

Atop the black pillar rested a crystal sphere the size of a human head. The sphere was transparent, gleaming under the sunlight as it reflected faint rainbows across the stage. The elder's voice echoed across the area, capturing the attention of everyone present.

"Now, the spiritual root test shall begin."

His words sent ripples of energy through the crowd, and even those who had already endured several trials felt their hearts tighten in anticipation. This test would determine their cultivation potential—how far they could rise in the hierarchy of the sect, how powerful they could become. The spiritual root test was not something that could be trained or manipulated. It was an innate trait, determined by birth, and this moment would reveal their future.

The elder continued to explain the procedure, his voice calm and authoritative. "You will come up one by one," he said, "and place your hand on this crystal ball. When you do, you will feel a flow of energy pass through your body. Do not be alarmed by this sensation, as it will not harm you. This energy will analyze your spiritual root. First, the crystal will reveal the elemental affinity of your root. After this, the quality of your spiritual root will be displayed. The quality is represented by four distinct colors: Inferior is red, Human is orange, Earth is yellow, and Heaven is gold. Pay close attention to the color that appears, for it will determine the path you will walk in the cultivation world."

As the elder spoke, Wuji felt his heartbeat quicken. He had excelled in the combat test, surpassing many expectations and landing in the top 100. But this was different. This was not something he could fight his way through with strategies or clever tactics. His spiritual root would be revealed, and there was no way to change what had been decided for him by fate. Still, he kept his face composed, not letting the anxiety show.

The elder motioned to the gathered participants. "You will be called according to your registered numbers. Step forward when you hear your name."

The test began. One by one, participants were called, each stepping forward with a mixture of hope and dread. Some placed their hands on the crystal and felt a surge of power as the ball lit up with various colors, showing their elemental affinities. Most had quadruple or triple-element roots, their colors glowing clearly and distinct within the sphere. The quality of the spiritual root would then reveal itself—more often than not, a red glow, signifying a inferior-grade root.

As the test progressed, it became clear how rare a high-quality spiritual root was. Thousands of participants had been tested, and none had shown even an Earth-grade root. The highest result thus far had been a tall, muscular boy with a human-grade Fire root. The crowd murmured, sensing the importance of these results. The true elites of the sect would be chosen based on this test.

Wuji watched, his anxiety growing with each passing moment. As the elder called more names, the pressure mounted. Would he be among the lucky few with a high-quality root? Or would he be doomed to mediocrity, struggling in his cultivation path regardless of how much effort he put in?

Finally, his name was called.


He took a deep breath and stepped forward, making his way toward the platform. The eyes of the participants followed him, as did the elders seated above. Wuji felt the weight of their gazes but pushed aside the nervousness. He couldn't afford to falter now.

When he reached the platform, he bowed respectfully to the elder standing nearby. The elder, a tall man with a gentle yet imposing demeanor, smiled at him—a rare gesture. Wuji noticed that the elder hadn't shown this attitude to many of the other participants. Clearly, he had been impressed by Wuji's performance in the combat test.

"You've done well so far," the elder said, his voice low but kind. "Let's see how far you can go."

Wuji nodded, grateful for the acknowledgment. He then turned his attention to the crystal ball before him. It looked unassuming, but he knew that this moment could define the rest of his life. Swallowing his unease, he reached out and placed his palm on the smooth, cool surface of the sphere.

Almost immediately, he felt a rush of energy coursing through his body. It was strange yet not unpleasant—a sensation of being scanned by something beyond comprehension. It was as if the crystal ball was delving deep into his very being, analyzing his essence. The feeling was unlike anything Wuji had ever experienced before.

And then, faint colors began to swirl within the crystal.

At first, they were soft, almost imperceptible, but soon they grew brighter and more distinct. Wuji focused his gaze on the ball, and after a few moments, three colors emerged: red, green, and gold. Fire, wood, and metal.

