Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

199. Hinata vs Neji

Its here! The awaited ass beating for Neji! :3

Days turned into weeks as everyone worked their hardest in preparation for the last segment of the chunin exam… everyone except team Yamato that is. After the first week of testing the girls went back to their usual routine, kind of. Each one of them was dealing with certain things in preparation for what was to come. Surprisingly out of the three Tomoka was both the busiest and least busy. This is due to the fact that she wasn’t doing much while her phantoms and summons did most of the work. Finally the day came.


“So, want to bet to pass the time?” Tomoka said while walking with her hands inside her trench coat pockets. For today Tomoka decided to dress a bit differently. Normally she would use deep blue shorts with a wine red shirt reinforced with chainmail below it. A pair of the usual shinobi sandals and fingerless gloves to protect her hands and feet. Today she had accompanied that with fishnet stockings and a wine red trench coat while her shirt was replaced with a black tube top that showed her well defined midriff.  


“Sure, what’s the bet?” Answered Hinata who dressed like any other day with her lavender and white jacket as well as deep blue cargo pants. However, unlike before her jacket was unzipped showing the chainmail below that did little to hide her figure with her melon’s hidden behind a black sports bra. 


“I bet Satsuki-chan won’t be late due to my involvement.” Hearing Tomoka’s words, the other two thought about it for a moment before answering. 


“I bet Satsuki won't come on time.” Nozomi was the first to say her bet. Like the other two her look had changed a bit. While she would usually wear all black baggy clothes covering most of her figure she went with showing a lot more of her figure as well. Her black hoody was replaced with a same color button up shirt that clung tight to her well defined muscles. Her baggy cargo pants were replaced with tight black leather pants. 


After both Hinata and Nozomi suffered from the growth spurt brought by the S.N.S Tomoka took it upon herself to revamp their wardrobes with new clothes. The best part about this is that their clothes were specially made with modern day materials making them more comfortable, resistant and flexible. Despite what it would appear like all three girls kept their full range of movement. 


“I am with Nozomi on this one.” Hinata said while remembering the events she had seen inside Tomoka’s mindscape. This last month Hinata and Nozomo had pestered Tomoka until she caved in and so each night they would watch one or two episodes of Naruto inside Tomoka’s mindscape. 


“Well, we will see soon, we are here.” After the necessary procedures Tomoka and Hinata were let into the avenue through the examinee’s entrance. After walking through the dimly lit corridor leading into the arena the two were met with the loud crowd talking animatedly about what was to come. 


Inside the duo quickly spotted some of the other participants accompanied by Genma. Seeing this they thought the same thing: ‘Looks like Hayate couldn’t escape cannon.’ Not bothering with that thought any longer the duo reached the group present as they waited for those missing. 


A while later with only a minute missing before the whole thing started Tomoka began to sigh. A few seconds later the massive doors were slammed shut. Seeing this Tomoka couldn’t help but have a crooked smile as this meant she lost the bet. Looking towards Hinata she felt a small shiver crawl up her spine seeing her lust filled predatory expressions. Nozomi, who was allowed into the waiting area alongside Yamato sensei, also gave Tomoka the same look. 


[You brought this on yourself.] Kurama said, followed by laughter. 


‘Shaddap you voyeuristic fox!’ 


[Who are you calling a voyeur you sadist!] 


‘You of course otherwise how could you know I am a sadist!’ 


Satsuki should be disqualified, however, as expected the sneko asked the old goat to shuffle up the matches so he could still get his hard on watching Satsuki fight. Unlike cannon however, Satsuki’s match wouldn’t be against Gaara. Another thing that differed from cannon was the first fight that was about to start.  


“First match, Hinata Hyuga vs Neji Hyuga. The rest of you can go to the waiting area.” With that said, everyone not involved left. 


“Are the two of you ready?” Once Genma asked this Neji activated his byakugan while taking his fighting stance. Hinata for her part remained relaxed with her hands inside her jacket’s pockets. 


“Not going to take a fighting stance? Seems you have accepted your destiny.” Hearing Neji Hinata couldn’t help but roll her eyes causing the discomfort brought by its fully deactivated state to flare for a moment. 


