Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Special Chapter: The Festival With The Villainess (V).

Special Chapter: The Festival With The Villainess (V).

Meanwhile... recap after the play has finished.

"Sniff... I can't believe I've been casted as the witch. My mum and dad watched the play... I mean at least they're happy." A girl with ginger locks and adorable freckles was taking off her makeup after finishing the first run of the play. She has done good work as a witch, earning praise for being a good villain.

The first day of the festival wasn't easy but-

"Well done everyone!"

"This was a successful first day!"

"Yeah! All hail our prince and princess! They really liked the play! It's all thanks to Lord Ein and Lady Evelyn!"

The two popular and well respected nobles were thanking everyone for doing a good job's work. Lord Einsel Loucrat and Lady Evelyn Alarie. Even if everything was not perfect, at least those two carried the play.

"Hah, well if it weren't for the two of them being engaged don't you think they would be such a lovely couple?" Another noble girl from their class admires the scene. "Don't you think Lady Yates?"

Lady Harriot Yates, one of the students of the higher section of the first years made a dead looking expression hearing her comment that these two would look together as a couple.

"I-I suppose so?"

Is what she said but really...

"Whew, that was fun!" The famous commoner student that ended up in the noble section for having the rare light element as her magic was taking off her tree costume.

Lady Harriot suddenly became excited because if Miss Analissa Blanchet was there it means-

"I mean if you don't have any plans after this. The students of other years told me to visit and bring a friend."

Lady Evelyn Alarie was right on cue with the sudden request of them going on a bonding session together out in the festival-?!

Isn't it the cutest thing you've ever seen?

Ever since the rumors of Miss Analissa Blanchet was sleeping around a noble lady's quarters it was very hard not to ship them.

Lady Harriot Yates, was one of those supporters.

"Hah..." The ginger haired girl couldn't understand why but seeing those two together, smiling, looking so happy and content with each other's company is somehow filling her heart.

"Ugh, I don't think I can stand looking at Miss Blanchet for long. I don't understand why someone like Lady Alarie would want to get near her or even get close." One of her girl classmates comments as she crosses her arms, looking for support from the noble lady who thought nothing more as the two not far from them were just-

Very good friends.

"It seems everyone else is going to be checking the other booths out, I'll get going too Lady Yates." Her classmate waves and goes out with her other friends. The girls could be seen laughing, chatting about what booth they should go in and trying together looking so happy.

She stops for a moment before considering asking if she could join them.

"So isn't Lord Ein amazing as the prince. I'm sure that our play will win by having the most tickets by the end of the festival, the theater is fully booked!"

"Indeed, thank goodness we can take a breather for a bit on the first day. The second day will be the most stressful."

"Let's get going to the fancy tea party that the third years will be having, if we're lucky we'll be able to see the crown prince in person!"

Lady Harriot hesitates and shakes her head.

"I'll be needing to catch up with my parents." (Lady Harriot) excuses herself to find her own family, the noble family of the Yates has been a little peculiar compared to the others.

One could even say their accents are thick. Sometimes you can't understand what they're trying to say.

"Mah daughter! ye'v dane weel fur yersel' in th' speil, yer part as th' witch played an important pairt 'n' we wur keeping ourselves at th' lip o' th' seats!?"

Translation: My daughter! You've done well for yourself in the play, your role as the witch played an important part and we were keeping ourselves at the edge of the seats!

Author's note: This is just to show you what their accents are like, the following dialogues will now be readable.

A black haired man who was holding onto the arm of a beautiful ginger haired woman let's go to hug the mini mix version of him and his wife.

"Mum! Dad!" The noble lady sees her parents and immediately greets them happily.

"Aye! Ya cheeky beautiful daughter of mine you!" Even though Lord Yates was of noble blood, where it was custom for them to keep up their appearances and elegance amongst the public because of their reputation-

"Owh-!" He pulls her into a tight embrace, a fatherly warm hug that he enjoys doing. "Dad...! I'm not a young wee babe anymore."

It seems that this noble family was different amongst the others.

"Sorry sorry, your mum and I were just too excited." The Lord tells his daughter and turns to his wife who was all bright smiles.

"Oh love, the events this year are too lovely to pass out on! You know back in our days things weren't so lively like this but I'm so glad it's different! Do you think we could take a look some more?" His wife asks, looking so very excited to be back at their alma mater.