But something unusual happened. Unlike the other participants, whose elemental affinities had been clearly separated, the colors in Wuji's crystal seemed to merge, intertwining with one another. Red, green, and gold flowed together like rivers meeting at a confluence, creating a mesmerizing effect.

The elders watching from above leaned forward, their expressions turning serious. This was not a typical result.

Wuji frowned slightly, unsure of what to make of it. 'Why are they blending together like that?' he wondered. But he didn't have time to think about it further, as the colors in the crystal began to fade. A new hue slowly appeared—a deep, vibrant yellow.

The elder standing beside Wuji raised an eyebrow, his smile widening ever so slightly. "Earth Grade," he murmured. "An Earth-grade spiritual root."

Wuji's heart skipped a beat. 'Earth grade…' He was the first among the thousands tested so far to have an Earth-grade spiritual root. The realization hit him like a wave, and he could feel the excitement building in his chest. Fire, wood, and metal—three elements, and an Earth-grade quality. This would open doors for him that he hadn't even dared to dream of.

The crowd murmured in astonishment. The other participants had been watching closely, and now they were abuzz with whispers. Wuji, the boy who had impressed them all in the combat test, had just revealed an exceptional spiritual root. He wasn't just a skilled fighter—he had the potential for greatness.

As the light from the crystal faded completely, Wuji lowered his hand, still processing what had just happened. He had passed the test, and not just passed it—he had exceeded expectations.

He turned to step down from the platform, but before he could take more than a few steps, a sudden gust of wind whipped across the stage. Wuji halted, blinking as the air swirled around him. When the wind died down, he realized that someone was now standing in front of him.

A tall figure in robes of deep blue and silver stood just a few feet away. His aura was commanding, yet there was an air of quiet confidence about him. Wuji stared at the man for a moment, and then recognition dawned.

This was one of the elders. He had been seated with the others, overseeing the tests from above. Now, he stood before Wuji, his sharp eyes studying him with interest.


In the boundless expanse, where stars shimmered like the faint embers of a dying flame, two celestial beings lounged on a floating rock, each holding a crystal goblet of celestial wine. Their forms were indistinct, shifting with the colors of the cosmos, yet their presence exuded an ageless serenity.

One of them, a figure whose eyes mirrored galaxies, took a slow sip from his goblet. “Did you hear?” His voice was soft, yet it rippled through the void like a gentle wave across an ocean. “The Creator is leaving.”

The other, swirling nebulae cascading from their form like a robe, arched a brow. “Leaving? To where?”

“He’s heading to a new universe,” the first said, his lips curling into a slight smile. “The RRL universe.”

A faint chuckle echoed between the stars. “He’s always been one for freedom, hasn’t he? This universe—” the celestial gestured vaguely, as if to the limits of their vast world—“it has too many restrictions. Too many rules.”

The first nodded, swirling his drink, watching the liquid form constellations in his goblet. “Bound by limitations. No room to truly stretch out, to explore endless possibilities. But in the RRL universe… it’s different. Fewer restrictions, more space to roam. He’ll thrive there.”

“He never did like being confined,” the other agreed, sighing softly. “That’s what made him such a force, isn’t it? Always pushing past boundaries, never letting anyone dictate how the story should unfold. But here... here, even he couldn’t escape the rules.”

The first being leaned back, eyes gazing into the endless stars. “It was inevitable. This universe was too small for him, too rigid. Now, the RRL universe? It’s vast, almost infinite. He’ll be free to create without shackles.”

“And we’ll follow,” the second said, their voice almost wistful. “After all, where else would we go? He’s our Creator. His path is ours.”

A moment of silence fell between them as they savored the thought. Stars twinkled and dimmed, entire galaxies shifted course, and the universe itself seemed to hum with anticipation.

“To the RRL universe, then,” the first celestial whispered, raising his glass in a quiet toast.

“To freedom,” the second replied, clinking their goblet against the first.

And with that, they drank, their laughter echoing through the cosmos as they prepared to follow their Creator into the unknown.

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