Overlord: Evil Dragon Demon God Harem

Chapter 35: Plan for the Future

The jet-black cloak fluttered as Aurelius made his way across the massive 10th-floor throne hall. The denizens of Nazarick bowed with courtesy, leaving Aurelius to approach the ruler's throne alone.

As he sat on the throne, Albedo, with a bright smile, appeared beside him.


"At your command," she replied, dropping to one knee in a gesture of servitude.

Aurelius leaned on his chin, his gaze piercing.

"Report on the battle between Shalltear and the Black Scripture. Or rather, the one-sided slaughter."

"Yes, my Lord," Albedo began, recounting the details of the encounter with the Slane Theocracy's Black Scripture.

"I will complete the report on the abnormality," she continued, stepping back slightly.

"First of all, Nazarick's power has been strengthened. The acquisition of Downfall of Castle and Country, a world item, has significantly enhanced our capabilities. It is now a part of Nazarick's property, bolstering our strength considerably."

"Hmm," Aurelius mused. "And what of the captives?"

"They have been sent straight to the Neuronist," Albedo replied.

"I trust she will ensure they do not die," Aurelius said. "Use the ones you killed as test subjects for resurrection magic. Kill the old woman as she is, and instruct the Neuronist to educate the captive bitches to be good pets."

"Yes, my Lord," Albedo acknowledged, conveying his orders to the Neuronist.

The 7th and 11th seats of the Black Scripture would also soon be completely remodeled as Aurelius's exclusive bitches after extensive training by the Neuronist.

Nodding with satisfaction, Aurelius raised his head and directed his gaze to Shalltear, who was kneeling on one knee with perfect posture.

"Shalltear, your performance exceeded my expectations. Despite the setback with Brain Unglaus, you achieved an excellent result beyond that. If we disregard that one mistake, I am very proud of you."

"Haa...♡ Your words are overwhelming, my Lord.♡"

Her red eyes trembled faintly, her cheeks flushed red, and she was weeping slightly. No, it wasn't just tears—she was clearly excited.

Aurelius found it hard to miss her strange behavior. In comparison, Albedo and Luminous, who stood nearby, wore less pleased expressions.

"It's a pity you missed the first seat of the Black Scripture. We could have brainwashed him into a puppet of Nazarick. It would have been beneficial to conduct a brainwashing experiment using Downfall of Castle and Country."

"That is regrettable... I am sorry..." Shalltear lowered her head with a sad expression.

Shalltear had acquired a world item—Downfall of Castle and Country. With that item, they could have brainwashed the 1st seat and integrated him into Nazarick's strength. It was a missed opportunity.

However, compared to the loss of the 1st seat, Shalltear's overall performance was commendable.

"No. Your contribution deserves praise. You not only weakened the Slane Theocracy but also brought me good bitches. It's unfortunate you missed the first seat, but your merits outweigh that. You deserve a reward."

"Please don't flatter me, my Lord! I merely did what was expected to show my joy and loyalty to you!"

Shalltear raised her head and shook it vigorously, attempting to refuse.

"Shalltear, I understand your humility. However, it is unacceptable for a servant to go unrecognized for their service to their master. Or are you saying you do not want to receive the reward I have for you?"

"That's not it...!"

Shalltear blushed in embarrassment.

"Then take the prize. Come closer," Aurelius commanded, snapping his fingers.

Shalltear slowly stood up, stepping onto the crimson carpet. She straightened her tousled dress and smiled mischievously, walking gracefully towards Aurelius. Her heart pounded as the distance between them closed, each step deepening her feelings for him. With her cheeks flushed and eyes brimming with mystery, she approached with both hands clasped.

Aurelius stroked her chin gently, caressing one of her flushed cheeks, and leaned close to her ear, his breath warm tickling against her skin.

"I'll give you what I promised. Tonight, come to my room."

Upon hearing those magical words, Shalltear's body trembled with excitement, her breath quickening. The moment she had longed for was finally becoming a reality.


She rubbed her thighs together, her cheeks growing even hotter. She fixed her sticky gaze solely on Aurelius, her longing breath touching his collarbone.

Though she wanted to act on her desires here, she knew too many eyes were watching.

For Aurelius's sake and her own, she had to endure.

"Don't be late. Then, I'll give you another prize. Of course, despite this, the fact that you failed in your mission remains. So, although I will give you a reward, there will also be a punishment. As for what it will be, I will think about it."

"Haaaaah... ♡ As you wish, my Lord. Please punish me as much as you want, b-but another prize...?"

Shalltear's face lit up with an ecstatic expression. But it was then…


'I can hear teeth grinding.'

Aurelius thought, but he ignored the sound, focusing solely on Shalltear. Unbeknownst to him, Albedo was glaring at Shalltear with murderous intent, her teeth grinding audibly.

"Yes. I'll tell you about that other award later. Now, go back."


Shalltear stepped back, her expression that of a delighted pervert. When Aurelius gently glanced at Albedo, she smiled brightly as if nothing had happened.

"Let's end the report on Shalltear here. I have decided to deliver the award to Shalltear personally. I also have personal matters to attend to, so I won't be available. Everyone should imitate Shalltear's achievements and faithfully fulfill their respective duties."


A booming voice erupted from the Throne Hall. Aurelius smiled at everyone, then transferred to the 9th-floor room using the Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown.

* * * *

Back in his room, Aurelius lay on the soft bed sheets, contemplating his next steps.

"Should I become an Adamantite class adventurer and eat Evileye, or should I attack the Slane Theocracy and eat Zesshi Zetsumei?"

Evileye, or Zesshi Zetsumei.

To be honest, both were very good bitches.

Aurelius's thoughts drifted to each woman, and he decided to measure his cock's hardness as he considered his options.

Thinking of Evileye caused his cock to harden, but when he imagined Zesshi Zetsumei, it rose like a dragon, hardening to an almost painful degree.

"The decision is made. Next, I'll focus on the Slane Theocracy. It's risky to deviate from the original story early, but there's no one in this world who can oppose me."

Aurelius had grown used to speaking like a ruler, even when alone. His tone, always regal and commanding, had become a second nature at this point

"The True Dragon Lords are the only ones to be wary of, particularly the Platinum Dragon Lord. He seems somewhat aware of my existence. What was his Wild Magic again?"

He recalled the abilities:

'World-Isolating Barrier, World Teleportation, Unnamed Explosive Attack.'

These were the Platinum Dragon Lord's secret weapons, along with his silver armor.

Aurelius knew he had to plan for the future if they crossed paths, though he also felt at the same time that there was no need to be so vigilant.

He could feel himself growing infinitely stronger with every breath, as if a torrent of experience was flooding into his body, igniting a fiery surge of power within him.

He briefly considered checking his level, but then decided against it.

What use would it be to know when he had already surpassed level 100?

The Platinum Dragon Lord was a creature that would vanish without a trace at the mere breath of Aurelius.

"Nazarick itself is so strong that, let alone one Platinum Dragon Lord, even if all of the True Dragon Lords attacked it, it wouldn't even make a dent."

Furthermore, this Nazarick was not the one from the anime. It was far more powerful.

"Speaking of which, I should visit the 8th floor. There are additions I've made there that need my attention. Plus, I must also meet my strongest trump card, for which I sold my multimillion-dollar company and invested all my assets to create back in Yggdrasil."

Aurelius's eyes gleamed with an unknown sharpness.

"There is also "she." Many things have changed in this world due to my presence; I think I need to wake "her" up and let "her" check if there's any anomaly that has been caused due to me in the original timeline."

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