"Of course! Harriot, I'm sure you have your own friends to adventure the festival with. We won't get in the way of that." (Lord Yates) nudges his daughter to enjoy her remaining youth.

She should go and have fun with friends!

However little did he know that his own daughter didn't have any friends... none at all. Lady Harriot laughs nervously, but manages to fix her complexion in order to not make her parents worry.

"F-Friends! Yeah I do have that! We plan on taking a whole trip to all the booths later." She lied, a little guilty that she needed to.

"Well then we'll take off to check out a few stalls. It's been a while since your father and I had some proper quality time together."

"Mm, see you both."

The lovely couple walk together, arms linked, as their daughter tries to assure herself that lying to her parents that she has friends is a good idea.

'I don't want mum and dad to worry about me... I-I can handle myself here. No friends or not I'll enjoy this festival to the fullest!' She explains to herself, having a new goal- and it was to enjoy the festival all on her own.


"Yeah hey have you seen the menu for the high class tea party booth of the third year's? I heard the line doesn't even move."

"Mm only the high sections are allowed, a few comments can get in but only if you're someone's plus one."

"Let's try the haunted house then."

Every single one of the students surrounding her all had their own group, looking at the crowd of people she swallowed the lump in her throat.

Lady Harriot Yates has a problem with people. Basically, making friends was not an easy task for her to do. "I... I should just hide in the library and wait till everything's over."

She decides to go and hide in the library for the first day... if the library is full the bathroom is another option to consider. But as she was about to turn and leave something caught her eye. It was two familiar heads, one with blonde hair and purple.

"Is that?" She squinted her eyes to make sure that she wasn't hallucinating or seeing things.

"The maid cat café was fun! That lovely server was truly kind."

"Mm... she was truly kind to let me see something pleasing on the eyes today."

The two walked together side by side talking casually and happily. Oh how her classmates were too oblivious and blind to see that these two were no longer enemies- she could sense that there is no danger and any lies in this relationship between the two.

"What's so pleasing to your eye, milady?"

"...I can't say." The villainess turns to the side with a reddened face.

Lady Harriot covered her mouth and almost squealed. Ever since they've been paired up from Professor Fraeya's class the young noble lady had a hunch that fate is trying to bring the two together.

"Lady Evelyn Alarie and Miss Analissa Blanchet? My hunches are right... these two are-!" She could see their hands grazing each other, the expression on their faces and body language says it all. "On a date!"

It must be! These two must be like that!

Lady Harriot's steps were no longer retreating but instead she found herself following the two around the festival.


Every single booth that they've gone into, they only had smiles on their faces.

From the maid café, the haunted house, the high end tea party, the potion stall and the broom riding booth.

Every route they took it was all lovely to see, she managed to not get caught and even enjoyed seeing the two being happy.

Lady Harriot Yates has never seen Lady Evelyn Alarie look so happy before, she was always so serious and cold in the classroom.


"So you enjoy stalking people?"


"Lord Einsel Loucrat-"

Lord Ein places a finger on his lips winking, it was only a coincidence that she saw this girl following his good friends. "Shhh... Quiet now, we wouldn't want you blowing your cover. What would those two think once they know what you were doing?"

Now that he looks at her more clearly, it seems that it was his classmate doing some spying on the two. "Lady Harriot Yates, if my memory serves me correct. We're classmates."

He was a little disappointed at Lady Evelyn and Analissa for not noticing that someone was railing after them, but he was impressed at Lady Harriot's skill for not being so easily detected.

"I-I... promise I won't do it again- it's just!"

"Oh, you have a reason for your misdeeds?" (Lord Ein) eyes this peculiar woman down, he didn't like people intruding on the two love birds. Destroying the work and effort he helped just to get those two closer he won't let that happen!

"I-I just prefer seeing the two of them together, milord. I wanted to see them enjoy the festival together and perhaps see them hold hands."

"...?" Lord Ein was not expecting that kind of answer from the noble lady.

"I-It's weird isn't it? I'm sorry I know that this isn't probably normal the whole thing really but I just couldn't help it."

On the contrary, the knight didn't find it weird and he was even happy that someone else was able to finally see what he has been seeing all this time. "Those two would make a lovely couple wouldn't they?"

Lady Harriot's heart almost leaped hearing those words. Lord Einsel Loucrat, the crown prince's personal friend, is interested in someone else's romantic life? "You... Do you support them too?"

