Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 124: Getting to know the extended family

Chapter 124: Getting to know the extended family


“That’s your ship?” asked Eri as Sunny got in sight.
“Not my ship, my captain’s. Her name is Thousand Sunny but we call her just Sunny.”
“She’s pretty.”
“And you have not seen the inside yet.” he replied.

Two minutes later they landed on the deck.

“Is that grass?”
“Yes. Sunny is not your average ship. She’s unique. Especially built to sail on all the seas but also being a home to the crew.”
“Oh, Rick you’re back! Oh! My! Who did you bring with you?”

Father and daughter turned around to see Reiju getting out of the dining room.

“That’s my daughter Erica but she goes by Eri. Eri, this is Reiju Vinsmoke, princess of the Germa Kingdom.”
““Nice to meet you.”” both ladies greeted.
“You’re really a princess?”
“I am.” Reiju smiled.
“How come you are a pirate if you’re a princess?”
“That is a long story but to make it short, I wanted to enjoy my freedom and to spend some time with my little brother so I became a pirate.”
“Reiju is Sanji’s older sister.” Rick explained.
“He’s the blond one with a weird wanted poster, right?”
“That’s the one.” he chuckled at that.
“So he’s a prince too. Are there many royals in the crew?”
“No, just us.”
“There was princess Vivi Nefetari for a time but it was before I joined. She left when we saved Alabasta, her kingdom from Crocodile.”
“I thought the Marine did?” inquired his daughter.
“No, they weren’t even aware Crocodile was attempting a coup. They just took the credit which was fine with us. We’re not heroes, Eri. We may sometimes act like one but we don’t want the reputation. Luffy would throw a fit.”
“That he would.” commented the pink haired princess.
“You’re alone on the ship?”
“No, Jimbei is in the dining room enjoying a snack and Zoro is in the crow nest either sleeping or training. Everyone else had disembarked.”
“I see.” he replied and turned to his daughter. “What do you want to do first? Meet Zoro or do a tour of Sunny?”
“Hmmm… A tour first!”
“Alright, a tour it is.”

For twenty minutes Rick showed her most of the ship, Reiju following them. She got to meet Jimbei, who greeted her with a smile and answered all the questions she had about him or the mere people in general. She saw the guys’ quarters, the women’sw, the infirmary and they finished with the garden. She was impressed with it and asked plenty of questions about it.

“Do you like gardening?” he asked her.
“I do. Makino would let me use a bit of land behind the pub to grow flowers if I would also grow some vegetables. That’s really a nice garden, who made it?”
“I did.” he replied proudly.
“You like gardening too?”
“I do. I grow flowers but also vegetables and plants, medicinal or poisonous. I also take care of the orange trees you saw outside. They belong to Nami. When we’re sailing I mainly work to see which soil is the most effective for which plant. I wrote journals if you want to take a look.” he said as he went to his small shelf and picked one of the journals there. The very first one.
“Thank you.” Eri replied, accepting his gift.

He skipped the map room and of course his bedroom and exited the inside of the ship to get onto the deck. They were lucky as Zoro had come down from the bird’s nest.

“Who’s that?” the swordsman asked.
“I’m Eri, nice to meet you.”
“She’s my eldest. I thought I could show her the ship, you know and introduce her to you.”
“To learn! I’m going to be the greatest swordswoman in the world!”
“Are you now?” inquired Zoro with a brow raised but serious. He shared more or less the same dream after all.
“Do you have a bit of time to teach her a thing or two?”
“...Why not?”

“Really!?” asked a surprised Eri.
“I don’t really have anything better to do.”
“But I… I don’t have my sword with me.”
“Don’t worry about that.”

Just after saying that, Rick went back inside the ship to take Ryusei. Coming back to the group he gave it to her.

“That’s mine. Her name is Ryusei. It was a gift from Grandpa, Big sis and Uncle Buddha when I was… seven? Or ten? I don’t remember it’s been so long. Anyway, you can use it.”
“It’s heavy.” the sword in hand Eri, could tell. “Heavier than what I’m used to, but the length is perfect.” she added as she looked meticulously at the blade.
“Come one, show me what you got.” Zoro said, walking backward and picking a sheathed Wado Ichimonji from his belt.


“Are you not worried?” Nami asked Robin.

The two women were sitting at a small cafe (a recent addition to O’Hara).


“About them? No. He made me a promise and also made it to you. He’s always coming back to us. I just hope that his ex doesn’t cause trouble. Hancock has been accepting but his ex didn’t sound the type.”
“We’ll find out once we meet her.”
“I guess so.”
“What did you plan for our stay here?”
“Visit the people I know, give you a tour of the island. Pay my respect to my mother.”
“Can I pay my respects too?”
“Of course. Even if you were not my wife you’re my friend. I would introduce you to her.”

