Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

198. Limit testing

After running a few more experiments Tomoka was able to determine what the girl’s respective dojutsus could and couldn’t do. In simple words, Hinata’s new byakugan, name pending, could be described with a single word: control. Meanwhile Nozomi’s sharingan could be defined as power. 


While Hinata’s byakugan could control the forces that affect the world it can’t change their power or intensity. This however is trickier than just that. For example she could increase a fire’s heat by having it compressed. The total amount of heat is the same. What changes is its volume and density. 


Nozomi’s sharingan on the other hand can increase or decrease the power or intensity of things while being unable to straight up control them. Going with the same example of a fire, Nozomi could extinguish it by reducing its heat to zero or make it stronger by increasing the heat in it. 


If for example we were to throw a pebble in the vacuum of space, Hinata could easily change the pebble’s direction, however, she wouldn’t be able to change its speed. Nozomi on the other hand could stop or accelerate the pebble without being able to change its direction. Now, the two working together make a rather frightening team. 


“What about you?” Asked Hinata once Tomoka finished her explanation of what she found out. 


“What about me?” Asked Tomoka a little confused, only to receive the incredulous looks of both girls. 


“You haven’t noticed?” Asked Nozomi as she looked Tomoka straight in the eyes.


“Notice what?” Without missing a second Nozomi did some hand signs before spewing some water from her mouth. Following that she used her sharingan to extract the heat from the water making it into clear ice. 


Tomoka, wondering what Nozomi was up to, looked at the ice ball only to see her reflection with bright pink eyes. Now she could understand what the girls were asking about. Like them her kinagan had become active in a sort of passive state. Wondering if she could deactivate it completely, Tomoka concentrated for a moment before her eyes turned back to their emerald green. 


“This feels uncomfortable.” Tomoka commented the next second as she felt a sort of itchiness in her eyes. It felt like she had kept them open for a bit too long and now she needed to blink. The problem lies in the fact that no matter how much she blinks the itch wouldn’t go away. 


“What did you do?” Asked Nozomi wondering how and why Tomoka’s eyes were back to normal. After Tomoka’s explanation the other two tried as well only to be confronted with the same itchy sensation in their eyes. 


Not only that but they needed to keep a certain amount of concentration or their eyes would turn back to their passive activated state. In other words this was their new normal and keeping their eyes fully deactivated places a sort of strain on them similar to keeping them open or squinting for too long. 


“Well it is good knowing we can turn them back if we need to but still, the original question hasn’t been answered.” Said Hinata while looking Tomoka in the eyes. The latter just shrugged and began to concentrate on her vision trying to feel or see anything different. It didn’t take long for her to realize that her kinagan’s passive activation state lets her see two second’s into the future around her like the activated kinagan did before. What was even more surprising is the fact she could comprehend all the info she was taking in with such ease she hadn’t realized she had been doing it all this time. 


After telling the girls her findings Tomoka decided to try her dojutsu’s fully active state. To the surprise of Hinata and Nozomi her pupil broke into five parts inside her iris. Each part taking its place inside the iris with four of them surrounding the fifth. Before, the pupils would appear and disappear at random whenever Tomoka’s kinagan became active. Now they just stayed there in place.    


“Well, this is very freaky.” Tomoka commented as she looked around. Once she activated her dojutsu Tomoka’s vision became distorted, separating into five different vision states. One allowed her to see light, like normal vision but with a far wider range, from infrared to ultraviolet she could see them all. Another let her see heat differentials, sort of like a snake's vision. Another lets her see soundwaves giving her a sort of echolocation. One allowed her to see chakra, natural energy and something more she couldn’t quite tell what it was. While another was fully dedicated to detecting movement.   


All combined made Tomoka feel omniscient not only because of the amount of different ways she could perceive the world now but also because each one of these visions also had future vision and clairvoyance like her passive activated state. If that was all she would be more than satisfied but she felt like there was much more to her eyes, her instincts told her so. 


Without wasting a second Tomoka glanced at a training log and concentrated. “Heavy evil eye,” Tomoka whispered instinctively under her breath. The next moment a sort of haze appeared around the log as it began to creak and crack under its own weight. A second later the log exploded due to the pressure its own weight was inflicting on itself. 


