Paradise Pokeball System

PP SYS Ch 64: Everyone Wants To Be Caught

I smiled and thought for a moment before walking up to Nemona and putting a hand on her cheek softly, sliding the other around her waist. "Will this do? Please, Nemona... Will you go out with me?" I asked, and then turned beet red.

Nemona giggled a bit before grabbing my face and kissing me deeply. When she pulled away, she smiled brightly and nodded.

"Yes! I would love to go out with you! Now, when are we going?" She asked, and I just laughed.

"What? I thought that we were going to do training?" I asked, and Nemona pushed away from me.

Something about this girl made me feel like a nervous little boy, but maybe it was because we were the same age. I kind of felt more nervous around Lusamine as well, but I had thought that was just because of how mad she was at me. Maybe it was the same case, and girls my age just made me more nervous, but I didn't know how that made any sense. You would think that I would get more nervous with Joy or Tallia's mom, but that wasn't the case.

"Well, my favorite thing to do is battle with my Pokémon, so our date can be just that! We can go out and hunt down Pokémon to fight so your Pokémon can get stronger!" Nemona explained with excitement, and I nodded.

"That sounds like a great idea!" I said tersely, then looked at Pawmi. "Do you want to keep on doing some training?"

Pawmi nodded and smiled. "I always love a good challenge! Let's do this!"

"Alright, then, let's go!" Nemona grabbed my hand and pulled me towards Miraidon, and I could only smile as Popsicle returned to her ball. I climbed on the back of Miraidon and wrapped my arms around Nemona.

I kissed her cheek, and Nemona giggled as she started to drive... straight at the water!

"Hey! Where are you going?!" I explained, but Nemona just laughed as we hit the water, but the Miraidon's form changed again, and it started to drive on the water like a boat!

"Ahhh, isn't this amazing!" Nemona shouted as we drove around the lake. We started to look for Pokémon to fight, and soon we found a few water-type Pokémon.

I tossed Finny, my Finneon, out, and she splashed into the water. She started to chase some other Finneons around, using Pound with her fist to knock out the Pokémon.

"Hey! Where is her dress?!" Nemona asked, and I just grinned.

"Finny likes to fight more than she likes to dress up," I replied as Finny used Bubblebeam to knock out some more Pokémon.

"Aww, your Finneon is so cool and cute!" Nemona squealed, and I chuckled at her reaction.

That was how we spent the day, hunting for Pokémon to fight with and having fun learning each other's favorite things till the sun started to set. We were both exhausted by then, but it was totally worth it.

As we climbed off of Miraidon, Nemona hugged me tightly and smiled.

"Thank you for such a great date! I had a lot of fun today; every minute of it was amazing," she said before giving me one last kiss.

I smiled and hugged her back, feeling like my heart was going to explode. This girl... she made me feel so alive and in love all at once. And I knew that I wanted to keep spending time with her, no matter what it took.

"Anytime, Nemona. I had a great time, too," I answered before saying goodbye outside Tallia's house. She ran off down the road waving at me as she headed home, and I sighed with a smile.

Each day seemed to be getting better, but it was also getting crazier with all the girls. I was almost worried to go in to see how the girls' day was, considering that Jolene admitted to her daughter Tallia that she wanted to be caught in one of my Paradise balls!

I scrubbed my hands over my face and then slapped my creeks together to get ready for what was to come.

"Let's go inside and find out what is going on," I muttered, then walked inside.

"Landon! You are back!" Jolene exclaimed as I walked in, and she and Joy both stood up from the couch where they were sitting with Tallia and Lusamine.

"Did you and the girl have fun? Nemona is her name, right?" Joy asked, and I hugged both of them.

"Yeah, we battled, then Nemona took me out on the water to do some training. It was a pretty good day," I explained, leaving out the parts about us kissing. Then, I looked at Lusamine and bit my lip.

"So... did you want to come and go out with me?" I asked, trying to make conversation.

Lusamine blushed and nodded before looking away. "I, Uhm... Yeah, I would love to go out with you sometime."

I smiled and nodded, but then I heard a snicker from Jolene. She was standing next to Joy, whispering something in her ear, and they both began giggling and looking at me knowingly.

"What? What did I miss?" I asked, and Lusamine blushed even more as the two of them continued to laugh.

"Oh, nothing, nothing. Just that everyone wants to be caught in your paradise balls now," Joy said, and my cheeks turned bright red.

"Wait! What?!" I exclaimed, and Tallia looked nervously between Joy and Jolene before mumbling something about it being a joke.

Joy and Jolene just laughed and nodded, and I could only stand there, trying not to blush too much.

"A-Ah, I see. That's... um... funny," I said, unsure of how to react.

Lusamine looked away and blushed even more as the two women continued to chuckle.

"Well, I think we should all go out sometime this week. That includes you, Lusamine!" Joy said, and Lusamine nodded before quickly looking away again.

I smiled, my cheeks still burning from the embarrassment but happy that everyone was finally getting along.

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