Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Special Chapter: The Festival With The Villainess (IV).

Special Chapter: The Festival With The Villainess (IV).


Fourth Year: Higher Section

Broomstick Racing/Le Sport de Voliant


To the last two booths they go!

The journey of the festival seems unending, but as they got into the afternoon they realized that their time together might be ending soon.

“So it says here on the poster that the fourth year's high section should have their booth set up on the track and field part of the academy.” (Analissa) frowned at how big this place was, walking just to get to the track and field was a long way.

‘This is ridiculous?! How huge is this school?! Not to mention that there's even a private area where future knights would train!’ Her feet were stinging if she had to walk another step but thankfully being with Lady Evelyn makes it tolerable.

“What's their booth all about anyways?”

Will they really conduct a broom race inside the school?

“The Flying Race, also known as broomstick racing in our kingdom, has been a very good sport for both nobles and commoners. Each will have a four member team, all carrying batons and they must pass it to their team flying avoiding obstacles as they cross the finish line.” (Lady Evelyn) explains in good detail how the sports work. “Fun fact the sport came from the north and its original name was called Le Sport de Voliant.”

Analissa listens happily, hearing more about the world lore. “Fancy name! I can't believe we can get to try it first hand!”

“There’s even a varsity team in our school. There's other sports that use the broomstick but for now I wonder how they'll let students participate in this.” (Lady Evelyn) looks up, seeing the small figures of some of the students actually trying out flying.

“Whoa! I can see them in the sky!” (Analissa) squints her eyes pointing at the flying figures with a wide and excited smile on her face.

Lady Evelyn saw the excitement in her face and was curious as to the why. “Do you like it?”

Analissa could be seen shaking with dopamine, happiness of seeing a flying magic broom-! Who couldn’t be happy?! “Yeah! It's like h*rry p*tt*r! I love that book!”

“...H*rry what?”

“I mean- what Lady Evelyn looks like they're turning this way!” Quickly changing the topic so that she can’t reveal other worldly fictions, the two could see someone flying into the sky with such amazing speed.

The student who was controlling the broomstick noticed the beautiful blonde girl's presence and intended to show off by doing many hard tricks up in the sky. Such as holding the broom with one hand as he stands on top of it, falling off the broom and controlling it so it can come into his direction.

Analissa gasped in amazement, this unknown side character was showing off his skills. “Who is that?!”

Lady Evelyn almost all of the noble students in the campus knew who that show off was. “That should be the academy's broom racing’s varsity player and their ace. A son of a Baron, Lord Lance Cameron.”

The villainess watched as this son of a Baron looked like he was trying to lure them in. “Seems like he's showing off too much in our direction.”

Analissa has forgotten the danger of having men come at you at any moment and thought that whoever was doing those awesome flips must be properly advertising their booth. “Well if this is his way of advertising their booth it is working! Lady Evelyn come on, let's go take a look!”

“Quite the excitement, I think out of all the booths this one has to be your favorite.” She chuckles in endearment as they walk together to the booth stand.

‘Mostly because I can't believe that this world has something like this! This has never been mentioned in the novel! I've been a h*rry p*tt*r series fan for so long!’ (Analissa) almost squealed but kept it in.

“It is my favorite!”


The two went towards the booth where they've been met by the same varsity ace player who parked his broom right by their ticket stand and showed off his hair, as he took off his helmet.

“Kyah! It's him! Sir Lance of the Aerial Broomstick racing team!”

‘I haven’t seen this character before but the fourth years in the high section do not kid around either. I guess since it's their final year in the academy they plan on splurging their money on this one.’

“Hello ladies and good sirs! I know we've been interested in this good sport that not many have the privilege to try!”

“So I suggested this booth so you can! We've gotten permission to borrow special athletes' broom equipment where the rest of us fourth years will teach you and guide you in exchange for your tickets.” The fourth year senior gave his signature smile to all the girls surrounding their booth, both the student’s academy and foreign ones were trying to grab his attention.

“Me next!”

“I want to try!”

“Take my tickets!”

The girls were lining up to get the handsome senior's attention. He was popular, very well built and the star player of their team. His attention was only on one girl however as she looked so beautiful he couldn't help but notice her even if he was high up in the sky.

“And for you milady, I couldn't help but spot you over in the sky as I flew. I was blinded by your mere beauty, are you interested in flying perhaps?” He asks Analissa, who did not see his hidden advances of trying to flirt with her and was just purely excited on trying out a magic broomstick with Lady Evelyn.

“Very much so yes!”

“Haha! Then I volunteer to be your guide. After all, I am the ace of our varsity team. Who else would be the safest to show you the way?” (Lord Lance) offers his services to Analissa who nods happily, taking her tickets.

“Thank you senior! Here I'll give you my ticket-”

The heroine's hand was stopped from giving her ticket away. “No need.”

“Apologies senior but my friend and I… I am capable of showing her how to fly a broomstick.” The villainess' heart skipped a beat after finally saying that she was her friend to someone else.

Lord Lance’s eyes widened after realizing who just spoke. “Ah, vice president. I did not realize that you were here… ahem.”

“You know how to ride one of these, Lady Evelyn?”

