Primordial Trap System

Chapter 19 – Fallen Lord Feast, Prelude to lots of Eggs

After making one of the hardest descitions of their life they reluctantly chose the meal first since they have spent almost two days without eating, they didn't wanted to experiment with the premium goods so they catched some Dragon Wolfs and started experimenting, either burning the meat or adding to much salt. After their horrendus attempt at cooking they just ate the last three Life fruits. Since they have powerfull bloodlines, they need to eat loads and loads of food... so those two days of starving were equivent to to a week without food...

They offered the two chest with everything in it which made Jorm, squeal like a little girl. They were ingredients for her late bastard of a master's "Heavenly Gates of Hell - Feast of the Lords' meats from all around the world, along with the king and queen of flavors, Pearly White Yang Salt, found in the Heavenly Seas waterfalls, as well as Abyss Black Yin Pepper, fond in the outskirt of Hell's Last Gate. As well as powdered Golden Ginger Garlic from the center of the Reverse Mount Gong." She was fanboying over each ingerdient and the espected vegetables she needed were not in the second chest....

Instead she let a tear fall... she started to see all the different utensils... pots... knifes, she knew the story behind every utensils since her old master was very proud of his skills so she know he would never abandom his tools behind. She saw his Mystic Wok of Fire... and a silent tear fell from her eye, she never though she would missed that old bastard... she found a small metal box and opened.

Inside the box there was a letter, a skull and a big monster core, alone a small noble seal. She recognize those items inmidietly... they belonged to her old master, it was his Max level Heavenly Beelzebub Core. He was almost a god... but he died... and his skull along with his old house noble seal. 

She opened the Letter and read it. It was her Master's son the sent his core and skull as well as the two anti-aging giant chest, this was all the ingredients he could gather as well as all his tool to prepare their ultimate master piece. A single dish that taste as thentire world.... a dish worthy of the World Eater... Sorry I couldn't cook it for you, my only regret os not seeing your face while you eat my life works... I am Sorry for everything.... she let a silent cry as she read the last line that was on a writting she would never forget.

With a solemn face she clench her fist releasing the aura of a monster that has been asleep for centuries.

"Master, you better watch over me danm it... I will finish your wor... no our work. On my sacred name bestowed to me by you, Master Sébas M. Beelzebub, I will make a world worthy of you legacy... so watch me... how the hell did a monster like did God danm it... you were supposed to return and be mine, I was supposed to eat you... you bastard, just you wait and watch." She yelled while crying large tears as she made a bow to the heaven on her precious name amd a thunder stoke on the distant.

After an omnimous silent she took the chests and stored them, and went to the garden and she tasted the salt, pepper and garlic that was on the chest to get the flavor profile her cooking class working overtime, then she hand picked a bunch of herbs, spices, aswell as ripe vegetables and her fabled Rebirth Rise, an aromatic rice, rich in flavor and nutrients as well as a native to this island, bassically the ultimate treasure of this island and the main ingredient for the first side dish, which also happens to be the base that will absorb all the flavors of the different meats and vegetables on top of it.

After she has enough to prepare sixty-nine portion of the ultimate recipe that lies in the boundries of godhood, she went to her kitchen that looked just right for her size. Her body glowed and her tail morph into hundreds of tails each ended with six finger like tips with sharp nails, similar to her hands and each tail and her two hands went and prepare different ingredients from washing and cutting to seasoning each meat has different flavor profiles so they required different ammounts and kinds of seasoning in especific orders on especific sides.

Her brain was working overtime, her body moving amd morphing to adjust to the new ingredients, letting some rest a specific amout of seconds while she prepare the Mystic Wok of Fire. Which grew exponentially and she started the process of adding ingredients in, one by one, in a specific order giving them the specific crust they needed and in the order that it was required so that every single bite remains the same until the very last.

She was also boiling the Golden Rice to perfection and quickly chilled it using her mana to stop the cooking and to add it to the wok and finished the ultimate recipe made with the joined efforts of two of the strongest Cheffs native to this world.

She gave it a final tossing and quickly finished the 69 bowls of their master piece... "I gave you four my masters and my own combine recipe, Heavenly Gates of Hell - Feast of the Fallen Lord!!!" Jorm said excitedly not noticing that there was a fourth person, she was all ready for the final judges with a giant round platter with 69 smaller bowls of what looked like the most expensive and exotic fried rice.

The three wern't expecting much since that was a stapple in their asian cuisine... as in they used to eat it a lot back on her old world and at the Jade Dragon Inn... but a certain Goddess was drooling, she knows that the meal infront of her was made with the best this entire planet has to offer in terms of ingredients.

When the trio tried it, not especting much their Armament Clothing exploded, living Louise on his underwear and the remainimg ones naked... they were in shock, how can fried rice be this good. Every bite they take is so rich in flavors, textures, the perfect ratio of rice to meat to greens. It was so good. The bowls were huge too, since Jorm made the Fried Rice using her portions... when she was almost 9' tall if the horns were counted. While Elizabeth, the talest of the three was only 6'2" tall. So the bowls that were big for Jorm, it was massive for them.

