Paradise Pokeball System

PP SYS Ch 65: Cut Me Down

"So, it's a date! We'll all go out soon," I declared with a grin. "But for tonight, I promised that Lusamine and I would do something!"

Joy and Jolene just nodded and hugged me goodbye before we left, still unable to contain their laughter.

Lusamine and I then headed outside, and as we walked down the road together, I couldn't help but feel something special between us. Even though she was mad at me, it felt like she was beginning to forgive me... and maybe even like me a little bit?

I pulled out my phone and pinged a cab to our location. I put the phone back in my pocket and walked over beside Lusamine.

"It is getting a bit late, but we can still have a picnic in the moonlight somewhere if you want? I think the store is still open, so we could get what we need," I suggested, but Lusamine's expression turned hard as she looked at me.

"What is your plan? Are you just going to wander around and do what you like to capture new women and Pokémon to have your way with?" Lusamine asked in a cold voice, and any bit of progress that I thought we had gained vanished. Was there ever any progress to begin with?

Seriously, I understood what she was getting at, but I was really tired of how she kept trying to cut me down with her words. There was no reason why she couldn't have asked me in a normal tone.

"Plan? I have been awake for five days now, so I still haven't figured out what I will do besides help you all. Still, If I could just let you go and send you back, I would. I am really getting tired of hearing how much you hate it with me. You act like I am forcing myself on you, so stay in your ball if you want, or spend time with the others. I don't like this any more than you do," I said in frustration, to the point that I felt my throat close up.

Lusamine didn't say anything, so I turned back and walked back to Tallia's house.

"Where are you going?" Lusamine asked, and I stopped, letting out a sigh.

"To get Joy so I can go home and to bed. This was clearly a bad idea, and I really don't feel like being your punching bag for the rest of the night," I said without turning around.

It felt like every time that I started to feel better about what I was doing, Lusamine seemed to think it was her job to keep me in check. I was a monster that captured humans or whatever.

[While I can give you information about this, it will not help to reduce the pain you feel. You have to remember that this isn't easy for Lusamine, but I agree that there is no reason for her constantly attacking you. While you have more knowledge than any human alive, and I help you think faster, your mind is missing the interaction of life that would help you.]

'You're right; that doesn't make me feel any better,' I thought as I got to the door.

I reached for the handle, but Lusamine grabbed my wrist and turned me around, to my surprise. Her face was red, and she looked away from me.

"Sorry. I need to stop lashing out at you…." She said as the cab came into sight.

"Would you still like to go out?" I asked, and she nodded, still not looking at me. "Good. Let's go get in the cab then."

"Is this another new friend?! You are quite the popular guy!" Larry laughed as we got into the back.

"This is my friend, Lusamine. Lusamine, this is Larry," I said, introducing them, then I looked at Lusamine. "You should buckle up now."

"Where are we going?" Lusamine asked, and I smiled.

"I thought we could go to the market, buy food, and have a picnic in the moonlight. It will be a nice night, and I think you will like it."

"That sounds nice," Lusamine said, and I smiled, then I leaned over and kissed her cheek.

She blushed but didn't pull away, so I smiled, and then I buckled up. “I am not a monster, Lusamine. I am just trying to survive right now."

"I know you are not a monster; I am trying to get used to all of this. I have a tendency to lash out when I get frustrated. I am sorry, I just need more time to get used to this, and I am sorry for being so difficult," Lusamine said and then looked out the window, letting out a sigh.

I wanted to do something to comfort her, but I was scared she was going to lash out at me. The last thing I needed was for her to make a scene in front of Larry, so I just sat quietly. It might be better to wait until we were out and alone.

The ride to Mesagoza was pretty calm, and Larry set us down right in the center of the city.

"Well, I am sure I will see you two later! Don't get into too much trouble!" Larry laughed as he took off, and I shook my head.

"I think that it would be just better to go get food. I think it is getting a bit late for a picnic," Lusamine suggested, and I nodded.

"That is probably for the best. There is a crepe stand I saw when we were walking through the city before," I suggested, and Lusamine gave me a confused look.

"What is a crepe?" Lusamine asked, and I smiled.

"I am not really sure. I mean, I know what it is; eggs, milk, flour, butter, and a pinch of salt, but that is all. From my knowledge of them, they are supposed to be pretty good," I explained, and Lusamine frowned at me.

"What is that like? To have all the information in your head like that? Doesn't it get overwhelming?" She asked, and I hummed.

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