
Chapter 68 Ancient Formation

The unusual behavior of the little ewe made Wu Zhongyuan very puzzled, but thinking about it carefully, this change really started to happen last night. Could it be that Zhao Ying guessed it right?

After further observation, no, it's not like that. Apo is a veteran in love, and the little ewe simply can't stand it. Even if it is very close to it, it is not willing to let it get close.

Just as he was wondering, Zhao Ying came and brought some eggs to Wu Zhongyuan, "How is it?"

Wu Zhongyuan took the egg casually, "It's a bit strange, you can see for yourself."

Zhao Ying leaned on the fence to observe. She also found that the little ewe's attitude towards Abo had changed, but she could not figure out the reason for this change. She said that Abo's kidney failure was just a joke last night, and she did not really think so.

"Did it bring anything back last night?" Zhao Ying asked.

"Probably not." Wu Zhongyuan shook his head. Apo is a sheep. Unlike humans who wear clothes and have pockets, it can only carry things with its mouth. But when he found Apo last night, Apo didn't have anything in his mouth.

"There should be," Zhao Ying said seriously, "Look carefully, that ewe has been licking Abo's beard. She must have brought something back with her mouth last night."

After being reminded by Zhao Ying, Wu Zhongyuan noticed this detail. Previously, he only thought that the ewe was kissing Abo, but if he looked carefully, he was indeed licking his beard.

When he found Apo last night, Apo just shook his tail at him and didn't make a sound, which meant that there was probably something in Apo's mouth. No matter what it was, it wouldn't be very big, otherwise Apo couldn't hold it back either.

In addition, the reason why the little ewe licked Apo's beard is probably because the thing Apo held in his mouth melted and dripped on the beard, or it may be that when Apo took the thing, some of it stuck to his beard.

Feeling confused, he went back and carried a bucket of corn porridge, and went into the sheepfold to feed Apo. While Apo came to eat, he cut off a few of his beards.

Seeing Wu Zhongyuan put the goat's beard into his mouth, Zhao Ying looked disgusted and suspicious, "Is it dirty?"

Wu Zhongyuan spat out his goatee, spit twice more, turned around and walked out.

"What did you taste?" Zhao Ying frowned.

"Smells." Wu Zhongyuan said.

Zhao Ying couldn't help but laugh, turned and left, "I'll get you water to rinse your mouth."

Wu Zhongyuan turned his head and glanced at Zhao Ying. In fact, he did not tell the truth to Zhao Ying. It can be said that he only told half the truth. The sheep's beard is indeed smelly, but in addition to the smell, there is also a clear salty smell. This It means that what Apo brought back last night is probably salt, and it is a special kind of large crystal. If it is in powder form, the salt will melt before it comes back.

Although sheep are herbivorous animals, they also need to supplement salt. Salt is Apo's magic weapon to pick up girls. The reason why he was able to kidnap the ewe before was precisely because he brought salt back to the ewe, and the ewe tasted the sweetness. , will leave the flock and follow it to feed.

It was enough to know that Apo was looking for salt last night. Salt was the reference. On the west side of the northernmost mountain peak, where there was salt was where clues were hidden.

After struggling for more than ten days, Wu Zhongyuan finally got a clue. Wu Zhongyuan was relieved. Sometimes the truth is not complicated, it just floats on the surface, but he just makes it complicated.

Not long after, Zhao Ying came back and handed the water glass to Wu Zhongyuan, "Rinse your mouth quickly."

Wu Zhongyuan tilted his head and glanced at Zhao Ying. What Zhao Ying handed over was her own water glass.

After a brief hesitation, Wu Zhongyuan took the water cup and rinsed his mouth, then returned the water cup to Zhao Ying, and sat outside the sheepfold to peel eggs and eat them.

Eating and thinking can be done at the same time. He felt a little guilty at this time. Zhao Ying helped him a lot. On the night of the incident, if Zhao Ying had not shot repeatedly to save him, he might have been killed by the middle-aged man. The Taoist was killed.

