Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 123: Oh, that’s how elementary it’s gonna be

Chapter 123: Oh, that's how elementary it's gonna be



On one hand, Rick was glad to see Hancock. Her being here meant that he didn’t have to go to Amazon Lily to get information from her sisters and then search more for her. It also meant that Lynda and their second child were safe. Hancock would have never gone into hiding without them. On the other hand… Well there wasn’t another hand, he was glad to see her and that was it. The problem was that Kaza was here too. And he knew, even if Koala hadn’t said anything, that the two together were spelling trouble. The two were crazy, especially Kaza who was the textbook definition of a yandere. Or at least his definition. Another problem was Kaza’s presence. What differentiated this problem from the previous one was the consequences. If Kaza was here, so was his daughter Eri and he wasn’t sure he was ready to see her again. Not with how disastrous their last (and first) meeting went.

“Say no more.” Rick said to Koala with a sigh.

To avoid making a scene he made both Kaza and Hancock float.

“See you later.” he said with a contrite smile to his friends. And flew towards his crazy ladies. Grabbing them on the way he told them to be quiet as he went in the direction of his house. When they reached it he made everyone land and was quite firm.

“We’re going inside and I’m going to talk. I don’t want any of you to make a single sound until I’m…”

Freezing on the spot, Rick took a moment to gather his courage and turn around to be face to face with his eldest daughter.

“Dad!” shouted the redhead who went to bury her face into his stomach.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t know!”
“I… What?”
“Mom told me everything!”
“I… Okay time out. Eri, it’s wonderful to see you again. Honestly, I’ve lost all hope for that to ever happen. However, I need to have a quick word with your mother and Hancock. I’m sorry, I’ll spend time with you as soon as I’m done.”
“It’s alright. I was babysitting Lynda and Corra when you arrived.”
“I’m glad that you’re taking good care of your sisters, Eri.” Rick said, filling in his head for later the name of his newest daughter. “But you’re a bit young to babysit and by that I mean that it’s such a beautiful day, you should be outside having fun. Not taking upon yourself the responsibility of watching very young children and taking care of them.”
“I don’t mind and I don’t do it often.”
“That’s… not okay, Eri. I do thank you for doing it for a bit. I won’t be long.”

Eri let go of him and nodded cutely. She went back inside and Rick followed her giving a glare at his lovers who understood the message and did the same.
Taking a look around, Rick saw that some things did change a bit. Paintings on the wall, a carpet on the ground, pillows on the couch. He couldn’t miss the woman touch that had been clearly lacking when he was living here. Signaling to his ladies to sit down on the couch, he stayed standing to look domineering.

“First of all… I’m happy to see you. The both of you. You don’t know how much relief it gives me to see you both safe and healthy.” he started giving them a disarming smile and making them blush a bit. “Second, I’m extremely disappointed in both of you.” he added in a colder tone. “I didn’t make two steps on the island that Koala was asking me to do something about the two of you.”

Both ladies winced at that. Rick looked from one to the other and vice versa then sighed. Turning around he picked up a chair from the dining table and sat in reverse, facing them.

“... I don’t know what has happened between the two of you here. I don’t care. It stops now. You’re both mothers for Goodness' sake, you’re an example to our children and seeing the two of you fight is not a good example. I may not have been in the girls’ lives for long and I may be an orphan and a crappy father but even I know that.” he said and detected a hint of shame from both of them. He knew however, that both of them were strong minded and prideful women, especially Hancock, and that he needed to push more. “It breaks my heart to know that the two women I admire and love are behaving like children. Now… I know this is a difficult situation for all of us involved, don’t think for a second I’m not aware. But I do know we can do it, that we can make this work because I know the two of you. You don’t have to like each other, you don’t have to be friends even though I wish you were. All I’m asking of you is to be civil towards each other for our children, for us and for the people around us. That Koala asked me to intervene is very indicative of the amount of trouble your fights brought to everyone on the island. Now…. Do I need to say more or can I hug you to death? Because I really, really missed you.”


The two women looked at each other with no hints of emotions on their face and then looked back at him.

“I suppose… I can make the effort. I don’t like it. I don’t like it one bit but you and our family matter more than our rivalry.” Hancock said.



Rick stayed silent and turned to Kaza looking her right in the eye. She held his gaze for a few seconds before sighing in surrender.

“I agree that our fighting has gone overboard… And that doesn't set a good example for Eri. I made my decision, when you gave me this ring… “ she started with, showing her engagement ring. “That whatever I have to do to be with you, I’ll do it. If it means playing nice with her then I’ll play nice with her. But only as long… as long as it doesn’t hurt Eri in any way.”
“Good, I agree with that. We’re all on the same page, then?”
“And you’re going to apologize to the people of the R.A.”
“... Alright.” / “I guess I should.”
“Good. Now my favorite part!”

He grinned and sprouted a clone, to the bewilderment of both ladies. The clone went to Hancock and Rick to Kaza. With how shocked they were he had no problem embracing them and giving them a long, heartfelt and passionate kiss while one hand squeezed their asses.

