Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

16. Kinagan

So I kinda forgot to upload a chapter yesterday... anyway, have today's and yesterday's chapter.

Inside Tomoka’s room a rather bizarre thing was happening. In front of a mirror a little girl of four years of age stared at her reflection as if it had stolen her candy. This girl is Tomoka and she is currently inspecting her body in detail. 


The first thing one would notice about her is the messy fiery red hair. Above her shoulders in length, her hair defied gravity by being a spiky mess in whichever direction it decided to go. Unlike her hair her eyes are the complete opposite. A pair of emerald green orbs that shine with a mysterious glint of knowledge and mischief. 


A round face that has just begun losing the baby fat. One could already tell that Tomoka would be a beauty when she grows up. A small body normal for a four year old dressed in shorts and a black t-shirt. 


‘So what do you think I should try Kurama’


[Why are you asking me? You are the “scientist” here]


With a sigh Tomoka decided to try the obvious first. Controlling a bit of her chakra she moved it towards her eyes. She had done this before as by doing so one could improve their sight slightly. Now however, instead of just letting the chakra flow however it liked she began to move it this way and that in an attempt to prompt a change. 


She tried making the chakra rotate, but that didn’t work. Then she tried to instead make it into strings and move them, again nothing happened. She continued trying this and that for the following hour but nothing happened. Frustrated, she decided to look out the window. Maybe some fresh air would help. 


While looking outside while still moving the chakra in her eyes in whichever way she thought of something changed. For a moment, she could see colors that should not be there. Tracing her steps she once again made her chakra flow in a specific pattern. This pattern oddly resembled an open hungry maw. 


As soon as her chakra took shape the world around her seemed to change. Colors flowed around the trees and people. In the case of people she could see for most of them a thin cyan layer covering them. Trees on the other hand had a thicker green layer. The sight woke up a memory. She now remembered seeing a red layer on Kurama back then. 


While contemplating a bizarre occurrence took her attention away. The chakra in her eyes bagan moving by itself. The maw now moved its jaws opening and closing as if they were eating something. Then she saw it, the layer of color from a pedestrian she was watching had a part torn from it. That part began flowing towards her before disappearing as it went inside her body. 


Surprise painted Tomoka’s face as she felt her chakra regain the little she had been using on her eyes and a tiny bit more. At that moment she realized what the layers of color were. Instantly she ran back to the mirror only to gasp in surprise. 


Tomoka’s green eyes were now painted in a soft pink. Her pupils had a second one next to the first. What was truly creepy about the sight was seeing the secondary pupils contracting and expanding by themselves disynchronized from the primary ones.


[Well, that is disgusting] Kurama couldn’t help but comment about it. For him Tomoka’s eyes at the moment felt disgusting and fear inducing. Something he felt strongly about. After all, not even the Uchiha’s eyes that could control him made him feel fear. 


‘Yeah this is creepy as fuck’ Tomoka was no better, seeing her eyes like that was creepy. Factor in the fact that the chakra in them acted like a hungry maw made it extra creepy. 


“I can’t let anyone see this. I will be marked as a monster or something if they do” Those were her truest emotions at the moment. Though despite all the creeps her new visage gave her the idea of having a powerful dojutsu still tempted her. 


‘Hey Kurama, what about calling it Kinagan as in hungry eyes’ Deactivating her kinagan Tomoka couldn’t help but smile. For sure this was one of the changes she experienced in whatever place she ended up in before being reincarnated. From what she could remember in Naruto anime, manga and light novels something like this never appeared.


Admittedly, there was still the possibility that she was in an alternate version of the story. However, with no way to confirm that thought she simply placed it aside. So what she has managed to gather so far is that: She has an unknown dojutsu she decided to call kinagan; Her body somehow can adapt, to what and what triggers the adaptation process is unknown; Finally, her body heals abnormally fast not to mention healing wounds that natural healing shouldn't be able to heal. 


Her arm is probably a bi-product of her adaptation, or it could be another thing altogether. Without being able to study her DNA Tomoka couldn’t be sure. Not to mention that even if she could get the equipment necessary to properly analyze it her knowledge in the subject was superficial at best.


[Well look at the bright side, you are more of a monster than I am]


‘And that is good because?’


[I mean, it’s good for me] Kurama began laughing at his own poor attempt at a joke.


‘Whatever, might as well ask mom and dad to go to the park. I need some fresh air’                 

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