“It is a requirement for nobility to be full of tricks. We can give them the ticket for renting the broomsticks.” She smiles at Analissa and then turns her attention back to a mere Baron's son. “But when it comes to teaching and guiding you. I think my services will suffice.”

Lord Lance panicked a little, it seems that his charms won't work on this woman if this is his so-called obstacle- the vice president of the school!

“T-That’s not allowed…? What if you-”

“We'll be fine, thank you for your concern senior but she's with me.”

Analissa looked back and forth at the two nobles, the aura they were positioned in were a bit weird- too heavy and rather competitive. “O-Oh! Um okay.”

“I'll go get us our broomsticks, wait here.”

Analissa followed her instructions and waited by the side. ‘Her eyes were so scary when she looked at this senior… goodness. What got her so angry?’

“Two broomsticks please.” The Villainess gave two tickets to the proper ticket stand to which they gave two brooms.

“Would you like one of our fourth years to accompany you? Or are you already an experienced rider?” The ticket handler who was a woman asks and Lady Evelyn politely declined their offer.

“We will be fine.” She says, not willing to admit the true reason why was because she wanted the blonde girl's time all to herself. If that Baron’s son gets in the way of that…

The fourth year was glad she wasn't going to babysit first years out in the field and wished them goodluck. “Have fun! Don't worry about the fear of falling, we've gotten permission and included safety measures such as a soft air surface encircling the whole flying field.”

“Just don't go beyond it okay?”

“Yes, senior.” (Lady Evelyn) was taking the initiative looking a little… Well it was in a mix of annoyance and jealousy that was for sure.

“Lady Evelyn are you alright?” (Analissa) notices the sudden change in her mood, so she asks if everything is okay.

“Tweet! Tweet!” (Losimer) was also worried, he had never seen his master like that in a long time. He flew into her shoulder and saw where his master was looking.

Lady Evelyn was looking at the senior who was trying to flirt with Analissa but failed after her interference.

“Tweet…” The bird familiar immediately understood what was happening.


“Hmm…” The heroine on the other hand doesn't understand what set her off to be like that and she has never seen an annoyed or angry villainess yet. I guess this was the first time.

The villainess' face softened after the heroine checked up on her and soon her feeling of annoyance went away. “Apologies, did I worry you? I promise that I'm alright… it's just…”

‘I didn't like it when he was trying to take my time away with you… but I shouldn't… tell Miss Blanchet that.’ She shakes her reddened face and holds out the broomstick to Miss Analissa.

“Nevermind here is your broomstick, I'll be teaching you how to properly fly one.” It was clear that the villainess didn't want to continue with the conversation so Analissa just left that one alone.

“Thank you, Lady Evelyn.”

“Tweet!” The little bird watches as his master was going to teach the other human girl how to fly.

This should be interesting.

“The broomstick is an enchanted magic tool that helps you fly, no matter the elemental magic you possess, all it needs is a little mana transfer and you'll be able to go up into the sky.” (Lady Evelyn) was trying to remember everything that she knows about broomstick flying. “The military uses flying brooms too but it's also encouraged to be a sport several decades ago. You have the parts of the broom, we have the handle where as long as you touch any part of it you are able to transfer mana and continue flying.”

Lady Evelyn points at the near end of the broom. “This is the safety bar where you can place your feet and steady yourself when flying. When you transfer the mana, you'll be up in the air first and then your body movement will be the way to go in different directions.”

Analissa looked excited but at one moment but now became nervous. “...gulp.”

“Here I have this broomstick, Miss Blanchet. I'll show you how to properly do it first.” (Lady Evelyn) shows her how it's done first, her feet that were on the grass were now flying and watched the reaction of her companion. “Ride your broomstick, hold your handle and transfer some mana.”

“Hah…! So cool!”


“That's the first time, please do try.”


Analissa quickly rides the tall broom, holding the handle gripping onto it before taking a breather. She focuses on transferring her mana onto the broomstick and feels her feet no longer being on the ground as well.

“Lady Evelyn, I'm doing it! I'm doing it!” The blonde girl looks down and sees herself being a few inches above the ground. She laughed loudly as the Villainess was proud of her small baby steps into learning how to fly.

“Well done, Miss Blanchet!”

“Okay so how do you get down?”


The Japanese streamer’s dream came true. She felt like a young wizard as she held that broom. “Wheee!”

“Okay slowly, slowly, good. You're a natural at mana control.”

“Thank you, I do have good control.”

Analissa was slowly learning how to add a few more height as she flew, she felt fearless knowing that there's a soft barrier below that'll cushion her fall if she ever does.

“Woohoo! Lady Evelyn isn't this great?! Losimer is flying with us!” (Analissa) due to her excitement almost slips and falls, thankfully Losimer was there to make sure she's safe.

Lady Evelyn was impressed with her prowess to learn and adapt fast into the sport… No… perhaps not only the sport but that's just how she is.

“She's amazing.”

The two having their time up had to give up the broomsticks back to their seniors and said their goodbyes.

“Did you have fun, Miss Blanchet?”

“Very much so, thank you for teaching me how to ride a Broomstick.”

“Tweet!” (Losimer) settles back onto Analissa's head once it is all over. He'll definitely get more hungry with all the exercises he did today.

“Wanna go grab something to eat while we head to the next booth?”


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