Primordial Trap System

Chapter 27 – Time for War, a Trap Card?

It has been seven month since they moved inside the dungeon, their life became really active as of late, all three were over Lv860, with Bahamut and Tiamat breaking to Lv900, they decided that Bahamut will stay and safeguard the 8 Demigod Eggs with the weakened mothers at the bottom of the Dungeon, while Elizabeth will mobilize the Adventurers that wanted to partake in the war to stop the Emperor's Army, the two Dragons were still surprised at the speed that they leveled up, it took them nearly 500 years to reach their current level... and yet after that boy appeared the level of the trio skyrocketed.... they know how they train since they are basically neighbors and they use their relaxation facilities to also train when they were alone, but both of them were loyal and happy with each other.


Many of the Clans decided to pull out their forces and recomended that the Emperor forget about attacking the Guild City, the Eternal Flame were also one of them, they decided to back their heir that was several levels stronger that the current head of the clan, that still wanted her to marry a handsome young man... but alass... he would have to make do with her daughter atleast having a powerful male wife... whatever that was.

Shuiro's family decided not to get involved in the war. The Azure Branch and the White Branch wanted to take part on the Emperor's side, but the Black Branch said that he was not gonna get involved, the Vermillion Branch decided to tie the vote instead of breaking the Clan appart as they didn't want to wage war against their heir that live with in Bahamut's Guild City....


War was around the corner, but their army wasn't even halve as large as before. The Emperor was still upset with the cowards of the other Clans, there are several Demigods being born inside that hell hole of a city... he has to save humanity, it was his job as the Emperor, yet those cowards say that they will lose to many clansmen on a possible clash against Bahamut that has reached the Lv900, and have several Lv800 under him.... he was also Lv900, but his cultivation wasn't stable as he has to rush the final levels using Ancient Crystal Pills... so after a week his level will be reduced by a tenth of his current one... a bit hefty, but if he kills Bahamut, then there would be no one to challenge his authority.

They also brough the God Slayer, an ancient weapon that can wipe a city with a single shot. Bahamut will have to take the shot or his city will get leveled along with his new born Demigods... then the rest will be history. 

They moved on top of seven giant Airships, some of the reincarnators from the past delivered the designs and ideas to build a giant glider made of metal, some used spining blades or combustion to propel itself through the sky, the name was forgoten in time but they finally have a working prototype. Conquering the air should be a breeze with Airships, bombarding from here should also limit their enemies since flying is something unlocked on the later stages, unless they have a flying creature's bloodline. They can also carry the Godslayer which can only be moved by someone on the Lv700 that majors strength and required several dozen to activate it.


The Guild City was already evacuated and about 300 Reincarnators were in front of the main gates waiting for the inevitable confrontation. There were several Reincarnators flying on top of the army they were following the lead of the Cerulean Witch which just floated infront of her army, she was assigned the Grand Marshall position by Bahamut which grants her several boss level buffs, her stats were almost double and her regenerations were also increased five-folds she has most of her stats on the Lv900 equivalent with a higher regen and resistances, she was almost unkillable, even Lord Bahamut would have a hard time trying to kill her, and that is not counting her rebirth ability...

She didn't look that different from afar, but up close they will noticed that she was taller she was back to her usual 6'6" and a more sexier, fit body designed for a Goddess of War and Sex. Her divinity was already secured so if she wins the war she would get the final requirements to be a War Goddess, since she already proved that she was a perfect Goddess of sex when her five Demigod eggs were born by her third wife Jorm.

All the present Reincarnators had one thing in common, they have build their new life in that Guild City. Some have a family to returned to, some have great harems with many kids, some have their own business to protect. Most of them were battle junkies that love to bathe in blood.... they will fight tooth and nail to crush the enemy soldiers, their homes were protected by Lord Bahamut so they don't have to worry about it.

On the horizon seven giant warships flying at great speeds above the clouds. The middle one was charging an energy attack to open this war... no warnings or useless talk about surrendering the eggs. They all felt the massive amount of energy being gathered in the distance, if no one does something, their forces along with their home city will be wiped from the great plains.

The Adventurers were aware that the Emperor was after Lord Bahamut family, one of the Adventurer that was floating on top of the 300 Reincarnators was Fafnir, Bahamut's only son, he knows how hard it was for two dragons to conceive an egg specially two of such caliber. He will also protect his Grandma eggs along with his new sibbling, unlike him who was conceived before his father transformed in to a true dragon this one will be a full blooded dragon with a Demigod rank, they will hatch in a week and during this week they will be very vulnerable, so he understood why his father let Elizabeth in Charge of the Elite Adventurers, all 325 S-Rank Adventurers are here.

A massive dome of Blue flames covered the army as well as the front portion of their City. It had hints of green and gold, reinvigorating the army morale, and planting them with a seed of life. Their regeneration went through the roof and they equipped their Armaments and Artifact as well as rare treasures and trinkets. They started floating with their different items and skills getting ready to attack as soon as the enemy enters their line of fire.


