Primordial Trap System

Chapter 03 – Introductions and First City

'I was brough back from dreamland by my leg that snapped back in to place... I wanted to cry but I don't want my image to be ruined in front of my savior' Thanks to his high health regeneration his leg was good as new so he stood up and gave the hot woman a small bow.

"Ummm, thanks for helping me miss, I am Louise Croix..." he finished saying to the hot woman, his voice was almost trembling at the end. She walk to him and place her hand on his shoulder, making him do a small surpriced hop.

"Listen boy, I have been looking for a heavenly treausure that has spawned about eight days ago in this forest... I know you are confused but the scan said that you are that treasure... a transmigrator aparently, an old fortune teller said that what I was looking for will spawn in this forest, and I cannot believe my eyes...." she finished saying and he looked up to see her face, she is a head and a half taller than him and his hight brings him just under her boobs. Even though she was close and the fire was almost touching him he was still alive, a bit warm but that's it.

"How about you come with me and help me getting rid of my engagement...." she asked him with a hopeful tone. She is after me... but why? Maybe she is after my Bikini, I have it on so that scanner thing might be pointing at me because I am wearing it. 

"I... are you sure about..." the words were stucked on his throat when he felt a sudden rise in temperature, she removed her mask and gave me serious look. She was the very definition of perfection on her oval face, her big neon blue eyes, her full pink lips, her small refined nose, being hugged by her black straight hair.

"Don't play that game with me, I can tell lies and I can see your stats with my Empyrean Eyes Mutation. I am similar to you, maybe I didn't came from the same world or timeline, but I was reborn as a baby 19 years ago, with a special system like yours... you were super lucky to be born with a grown body. We can help each other quite a bit you know.... so don't play the dumb cliche card of not knowing anything..." she finished speaking with a lonely tune.

'Her words just shot every possible argument I could come up with down... her mesmerizing looks are not helping either... she also knows that I am a male, even when my junk is hidden by my Chain Bikini and I looked like a cute girl... she also mentioned Mutations, so she really has a system crafted by the gods rather than the generic system that is given at birth by the world... she also saw my status, like my name, level, and... my class...... that dancer class it's an obvious give away... danm it.' He was thinking how to answer without giving to much away. 

"And exacly do you need help with..... I am way under level compared to you... who made those orc dissapear like... it was nothing..." he wanted to atleast know what she ment when she said helping her brake her engagement.

'Like it can't be she wan't to marry me, a person she just met, there has to be something.' She just smiled at him and said.... "I doesn't matter if you are weak right now, I only leveled to 358 by killing monsters and cultivating on the sacred grounds of my clan, it only took me about two years." She finished saying like it is a big thing, but if the experience required per level keeps doubling, leveling to 358 must be really hard.' The continued

"I also have a Sex related system like you, which I know it has to have sex relate skills like my Futanari system, sex systems gain the most benefits by having sex. Imagine how high my level would be if I were to have sex with everyone... but alass... I don't like burly nor men... and my dad doesn't want me to be with other females and want me to marry the son of the Emperor... I have less than a year to either reach level 500 and trancend to an Inmortal or just marry that womanizer... he will probably freak out once he sees what I am packing too..." she finished a bit depressed... but what was that about level 500... and she is a Futanari... the ultimate sex being in hentai, in my honest oppinion.

"That is why to fulfill my ambition, I need someone with a similar potential than mine, otherwise my partner will just drag me back and only benefit themselves... You can also participate on our clan bloodline awakening ceremony too, I can Sponsor and vouche for you." She was speaking with more energy behind her word.

'She is telling me I can awaken a bloodline, all I have to do is have sex with her, that is way to good to be true.' He was in deep though an she continued.

"Since my skill will only work on the first person I had sex with, the greater their potential the more benefits we will get... and we should have similar potential, since in just 8 days you managed to reach level 11 and are already killing orcs, which are a semi sentient race capable of crude strategies." She is getting exited the longer she keeps talking. 

'The first person she has sex with... that means she is really backed up... a frustated futanari, that also means that she is probably gonna fuck me for hours too. I am excited to that, so I basically get a sugar mama, a really hot one at that, that also happened to be a futanari, which are my main weakness, that is in to girls.... but because her dad wants her to be with an important figure to get the most benefit to her new clan, she is really backed up.' He keeps pondering his decision while she continued speaking.

"So what do you say? Note that I will be marking you with my system. We will be like in a party and get bonus Exp for doing sexual stuff, the more level you get the more exp I get, so I will be power leveling you with my cock." She gave him a toothy grin, and finished explaining her plan. 

"It isn't like I have much of a choice, you even made a plan too. Who am I kidding, if it was for my magic bikini, my boner would've been a dead give away..." he said with an embarrassed face and she started laughing.