Taking a deep breath Tomoka looked away before her vision landed on a nearby boulder. Once again she whispered under her breath “warped evil eye” The next second it looked like the rock began to bend in unnatural ways as if it was made of putty. Then Tomoka canceled her evil eye making the deformed rock crumble under the space’s forced correction. A small smile began appearing on Tomoka’s lips before the mother of all headaches assaulted her.




““Tomoka!”” Concerned, both girls forgot their amazement before rushing towards Tomoka. The girl in question had cold sweat all over her body while she held her throbbing head. 


“I-I’m alright. Just some chakra exhaustion.” And wasn’t that a surprise. Tomoka’s chakra reserves could put tailed beasts to shame yet her new abilities sucked her dry. Then again, she had an unholy amount of phantoms running around draining her chakra constantly. 


“I think I won’t be able to use those abilities safely for as long as I have more than a hundred phantoms active at a time.” Tomoka commented while massaging her head. The thing is she had currently a total of three thousand seven hundred and ninety two phantoms active. Her little stunt caused around half of those to pop. 


“Really? It’s that taxing?” Hinata was surprised as she  knew how absurd Tomoka’s chakra reserves were.  


“Yeah, the good news is that there are some that aren’t as taxing. I just used two of the most taxing ones just now… oopsies.” Tomoka said while striking her tough out of the side of her mouth earning her a smack from both girls. 


“So what else can they do?” Asked Nozomi after a moment, her curiosity not being satiated just yet. 


“Well…” With a mischievous smile Tomoka whispered under her breath “Hypnotizing evil eye” While looking towards Nozomi. Her instincts were telling her that unlike the name the effects could change a lot depending on what she wanted. As the effect took place Tomoka felt like she could apply a bunch of different effects on the girl, like making her feel fear, or happy or whatever she really wanted. She could also change her personality and even memories. Of course she would never mess with her memories or personality. 


Deciding on what she wanted Tomoka sent an effect towards Nozomi who didn’t resist in the slightest trusting Tomoka with her whole heart. The next moment Nozomi flushed as she felt a fire grow in her crotch. 


“Tomoka!” Said Nozomi in a mixture of anger and desire. She was angry because she knew she wouldn’t get any release until they reached home again, not due to the manipulation of her lust. 


“What did she do?” Asked Hinata, making Nozomi blush harder. 


“Well, I did this.” With that same mischievous glint Tomoka used her Hypnotizing evil eye on Hinata with the same effect. It took hold instantly as Hinata only resisted a little. The next moment, like Nozomi she felt her crotch heating up as lust entered her mind. Seeing the hungry yet mad looks Hinata was giving her, Tomoka decided to reverse the effect before they engage in some depraved form of outdoors sex. 


“That was… I wouldn’t mind you using that one when we are in bed.” This time Nozomi was the one to receive the smack from Hinata. 


“So you got one to make people horny?” Hinata’s tone was unreadable as she gave Tomoka judgmental looks. 


“Not really, it is more of a form of brainwashing. I can make people feel whatever I want and even change their personalities and memories.” Tomoka said nonchalantly. This ability reminded her of the one Danzo tried to use on her. 


“That sounds very overpowered.” Hinata commented as she began to imagine Tomoka brainwashing the Hokage to do her bidding. 


“It is, though it isn’t perfect. Someone with a strong will power will be able to resist it for longer. The same goes for people with a lot of chakra.” Tomoka deduced this much when Hinata resisted for that one moment. 


“Also, the more drastic the change the harder it will be for it to take hold.” Tomoka added. 


“Are there more abilities? Or are these three it?”


“There are more but I feel like they will tax me too much right now.” Tomoka answered Hinata’s question with a nonchalant shrug. 


“More important than that. Have you thought of a name for your new Byakugan?” Tomoka asked Hinata. Nozomi’s sharingan could be categorized as eternal mangekyou so there was no real need to rename it. Hinata’s on the other hand was a completely new thing so there was a need for a new name as well. 


“No, do you have any ideas?” Hinata asked back as she didn’t feel like thinking of names right now. Tomoka also had a nice naming sense so she wouldn’t mind having her name it. 


