Primordial Trap System

Chapter 26 – Family Reunion, Dungeon Dweling

It was the final day of the Dragon Continent Festival, everyone that entered during the opening were teleported out to the starting zone. 

Louise and the crew were getting ready to leave and Jorm used her Space Magic to store her small mountain along with some of the terrain surrounding it. They were surprised seen the giant mountain shink to a hand size rock, but that surprise changed when Jorm, transformed back to her old monster self, she was a pale silver snake, around 200' long and 10' wide, she has a light green mane over her head and across her spine on the back. Her two silver horns still looked the same but they are around 5' tall, they were almost as big as Louise. She has four small limbs that ends in six fingers, like those Oriental Dragons, covered in silver scales like her body and each finger ends in a sharp silver claw.

She told everyone to climb on top of her head, which they did and after all five sat on her green mane, which grabbed them like some sort of natural seat belts, a small space bubble was around them so that they don't die or fall off her head while she fly across the world.

After all the preparations were in place, she took off, breaking the sound barrier on her ascent, sending several trees flying. She was flying through the air, barely a blur of silver and green, after she broke Lv1,000 and became a Goddess, her speed was ridiculous. She can even teleport around, thanks to her Space magics, but since she has never been able to leave this place, she doesn't know were to teleport. 

They were all enjoying the view along the way, lots of tree forests and mountain ranges, the crossed the massive ocean and a lot of giant flying monsters just ignore them, since they didn't want to become food for an obvious stronger monster, there was one that was about several times bigger than Jorm, it was a massive whale looking monster that followed Jorm with it's massive eye, but ignored her for the most part as she didn't attack it. (An: Bassically the size of Laboon from One Piece for those who cared, Jorm was about it's eye, hence why I wrote eye rather that eyes)

They Passed by a massive tree, that caught Louise sight, and Elizabeth said that is were he was summoned to, the great tree of life and the symbol of this very world, Yggdrasil. After a couple of minutes of flying at break neck speeds they finally reached Guild City, Bahamut.

Louis was still thinking about the giant creatures he met aswell as the gigantic tree that made Jorm, which was still pretty big, look really small in comparison. She was glad to be back, some of the guards went inside and called their guardians, thinking that a crisis has befallen them, which made him stop in his track as he felt several bows aimed at him. He would be fine but he didn't want to make his entire homeland his enemy.

Elizabeth and Shuiro were drinking tea along a humanoid Jorm and the two Avatars which were also eating sweets.... "I... whatever..." he shruged his shoulders and joined them. They had a nice afternoon on the wilderness, in front of the Guild City waiting for about 30 minutes, when an impatient black haired brat came from the sky, he was about to ask what was going on here, but before he could say anything, his wife landed behind him and grabbed him. 

"Hello, Mother, what a pleasant surprise, I thought you were trapped inside of that Dragon Continent. I am so glad you are free now, I have one of the biggest Dungeons in the world, thanks to my hubby." She came forward while carrying her husband like he was a small child, since she was 7'4" tall while he was 5'6" not counting their horns, she was a splitting image of her mom, but with alot of white and red rather than silver and green.

"Little Tia, you didn't get to visit me on the last seven Dragon Continent Festival, I though you didn't love me anymore, but it seems that it was because of your level been to high to enter." Jorm said while hugging her daugther affectionately, squishing Bahamut beyween the breast of the mother daughter combo.

Not that he mind the boob sandwich, but he was loyal to his perfect wife... but he was running out of breath and started squirming to free himself from his wife iron grip. He managed to free one arm which sprouted from beyween the Mother Daugther breasts before he lost consciousness. Only now did Tiamat remember were her hubby was and she sat on a confy looking sofa that she pulled out of her inventory, and place his head on her thigh while she caress his head gently.

Jorm looked at the little man, lauging he almost die from a boob sandwich, 'I though most youngster would like that... though now I have a mate, a really potent mate that has fathered five of my eggs.' She looked at Elizabeth who was laughing at her master fainting from too much boobs. She was a bit jealous, but she knows it wasn't on purpose. 

Jorm enjoyed a nice long chat with her daugther Tiamat, when some knights came to look at what was happening, they were about Lv500 but were struck silly at how their Lord was unconscious on Lady Tiamat's lap pillow while Lady Tiamat was talking to an older version of herself, they though they had to be related both of their Guardians were over Lv800 and both were casually speaking, well one of them was sleeping with a bliss written all over his face.

"Ummmm boss... Lady is the town in danger yet... should we give the signal... some of the people are getting anxious about a treat that needs both Guardians together." The Captain of the Knight Squad said after he took a knee several feet away from either of the two gathering, he knew Elizabeth and Shuiro, he was also glad they were ok, since there was a bunch of wanted posters about the Golden... Valkerie... who has kid... napped... in front of the Captain there was the same Golden Valkerie... the one on the wanted posters... they were laughing and eating cake and tea... a tea party?

He knows there was something weird about the claims that he killed the Prince because he was after both Elizabeth and Shuiro... not like it matters to him, there several mercenaries from all over the continent, which might try to bring him to the Emperor, might start a new order to the guard to keep an extra eye on them...

