Overlord: Evil Dragon Demon God Harem

Chapter 36: Chaos in Slane Theocracy

While planning the capture of Divine Chant (the 4th Seat) and Zesshi Zetsumei (the Extra Seat), Aurelius thought about the destruction of the Slane Theocracy.

His plan was clear: drive the Slane Theocracy on the verge of destruction, and then revel in the spoils.

"After dealing with the Slane Theocracy, I'll first have sex with Shalltear. Oh, I mustn't forget to prepare the 'Shooting Star' for the 'Wish Upon a Star.'"

The New World had greatly increased the abilities, powers, and options that Shooting Star's Wish Upon a Star could provide, and Aurelius was ready to make the most of it.

So without hesitation, he put on his white gown and prepared his way out.

* * * * *

The Slane Theocracy was in chaos.

Reports had surfaced about a devastating attack on the Black Scripture, the most powerful group in the Theocracy and one of its trump cards. Some members of this elite unit had earlier been dispatched for the mission of brainwashing the Catastrophe Dragon Lord using the Downfall of Castle and Country, a powerful World Item.

Unfortunately, the situation went horribly wrong compared to what they expected.

Except for the 1st seat of the Black Scripture, all others who went with him had failed to return. The 1st seat himself was in a critical condition, missing his right arm and having a gaping wound in his abdomen.

He was almost on the brink of death when he returned.

Fortunately, because of his high level and great strength, he was successfully rescued, after which the Cardinals of the Slane Theocracy gathered to hear his harrowing account.

He truthfully described their confrontation with a mysterious young girl of unparalleled power who suddenly appeared and attacked them.

The girl single-handedly decimated their ranks, and even the brainwashing power of the Downfall of Castle and Country had no effect on her. The deaths of the 6th and 9th seats were confirmed, while the fates of the others remained uncertain.

Only through the urgent use of a Return Scroll did the 1st seat manage to escape to the Slane Theocracy.

Upon hearing such a report, the Cardinals were aghast. The loss of the Black Scripture members, the theft of their Sacred Treasure, and the deaths of high-ranking officials were unprecedented disasters. Not to mention the sudden appearance of that girl, who was already on bad terms with them and was apparently stronger than even the True Dragon Lords, posed an existential threat to their nation.

The Cardinals of the Slane Theocracy understood the gravity of their predicament and urgently left for the meeting room to discuss the pressing issues.

This was the most critical moment in Theocracy's history, requiring immediate and decisive action.

The 1st seat, left alone and deeply troubled by the fate of his comrades, awaited the Cardinals' decision. His duties in the room were over, and he walked out into the corridor. But as he walked, a curious, almost mischievous voice echoed in his ears.

"How was it?"

Unmistakably, the voice was that of a girl. Even without seeing her, the 1st seat recognized the speaker. He turned his head calmly, following the voice.

As he had expected, there was a girl leaning against a wall.

She had a unique hairstyle, with the left side being a different color from the right. One was a scintillating silver, while the other was an all-consuming black. The color of her eyes was similarly mismatched.

Beside her was a war scythe that resembled a cross-shaped spear, leaning against the wall.

Although she looked youthful, barely in her teens, her age did not correspond to her appearance at all. Ever since he had become the captain of the Black Scripture—its First Seat—the girl's looks had not changed at all.

She was Zesshi Zetsumei, a cross-blooded child born of nigh-impossible odds, the Black Scripture's Extra Seat, known as "Certain Death." She was a guardian, responsible for defending the sanctum sanctorum of the Slane Theocracy, the place where the relics of five gods were kept.

She was playing with a cube-shaped toy in her hands. In the Slane Theocracy, it was called a "Rubik's Cube," and it had apparently been handed down from the Six Great Gods. The girl's voice blended with the clack-clack-clack of its motions.

"One side is simple enough, but getting two sides right is hard."

It was not difficult for the 1st seat, but he had no idea if he should tell her that. In the end, he chose to smile bitterly as a response. The girl did not seem to care about his answer and nonchalantly continued:

"What happened? Even the Cardinals showed up."

"You were given a copy of the report, right?"

"Didn't read it," the girl replied without any hesitation. "Besides, asking someone who knows is faster. Did the Thousand Mile Astrologer make a mistake? You were sent out to deal with the Catastrophe Dragon Lord... did something happen? Who died?"

Zesshi's direct question made the 1st seat shake his head in helplessness. Grief and exhaustion were weighing him down. He had little energy left to speak, but he knew he had to answer her.

"It was a one-sided slaughter. We were overpowered, and only I returned alive. Even the Sacred Treasure was ineffective against her and was lost to her."

As soon as he finished, he felt a blazing, warlike gaze from Zesshi.

"So? So? Was it stronger than me?"

Zesshi asked excitedly, her anticipation obvious. But before the 1st seat could respond,


The ground beneath them trembled violently, accompanied by a series of roars and screams.





The 1st seat grabbed his spear, ready for combat. A shadow rushed towards them, and a guard appeared, panting and wide-eyed.

"Hey, something big has happened!"

"What happened...?!"

"D-Dragon Legion...! An uncountable, huge number of dragons have attacked the Theocracy!"

"Dragon Legion?"

Zesshi tilted her head, as if puzzled. And it was the 1st seat who thought of a possibility and asked.

"Is it the council?! Was it the dragon of the council?!"

"I don't know... Just countless dragons are running rampant, destroying the surrounding buildings! And the largest-looking jet-black dragon said..."

"What did it say?!"

The guard swallowed hard and replied, "He said he came to collect treasure!!"


The gravity of the situation hit the 1st seat like a hammer. The legacy left by the Six Great Gods was under threat. He quickly grabbed his spear and moved to leave the temple, turning to Zesshi.

"Are you going?" Zesshi asked.

"Yes. I have to protect humanity. You... please protect this place."

This sanctuary, the repository of the gods' treasures, could not fall. Zesshi, known as "Certain Death," was the strongest among them and needed to guard it. The 1st seat urged her to stay, then he exited the sanctuary and jumped into the roaring flames outside.

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