Concealing something was actually tantamount to deception. He clearly had a clue at this time, but he didn't tell Zhao Ying. Although he had his own reasons, it was still a bit unjust.

Seeing that Wu Zhongyuan was a little choked, Zhao Ying handed over the water glass again.

Wu Zhongyuan was already a little guilty, and Zhao Ying's move made him even more embarrassed, but the clue left by Yao Ziqin was too important. If it was leaked and someone else got there first, he wouldn't be able to go back. He couldn't tell, I really couldn't tell.

But this cannot be said, but other things can be said. Wu Zhongyuan took a few sips from the water glass, then opened his backpack and took out all the gold items inside. In addition to the gold items, he also took the three small bottles. He came out and said, "You have spent a lot of money on me, and I will give this gold to you. These bottles contain pills, which should be ancient things. They are also given to you. You can take them back to report."

"What's the difference?" Zhao Ying inspected the gold items one by one. Most of the gold items were jewelry, but there were also a small number of daily utensils.

"The crystal coffin and the wizard's body were moved away by them, and the Taoist priest's body and armor were also moved away by them. You spent so much effort and got nothing in the end. Don't the leaders criticize you?" Wu Zhongyuan said. .

It is an excellent character to put yourself in someone else's shoes and understand others' difficulties. Zhao Ying did not answer, but looked Wu Zhongyuan up and down.

Wu Zhongyuan was packing the change of clothes in his bag and didn't notice Zhao Ying looking at him. "We agreed in advance that I might need that staff in the future. If I need it, you have to ask for it back."

Zhao Ying smiled, "Okay."

Wu Zhongyuan zipped up his backpack and cracked the last egg.

"Are there many men like you in China now?" Zhao Ying asked.

"Huh?" Wu Zhongyuan didn't react and tilted his head to look at her.

"Do you know how the West evaluates you?" Zhao Ying asked again.

"Do you know how we evaluate them?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

Hearing what Wu Zhongyuan said, Zhao Ying knew that her question had offended him again, "I don't mean to slander you, but in Western propaganda, the Chinese are all informants Yuan Shikai and evil Fu Manchu."

"That's because they are maliciously vilifying us. Who have the right of invaders to judge others? Do they know what loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness are?" Wu Zhongyuan raised his voice.

Seeing that Wu Zhongyuan was angry, Zhao Ying hurriedly changed the subject, "Since you took these things out, I will send them back. The results of the analysis and testing will be told to you as soon as possible."

"Okay, these things should be funerary objects from ancient tombs, and they belong to different eras." Wu Zhongyuan picked up two pieces of gold. "This small golden bowl is from the Yuan Dynasty, and this hairpin should be from the mid-Qing Dynasty."

"Where did he get these things?" Zhao Ying was puzzled.

"It should have been dug out from ancient tombs," Wu Zhongyuan pointed to the medicine bottles and said, "Ancient people had the habit of taking elixirs. The middle-aged Taoist was probably looking for elixirs left in ancient times."

Zhao Ying nodded. She had shot the middle-aged Taoist before. The middle-aged Taoist was shot but did not die, and no blood flowed out of the wound. There is no reasonable explanation for this strange situation. At present, the truth is very likely It's hidden in these small porcelain bottles.

"Approximately how long will you stay here?" Zhao Ying asked.

Wu Zhongyuan shook his head, "I can't tell, what's wrong?"

"I want to send these things back and add some necessary field equipment." Zhao Ying pointed to the medicine bottles and gold objects.

"Okay, let's go." Wu Zhongyuan said.

"I will definitely be back in three days at most." Zhao Ying packed her things.

"Okay." Wu Zhongyuan responded.

"How many of the pills in these bottles are you going to keep?" Zhao Ying asked. Seeing Wu Zhongyuan's doubts, she explained with a smile, "What if it's the elixir of immortality, wouldn't you regret it?"

Wu Zhongyuan waved his hand, "No, no, take them all. It's really the elixir of immortality. Will you still bury it in the grave?"

Zhao Ying laughed, packed her things, put on her backpack and left the village.