"Of course, have you ever seen Lady Alarie make that wide smile on her face whenever Miss Analissa Blanchet is around?"

"It's easy to see that these two make each other happy."

"Whew... thank goodness you understand me." She began to lower her guard around him, revealing a wide smile and a perfect set of teeth.

Lord Ein crosses her arms, grinning with a scoff. "But it doesn't mean I'll let you go that easily. You were following my friends around, and if you don't want that fact spreading around the school. You'll listen to my favor."


"Go ahead and tell anyone else what I'm doing. Guess who they'll believe."

"W-What is the favor?"

Favor- more like blackmail!

"Hmm... I have this huge pile of money in my hand. I do not need this so I have a task for you that I can't do."

"Come with me, we'll take a shortcut and I'll teach you a little something called bribery."



The continued adventures of the villainess and the heroine are still ongoing.

"The fourth year from the lower section is going to hold a wedding booth. Guess we'll go there next because it's the last one." The blonde haired girl stretches her arms, seeing that the first day was almost over.

She watches the look on her companion's face who replies, "We should hurry, the day is almost over and everyone should be getting ready to clean up and pack their things if we don't want to miss it."

"Ah right! Let's hurry."

The two walked to the lower section's classroom only to find it empty with no one else trying to get married.

There were only a few fourth years who were eyeing them, looking at the color of their hair.

"It's... a little empty?" (Analissa) takes a look at their design having a bit of effort on the chairs, stage, podium and flowers. It seems that they were in the right place. "Hello this is the wedding booth correct?"

The fourth year class has realized that this must be their target. A blonde girl and a purple haired girl- hold on that the woman who gave them lots of money didn't tell them that they needed to marry the vice president!

"Hold on, the ginger haired noble lady with the funny accent told us that she wanted two girls to be married today. That's them, right?"

"Yeah it's the vice president Lady Evelyn Alarie from the student council and- hold on that's... the girl right beside her looks like an angel."

"Hah... true... but hold on, are we allowed to do this to the vice president?"

The two girls noticed that the three fourth years were whispering right in front of them. Lady Evelyn could feel something was off and made sure to keep her guard up just in case something would happen.

"I mean we took the payment- this isn't exactly allowed but we need the money."

"Alright calm down, I'll handle this."

The fourth year clears his throat giving the two a warm smile and welcomes them inside. "Welcome to the wedding booth, the two of you. We've been waiting, please follow me so we can get your veils ready."

His other companions got the message and began preparing everything that they'll need.

A few moments ago they met a first year student they had never seen before, holding a lot of money in her hand, telling them that she'll give it all if only they can reserve the booth for them when the time comes.



Analissa tries to stop them, she calls out to the lower section student that welcomed them and tries explaining that they didn't even plan to participate in this booth. "Hold on, I think there's been a mistake. We're just only going to watch and check out the other couples that were going to be wedded today."

She tries explaining but the fourth year was adamant that they be wedded- they've been paid to do so anyways!

"Oh no, no! Please don't be shy! We have already gotten your ticket and someone reserved for your wedding."

"What wait?"


The two girls were in deep thought. Lady Evelyn stares at the cheap wedding décor and slowly her heart melts, something like a wedding she wished to have- even if it's merely a booth...

If it's her choice...

And not a wedding that's been arranged by her parents.

"No, no I mean we didn't even consent to them doing that. Lady Evelyn what should we do? Someone reserved us a reservation to be wedded." (Analissa) looks around to see a familiar blue hair at the very back of the classroom window who almost slipped but thankfully his new companion came to help him hide his head. "And I think I know who."

Lord Ein is up to his tricks again, this is not funny! Doesn't he know that this is a scandalous thing for someone like Lady Evelyn to have?

The heroine who was being surrounded by such nasty rumors, now not only will she be renowned for making men kneel to her feet but also shooting her shot at the villainess who was clearly engaged!

The villainess hardened her resolve and placed a hand on Analissa's shoulders. Even if it's only to make believe... She wants to try. "Why not?"

"Huh?" (Analissa) almost dropped her jaw hearing that.

Why not?

There are many variables and reasons why they should not go through!

A wedding booth is already a taboo enough event for a noble to participate in- the scandals and rumors it'll do to their reputation! This is why only commoners have the balls to even suggest such a thing.