"Oh yeah kinda forgot about it, yeah go ahead and prepare a plot close to the southern district were their is some wild lands about 10 square miles, mom is moving her mountain, so change some of the original blueprints of the town's unfinished district and only care about the main roads, if you have to get rid of minor roads or relocate anyone, do so give those that are relocating a similar plot of their choice, and help them move their stuff.... you have about two full days before you can do it. Mom will be crashing on my place while the plot is ready to place a mountain, also leave some plots around empty in case mom wants to expand her home." Tiamat said without looking at him and threw a small token at him, after which he left inmidiately.

They went through the gate when night was about to fall, some shady people as well as some hidden experts, turned their head towards them, they were impressed at the levels of the new arrivals, they were even two of them that didn't even had a level... and another powerful monster joined their ranks, some of them were spies for the clans and were gathering info on the two forces before, they made a decision. 

They all had the same thought... if that tall lady, which they know was a monster, decides to move in, they will not join the upcoming war... the only reason they were thinking of joining was that there will only be Bahamut, since his wife will be hatching her egg... but now... a new one has arrived and she was even close to the Lady of the city.

They arive at the Guild House and then Tiamat teleported everyone to the bottom floor of their home grown dungeon, were a gigantic mansion was in the middle of the room which was surrounded by a Large garden were a lot of rare herbs and spices in the first corner, a huge hotspring surrounded by wood simulating a hotspring reaort, on the second corner and an even bigger lake that has fine sand surrounding it simulating an oasis in the desert on the final corner this three spots surrounding the giant mansion were arranged in a triangle. It looked like the summer house of a famous movie star, they got the tour that showed them all the special details about all three relaxing spots.

This was nice and the dungeon was generating more mana, it feels weird to Louise who was always on the surface of the world, and never dived inside of a dungeon were the mana was a lot denser. The air inside the final special floor was also really rich and pure, the temperature were different on all three zones, both Tiamat and Bahamut can control it.

"We arrived at my home, hope you like it here, oh I remember, here this is a special roaming boss ring, you can use it to return here or to go outside the dungeon. Yeah we are gonna have fun here, we can catch up too, oh yeah, if you like I can arrange your plpt to be here, the dungeon mana is really good for monsters like us. The others can also try and conquer the floors, they will be registered on the rings so you can move around the dungeon, they will also spawn you here if you are killed by a trap or something, instead of the entrance." Tiamat said to her mom and she agread to have a plot here were she can put her mountain down.

Bahamut canceled the order for the outside plot and then started making plans to house his Mother in Law. He feels like he need to prove himself to her, after all he was married to her daughter and couldn't even visit her for her approval since she was seal on the continent to the far southeaster side of the world he was already Lv800 by the time get to know his wife Tiamat. She was also over Lv750 so she could no longer talk to her mom. 

He let his wife with her mom and then walked towards Elizabeth. "So, what is the deal, how are you related to one of the most powerful monster in the world. She acts really friendly towards you and the other four brats..." Bahamut said to Elizabeth forgeting that even if he is actually older than Tiamat, who was several centuries old, he also looks like a brat himself.

"Oh Jorm she is my third wife, I am also the Father of five Demigods now... she loves cooking and basically offered to cook for us if I can impregnate her... I was reluctant because she also wanted to bear both Shuiro and Louise's childs... in the end one thing led to the other and there are seven Demigods on the way, Jorm said they will have the bloodline of the Seven Demon Lords, like back on my old world, and probably your own too there were always stories were either one or more were the bad guys.... but they are still my children too, so I will still love them... a big afraid they will grow out of cotrol but that is just life for you..." Elizabeth said with a proud smile while Bahamut's left eyebrow was twitching... 

"It is only a matter of time before the Emperor finds out that not one but seven Demigods will be hatching in several months... I think he will redouble his assault forces, though a bunch of the indecisive clans will probably not participate on the war after they saw Mother in Law entering the city... I already sent a message to both your and Shuiro's clan that you two are safe and sound and under no influence of a slaving spell... you two should also talk to the heads of the clans, your parents were worried sick... and since you two went missing when you were under my protection... it soured our friendship a bit. Not like it mattered that much though, but they were gonna participate on the emperor side to avenge you two... even if I know that prince was what almpst killed you two... for that I am Sorry brat." Bahamut said and lowered his head a bit.

"It is ok Master, it wasn't your fault, I wasn't gonna stand for that bastard prince insulting my wives... besides I killed him already and I plan to kill the emperor during the war... he has oppressed my clan long enough... hope you are ok with it." Elizabeth declared and Bahamut had a fierce grin on his face. 

"You will have to have more levels than that to challenge the emperor in the middle of an army were his powers are at his best. He just broke the Lv800 barrier not to long ago... so you will need atleast be that level to be his match, I know you focus more group attacks but you will be ill suited to match him blow for blow... but if you can break through Lv800 I will leave that trash to you I will see that my egg hatches safely along with my wife." He told Elizabeth and gave her a pat on her shoulder.

"Piece of cake old man." She said to the black haired boy. "Hey, don't call my hubby old man, he is a perfect legal shota." Tiamat said witha small pout on her face. 

'Why are both mother and daughter thirsty onesan types.' Elizabeth thought to herself while the others laugh at their little exchange.

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