Primordial Trap System

Chapter 18 – Thirsty Dragon, Late Introduction

They were looking for a place to camp out, they weren't that botthered by the rain but they wanted a dry place to sleep atleast. They have been moving looking at every detail that moves with caution. They kept using their Emperyan eyes to scan the surroundings, everything that has a level the kept a close eye on, if it attack them they retaliated with their max power, since they are probably the lowest leveled creatures in the forest and don't even know were to go or if they are going straight. 

They led Louise navigate, since he has maxed out Luck which surprised them at first, since usually put 3 of the 5 points in magic and then suplement the weakest stats with their remaining 2 points. The upgrades rounded most of the stats anyways so there wasn't a need for that, then there was Louise who broke a thousand on all his base stats... he deals a lot of hybrid damage and critical damage. Like a thousand Luck equals to a hundred percent crit chance minus their resistances. 

He also has a thousand in Agility and Dexterety making him a pretty good assassin while also having a thousand in Stregth, Vitality and Endurance which makes him a pretty food Warrior too, but he also has a thousand in Magic and Charisma which makes for a good mage or healer... like he is the true Jack of all trades and Master of none.

They met some wolves, some boars, some leopards, some smaller raptors, some bears, more pervert monkeys, they all had one thing in common... they all had Dragon in their name. Even the insects, but their levels were in the dozens so we didn't bother with them they made sure not to get near them as to not hurt them with the steam, some monsters attacked in them on sight only to get the death by fire, some ignored them, even one of the bears waved at Louise which he waved back laughing.

They were lost... the level range wasn't changing so they didn't know if they were going deeper in the the Rain Forest were they assumed that the stronger monsters live, or out of the forest so they can start looking from the air. Their Assault modes were too big so they couldn't transform without getting too close to the roof top of the forest, which could have snakes which are one of the predator of birds, specially them that shine so bright and produce more natural heat.

They manage to kill a bunch of monsters a long the way these past two days achieving 8 levels reaching Lv515. They were getting tired of seeing only green, they even put more points in Luck to see if their combine Luck would do something good their way.

"Ara Ara~ what do we have here!" They stopped and Shuiro jumped a bit hiding behind her partners and Elizabeth grabbed her before she hides on her legs, while Louise went between the area the voice came protecting his two girls.

A a big lady about 9' tall with two thick straight silver horns about a foot in length each coming from her forhead that curved straight up, she has lime green spiky long hair and amber yellow serpentine eyes with a pale complexion and she was almost naked, some silver polished scales covered her back, shoulders and arms, the sides of her torso and her hips along with the outside of her thighs and the rest of her legs up to her ankles, her hands and feet were pale delicate with long sharp silver claws. 

A long tail covered in the same silver scales about 15' in length that was moving slowly behing her with the dexterity and flexibity of a snake. She was wering a golden small breastplate that covers her G-cup gigantic breast that doean't looked that big when you consider her height and a belt that has some golden plates over the base of the tail and her hips that holds a long white silk fabric with gold runes stitched in the middle by the two top corners. Her hips were pretty wide and her thighs were thicc, she was also sporting a nice set of abbs and her inner thighs were also on the fit side and some muscle was visible.

"Finally some Cuties to get more babies, and I don't have to resort to mating with different species of monsters to get points and bonus experience, your blood is also nice and strong so I am bound to get powerful offsprings." She said with an infatuated look on her face. She was a Female World Eating Sanke Dragon of Lv985....

"Escuse me, and sorry for the dissrespect, but I won't allow you to impregnate my wives. Elizabeth said affraid of the woman in front of her, Louise was still between them with his lance held high pointing it at the giant woman. 

The giant woman looked at Elizabeth with interest, "Ara, no need to be so serious, I have a Ultimate Matriarch System, so I get experience based on the strength of my offspring and the quality of their father's bloodline... they cannot be related by blood to me and your blood smell so strong and thick, you girls must be really strong for your levels, so our children will be really strong too. Everything in this forest is related to me by their distant relative that are already dead... I promise to be gentle and bare all three of your children and let you go after a coupple of eggs are laid." She said like she was enticing some monsters with her honey pot.

"Again Sorry but no. They are only my wives... and even if I have to die, I will protect them." The temperature was rising.

"How about I become you mate then, even if you are a girl, I can make you grow a penis suited for me. Please, I cannot leave this forest as a mortal because of my first husband, the bastard tricked me and sealed me here for about six hundred years or so, a place that only opens for a week to outsiders every ten years... I need a good breed right now. I am so close to reaching Godhood too... I will make it up to you... come on, you girls might also enjoy it too... I will be gentle with your body." she pleaded with the stoic husband... 'Another wife? A milf on top of that... Shuiro is trembling less when she heard that the dragon woman wasn't goin to eat her, at least not physically... why does she has to be so... god... danm... hot. My body wants to dominate her, it want's to impregnate the thirsty milf in front of me... why am I turning into a pervert...' Elizabeth was in a dilema with her body and her mind fighting over what to do.