Lady Evelyn shrugs, holding out her hand for Miss Analissa Blanchet to take. "It is merely a booth, this is only a play... nothing serious. Would you like to try the wedding booth with me?"

Analissa stares at her open hand before trying to convince herself to not do it. She wants to- really she does!


"I-I mean what about your reputation?"

"Someone reserved this for us as a prank, something to humiliate the vice president with- I have fallen into their trap and I couldn't say no." (Lady Evelyn) further reached out her hands to the heroine, those lovely purple eyes were shining and the expression on her face was like a worried puppy. "I can't say no to you."

Everyone who was in that room suddenly felt their eyes being glued to the scene.

The two girls' hearts were beating at a fast pace. Hands sweaty, nervous and shaking.

Analissa was the first one to take a step back at the sudden surprising turn of events.


The fourth year handlers hearing everything was resolved and wanted to go through with the wedding. Who wouldn't after hearing what the vice president has said?! They have never expected this side of the vice president.


"Are you seeing this?"

"It's like my heart is being cleansed."

"I know... I don't even need to do this for the money at this point."

"Um... I'm... but... the thing is..." She really wanted to do it, but this is all so wrong. Something feels wrong, she couldn't understand why but her eyes were just full of affection that Analissa felt so scared but also happy hearing it.

Lord Ein and Lady Harriot who were outside peeking by the window were excited about what was going to happen, they couldn't watch still. "Do it! Say yes!"

"Wahhh... Lord Ein I can't look. Why isn't Miss Blanchet saying anything?" (Lady Harriot) covers her eyes before opening them up again. They could see the blonde girl hesitating on saying yes to the marriage booth.

"I don't know but we must believe in that idiot to realize her feelings." They were cheering out for her in the distance.

"If... this... doesn't go anywhere- this rumor. I want this wedding play to be a secret. I want to do it but I also want to keep you safe." (Analissa) still couldn't hold her hand out to the villainess, not unless this condition will be met.

This may be a silly thing to worry about but she has to be extra careful. She must put the villainess' safety first before any other desires.

"...I see."

Lady Evelyn knew how to fulfill that wish. She smiles warmly at the blonde girl, finally she understood what she was feeling.

"I'll go talk to them and make sure... they won't say anything about today."

"A-Are you sure?"

"I promise."

With that one sentence, 'I promise' the heroine had to trust her because if there is one thing that villainess has never broken in the game is her promises.


"Losimer be a dear and keep her away from this side of the classroom for a bit." She orders her familiar who flies over to Analissa, using his feet she pulls her clothes and drags her away to give her master some privacy as she talks with the fourth years.

"Tweet." (Losimer) ushers Analissa to follow him and she does so rather obediently.

Because the current look on the villainess' eyes was just like in the original game.


There are currently about five fourth years inside the classroom. The others must be exploring the other booth.

'This girl makes me do some crazy things.' She sighs in her mind.

"Everyone here present, mind if we arrange some negotiation between both parties? Not unless... you want to disobey the orders of a noble and your future queen." She turns to all the students that were in front of her, she holds out her hand preparing to cast a binding spell.

The fourth year students were stunned at her proposition, the binding spell that only nobilities are allowed to use. Is it that girl so important that this whole thing needs to become a secret?


'And I think I know why I'm doing all of this now.'

"Vice President- I know how this looks but trust us. We won't tell a soul of what will happen today. We don't need a binding contract for it." One tried speaking for themselves, but honestly this much tea is too juicy to not be told.

Lady Evelyn noticed the student's hunger and shook her head. "Are you sure about that? You say that to me with such deceiving eyes?"

"I-I'm not deceiving you!"

"I know when people lie." She chuckles, but soon her carefree demeanor went all away- looking like she was out for blood. "And you just did."

"I..." He wasn't able to look her in the eye because it was the truth. In turn, the villainess did not take this kindly and immediately noticed a hole in their whole operation.

Lady Evelyn takes something out of her inventory, it was the poster rules and everything that needed to be followed. "I've read your booth rules, you don't usually make reservations. It is strange, should I interview the other students and perhaps the council about this matter?"

"Conduct an investigation... to make sure no bribery has been made? Because... that will get you into a lot of trouble." The villainess corners all of them to agree with the binding contract or else... These lower sections will be speaking with the principal soon.

And as commoners... they don't have a lot of power in the academy so this enough scared them into agreeing. "...!"

"W-We'll do the binding contract spell, vice president! Please just don't report this to the student council!"