“Well, the golden pattern looks like a crown from a top view, so how about taikan byakugan.” Hearing Tomoka’s sugestion Hinata began repeating the name under her breath as if savoring the flow of the words to see if she liked it. A moment later she nodded.


“Taikan byakugan it is.”


“So now what? We have tested our dojutsu so what should we do now? Train?” Hearing Nozomi’s question, Tomoka chuckled lightly before answering. 


“We still need to limit test your dojutsu as well as our bodies.” Tomoka considered her own dojutsu already limit tested, seeing how she almost passed out using it twice. 


With that said Tomoka designed a few exercises for the two girls to test their limits. The first consisted of Nozomi using her dojutsu to reduce the heat in a certain area while Hinata concentrated the surrounding heat in said area. Soon enough the training ground became chilly as they managed to drop the temperature by ten degrees in a hundred meter radius. 


By that point the two were already tired but not completely exhausted. That was when a curious phenomenon took place. The girls didn’t realize at the time but as they continued to drain their chakra reserves a magenta chakra cloak began covering them. Not only that but its appearance differed between them. 


Nozomi’s chakra cloak took the form of a wolf with three tails seemingly made of raging water and wind. With it around her she looked like a werewolf ready to pounce on her prey. The raging water and wind gave the impression of a tempest from which very few if any could escape. 


Hinata’s cloak on the other hand looked like a mighty anthropomorphised lion made of sturdy stone with a fiery mane. She looked mighty, ferocious and unmovable. The two cloaks continued to grow in intensity the more they concentrated. The two beasts gave the impression that they were engaged in a ferocious battle despite their unmoving state. 


A few minutes later both girls stopped with sweat running down their faces and bodies like rivers. The chakra cloaks that had covered them dissipated with each heavy breath they took. Neither realized what had been taking place around them while they concentrated on their task. 


“So… How did we do?” Nozomi asked while breathing heavily, having to stop every other word to take a big gulp of air. 


“Quite well actually. The two of you should have top-elite-jounin level of chakra now if not kage level. As for the effects of your respective dojutsu well, look around.” Listening to Tomoka the two looked around only to be mesmerized by the scene. They hadn’t noticed before but now that they looked a whole five meters around the area they had concentrated their dojutsu was frozen with another ten covered in snow.  


“Not only that but look at this.” Tomoka said with a smile as she used her phantoms residing inside the girls to transfer her memories of the event. The two’s jaws dropped as they saw their respective chakra cloaks. 


“Could we…?” Asked Nozomi unsure. She wanted to try it right away but the sheer exhaustion both physical and mental stopped her from doing so. 


“I would probably say yes. You two should try it after some rest.” Tomoka said while handing each girl a bottle of water and a towel. 


“I wonder if I have one too.” Hearing this both girls turned to look towards Tomoka with expectation. Not one to let her girls down Tomoka gave it a try rousing her chakra. It didn’t take long for a magenta chakra cloak to start forming around her. 


[I feel like you just stole my thunder] Hearing Kurama’s sulking voice, Tomoka couldn’t help but chuckle a little. 


‘Don’t be such a baby, we might be able to combine both cloaks in the future.’ With that Tomoka concentrated back on the task at hand. As more and more of her chakra became active the cloak became more and more tangible. 


Soon enough the form of a bipedal lizard formed around Tomoka. It looked like it was made of lightning and wind, like a cloudless storm. Instead of scales a sort of plate armor covered it as a set of eight spider legs grew out of its back. It’s lower jaw was parted in half looking like the chelicerae of a spider. To say it looked creepy would be an understatement. Even worse was how the magenta hue of the cloak began turning darker and darker turning almost black by the time the cloak finished forming. 


“So, what do you think?” In unison Tomoka heard three answers.


“[“Creepy”]” Hearing that Tomoka’s smug smile turned a bit wry as she deactivated the cloak. 


“Well, whatever. Once you two finish resting we will need to test out these cloaks and see what's up with them and how useful they are.” With that Tomoka sat beside her girls enjoying the moment. The rest of the day was spent testing this and that resulting in the trio returning home completely exhausted.

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