Wu Zhongyuan didn't go to see her off. He didn't know which direction she went or how she walked.

Coercion and inducement are derogatory terms, but they are the two major driving forces for the development of things.

Coercion is done passively. This is the case when forced to make a living. In order to survive, one has to work hard.

Inducement means taking the initiative to do it. The essence of hard work is actually being tempted by a better life, and doing it willingly in order to create and have a better life.

The specific expression of coercion and inducement in Apo and the little ewe is that Apo used salt to lure the little ewe. In order to get more salt, the little ewe was willing to follow Apo.

But the little ewe was timid and did not dare to leave the sheepfold at night. At dawn the next day, she followed Abo to the west.

Wu Zhongyuan knew where they were going, so he did not follow them. Instead, he hunkered down and rushed to the west side of the mountain to hide before them, waiting for them to pass.

After waiting for half an hour, Apo came with the ewe.

There is a relatively steep mountain wall to the west, about four or five meters high, with a small crack on the upper part of the mountain wall.

Because the rock wall was very steep, the little ewe couldn't climb up and had to wait below. Apo climbed up the mountain wall and squeezed his head into the crack with difficulty.

At this time, Apo's own advantages are reflected. The horns of Boer goats are different from those of ordinary goats. Its horns grow backward, while ordinary goats grow upwards and left. The cracks on the mountain wall Abo's The head can be squeezed in, but other goats cannot.

Soon, Apo took out a piece of salt from the crack and jumped down the mountain wall.

The little ewe came over, but Apo did not give it to it immediately. Instead, he walked a long way away with the salt block in his mouth and placed it on the ground. The reason why it did this was undoubtedly because it did not want to expose its "treasure house."

This kind of height was nothing to Wu Zhongyuan. He jumped up, climbed up with one hand, and observed the cracks. There were many salt blocks in the cracks, which were naturally formed rock salt. They came in different sizes. The big ones were half the size of a matchbox. The small ones are about the same size as beans.

Deep in the crack, there was a white cylindrical metal object. I reached in and pulled it out. It was an old-fashioned flashlight.

This kind of flashlight is very common in rural areas. In the early years, almost every household had one. After buying it, Wu Zhongyuan knew that the flashlight contained something else instead of a battery because the weight was wrong.

Unscrew the cap at the end and pour out the contents. It is a roll of sheepskin wrapped in oil paper.

I tore open the oil paper and spread it out, and found that inside was an old sheepskin and a piece of modern kraft paper. The sheepskin was relatively small, about 32 karat, and the writing on it was in Tibetan, with very small characters and a lot of words. The kraft paper is relatively large, about sixteen pages, with dense modern Chinese characters written on it.

The first sentence on the vellum is 'The parchment left by our ancestors' Tibetan meaning is. ’ This shows that the content on this vellum is a translation of the parchment Tibetan.

This flashlight was left by Yao Ziqin, and the content on the vellum should have been translated by Yao Ziqin.

With excitement in his heart, Wu Zhongyuan did not read it carefully. Instead, he glanced at ten lines and took a general look.

After reading it, he felt mixed with joy and sorrow. What made him happy was that it recorded a method of traveling through time and space. This method was a method that the little wizard modified after waking up from an ancient formation, so that it could travel through time and space. The wormhole is opened under specific conditions and the person who opens the wormhole is sent back to ancient times. The detailed location of the formation is clearly written on the parchment, as well as the specific method of entering that area.

What worries him is that certain conditions need to be met to open a wormhole. The formation is like a car. To start the car, you must have gasoline. For the formation, the gasoline to start it is the kind of white jade. It was called Lingshi in ancient times.

The number of spiritual stones is not the key to activating the formation. What is important is the amount of spiritual energy contained in the spiritual stones. The spiritual energy contained in each spiritual stone is roughly equal, but as time goes by, the spiritual energy contained in the spiritual stones will gradually dissipate and decrease. You need to search for multiple spiritual stones until they accumulate to a certain level before you can activate the formation.

In the second half of the kraft paper are the names of fifteen people, as well as their gender, age and personality...

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