“This is new.” Hancock said when he broke the kiss. She was pushing her fit ass into his hand.
“A new development from my powers with the Me Me no Mi. There is one caveat but otherwise there is plenty of me for all of you. No one will be left alone. In a way you can have me all to yourself.” he explained with a smile.

That news was very interesting to the two very possessive women. If they could have Rick for themselves instead of sharing him they would be much more happy.

“What’s the caveheat?” Kaza asked as she had turned around and melted against the clone’s chest while looking at the original.
“Everything that a clone experiences is transferred to me in real time. Let’s say my clone had his wicked way with you in the bedroom while I’m reading a book on the couch. I would feel and experience all that he does. So if he has an orgasm I would have too.”
“That’s not so bad.” Hancock said.
“I can’t be  distracted and stain my pants while I’m doing my job in the crew.”
“A clone is better than nothing.” conceded the redhead.
“Not one. I can make… I don’t know how many but so far I know I can make at least ten.”
“Even better.” she grinned.

“Now if you excuse me, I have daughters to see, get to know and pamper.” he announced and made a second clone for Hancock. “No funny business beyond kissing and groping.” he warned and climbed up the stairs. There were four rooms in total and checked two of them before finding Eri in the third. She was sitting on the ground, legs spread with Lynda between them. His little snake was playing with blocks and Eri was encouraging her or passing her blocks from time to time.

“Hey.” he said softly from the door, catching his eldest's attention.
“You already talked with mom and Hancock?” she asked in surprise at seeing him here.
“Yes. Why the surprise?”
“There was no yelling and it was quick.”

Hearing that she was used to Kaza and Hancock yelling made him frown but he set it aside.

“If you need to yell to get your point across then your point may not be that good. Yelling only leads to more yelling and chaos. Calm, collected and curt is better. And it was fast because I know how to talk to them.” he said as he hesitantly walked inside the room.

“Lynda, dad is here.” the redhead said to her little sister.

The little brunette girl turned around and saw Rick. She frowned cutely, trying to remember him until she did. She had seen his face before, thanks to Hancock having plenty of pictures of him around.

“Da?” she asked, melting her father’s heart.

“Dad, yes.” he answered her and came closer to sit right next to Eri.

When Lynda raised her little arms for a pick me up, he did. She touched his face, exploring it at her own pace before smiling and giggling. Rick couldn’t help himself and kissed her forehead before putting her back down on the floor back to her blocks. Something that she immediately went back to. He turned to Eri and paused, not really knowing what to talk to her about. Neither did she.

“This is…”/ “It’s…”

They looked at each other in silence for a couple of seconds and smiled at each other.

“Not so awkward now.” he said.
“Maybe just a bit?” he tried as they had no idea what to talk about.
“I truly didn’t know.”
“Mom was quite clear about that.” replied Eri with a nod, passing a red block to Lynda. “Just after you left, she explained everything to me. Even let me read your letter.”
“That was… inconsiderate of your mother, what I wrote in that letter...” he started with a frown on his face.
“Private. I had noticed but I needed to read it. Not the part of you professed her love to her because.. Ewww. But the rest…” she explained and left her sentence unfinished.
“How… How are you dealing with all this? Me, you sisters, Hancock…”
“I was… mad to know that I had a little sister at first. I’m your first! I was supposed to be the one you loved the most.”
“Eri, that's not…”
“I know now. At the time I didn’t. I got into my head that I should be your favorite and to monopolize you. You owed me twelve years after all. When I met Lynda for the first time though… I just… wanted to be her big sister. From there I was more or less okay with Hancock. Mom was not happy about that.”
“No surprise here. Your mother is… obsessed with me. Always has been, as far as I remember.”
“I noticed when we began to travel together. She’s also the reason why I tried my best to be a good sister to Lynda. I could see that… mom is… her mind is not healthy when you’re concerned.” she answered sadly. “I didn’t want to become like her. She was cold and mean to her. Not abusive! But… she did the strict minimum when Hancock had her hands full with Cora.”
“And of course with how prideful Hancock is, she answered in kind.” he stated with a sigh. “I’m sorry you had to get through that.”
“When they fight, I just go away to train or take care of Lynda. Corra too now.” she shrugged. “Now, I get along  with Hancock and she’s nice to me or nicer than before. Not like she has been mean in the first place but…”
“You were a stranger and my daughter. Your mom’s presence didn’t help I’m sure.”

Eri shook her head and kept looking at Lynda playing. Rick observed her though. It was obvious to him that his daughter wasn’t happy. He didn't know if it was because of the conversation or because of the whole situation. Making a decision, he picked her up and sat her on his lap.

“Dad?” she asked, turning her head to look at him once the shock of being picked up subsided.
“I owe you twelve years don’t I? Why not start now?” he explained and began to pat her head.

The effect was immediate and she pushed her head forward against his torso as if asking for more. After a few minutes, she changed her position and simply enjoyed the warmth and protection of his arms.

