Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

17. New friend

Also, as of now I have made my decision regarding the poll.


A while and a short walk later Tomoka arrived at the nearby park with her mother. As soon as they appeared Tomoka and Himiko were approached by a bunch of women, presumably the mothers of the kids Tomoka could see playing. After a barrage of questions and gushing about how cute Tomoka is, she was freed unlike her mother.


Finally being able to breathe, Tomoka decided to go to a quiet corner of the park to cool down. She wasn’t and for that matter isn’t now either an overly social person. In her past life she didn’t consider anyone as a friend. As for someone closer than that it was simply impossible. 


With a sigh she sat on a swing far away from everyone else. Back on earth her social life was lacking, not to say non-existent. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to get close to others. The problem lied with her and her alone. Her introverted tendencies prevented her from actively seeking others.


Then what about others seeking to get close to her. The thing is that as a bright and prominent scientist most if not all that actively approached her did so out of business or self interest. If she had to blame someone for the whole thing asaid from herself it would be her parents. 


Her parents had been strict. Her mother was a businesswoman at heart. She would always seek to reap the most benefit out of any situation. Her father on the other hand was a famous neurosurgeon. The expectations they had placed on her shoulders from a young age were suffocating. 


Tomoka, or rather Aurora, was a brilliant kid. Her learning speed was staggering and her comprehension abilities were top notch. However, that didn’t seem to be enough to impress her parents. No matter how hard she tried, how many new things she learnt her parents wouldn’t be satisfied and would always tell her she could do better. 


To make matters worse, she had been homeschooled all the way to and through highschool. Her first interaction with other people that weren’t either direct family or employees was in university. The social anxiety she felt due to her parents behavior made her feel inadequate and inept. 


It’s for these reasons she always avoided others throughout her time in university. Fearing rejection she isolated herself and concentrated fully in her studies leading to an early graduation.  


The situation didn’t improve once she got a job. Her colleagues were just that. She avoided interacting with them outside of work out of sheer habit. In the end the only quote on quote friends she ever made were online due to the net’s anonymity. In the end she… died? Alone without friends or family that cared for her. She didn’t even get to lose her V-card. Now that she thought about it she didn’t even have her first kiss!   


‘Now that I think back, it wasn’t a great life, I guess I am better in this one. After all, I already made my first friend, right Kurama?’


[Yup, your first friend is a giant fox beast that is trapped inside you without being able to speak with anyone else but you. Definitely a great achievement] 


Once again Tomoka sighed. Kurama did have a point. Despite her new chance at life not much had changed. Yes, her parents wholeheartedly loved her and supported her but she instinctively avoided them. That's when she made up her mind. In this life she would change. 


She couldn’t and didn’t want to change her personality. However, she swore to herself that she would at the very least have some friends. She would also try and spend more quality time with her parents. With a firm resolve Tomoka stood up full of energy. 


“Ehp! Sorry for bothering you, I’ll leave” Suddenly Tomoka heard a soft voice to her right. Sitting on the other swing a girl of her own age sat there. Black, silky, straight hair flowed around in the soft wind. Her eyes are a pair of obsidian black orbs, one of them covered by her bangs. 


Tomoka had been so deep in her thoughs she didn’t notice someone had just sat next to her right before she jumped off. The sudden appearance of the girl had caught her off guard causing her brain to freeze for a moment. Which was enough time for the girl to get off the swing. 


“Eh? no, you did nothing. I didn’t even notice you, I was too caught up in my own thoughts, sorry” Out of reflex Tomoka apologized to the girl as her brain finished rebooting.


[Hey this is a good opportunity, how about you ask to be her friend] Kurama found the situation entertaining. The great Tomoka was currently slightly flustered. 


‘Right! This is my chance! “My name is Tomoka, wanna be my friend?” What the fuck was that Tomoka you idiot!’ Tomoka began having cold sweat, had she ruined her chance? 


“I, I'am Nozomi Uchiha. Uhm, do, do you really want to be my friend” Nozomi's eyes shone with a hopeful glint. Tomoka didn't know this but she would be Nozomi’s first friend as well. 


“Yes, I don't have any friends so I want you to be my first friend” Tomoka decided to be truthful as she gave Nozomi a sad smile.


“I, I don’t have friends either. You will be my first friend too” Nazomi gave Tomoka a bright smile that washed the latter's sadness and loneliness away.


After that they too spent their time talking about likes, dislikes and things like that. However, the topics came to an end soon. After all, neither left home often.                  

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