After about a minute, the cannon fired a deadly beam of light, that threatens to slaughter them but during the last second a Gigantic shield appeared out of thin air, no... it was more like a gigantic mirror. After a heavenly clash that caused many ripples to scatter through the sky, it reflected the Beam back at the cannon that fired it... but the Mirror cracked and vanish, Louise will have to wait a month before it fixed itself.

The Emperor along the rest of the crew took to the sky before the explosion happened, most of the lower leveled crew died instantly, not even dust remained of the great airship... 

"Damn, if I was a second slower I would've gone down with the ship..." the Emperor looked at the damage, all the important personel were alright... only Lv500 or below died at the Godslayer shot.

"I told you it was a bad idea to attack, that Mirror came from the Golden Valkerie accourding to our info. If she could reflect that..." an elder from one of the afiliated Clans that were after the technology and riches in the Guild City... they have access to about a third from the entire world wealth because of the reincarnators shenanigans.

"No, the Atifact Shattered, so she will not be able to use that annoying shield of hers... though they crushed our main weapon to weaken Bahamut with..." another elder from another clan said.

"That cannon was an ancient relic discovered in one of our run inside the Dragon Continent... I hope you will compensate for it's destruction." A greedy elder said while looking at the wreckage.

"We were lucky the blast wasn't fully reflected or all my airships would've been desintegraded... I will pay for the cannon... but you will have to pay for the lives onboard of that ship, along with the ship itself aswell as all the equipment inside... you do realise that after killing those few soldiers we will have to go through several dozens of floors to reach the dungeon core... were our prize shall be waiting... 8 Demigod newborns, all with reincarnators inside... I will be giving away four of those, one to each of you while the other four will be raised by me." The Emperor said with a dark tone, and some chills ran down the four elders from different clans, they were the heads of four of the bigger Clans that were supporting their fight against Bahamut the Traitor of Humanity and Tiamat the Mother of Monsters.

They were already rejoycing, if they can absorb the Demigod spark, even if they were False Gods they would still reach a good rank among the God Realm. "We can say that neither of us own eachother anything then, it wasn't your fault that they could deflect a godslaying shot... just that egg is more than enough." The greedy elder said while rubbing his hands together.

'Bunch of greedy bastards, I will be taking all of the Eggs, as if I will let the Seven Demon Lords and a Dragon King in the hands of these weaklings... I will just use them to absorb their bloodlines and reach True Godhood like my ansestors of old... they are even on the same place waiting for me...' the Emperor was making his own plans, as he floated above the six other ships, he was also keeping the other four Clan heads on his radar... accidents always happened during wars...


After Louise fell from the sky, a worried Elizabeth grabbed him and eveloped him on her fire, her broken limbs were regenerating at a visible pace, aswell as his burned skin and organs. His desfigured face was also restored, in the past month he decided that a cute God was better than a cool one, so was accepted as the Goddess of Lust. He was looking a lot more like a woman now, he was still short, at about 5'3" but his body was alot more compact, his hips were wider and his ass and legs were plumper, but he was still fit with some soft visible abs and his hourglass shape was now more pronounced. 

After he was fully healed, he regain his senses and activated his Yatagarasu's Armaments and floated next to Elizabeth. "That was quite the shot, reminds me of a videogame were most of the airships that were shot with their special cannon were destroyed." Louise said while rubbing his hands, he was happy that the reflect worked and he got rid of that weapon... (An: the Moonstone Cannon from the final airship the Mcs get in the Skies of Arcadia, a classic rpg that I used to play through quite often.)

"Idiot, you could have died... like what will I be if I couldn't even protect one of my wives... I mean, you were my first so you hold a special place in my heart, I will work extra hard to impregnate you, like I did Shuiro... I know that you are a male... but it isn't imposible, I am sure there is a way... so just have fun killing them, but don't do stuff like that. You are the second in command here, I am sure the other's morale has sky rocketed." Elizabeth said while hugging him. He turned to the others that have only respect for the weird fellow, after they separated he rise his left arm summoning his Ame no Murakumo.

"This battle is far from over, even if we are out numbered, we shall crush them. There is no need to fear, for your daddy is here to take the brunt of this while my beloved Elizabeth has our back. Let's crush those imitation planes and end this." He yell as to inspire them, some cheered, but some were confused.

Cough Elizabeth coughed and looked behind... "Please do your best, I will keep the seeds of life active aslong as I can, don't engage alone, I will take care of the Emperor so just ignore him. No go, show that trash of an emperor what we are made of." Elizabeth said while pulling her three staves behind her and the seeds of life began auto healing them and filling them with vigor. Aslong as they don't discard their seeds, she can heal them from afar or every minute, their souls would not be destroyed and she sacrifice  the seed to revive them.

"Yeah!!!" They said and move to intercept the six flying ships.

Sorry for the slow release, was planning some more slice of life with their families on the clans and whatnot, but it either looked wierd or too wuxia for my taste. I gave up on those after several tries and went for a skip. This would have been about three chapters into the future.

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