“You and your destiny talk. I can’t help but wonder if you were dropped as a baby cause that is all I hear you talk about.” Hearing Hinata’s words even Genma cringed a little. As expected Neji became enraged. Before he could answer Genma decided to start the match. 


As soon as Genma gave the go Neji dashed forward with a smirk on his face seeing Hinata standing still. “Eight trigrams, sixty four palms!” Neji shouted followed by “Two palms!” With that he struck Hinata twice, then four times, eight, sixteen, thirty two and finally sixty four times. Throughout all of this Hinata hadn't moved an inch nor did her facial expression 



“Are you done?” Neji who’s breathing became a bit heavier after performing the technique couldn’t believe his ears nor his eyes. He could see Hinata’s chakra network just as active as before, as if she hadn’t taken any damage. 


“How?” Neji asked the same question every single Hyuga in attendance wanted to know. This had never happened before. Before he could react a heavy kick landed on his chest sending him a good distance away as he tumbled and rolled on the ground. 


“Before that let me make something clear.” Hinata’s voice resounded through the entire venue as she used chakra to enhance her voice. 


“I renounce the name Hyuga. I want no part in a clan of slavers who put chains on their own kin.” Hinata spat the words as if they were the most bitter venom ever. She also spat on the ground for good measure. This enraged every single main branch member watching.


“As to how, well. Just like you can send chakra through the tenketsu of your fingers, what stops me from doing the same with the ones in the rest of my body?” Hearing this not only Neji but every other Hyuga’s brain short circuited. After all, the sheer amount of chakra control needed to perform such a thing was inhumane. 


Having enjoyed Neji’s bewildered expression, Hinata decided to finally move. In an instant a cloud of magenta chakra exploded out of Hinata covering her in a powerful chakra cloak in the shape of a lion. 


“Taikan Byakugan.” She didn’t have the need to say its name to activate her dojutsu, she just  did so for the satisfaction of seeing Neji’s bewildered expression again. He wasn’t the only one as all the Hyuga clan members present lost their shit seeing Hinata’s byakugan with their own. 


Now that the stage was set she released the tight hold she had on the lid of her anger. She had spent years with the deepshit constant talk of destiny. Years were she had to act meek and weak for the sake of her freedom. She had to lose to her sister to not be caged under the responsibility of being an heir. She hated herself for that last one. She had seen how her sister’s childhood wilted under her father’s incessant tutoring. 


Thankfully all would be alright after today. With that thought in mind she unleashed her wrath on Neji who had finally stood up a second ago. In a moment she stood there like a majestic queen about to deliver punishment, the next she struck neji’s shoulder with two fingers. The sheer amount of chakra she delivered to his tenketsu made it burst as a shower of magenta chakra and crimson blood exploded from Neji’s shoulder. She wasn’t satisfied just yet.  


Hinata had seen how Neji had brutalized her much kinder, much weaker self in a time that never was. She was about to do the same to her cousin, just a thousand fold worse. The clock was against her; she needed to deliver her punishment before the proctor could stop her. 


She moved with grace and speed delivering at least twelve strikes every quarter second. By the time a seconds was up Neji’s right arm had been brutalized in such a way there was no saving the limb. The next second his left followed. One second led to his right leg becoming crippled. One more and his left followed. 


During these four seconds everyone watching had become entranced with the beautiful dance of chakra and blood. It took one more second for Genma to realize the danger Nejia was in. Moving as quickly as he could, he took Neji away from Hinata. Only now realizing that the kid looked more like a beehive than a fourteen year old. 


“Winner, Hinata.” Genma shouted as he dashed towards the waiting medic-nins. He was about to use her last name but he stopped as he felt a chill crawling up his spine. That wasn't an important thought, at least not right now. 


Hinata felt a bit dissatisfied with the result. Though Neji would never be able to use his arms and legs again she had wanted to make his life more miserable. The last second she had been striking his torso with precision, screwing up his digestive system. She had wanted to make it so he wouldn’t be able to eat solid foods ever again. The damage was still there but not as much as she would have liked. At least she had been able to mess his spine so he would be suffering from chronic pain the rest of his life.  


