Paradise Pokeball System

More Then Mom

"I understand; I just really enjoy having you with us," Joy said, and Lusamine even nodded.

"Yes, I do also like having you around. You treat me differently than most people do, like Landon, and I really like that," Lusamine said, and Jolene walked over and gave Lusamine a hug.

"Don't worry, things like this need to be done carefully, so no one's feelings get hurt, just like with the girls," Jolene said, and then let go of Lusamine, who nodded.

"Yes, yes. I understand," She said and then walked over to Joy. "Are you ready to go?"

Joy nodded, and both of them closed their eyes and burst into light. I could hear people talking around us, but I ignored them as Jolene came over and linked arms with me.

"Let's go get you some food, Landon. I am sure you are starving," Jolene said with that same warm smile, and I returned it.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good plan," I said and let Jolene lead me into the city.

[I think you should take the opportunity to talk with Jolene about her daughter. She might be willing to give you advice on how to proceed.]

Jolene and I talked as we walked through the city. We discussed her daughter and how she was doing, and I asked for advice on how to make things work between us. Jolene gave me great advice, emphasizing that communication is essential for a successful relationship. As she spoke, I felt a connection forming between us and realized it wasn't just about her being my mother-in-law anymore. It felt more like a romantic connection than anything else.

We stopped at a cafe when I was mostly dry, and sat down to enjoy a burger and fries, finished off with pastries we shared with each other. The conversation continued, but now there was an air of flirting. Jolene talked about her favorite books, music, movies, and all sorts of other topics. By the time we finished, Jolene had given me the confidence I had needed to take the next step in my relationship with her daughter.

"I really think that the two of you just need to spend some alone time with each other, but that can be tough at times. Do you know what Tallia does?" Jolene asked as I paid for our bill so we could leave.

"No, I know that she helps Nemona sometimes, but I am not really that sure what she does," I said as we left the Café.

"Tallia is the final champion after the elite four, so she needs to be on standby if there are possible challengers. She is Chairwoman, taking Geeta's place as she moves to take Clavell's place. The thing is, I don't think that this is what Tallia wants, but they have yet to find anyone to replace her for this, so she is stuck there for now. One thing that you might think about is how you might be able to help her get out of the position if that is what she wants. The girl likes it some days and not the others, but with you here now, she is leaning towards not more often than liking it," Jolene said, and I smiled.

"I am quite a wrench in everything, that is for sure," I smiled as we found a bench to sit on.

I looked around at the city of Mesagoza, which was bustling with activity as people went about their day. The sun was nearly done setting, and the sky was alight with a dozen hues of pink and orange. Everywhere I looked, there were people walking around, some on their way to get clothing and others shopping for dinner supplies. I saw Pokémon running around, playing with each other, or stopping to admire the scenery. It was beautiful and peaceful, and it made me feel grateful for all the women in my life who had given me so much, especially Jolene.

"Thank you for your advice," I said, turning to her and giving her a warm smile. "I'm going to do everything I can to make things work between you and us as well. The women love to have you around, and I respect your advice... I also think that you are a beautiful woman. I know I am a bit younger than you, but for the most part, you make me feel loved, and I actually feel comfortable with you. I know it is a lot to ask, but I hope that I can become close with both of you and your daughter."

I felt nervous about this part, but I knew that she was already interested in me like this, and she had wanted to have sex previously, but I hadn't been entirely forward with her. We were out of everyone's earshot, so I took the chance to really be honest about my feelings for her.

Jolene smiled and looked away as if she was embarrassed but then looked back at me with a fond expression. "You are adorable, Landon, and I appreciate your honesty. You have grown so much since we first met, and it's amazing to see you mature into this handsome young man," She said, lightly touching my arm.

"I feel the same way about you," I said. "I think I can honestly say that I care for you too, in more than just a parental way."

Jolene blushed at this, and we both laughed. "It's nice to know that our relationship has grown like this. I hope you get along well with Tallia as well because I want all three of us to be happy together," Jolene said.

I nodded, feeling hopeful. "Me too, and I'm sure with enough effort and patience, it'll work out."

The two of us sat there for a bit longer, but then my phone started to vibrate, and I pulled it out of my inventory. Even though it felt like my pocket had been vibrating.

<Hey! Clive here, my man! Get your slot lined up, and Hassel is on the ribbons with Saguaro! The main show will start in twenty minutes, then go for an hour, then your girls are up! So excited!>-Clive Clavell.

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