Paradise Pokeball System

Ultra Megalopolis: Recon Squad Headquarters

"Well, Clive pulled through, and the girls got their slot," I smiled, and Jolene nodded.

"While Mr. Clavell is a bit of a strange one, he is very reliable and cares about the students," Jolene said, and I smiled.

"I can see that, but I still don't understand his disguises. Who does he really think he is fooling?" I laughed, and She smiled.

"I think he just likes to fit in and make sure that everyone is getting along. He worked with Tallia to help the members of Team Star clean up their act, and now they run the training bases that we send everyone to train now. Tallia has done a lot to help Paldea, and they still seem to want to try to get more out of her, but I think she is too young for all of this," Jolene explained, and I stood up and offered her my hand.

"Well, hopefully, I can help out too and get her to focus on her own dreams," I said, grabbing her hand. Jolene smiled and gave my hand a gentle squeeze.

"That would be amazing. I think with the both of us here, she will have a real chance at living her dream," She said. We smiled at each other for a minute before Jolene looked away, blushing. "We should get going if you want to make it to the show."

"Of course! C'mon, let's go," I said, grinning. We made our way towards the south entrance where the show was being held. As we walked, I felt like this moment had been a long time coming now that we were finally able to talk and feel our connection growing stronger than ever. I knew that as long as we worked together, our relationship could only continue to grow, and I was really starting to enjoy my life!

|Ultra Megalopolis: Recon Squad Headquarters- Captain Phyco's office.|

"Report, Soliera. What has been moving through Ultra Space and across the timelines?" Captain Phyco ordered, and she nodded.

"It seems to be a man, and what should be a Cosmog, but this is where the report gets fuzzy. This Cosmog is the same one that we have been monitoring from the Aether Paradise Facility. This boy also originated from the facility. The Cosmog that we tracked in Ultra Space with him was in a human-like form, but it was the same one from the energy scan," Soliera explained, curling her purple hair around one of her fingers as she did.

"A human-like form... Interesting," Phyco hummed, leaning back in his chair and steepling his fingers. "What kind of power does this Cosmog have? If we know the extent of its capabilities, we can better prepare to handle any situations that may arise."

Soliera looked over her notes before responding. "It seems to be able to manipulate and warp space and time. We believe it is capable of creating a 'pocket' universe within Ultra Space, though it's difficult to tell how powerful it truly is."

Phyco nodded thoughtfully. "This is certainly a cause for concern. Have you been able to trace the whereabouts of this mysterious boy?"

"Unfortunately, no. He appears to be adept at hiding himself from our surveillance. If he is indeed connected to the Aether Paradise Facility, then it is possible he has access to advanced technology which could allow him to easily avoid detection," Soliera answered.

Phyco pondered this for a moment. "We need to act quickly. I want you to put together a recon squad and have them investigate the matter further. In the meantime, I will contact Professor Kukui and see what information he can find out about this anomaly. Dismissed."

"Wait! There is more, and I think that it might be connected to the unnamed agency," Soliera said, reaching out, and Phyco nodded.

"Continue. If you have anything about the unknown organization. We know so little about them that we can give them the codename: Endbringers," Captain Phyco said, and Soliera handed over the tablet, and there was a video on the screen.

"Watch this. This is a recording of the day that we recorded the tear in the Ultra Space ten years ago in that timeline. The view is of outside the suspected cave," Soliera explained and then pressed play.

The video showed a ten-year-old boy coming to the cave right as the tear was made, according to the displayed time stamps. This was Landon, and Phyco watched the boy become directly crushed, and then Soliera paused the video.

"This boy is the same one that we are tracking. They have identical energy readings because five years previous, he made contact with this same Cosmog and bonded with her. Do you remember how excited everyone was when they found out about her gaining a sex, even if it wasn't noticed by Aether until much later? Even so, even our brilliant scientists couldn't figure out how we could breed her since nothing had changed but her energy ratings. We didn't even know what sex it was until now, and it is clearly female," she explained, and Phyco sat up, rubbing his eyes.

He had only been paying half attention to his partner up until this point, but his memory was jogged now, and he pressed a few buttons on his desk to bring up a few more screens. This wasn't the first time he had seen this video, but paired with everything else that Soliera had mentioned, he was more than interested and gestured for her to take a seat.

"So, why did you show me this video and not just explain it?" Phyco asked, and she pointed at the tablet.

"Because we missed something. Press play, and it will start to play at 4x the speed once the rock settles, but remember where you saw him get crushed," Soliera explained, and he pressed play.

The boy was in the entrance to the cave, but the collapse stretched far past the cave, then the video sped up. as it did, Phyco tried to figure out how this child had survived at the age of ten? It was clear that his body should have been crushed, and he should have been dead.

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