Taking a deep breath to calm down Hinata placed the lid back on her anger. Thanks to this experience it had diminished a lot but not completely. Though she knew a way to make herself feel better and diminish her anger a bit more. With a smirk she turned to see the enraged faces of the Hyuga watching. Like the very mature girl she was, she gave them the middle finger before walking towards the waiting area enraging them even more. 


Once there she was received by the stares and glares of every Konoha participant and sensei. Some were filled with anger, some with concern, only one was filled with unbridled pride and love. Not wasting her time with the bunch of sheep she walked with steady and confident steps until she snuggled into her lover’s arms releasing a content sigh. Seeing this everyone’s stare and glares became even more intense. 


“Why did you do that?” The one to ask was Gai who was livid. As Neji’s jounin sensei he understood how much of an ass his student is but nothing that would warrant crippling him in his opinion. With a tired sigh Hinata detached herself from Tomoka before looking Gai in the eyes with no guilt or remorse in her eyes. 


“Because he as well as my clan made my life hell every turn of the way. As the saying goes, you reap what you sow. He antagonized me every step of the way and today I repaid him with interest.” Not bothering with Gai any longer, she just turned around diving back into Tomoka’s bosom. 


Hearing and seeing Hinata’s disinterested response made Gai’s blood boil. Everyone that knew him understood that despite what Gai may portray he can in fact get extremely angered. He wanted to punch Hinata right in the face with at least six gates open but he restrained himself. 


Meanwhile Hiruzen couldn’t help but worry about what he just saw. Things had gotten out of control too fast. The girl antagonizing and insulting the Hyuga clan could have been managed. Her more than likely crippling their genius would make things far more complicated. Worst of all was the fact he didn’t know when, how or where she got such a powerful chakra nor why it was magenta. To make matters even worse, one of his ANBU, a Hyuga going by mole, revealed that the girl’s byakugan seemed to have evolved or mutated. 


The old Kage could already feel the massive headache that dealing with this shit show would bring. Not to mention the brutality the girl had shown is completely against how Konoha portrays itself towards the rest of the world, a peace loving village. Despite all of this he had a job to do. Right now he is accompanied by the Kazekage and as a good host he needs to keep the man company while conversing with him. 


“So, what do you think? Is she ready to become a chunin?” Despite the power she had shown Hyruzen wanted to say no. Had she done something similar to a non Konoha participant then perhaps he could let it slide. But this wasn’t the case! She had done this to a member from one of Konoha’s biggest and most powerful clans, if not the biggest and most powerful clan. Promoting her would send the Hyuga into a frenzy not to mention it would go against his preaching of unity within the village. 


“I think she should be promoted. Though we weren’t able to see her tactical mind, the way she delivered her clear discontent with the clan shows that she is a cunning one, not to mention how powerful she is.” Hearing the Kazekage Hiruzen felt like crying. He was right, Hinata should be promoted but by doing so it would lead to a shit ton of political turmoil he wasn’t willing nor ready to deal with. 


“Though you present valid points, the fact she has such a big conflict with a clan of Konoha to the point of crippling a member of Konoha leads me to believe she shouldn’t be promoted.” Thankfully as the Hokage he could decide whether or not to prompt whoever he wanted whenever he wanted. In reality the Kage’s of each village were the ones in charge of promoting their respective genin should they deem them fit. Otherwise Hinata would have been promoted and all hell would break loose. 


With the conversation ending at that the two Kage’s stayed silent as they waited for the next match to start. It didn’t take long before Genma cleared his throat before calling forth the next two participants. 


“Shikamaru Nara vs Temari.” 


Hearing the names both contestants got onto the stage, one more eager than the other. Tomoka and Hinata hearing this couldn’t help but chuckle a little wondering if the match would go the same as cannon. To neither’s surprise it just so happened that it did go like cannon… Somewhat. Thanks to the lack of a certain hole created by one Naruto Uzumaki, Shikamaru had a harder time though the end of the match was pretty much the same as cannon. As neither participant had suffered injuries Genma waited for the usual five minutes between matches to end before calling the next set of names. 


“Tomoka Fushi vs Gaara.” With that the crowd thundered in cheers of excitement for what was to come. 

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