"A fair exchange. Make a binding contract with all of you. Those who dare say anything about today- or even write it down on a piece of paper will not live to tell the tale." She leans down to one of her seniors, patting his back with a deadly smile. "It's quite easy isn't it?"

"So go on, hold out your hand... and repeat what I say." She urges all of them to hold out their hand as she chants out the spell. "Indissolubilis Pactum."

A magic circle on her hands appeared and glowed a fair color of gold. The air around them completely changed too, now everything felt so intense and heavy. "I, Lady Evelyn Alarie, swear to not speak of what happened to say. If I do... I pay the ultimate price."

The other fourth year followed her instructions and said their part of the pact.

"I, a student from the lower section, will not dare speak of what will happen today. If I do so I will pay the ultimate price." The magic circle glowed more until it disappeared, all turning into spectacles of light until it was no more.

"Well then, let's start now shall we?" (Lady Evelyn) turned her back and called out to the blonde girl that everything was settled and they were all now ready to commence the fake wedding.


The wedding went underway, the fourth years made sure they'll keep the money they got from this and prayed that the vice president will keep her end of the bargain. They locked the doors, covered the windows with the curtains, made sure no one would watch and know what was happening.

"Hey! Remove that curtain at once! I paid good money to watch this!" (Lord Ein) was slamming his fists on the glass window, crying a little bit because that was his whole monthly allowance. "Let me in!"

"Sniff... I can't watch them holding hands!"

If the rest of their classmates knew they accepted a bribe everyone would be in trouble.

"This is better than nothing." One fourth year shrugged but at least he's going to be eating like a king for the next few weeks.

"May we please have the bride to be? And the other... bride to be?" They were a bit confused on what to call them since they're used to grooms and bride.

Lady Evelyn stands to the side right by the pastor and waits for the heroine to take the long walk.


Analissa was being accompanied by Losimer who was holding the end of the veil that was rented by the booth. She eyes the villainess' with confusion and happiness.

The wedding booth... the villainess is only doing this for fun right?



The fourth years were throwing flowers everywhere, actually enjoying this. "I never thought the vice president swung that way."

"And we can't talk about it to anyone else."

"Well... respect for her type then."

Even if they also wanted to shoot their shot at the most beautiful girl they've ever seen- it seems that she wasn't worth it with the obstacle like the vice president standing in their way.

So they decided to just support the two.

"This is not an official wedding but something just for fun. We will skip the mass and directly marry you two." The fourth year takes out the short script and reads it aloud.

"We are gathered here in the presence of the heavens, family, and friends to unite these two in holy matrimony. Marriage is an honorable estate, and is therefore not to be entered into lightly, but reverently, advisedly, soberly, and the heaven's blessing. We rejoice that these two people have chosen to commit themselves to a life of loving faithfulness to one another."

Analissa didn't hear what the fake pastor was saying and turned to the villainess who was having the widest smile she had ever seen.


She's happy to be getting married?

"We praise you, the heavens, for the ways you have touched our lives with loving relationships such as this, and we give thanks for the special love and friendship you have put in their hearts. Renew within us an affectionate and loving spirit." The fourth year student takes out two rings that came with the payment.

It was made out of cheap silver that you can find anywhere in the market.

"Will you, Lady Evelyn Alarie, say a moment of a few words to your partner?"

Lady Evelyn nods, her periwinkle eyes never leaving Analissa's soft blue ones.

"Miss Blanchet." The villainess calls out her name.

Analissa's back straightened, "Y-Yes?"

"I thank you for giving me this opportunity. I never thought I would have my own wedding that didn't come from my parents' arrangement. I just wanted to experience it once, with someone I trust. A wedding that came from my own choice." She reaches for a bouquet, and holds it in a tight grip.

"And it's you."

Analissa smiles, seeing how dedicated Lady Evelyn was into acting she couldn't help herself but do the same. "Oh! So that's how it is!"

"I'm glad I could help you fulfill one of your dreams. I'm not deserving but thank you for choosing and trusting me with this. You are the most kind, beautiful and warmest person I have ever met." (Analissa) reaches out her hands to cup the villainess' face with a smile. "I hope you always remember, whatever side you take- whatever you will do- I will stay by your side and I will complete my goal."

'That is to keep you safe and save you from your fate.'