"Aren't you the cute little pervert. The name is Elizabeth D. Phoenix, once you awaken a bloodline your last name will be changed to whatever bloodline you unlock. So your name will be Louise C. and the Bloodline Name. Since you are a transmigrator the one you Unlock will be really good, since the soul of those of other worlds is a lot better. I can't wait to see father's face when he has to torn that stupid engagement." She said in a really good mood. 

"And you are sure that your father will be ok with me just ruining his plans to get more benefits for the clans, what if your clan upset the imperial family?" He said and she pouted a bit. 

"If he doesn't like it I can just leave the clan. I'm not marrying that handsome guy that already has six wives only to waste my future as a throphy wife. Like I know that I am one of the hottest targets for those cassanovas of the noble clans, but I like cute girls and I want freedom, so I need to have the power. I can fight those under level 500 just fine, imagine when I reach that milestone. I will be able to have a say in every aspect of my life... but I need a partner for that, since my system works best while having sex with my selected partner." Her smiling face is glowing with happiness.

"Well in that case I will be in your care, you are also the first human I have seen, the system said that some materials can be sold to the Guild Hall and I need gold to rise my Luck too." He finished getting excited to finally see a human town in his new life. 'Sleeping on tree branches for fear of my life is a thing of the past now I guess.'

"Humans in this world are called Humes, and since you are originally from another world you are probably a High Hume like me, hence the better talent. If we were to have kids in the future, they may end up as High Humes too. Don't know about that though, it could be something related to otherworlders like us..." Elizabeth explained a bit about Humes to Louise.

'We just met and she is already talking about children... at least I know I won't be bottom all the time... but there should be no rush, like I was almost 18 in a month last time I checked, I may be younger in this life though since I have a new body, it is to soon to think about that.' While he was thinking to himself, she summoned a big metalic silver disk out of nowhere.

"Well let's go to the Guild Town first, since it is the closest city." She said while she stepped on top of the silver disk, once she was standing on top of it, the disk was covered in her blue flames. "Don't worry about the fire, they only burn what I want to burn."

Once he soon stood in front of her on top of the disk, he closed his Leather Coat and she hugged him from behind, resting her boobs on top of his head. 'I don't feel something poking my back, so she may have a special underwear like my Bikini that hides her junk, also she is resting her boobs on top of my head.... I can die a happy man now.' He got a little flustered.

"We are gonna move now, but don't worry, with me here you are completely safe and you won't fall." She said to him, but he was still thinking about her boobs...

True to her word even when the disk started moving, he felt like the world was the one moving, it was a weird experience for him, the disk took him several miles up into the air. He still can only see forest around him... 'I was in the middle of nowhere... I can see the plains in the distance, but... I only started with 10 days worth of food and the journey would've taken him close to a month at his current pace, and that is if I hadn't run into the Orcs.' He was surprised at the speed they were flying. He didn't feel a strong breeze trying to blow him off the flying disk, in about 20 minutes he saw a massive wall in the distance, with a bunch of people in line, waiting to enter the city. They started decending and Elizabeth put her mask back on and walk past everyone. There were some that weren't happy about that, but no one did anything. He just walked next to her looking at the people waiting their turn to enter.

'There are so many people, I kinda feel bad for cutting in line... but a part of me doesn't really care about anyone of them. Elizabeth just went to one of the guards and after talking a bit the told her to enter and she motioned to me to follow, which I did. The guards were looking at me, like they want to know more about me... She is pretty popular, so it would be weird if they don't try anything... I catched-up to her and I put my hands in my coat's front pockets and pulled my hood up. There are so many people around me... it is getting a bit claustrophobic...'

'Oh yeah I had two notifications when I killed the two orc's, better get that out of the way, while I have the chance.' Opening both screens

Male Orc Soldier Lv 15 killed
1,000 exp and a Silver Coin received
Primordial Trap Dancer Class Level up! Gained an additional +3 Cha +2 Dex +2 Agi +2 Mag +1 Lck 
Novice Lancer Class Level up! Gained an additional +3 Str +2 Dex +1 Vit
Novice Lancer Class Level up! Gained an additional +3 Str +2 Dex +1 Vit
Super Gold Digger skill activated and an aditional Gold coin received
Material: Fur Scraps x2 received
Material: Leather Scraps x4 revieved
Material: Iron Scraps x4 received
Material: Orc's Tusk x2 received
Male Orc Warrior Lv 15 killed
1,000 exp and a Silver Coin received
Level up! 5 Free Status Point, 1 Primordial point received
Novice Lancer Class Level up! Gained an additional +3 Str +2 Dex +1 Vit
Novice Lancer Class Level up! Gained an additional +3 Str +2 Dex +1 Vit
Super Gold Digger skill activated and an aditional Gold coin received
Material: Bone Scraps x4 received
Material: Leather Scraps x4 revieved
Material: Iron Scraps x2 received
Material: Orc's Tusk x2 received

'I leveled up, and both my classes went up too, I guess I will round my stats a bit more by putting one point in Dexterity, three in endurance and one in Vitality.



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