The Goddess was more Composed. But she kept eating at a rapid pace savoring her bites and cumming everytime she finished a bowl. Soon Jorm joined afyer a small prayer to Sébas the fallen Lord and her old master. And started eaiting without her Small Breast Plate nor her waist armored plates. Only with her white panties on, eating composed with a critical eye analyzing her creation to the very minor detail while she was hoping to have reached her Old Master's.... wherever he may rest.

Afte thirty minutes, the 69 giant bowls were gone and the Goddess was talking casually with the trio on how good it was. Two of which didn't know that she was a Goddess and one that though these conversations were normal and went with the flow. 

"I gotta say girl, that was the best meal I had eaten in the last century. Here is a little something to help you out as thanks. Oh and consider you bows fulfilled, I will wait for you future Iron Cheff Goddess of Heaven and Hell.

"Thanks, great-granma. I will make you proud." She shecked her status screens and so the Ultimate Cheff God... it has evolved from the Ultimate Cheff Demigod and also maxed out with a star next to the name. The bonus were too good and it doubles the gains of the previous class too. After she saw her class she bowed to the Goddess in thanks, the Goddess unlocked her God Spark so she has permision to evolve in to a god under her, the Creator of this Universe.

The other three didn't know what was happening, but they were happy for whatever the mysterious busty lady gave Jorm.

After they finished talking and laughing while drinking tea specialy made by the Goddess. She told Louise, "Oh yeah, you better not forget to use the potions I gave you, share them with your wifes too for better result... it might become addictive, so don't drink more than one in 24 hours. If hou become addicted to it I might have to take you with me so I can treat your addiction... might be a win for you too if you think about it... anyway, have fun kids I will be returning now." She gave Louise a small kiss on his forhead.

They went to the bathroom and got ready for what is to come. The new ordeals of making a dragon girl that is on the verge to become a Goddess. She also doean't know that now she was linked to their systems, she will also gain experience for having sex along for getting her eggs fertilized. She can't wait for that time were they will have some bonding time with her new husband and her two new sister wives. 

She was also surprised to find out that Louise was a male, his aura and smell is that of a female, she also smelled Elizabeth really strongly from him more than Shuiro, so he was the first wife for a reason. Shuiro's rear also smelled like Elizabeth more than her front, she also smelled a little bit of Louise's scent on both of them. 'Elizabeth's scent is making me go crazy... but as the more mature I have to show restraint, I am the third wife, so I will probably be with her least, she has a single penis after all. I can also help them with my tail if they need extra encouragement. The Goddess also mentioned some potions too. I am kinda curious what an Alpha Futanari can do.' She was in deep though while she relaxed on her giant stone tub. 

Louise was swiming like a champ in the giant square tub, splashing watter everywhere. Shuiro was trying to catch up to her, but her lower physical stats didn't allow for that and Louise went and picked her up and brought her to the deeper part. She couldn't swim but she trusted Louise so she went along.

Elizabeth sat next to Jorm who enjoyed the company of the two youthful girls swimming on her giant tub. "So what are you gonna do after you become a Goddess? It is said that Gods and Goddesses can only make children from other Gods or Goddesses, only Creators can make children with mortals." Elizabeth asked her.

"Well maybe open a restaurant meet other people... this place is too boring... all the interesting people that enters this continent is to search for rare herbs or to hunt powerful monsters to gather their materials. No one stay to chat... they just think that of they kill me they will get massive experiences for levels... and the others are to afraid of me to get it hard... like every once in a while I met strange Humes or Elves that wanted something from me, other that to hunt me... but their greed gets the best of them... I don't want to have sex with other monster... I don't know I think it was weird, at first I was ok with it amd couldn't wait to evolve stronger to mate with stronger creatures... but then I met Master and everything  changed... he told me I needed to grow up, to me a several thousand year old serpent... he probably meant my horizons and experiences... I will be in your care tonight, dear and every other night after that... until death do us part.' She kissed Elizabeth who didn't resist her approach.

Elizabeth was getting hotter. She just enjoyed the kiss while the two playful wifes were playing in the water, they looke their way and got hotter, and Louise started to play with Shuiro's chest, kneading her nipples while she hugged her from behind. "Tonight is gonna be really, really long. So better be ready... I can feel Elizabeth's lust from here... she is gonna be a beast... oh yeah and we are gonna use one EXP multiplier potion that the Goddess gave me." She move one of her hands to Shuiro's mouth while she spoke, grabbing her tongue.

"We have been several days in the wild, fighting and killing huge monster... after she got with us, we do it like every day, now, that we are safe again.... and she doesn't have to worry about our safety for the time being?" Louise said as a wisper to Shuiro's ear making her tremble, with both anticipation and yearning. Louise slowly lowered her hand and caressed her sister in arm's folds, "You can't wait huh..." he said.

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