“I heard you were training to be a swordswoman.”
“Yes. Mom is teaching me. I wanted to become a marine.”
“Grandpa told me but why the past tense?”
“I don’t want to be a marine anymore. Not when it’s because of them that I grew up without you.”
“Eri, there is nothing wrong with being a marine. Don’t give up on your dream for me.”
“It’s more than that. Mom, Auntie Tsuru and Hancock told me about the celestial dragons. What they do is wrong. Working for them is wrong. I… can’t do that.”
“Just like I couldn’t.” he whispered and let this head rest on the top of her head, slowly stroking it with his chin. “My friends are here, do you want me to ask Zoro to give you a lesson or two with the sword? He trained under Dracule Mihawk, you know?”
“Really?” she asked looking up.
“Wait, your friends are here?! Soul King is here?!” she said in realization standing up and looking at him.
“... Yes? Do you want to meet him?”
“Yes! Dad! Please! Please! Please Please! Please! I’m his greatest fan!”

“... Sure. I’ll ask him. I don’t think he will refuse. Though if he asks to see your panties, you punch him immediately. Okay?”
“Why would he ask me that?”
“Brook is a bit of a pervert.”
“...He is?!”
“Yes but he’s inoffensive. It doesn’t mean it’s alright to ask that to ladies and young girls however.” he explained and she nodded.
“Can we…”
“Spend time together?” he finished her sentence and she nodded. “Of course. We won’t stay long on the island but I’ll spend lots of time with you, you don't need to ask.” he added, making her smile.

At that moment he put an end to Kaza’s clone. She had begun to take things too far, grinding herself against his clone’s groin while trying to remove his shirt in a fit of passion. The experience began to annoy him, he was speaking with his daughter after all.

“I need to speak with your mother, I’ll be back in a bit. Maybe you could introduce me to Corra when I get back?”
“She’s sleeping but sure.”

Raising up on his feet he went downstairs to find Kaza pouting on the couch. Hancock and his clone were nowhere to be seen since she had decided to take a walk hand in hand around the island.

“Eri was on my lap. Do you know how awkward it is, to harden when your daughter’s ass is right on it?” he said to her and she felt a bit of guilt hearing that. Sitting beside her and pulling her close he continued speaking. “I’m not mad. I understand. I’m just saying… bad timing.”
“Twelve years!” she exclaimed.
“I know. That’s why I’m not mad.”
“She’s sad, you know. To see you always fighting, to see you always cold and mean.”
“... I can’t help it. That woman is getting under my skin so much!”
“Ignore her. Isn’t it the advice you gave me all those years ago?” he told her with an amused smile and got a glare in return. It quickly faded away when she sighed.
“You’re right.”
“I think you need to have a talk with her. This can’t go on.”
“No, it cannot. I’ll do it.” she replied and began to stand up but pulled back down.”
“Nu-huh. It’s my time with her now. You get another clone and… Goddmit Hancock!” he shouted in frustration as the pirate queen had pushed his clone against a tree and had its cock in her mouth in a flash. Rick hardened immediately and Kaza didn’t miss it. Before she could do anything about it however he dispelled his clone quickly. “I can’t go back to Eri in that state.” he said and stood up to go to the bathroom. Not to rub one out but to have a private talk with Diana without being distracted by Kaza.

‘Diana, I need your help.’
‘With what?”
‘My clones, I feel all of the sensation they experience, it’s… difficult to deal with.’
'Well, don’t make clones in the first place.’
‘Or you could stop the transfer.’
‘And how do you know I can do that? Or not for that matter.’
‘Because you’re in the same boat. You experience what I experience and I didn’t hear you scream out of pleasure every time I had sex.’
‘Good thinking. Yes, I can do that but why should I?”
‘Because I’m asking you, nicely pretty please?’
‘I’m not a charity, Rick.’
‘You gave devil fruits for free to your people!’
‘Not for free! They were worshiping me!’
‘Fine! I’ll make a clone for you from time to time so you can enjoy life. It would work right?’
‘Yes it would and DEAL!’
‘Thank you!’


Exiting the bathroom he kissed Kaza and left a clone with her. He created a second that exited the house to find Hancock.

“There, problem solved, have fun. Remember though. The children are upstairs so don’t be too loud.” he told her as he joined back his daughters.

Eri had just put down Lynda in her small bed when he hugged her from behind.

“You’re a good big sister. Wish I had one like that.”

That brought a smile to her face and she took his hand to drag him towards the crib on the side of the room. Inside of it was a sleeping baby with a mop of blond hair.

“She’s beautiful.” he whispered in awe. “I’m really a lucky guy. Three daughters, three beauties.” he added as he caressed one of Corra’s cheek with a finger. After a moment he pulled his hand back, took Eri’s hand in his and created a clone to her shock.

“One of my advanced powers. I can create clones of myself. I thought he could watch them while you and I go on a little walk.”
“I… I’d like that.”
“Good. I don’t have to drag you against your will then.” he smiled mischievously. 

They exited the house, Rick shouting they were going on a walk. Despite saying that, once outside he asked his eldest if she wanted to walk or fly.

“FLY!” she answered with the excitement of a young child instead of a teen.

Sprouting an arm on her back he made her float.

“That’s awesome!”

He chuckled at that and father and daughter flew towards Sunny.


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