"I'll even cook a feast for you all, I know how you bloobline users like to eat. I am above avarage at cooking since even if I was born a monsters, after I evolved my taste for raw ingredients grew less and less... that was how I met him, the bastard that sealed me here, he showed me the power of cooking. And I learned all I can... but at what cost...." she was now playing with her thumbs and is now blushing....

"If you put it that way." Elizabeth said maling it sound she wasn't convinced about the food. Shuiro was still trembling but now for a different reason, she was more honest with herself and her stomach approved of that.... she was tired of eating burned salty meat... one time was enough to make her quit cooking. Louise was a pervert and was lookinig at other posibilities with the giant momma.

"Wait how did you know about our food problem, though?" Louise then asked a random question and she started to sweat and took a long breath before answeing.

"I may or may not have been following you girls around, scaring the older idiots that wanted to eat you three, even Vivi wanted to kill you, but I told her that you three killed the culprits the monkey bastards and steared her rage elwhere. I was also laughing when you waved back at Bimbae, it was adorable, but he actually sended his regards and I told her to keep her cubs away from you three. So far only idiot that don't have a propper mind attacked you three, I was so excited to see you three in action so I remain hidden and close by in case you need assistance so I can sweep in an earn your love. It was in one of the tales the bastard told me, were the hero rescued the princess and then they fall in love..." she went on and on of different plans that she has prepared over the years that she has been sedducing cultivators to get their off springs...

"A hero huh..." Shuiro looked at her with stars on her eyes at the mention of the word Hero forgetting that said hero wanted to be breeded by her too. Her favorite genre was romance and she loved the stories where a valiant hero saves the day and slowly falls for the main character until they eventually have passionate sex. One of the reasons she liked Elizabeth as well was because she was strong and always prottected the weak even going to that far away forest to help a helpless transmigrator  that popped out of nowhere... she didn't even knew that supposed fortuneteller. Now since we are at peace she isn't as active as before... but now there is another war incomming.

Elizabeth remembers the details, there were times were she heard things... but she though they were the wind since she couldn't find anything even with the convined might of both her Empyrean's Eye and her Solomon's Eye, which allow her to multitask her scaning to 72 things at a time.

Louise just though for a second and asked her. "I am Louise, this is my sister wife Shuiro and my husband Elizabeth. We would like to take you on the food offer, as for the other parts I am down for that, as long as they are, oh yeah we didn't got to hear your name." He introduce his partners in life and extended his small hand forward, disapelling his Ame no Murakumo, earning a small tired hand.

"I was called by my beloved, that bastard nemed me Jörmungandr when I was a young Seprpent Dragon Child. I gained an evolution and bloodline thanks to that, he said that once I grow up he will have the ultimate feast with me, that he will gather different ingredients, and have the ultimate feast... ready for me.... but he never came back.... I am sorry, anyway it is nice to meet you, future sister wife Louise." She shaked her small hand carefully but firmly, since she didn't want to accidentally kill her and a message pop on her screen andlooked at the rest. Shuiro was crying for some reason and Elizabeth gave her a thumbs up while blushing, she was also patting Shuiro's back with her free hand.

Whith a flick of her delicate fingers she teleported the trio along herself to her home, a gigantic cave at the based of a a colossal mountain, with polished dark marble floors and squared finished walls and a magic formation on her super tall roof that works for lighting ir gave a very modern but classy feelling. It had a massive golden doors behind them and another smaller one at the front which Jorm opened and called them toward her home.

Inside that room was a gigantic couch that can sit several dozen peopleconfortably in a pretty big semi circle and a round coffe table wit a small flower pot in the middle. Arroun the couch were four more doorway that lead to different rooms. The two directly behind the couch went to a really big bathroom on the left room and a beddroom with the biggest bed any of them had ever seen along with hundreds of pillows scattered everywhere on the right.

Directly left to the couch was a huge moddern day kitchen and the right of the couch there was a really big internal garden, with loads and loads of different herbs and spices along with some vegetables and a small field of rice, each of which is easily 50 times biggers with about a thousand time more rice per plant, it was also dolden in color and was long grain, their favorite.

"So, Do you want a bath... or  do you want to eat... or... do... you... want... me?" She said to the trio which gave them a small nose bleed.

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