Primordial Trap System

Chapter 04 – Dragon Jade Inn, Awakening

'First thing I see when I enter the city is the amount of cultures mixed in there... like I see some blocks were they looked like an ancient chinese pavilion looking houses and stores, there are also some medieval fantasy buildings of different styles, and some Japanese pagodas and shinto gates. Like whatever group founded this city, came from earth, we pass through the market place and stopped at a ramen noodles stand, that looks awfully close to the shop were a certain blond ninja ate most of the time.' We sat on the stool and Elizabeth ordered 2 Super Deluxe Ramen Bowls.

"I know what you are thinking, and yes it is probably inspired by that anime. I took you here to confirm a couple of things, one of which to know if there are other world were people get isekai'd. So far, everyone I've managed to find, all came from earth different timelines or universes though." She said in a low tone and the ramen cheff nodded at him. 'So even the cheff is a reincarnator. Maybe he has a food related System and he gains experience by making Ramen... I wonder how expensive they are, if they were made with the help of the system, it has to be really good.'

"I guess this City is a gathering of different cultures from earth. Wonder if they also have weird systems like mine..." He said in a low voice.

"There is an anime cafe that opens every night were some of them gather to see if there is someone new among their ranks and to help noobs find their way, some even takes them as disciple to train them, others though, for bad stuff, so us veterans have to be on the look out for them. So far you are the fifth ever recorded by anyone, who came with a grown body, able to start leveling up from day one, unlike those like us that were born as baby, we had to wait until we are 17 like every normie from this world to awaken our system during our birthday." She finished explaining and the cheff brought our big bowls of ramen, it looks exacly the same as the one from the anime. 'How can that be... if this taste as good as it looks, then I am in for a treat.'

Both used the chopsticks and split them in halve and look at each other then gave a small pray for their food and started eating. They both swallowed and let a satisfied sigh. They lock eyes and started speed eating the Ramen bowl, when he was halve way there, she finished and asked for another one which was already almost complete. 'Looks like she is a regular at this shop. The owner probably knows how much she eats, the cheff looks at me while he hands her her second bowl and like I know what he meant I nodded, and continued eating.' 

After he finished his third bowl of Ramen she was finishing her seventh one. He patted his stomach and gave a satisfied sigh... 'I looked at the price per bowl of our Deluxe Ramen Bowl and almost had a heart attack, 180 Gold Coins per bowl...' he then looked at her and she gave a satisfied sigh after she finished her seventh bowl and gave two weird rectangle gold coin that are about halve the size of a credit card, it had an eastern dragon wraped around an ancient chinese looking sword with it's sheath behind it forming an X. 

'And here I was thinking that with 412 Gold coins I could stay at an inn... like I have a bunch of copper and silver from killing monsters... guess she is my sugar mama for the time being, she said she would sponsor me.' He was deep in though when he felt a hand over his shoulder.

"Like don't feel depressed, this place is really expensive, sure but I can't get enough of this ramen. There are more normal places that are quite a bit cheaper but the food of this world is really bland, for some reason the normal residents of this world don't like our, acourding to them, strong flavors. Also most of the stuff inside this ramen are heavenly ingredients that come from his system, he needs a lot of gold to keep those ingredients and spices coming, he also has to earn something for his troubles, a long with experience for cooking with premium ingredients, there are only 12 outherwordly cheff system users in the world so far, and they each focus on different stuff, Hiro here is known as the Monkey Cheff focuses on Ramen and sake." She said while introducing the calm cheff that doesn't speak much. 

Then she continued, "Those coins I used to pay were Royal Gold Coins, they are worth a thousand regular Gold Coins, after those there the Imperial Gold Coin which are worth a million regular Gold Coins or a thousand of Royal Gold Coins. The system of us Otherworlders give coins based on the enemy we kill, so we can be less reserved with our spendings. Usually Gold Coins can be used to purchase or upgrade the classes, but some of them can even buy stuff from a interdimentional store, like the Cheffs that can buy ingredients, spices and cooking utensils from a variety of different soursess." She waved Hiro goodbye and motioned for Louise to follow her. 'Gold Coins is really useful, it also boost my luck by one for every million, but she says that the Royal will also be dropped later when I kill stronger monster.' He followed after her while organizing the info he just got. 

They arived at chinese looking building, that has Dragon on top of it, looking at the entrance of the place, since he was standing on top of the door it kinda looks like the dragon was stearing at anyone that enters... but the sudden preasure left his mind when he entered the reception... that was creepy.

"Ms. Elizabeth, how good of you to join our humble inn." An middle-aged lady dressed in a green and gold dress greeted her, and then looked at him. "And to whom do I owe the pleasure young lady." She asked the girl? politely, she knows that she is important to be with one of her top paying customer.

"Ummm... I am Louise Croix, a pleasure." He answered a bit flustered with a small bow, gaining a smile from Elizabeth who seems to be enjoying something. 

"Welcome to the Dragon Jade Inn, where tired nobles can rest in the finest rooms available in the Guild City of Lord Bahamut, I am the owner of this fine stablishment, you can call me Xiao Xing." Said the Owner

'The owner gave me a small bow and turned to Elizabeth and started discussing bussines. Maybe she is another one, like Hiro...' guess she knows that Elizabeth is my Sugar Mama...

"Yeah the usual room on the top floor for three days, lunch for around twelve people delivered at noon tomorrow onwards. I also want a silencing ward placed on the inside of the room, since I need to do an awakening ceremony for the newbie here and I don't know how he will coup with the pain... I don't want to disturb the other guests." Elizabeth says and gave Six Royal Golds to the owner... she is loaded. 