Nami smiled at that and finished her coffee, noticing the look they were attracting or rather Robin.

“Doesn’t that bother you? The looks.”
“At first it did. I kept looking over my shoulder expecting an attack but the look in their eyes… It was full of gratitude, reverence and most of all hope.”
“Is it hard to be their symbol?”
“No, because I never considered myself as such. The R.A. never asked me to do anything. Just if they could make their HQ here and that’s it. They keep an eye on me though, to see if I have everything I need.”
“In short, you’re like a retired princess.” smirked the redhead.
“...More or less.” smiled back Robin.

Standing up, Nami offered a hand to her wife who grabbed it and was pulled to her feet.

“Come on. I’d like that tour of the island.”


Eri was panting heavily, sword in hand. She had given her all and she didn’t put a single scratch on her opponent. She knew that would probably have been the result but it still frustrated her nonetheless.

“How old are you?” asked Zoro.
“... Not bad. I wasn’t that good at your age.”
“Yes. You got the footwork down and your strikes are accurate. You know where to hit and when to do it. You have good talent.”

Hearing Zoro praise his daughter, Rick had a bright smile on his face.

“Keep training relentlessly and you’ll get there.”

Eri nodded and Zoro began to give her some advice here and there.

“I’m glad to see the two of you patched up.” Reiju said next to Rick.
“Me too.” he replied, not leaving his daughter out of his sight. “She learned that I was framed and took a dim view of the navy and the World Government as a whole. I’m grateful to have that opportunity to spend time with her. I didn’t think it would ever happen. I just wish I had more time.”

Reiju nodded but didn’t say anything.

The lesson went on for a while. Long enough for the crew to come back on the ship.

“Who’s the kid?” Franky.
“My daughter, Eri.” his eyes still riveted on the redhead swinging the sword in her hand.
“Another niece! Neat!”

At blinding speed Luffy went to introduce himself.

“So, it’s her. She’s cute.” Nami commented
“She has beautiful hair.” added Robin. “I gather everything is alright between the two of you?”
“Not remotely, no. She doesn’t hate my guts anymore which is good but… I’m a deadbeat dad. So far we’re getting along well but because we’re getting to know each other. The underlying issues are still there and it will take time to deal with all of them. It makes it even more difficult with her situation.”
“What do you mean?” asked Nami.
“She’s not happy here. Her mother and Hanock do not get along but it’s the former that causes problems. I think I dealt with it but…”
“You wonder what will happen once we leave.”
“Yeah. She loves her little sisters and gets along fine with Hancock but it’s not enough. She needs more.”
“She needs you.” Robin stated and Rick simply sighed in acknowledgment.

“...Wanna join?” they heard Luffy say.
“LUFFY!” Rick shouted and pulled Eri towards himself. “You better not invite my daughter into the crew! She’s too young!”
“He wasn’t, dad. He asked if I wanted to play a game of tag tomorrow with Usopp and Chopper.”

Taking a deep breath Rick exhaled longly.

“Sorry Luffy. I thought…”
“It’s fine! I know I’m impulsive sometimes.”
“I still can’t believe he’s all serious like that.” whispered Nami.
“He isn’t, usually?” asked Eri.
“Wanna go? Tomorrow?”
“Sure.” the redhead smiled at her father.

“Then I’ll come pick you up.”
“Why pick her up? She can stay on the ship.” announced Luffy.
“I can!?”
“Yeah.” her uncle assured her.

Eri turned towards her dad, her eyes full of hope.

“We need to ask your mother first. And that reminds me that it’s getting late.” he said in a fatherly voice and Eri nodded then handed him back his sword. “Keep her.”
“But she’s yours.”
“She’s wasted on me. I’m no swordsman. She’ll do more good in your hands.”
“Thank you.” she replied, pulling back Ryusei and hugging it.
“Consider her one of the many gifts I owe you.”

The conversation over he picked her up in his arms and flew back towards his house. Way faster than the speed they get to the Sunny and Eri loved it.

When he landed he saw his clone and Hancock coming back from their ‘walk’ too. She had a thousand volt smile on her face and a bit of a blush on her cheeks.

“Who was watching the girls?” she asked suddenly, a bit worried.
“Another clone. As if I would let my girls without supervision or protection.” he replied dispelling the present clone.

They entered the house and Rick found Kaza sitting cozily on the couch against his clone.

“Better?” he asked her and she too smiled brightly.
“Eri has been invited to spend the night on the ship. That way I won’t have to pick her up tomorrow. Luffy invited her for a game of tag.”
“Do you want to, sweetie?”
“Yes, mom.”
“Alright then.”
“Go on, go pack clothes for tomorrow and your pajamas.” Rick said to his daughter who ran to the stairs. He dispelled the clone with Kaza and taking Hancock’s hand sat next to the redhead. Moving his arms he put one behind their waist and pulled them close.

