Quantum Immortal

Chapter 41: A Moment in the Spotlight

The moment Wuji felt the force wrap around him, the world blurred once again, and in an instant, he was teleported outside the pagoda. His feet hit the solid ground with a slight thud, and as his vision cleared, he realized he was back at the entrance from which he had first stepped into the mysterious pagoda.

Before him, a large crowd of participants who had been defeated in their own trials stood around, their faces showing various emotions—disappointment, frustration, and relief. Wuji could feel the tension in the air, but what struck him most was the sudden shift in atmosphere when he appeared. Every pair of eyes turned toward him. Conversations halted, and even the murmuring of the crowd ceased.

Wuji remained calm on the outside, keeping his expression neutral as he scanned the faces of the gathered participants. But inside, he felt a wave of excitement building. 'They're noticing me,' he thought. The elders are 'noticing me.'

Indeed, even the elders, who were seated in elevated positions above the crowd, had their attention focused on him. He could hear their whispers, their voices carrying with a mix of interest and curiosity. His performance in the pagoda had not gone unnoticed.

An elder with a long white beard, dressed in silver robes, leaned closer to another elder beside him, his eyes glimmering with approval. "That boy… Wuji, is it? He has remarkable analytical skills. He fights not just with strength but with his mind. Few can strategize like that under such pressure."

Another elder, a woman with sharp eyes and a regal demeanor, nodded in agreement. "Indeed. His ability to predict the movements of his opponents was impressive. It wasn't brute force that got him this far, but pure combat intellect. He would do well in the study of formations, or even in tactics on the battlefield."

A younger elder, his robe adorned with the emblem of the Fire Peak, chuckled softly. "He lacks raw power for now, but that will come in time. His mind, though… That is what makes him truly dangerous. With proper guidance, he could surpass many who rely solely on strength."

Hearing the discussions, Wuji's heart raced, but he kept his composure. He had known that the elders would be watching the tests closely, but now that they were openly discussing him, it felt real. 'This is my chance…' he thought.

But a question nagged at him—how did the other candidates know about his battle? He noticed the participants weren't just looking at him, but many were also casting glances at the top of the pagoda. Curious, Wuji followed their gaze and spotted a massive holographic screen hovering in the sky, formed by intricate runes and formations.

The screen was divided into hundreds of smaller sections, each displaying the tests of different participants still inside the pagoda. As Wuji watched, he saw the elders occasionally enlarge certain screens when something particularly interesting or critical occurred in the participants' battles.

'So that's how they know,' Wuji thought, a faint smile tugging at the corner of his lips. The whole arena had been watching his battle unfold, just as they had watched the battles of the others. It was a testament to how closely everyone was scrutinized during the sect exams.

More defeated participants were teleported back from the pagoda, appearing one by one at the entrance. Some had fought well, while others had clearly struggled. All eyes were now on the holographic screen, as the number of remaining participants steadily dwindled. Among them were three names that stood out above the rest: Zhao Shan, Qin Yulan, and Wei Jun.

As the minutes passed, the battles continued to play out. Slowly but surely, each of the remaining participants was defeated and teleported back, until only nine participants remained on the screen. Of those, Wuji recognized the three strongest: Zhao Shan, Qin Yulan, and Wei Jun, as well as six other participants whose names he hadn't learned yet.

Wuji watched intently as the holographic screens focused on their performances. Wei Jun, in particular, was astonishing. Whose raw strength and aggressive combat style allowed him to cut through 17 replicas before he too was defeated. His performance was solid, his strength undeniable.

Qin Yulan's performance was equally impressive. Her movements were graceful yet powerful, and she fought with the elegance of someone who had trained their whole life for this moment. She defeated 15 replicas, her skills and determination earning her the respect of everyone watching.

Then there was Zhao Shan, his swordplay was elegant, precise, and methodical. By the time he was finally overwhelmed, he had defeated 14 replicas, progressing through 16 rounds in total. He had surpassed all expectations.

When the final participant was teleported back, the massive screen faded away, leaving behind a hush of anticipation among the crowd. The next phase of the exam was about to begin.

All eyes turned to the black stele standing tall in the distance. A ripple of energy surged through the air as the stele shimmered, and a new column appeared on its surface—labeled "Combat Test." The participants' scores and rankings were revealed for all to see.

Wuji took a deep breath, his eyes scanning the long list of names until he finally found his own.

Score: 91 | Rank: 97

A rush of exhilaration coursed through him. He had made it into the top 100! The realization filled him with pride and excitement. 'Ninety-seventh…' he thought, his heart pounding in his chest. For a moment, he allowed himself to savor the feeling. He had worked so hard for this, and now his efforts were paying off.

What was even more remarkable was how this test had shifted the rankings. For the last few sect exams, only those with strong physiques or prior cultivation experience had dominated the top ranks. But this time, the combat test had been fair—based purely on skill, strategy, and perseverance. As a result, many new names, including his own, had emerged among the top 100. It was a testament to the diversity of talent among the participants.

But the excitement soon began to die down as the crowd turned its attention to the next phase of the exam: the spiritual root test.

Wuji could feel the tension in the air grow heavier. Everyone knew the significance of this test. A good spiritual root could determine one's entire path in cultivation. Those with powerful spiritual roots would soar to unimaginable heights, while those with poor roots would face endless struggles, no matter how much effort they put in.

For a moment, Wuji felt a pang of uncertainty. He had done well in the combat test, but the spiritual root test was something entirely different. It wasn't something he could strategize or calculate his way through. His fate would be decided by the natural talent he had been born with.

'Whatever happens… I'll face it head-on,' Wuji resolved, his gaze firm as he looked toward the black stele once again. The final part of the sect exam was about to begin, and everything hung in the balance.

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