Lady Evelyn was standing there speechless, she couldn't say anything because... word for word it made her heart tingle. Red, shaking, wishing that this woman was truly the one she was marrying- every bit of emotion was being felt.

Confused, happy, sad, and... the urge to kiss her right then and there in front of all these people.

"Apologies, was that a bit much?" (Analissa) asks, worried that what she said was too cheesy or embarrassing for the villainess to hear.

"I... no, that was the sweetest thing anyone has told me." (Lady Evelyn) tucks a loose hair behind her ear and takes the ring provided by the booth to her hands, offering it to the heroine. "May I give you this ring?"

The blonde girl shakes her head, they have already crossed a line- something like symbols of ring exchange should be properly done with the person you truly love. "I can put it on myself."

Analissa takes the ring and places it in her left hand. She wears it in the middle finger to remind herself that this is merely a wedding booth, nothing serious, and the villainess thinks the same.

She's only trusting her to fulfill one thing that must've been in her bucket list for so long.

To experience getting married with someone she trusts, even if it's only a friend at least... she experienced it.

"Ah... alright." (Lady Evelyn) ponders, wondering if the message didn't get across.

The villainess wears the ring on her ring finger... to signify that to her deep inside this was genuine.

"With the two rings exchanged. You may now... Hold on will you guys um you know-" The fake pastor's face reddened slightly thinking if the two would kiss.

Analissa quickly denies it, shaking her head with also a reddened face.

Kissing the villainess- no!

"Oh no! Actually we're just friends. We just felt bad about the reservation prank someone made on you and well- we just wanted to try the booth." She explains to the fourth year who understands her reasons, even finding it rather kind of her to turn this prank into something memorable.

"Yes... what she said."

"Did you have fun, Lady Evelyn?"

"I did... and I realized something today." The villainess looks at her ring before staring at those usual blue eyes that got her heart beating like crazy.

"What's that?" (Analissa) asks, curious.

The villainess chuckles, planning to keep this ring into her box of possessions. A reminder that perhaps... in another life she would have married the person she chose.

"It's not the right time yet but one day... I hope it will be."

In the end the two exited the booth but not before Lady Evelyn gives them a few tips, after all that binding contract is a serious one. At least to sweeten the deal, she gave them each a jewel that could be pawned as a reward.

"We promise to not speak of this day, and thank you for the tip vice president." The fourth years rejoiced at their new profound wealth. These jewelry that they got could help them through hard times!

Siding with the vice president is a good idea!

"Your booth was lovely, it was a wonderful experience." (Lady Evelyn) felt like this was a nice way to end the day as she escorts the blonde girl back to her dorm.



"I hate that curtain, I hate this life, I hate that my allowance money was used up like that and I didn't even get to watch them get married." (Lord Ein) had his whole body slumped by the wall with the young lady Harriot sitting with him.

Trying her best to comfort him.

"W-Will you be alright? You said you used your allowance just for that... Do you have enough money for dorm rent?" (Lady Harriot) asks, patting his back.

"I do... I'll just have to ask for more back at home. I'm famished... but I don't have any money right now." (Lord Ein) yawns, holding his stomach and looking so tired. All of that bribery money- he hopes that it was all worth it.

Lady Harriot hearing this couldn't help but feel bad for her class president, so she decides to treat him to food today. "Oh! Then if that's the case-! I can treat you to some food stalls today, some haven't closed and we can still make it."

Lord Ein blinks at her offer and smiles. "Will it be truly alright with you?"

The freckled girl nods, replying shyly. "I actually enjoyed the festival today. It was all thanks to you, it was also nice to see someone else agreeing with me- that those two... look kind of cute together."

"Hmm... then Lady Yates, I will indulge in your generosity. It's a shame that we missed the big event but we'll just eat our fill to forget our sadness."

"Well said, I saw some stall selling meat skewers or do you prefer something else?"

"Meat skewers sounds good."

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This is Zerin_Lee the writer of the this story. I would just like to make this small letter of thanks for all the people reading this- those who supported me financially especially. From patreon, ko-fi and discord. When I broke my phone I almost cried, because we truly don't have much.

So many people donated.

I bought rice for my family, the rest is for bills and fixing my phone. I gave the official artist a bonus too so she could happily make more arts for the story!

Thanks to you- I'm looking at you all! You made this yuri writer happy. You don't know how much I appreciate and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

My readers are awesome people! <3 I hope you have a nice day. I love you all.


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