“You both needed that, didn’t you?”
“You have no idea.” / “Twelve years!”
“... How about I sneak back in tonight, hm?”
““YES!”” they replied instantly, making him chuckle.
“You know, I’m surprised you’re fighting when you have plenty in common.”

Hancock buried her head against his shoulder in response and Kaza simply kissed him on the lips.

“I…I’d like you to be present tomorrow to meet the crew. Or at least the others.”

Both women knew who he meant by ‘others’ and while Hancock had no problem with it, Kaza was apprehensive.

“I can also bring them here, if you’d prefer. It’s their house too after all. Which makes me think. How come you ended up living together?”
“I’m your wife, so it’s also my house.”
“Same.” replied Kaza.”
“You’re his fiancée!”
“Hancock, please! This is not being cordial to each other.”
“... You’re right. Sorry.” the brunette said.
“Apology accepted.”
“You didn’t fight for the place?”
“No. She was almost bursting. I wasn’t about to kick her ass to the curb while pregnant.”
“As if…” Hancock began but stopped herself.
“She had no one to help her with Lynda and Eri got attached. I’m not a complete jealous monster, especially to someone in need so we compromised.”

“... I’m happy to hear that. It gives me hope for that big family I dream of.”
“How big?”
“As many children as Big Mom.” replied the pirate queen chuckling.
“You’re barking mad!” exclaimed Kaza, her eyes as wide as saucers.
“Probably but it’s part of my charm.” he joked. “I have to confess that there have been some changes concerning that big family. While big I don’t want twenty children.”
“No more whor… no more floozy then?” inquired Hancock watching her language.
“No more than the ones already involved.”
“So it’s us, Robin, Nami and ?”
“Three princesses.”
“You don’t do it by half don’t you?” said Kaza, shaking her head. “Still attracting the eyes of royals.”
“Who are they?”
“One for sure is Vinsmoke Reiju.”
“As in Germa 66 Vinsmoke?” asked Kaza.
“The very same.”
“I’m going to need to hear that story sometimes.”
“You can ask her tomorrow, she’s on the crew. The two others are Viola Doldo of Dressrosa and Vivi Nefertari of Alabasta. Both are a big maybe. Viola more than Vivi.”
“And that’s it? No more?” Kaza asked.
“No more… for now.”
“Of course for now… Who else then?” inquired Hancock.
“Tsuru for one. I mean let’s be honest here, she just indulges me. The other is Shirahoshi, the mermaid princess. She’s curious but way too innocent. I don’t think it would end in a serious relationship. Otherwise, that’s it. I promise, no more.”
“Robin and I also decided to stop that stupid rule about you sleeping with her to get me. I’m not comfortable with it and after thinking about it she isn’t either.”
“Good.” was Kaza’s curt answer.
“I don’t care. I’m still having sex with her.”

Hancock’s words had been so unexpected to Kaza, that she raised herself from the couch to look at her.

“She’s gorgeous! I don’t mind having a go at her.”
“I’m ready!!” came the voice of Eri reaching down the bottom of the stairs with a bag on her shoulders.
“Let’s go then!” Then, turning to his lovers he whispered a ‘see you soon.’


Picking his daughter up, he flew even faster back to Sunny and Eri loved it even more. Once on deck he asked Baby-5 if she could take her to the girls’ quarters so she could put down her bag. The woman was more than delighted at the request and did so.

“Brook?” Rick asked the skeleton that was drinking milk tea in the dining room.
“Could you do me a small favor, please?”
“Sure, what is it?”
“My daughter is a big fan of yours and…”
“Say no more. I’ll sign anything she wants and take pictures.” the crew musician replied waving his hand to dismiss the notion of this as a favor.
“Thank you.”
“Is she here?”
“Baby-5 is bringing her to the girls’ quarters so she can put her stuff down. Luffy invited her on the ship for the duration of our stay here. You haven’t seen her yet?”
“I haven’t got the pleasure yet.”
“Daaaad?!” Eri’s voice came from the outside.
“But somehow I think it won’t stay that way for long. Yohohoho.”

He finished his tea in one go and went with Rick outside to meet the guest.

“SOUL KING!” exclaimed the teen with awe and glee when she saw Brook arriving on deck. Immediately she ran towards him, completely missing her father on the side.

Rick simply smirked and walked towards the table where his wives and Reiju were sitting, enjoying a small snack Sanji had prepared for them. He sat beside Robin and put his arm around her waist and let his head rest on her shoulder. He watched in silence Eri interacting with Brook, the latter making many skeleton jokes and the former loving them.