After she recieved her money she tapped on what looked like a touch screen and another touch screen appeared in front of Elizabeth were she read and click on a bunch of stuff really fast, like this normal and after some more tabs, she finished and motioned for him to follow her up what looked like an elevator and they both went to the  27th floor...

"Is it just me or is this Inn a lot bigger from the inside?" I asked her but she just smiled and and said. 

"We are inside of a dimmentional Inn, the Owner is one of the Outherworlders and this Inn is basically her system, she gets her strength from her wealth, the more Gold the custumer spends here, the stronger she becomes." She said and it made sense, the owner can use her gold to get more rooms to house more clients to earn more gold, etc...

"This entire dimention is also protected by Lord Bahamut who is the Oldest Outherworlder currently alive, he is like you who arrived in to this world with a grown body, but his system is about management and fighting defensive wars, one of his skills is Dimensional Lockdown, which basically prevent people with teleporting powers to move inside his domain and also makes smaller dimmension inside unbreakable, so a bunch of the Outherworlders like to build their special system powered stores inside small dimmention here in his domain." Elizabeth continued.

'Damn that Bahamut sound like an awesome guy, I wonder if I can be as strong on a specific thing, like all the Outherworlders so far have very specific systems what does a trap excels at.... right...'

"They also have to aid in a defensive take over, in case someone wants to invade his territory because of their greed, like thanks to the system we bassically break the world monetary balance, so bassically 35% of the entire wealth in this world is in this town. That is why we have to protect the newbies, us veteran have trackers for that, but sometimes we arrive too late, like if that fortune teller lady hasn't mentioned your specific location to me, you would've been made a meat toilet for the orcs..." 

'She finished with a sad face, maybe it has happened to others before me... I have to thank that fortune teller if I ever meet her' he resolved in his mind.

"Let's get the sad stuff out of the way..." Elizabeth said while taking out of nowhere a small black box, inside it was a dark red pill. "This is a miracle drug that was made by another Otherworlder, this is the real deal, unlike the lesser variant he sells to the royal clans, this one here will give you a compatible bloodline with your system, since it was made for Outherworlders like us, it will hurt about ten times more though... with this pill I managed to awaken the Phoenix Bloodline, giving me an Absolute Fire Attribute and a Greater Life Attribute, which graded my Bloodline an Absolute Rank, once I reached the level 500, it will ascend with me to Divine Rank." She handed the Pill to him and continue explaining.

"Elemental Attributes, go from Divine, Absolute, Mystic, Special, Greater, Normal, Lesser and finally Weaker, outherworlder cannot get anything bellow Special Rank so don't worry about it. After you awaken it we will register you in the guild, they have access to a dungeon, thanks to Lord Bahamut's wife, Tiamat the Mother of Monsters, and actual elder dragon, that can summon monsters just by breathing mana, she get stronger the more people grow in power inside their dungeon, Bahamut's name came from the bloodline he awakened, those that know his name never calls him that, he removed his old name from history and carve a new path." She gets overly dramatical, a good story teller.

'But how am I supposed to remember all of that. She appears to be a nerdy teacher... a hot history teacher, with a big ruler....' I noded and looked at the pill.

"Wish me Luck I guess. I don't want to drag you down too badly." Louise said with a chuckle.

"I'll be waiting, the awakening will take like 12 hours so see ya next morning." She gave him a slight smile while she walked towards him and pulled a small metal empty pool out of nowhere and place it on the floor. "Now be a dear and get inside the pool before you consume the pill." She left him alone in the livingroom and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

'Here we go, I guess.' He ate the pill and moments later a system window appeared in front of him.

System has detected an Ancestral Bloodline Awakening pill of the highest purity, would the user like to prevent the pill from taking some permanent changes.

'I choose not to prevent anything and some more screens appeared.'

Begining search for compatible bloodlines..... 
Search complete.
The system has chosen three bloodlines that are 100% compateble with the user and his skills.
1. Wicked Alrune - Absolute Rank, requires the Blessing of Iggdrassil and a base Magic and Charisma of 60 or higher. Grants the Absolute Death and the Mystic Wood Attributes, aswell as the Wicked Alrune related skills and upgrades available for purchase.

2. Sacred Dryad - Absolute Rank, requires the Blessing of Iggdrassil and a base Magic and Charisma of 60 or higher. Grants the Absolute Life and the Mystic Wood Attributes, aswell as the Ancient Dryad related skills and upgrades available for purchase.

3. Yatagarasu - Absolute Rank, requires the blessing of a Greater God or higher, the Greater Gold or Greater Fire Attribute and a Magic and Charisma base stat of 60 or higher. Grants the Absolute Gold and Absolute Fire Attributes, aswell as Yatagarasu's related skills and upgrades available for purchase.

'Yatagarasu sounds like it was available because of Trixxie so the future bonuses should be better I believe. Also he is a sun god which is better than some plant monster girls. I also like the Gold Attribute, it wasn't mentioned but what if I loose it because of plant girls not being compatible with it. The Life and Death attributes are also really good though. It sounds weird that the Alrune and the Dryads are direct opposites... maybe there are some more variants of them.'

He chose Yatagarasu's Bloodline and he started burning up and soon after started screaming. Every cell in his body was been upgraded at a rapid pase, his high regeneration stats working against him. Soon his Traveler's Coat wad turned to ash and the Tree carving that was on his back started Glowing and fused with his body. He was enveloped in a golden cocoon of fire, his screams were muffled by the cocoon... this torture went up for two hours until he lost consiousness, the changes were still happening inside but he was to tired to scream....

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