“She’s adorable.” Nami commented amused.
“You should have seen her earlier in the afternoon, not so adorable.” Zoro said with a mug in hand and passing through.
“I asked him to show her a thing or two with a sword. She was very fierce. Reminded me of her mother for a moment.”
“Does that mean she’s reminding you of you now?” teased Robin and made Rick snort.
“Totally. I was way younger when my fanboy’s days were over though.”
“Speaking of her mother, when do we meet her?” Nami asked.
“I invited them to come tomorrow. She… Actually I don't know if she was interested or not or uncomfortable at the idea of visiting Sunny so I gave her the option of us going to her. Didn’t get an answer.” he replied and got a nod of acknowledgement.  “How was your day? Did you meet anyone?”
“Koala had to go back to work. So I brought Nami to a newly opened cafe, then I gave her a small tour of the island.”
“Mainly the port area since we were already there and the agricultural field. You really did all of it yourself?”
“I’m never really alone.” he replied, sprouting arms on his forearm. “But yes. I had a lot of time on my hands. The docks had been the most difficult at first. I had to create a small dam so I could work the shore properly. A real nightmare. The fields were easier in comparison.”

He didn’t say more, too busy watching intently his first born having fun. Neither of the ladies at the table tried to engage him in talking, understanding how precious this moment was for him. When it was time for dinner, with how hot the evening was Luffy decided that everyone would eat outside instead of the dining room. No one complained and the sitting arrangement created an interesting situation. Nami sat right next to Rick and Eri on his other side. Robin being the last one to arrive because she went to take a shower and changed clothes, took the last empty seat. Right next to Erica.

“You’re really pretty.” the teen blurted out looking at her stepmother.
“Thank you and so are you. Your hair is truly beautiful.” the brunette replied with a kind smile.
“I got it from my mom. I understand now why dad married you.” she replied changing subject.
“...Your father didn’t marry me because I’m pretty.”
“No?” the redhead asked, surprised.
“No. If he married every pretty woman he met, your father would have a hundred wives.”
“Why did he then?”
“Because of my ass’  was the first answer that came to Robin’s mind. She knew it wasn’t true or at least not the main reason but her brain decided that it was why apparently. Taking a moment to chase away this answer for a more appropriate and rightful one she finally spoke. “Because, we complete each other.”
“Sometimes too much.” came the voice of Nami from the side who was done talking with Rick.
“What does that mean?” asked Eri.
“They finish each other’s sentences.”
“We do not…”
“Finish each other’s sentences.”
“See what I mean?” 

Erica nodded and voiced what she had in mind.

“This is weird.”
“Each couple has their own quirks, Eri.” her father said.
“Oh, not that. Just… I…”
“What is it?” Robin asked, seeing she had difficulty finding her words.
“You’re nice to me?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I thought Hancock and you had…”
“Oh, no dad! Hancock and I are fine. She’s not rude or mean and she’s polite when she asks me for help with Lynda or Corra but she doesn’t really interact with me if she doesn’t have the need to.”
“Well, I’m not Hancock and I’d like to get to know you if that’s alright.” Robin spoke softly and got a small but genuine smile and a nod for Eri!”
“Me too!” shouted Nami pushing Rick out of the way and taking Eri’s hands in hers.
“Eh... Okay?”
“Robin and Hancock are not your only step mom you know?”
“You?” the teen redhead asked, flabbergasted.
“You look old enough to be my big sister!”
“Awww. Thank you!” replied Nami, this time taking a shocked Eri in a hug.
“Dad! Are you a pervert?!”
“What!?” said Rick as he finally got up from the grass where he observed Nami and Eri interact with each other. On the side, Usopp, Franky and Brook were sniggering while Sanji was right out cackling at their vice-captain predicament. “I’m not!”
“Then… how.”
“I’m twenty two.”
“But dad is…”
“I’m thirty one.That’s not a big age gap. And I’ll have you know, despite her looking a decade younger, the age gap between your mother and me is way greater. If anything, she's the pervert!”

That revelation made Eri’s jaw drop. Her mother looked so young, she thought she was in her thirties or late thirties.

“In fact, your mother tricked me into promising to marry her one day when I was… eleven? At the time she was… Twenty four, twenty five?” he mused, trying to remember.
“I can’t believe mom would…” she began but stopped a moment to think about it. “Actually, I can....” She knew how her mom could be a bit obsessed with things. ‘If mom became obsessed with dad at the time…’
“Regardless, I’m fine if you see me as a big sister instead of your stepmom.” Nami grinned.


From there Eri got asked a lot of questions by Nami and sometimes by Robin and it lasted until the end of dinner. Afterwards, both ladies took the young teen inside as it was time for bed. Exceptionally they both decided to sleep in the girls’ quarter instead of their bedroom to get to know their step daughter better. That was fine with Rick who had promised to go back to his house to spend the night with Hancock and Kaza.

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