
Chapter 67 The Taoist Priest’s Burden

After waiting for so long, Abo finally walked out of the sheepfold. Wu Zhongyuan rubbed his hands excitedly. Worried about disturbing them, he did not dare to get too close, so he could only follow cautiously from a distance.

But Apo did not go far away. He stopped and stopped all morning, only wandering around the sheepfold.

"It seems a bit unprofessional." Zhao Ying said with a smile.

Wu Zhongyuan shook his head helplessly. The two of them did nothing else this morning. They just hid behind the haystack and watched Abo play hooligan.

"It's noon, let's go back to eat." Zhao Ying said.

"You go back and eat, I'll keep watch here." Wu Zhongyuan waved his hand.

Zhao Ying nodded, stood up and left.

Not long after Zhao Ying left, Abo also took his little girl home, leaving Wu Zhongyuan alone sitting under the haystack, depressed.

Not long after, Yao Zhongyi came, brought food to Wu Zhongyuan, and said goodbye to him. Yao Zhongyi had to take leave for a long time and had to go back to school.

Just after Yao Zhongyi left, two herdsmen came. In the past few days, herdsmen always came to recommend themselves. To be precise, they recommended sheep. They all thought that Wu Zhongyuan and Zhao Ying came here to look for hybrid sheep.

This is also Wu Zhongyuan's excuse and reason for staying here. When staying in other people's villages, he must have a reasonable excuse.

Naturally, Wu Zhongyuan would not leave here and sent them to find Zhao Ying. The reason why the herdsmen recommended themselves so enthusiastically was because Zhao Ying acted too high-profile. This guy felt sorry for living in the Yao family. He bought a computer for the Yao family today and gave it to Yao tomorrow. A refrigerator was installed in her home, and everyone in the village knew that she was very rich.

In the afternoon, Abo took a nap as usual, the young couple slept in the sheep pen, and Wu Zhongyuan stood guard for them in the distance.

According to Yao Zhongyi, Abo mostly left the flock in the morning when the sheep came out of the pen, and generally did not go far away in the afternoon. But Wu Zhongyuan was worried and stayed outside in the afternoon, and did not return to Yao's house for dinner until the sun went down.

Sheep have average night vision and usually do not leave the pen at night. However, when Wu Zhongyuan came back from dinner, he found that only the ewe was left in the sheep pen and Abo was no longer there.

Wu Zhongyuan was instantly frightened and broke into a cold sweat. He looked around anxiously, but there was no trace of Abo.

I searched eagerly around the sheepfold, but there was no one. It was so late at night. Where had this guy gone?

Feeling anxious, he ran back to Yao's house and called Zhao Ying to come out and search together.

Zhao Ying took out a telescope from her bag, "Don't worry, I have a night vision telescope here."

"Why didn't you take it out earlier?" Wu Zhongyuan took the telescope and turned around and ran out.

He climbed up the haystack and looked around with a telescope, but the telescope was very complicated and needed to be adjusted, which he couldn't do.

After Zhao Ying caught up, she adjusted the telescope and looked around slowly. When looking to the southwest, Zhao Ying seemed to have discovered something. After making a slight adjustment, she handed the telescope to Wu Zhongyuan and said, "There."

Wu Zhongyuan took the telescope and looked to the southwest. Through the telescope, he found Apo. Apo was moving to the southwest, not walking slowly, but running fast.

"Where is it going?" Wu Zhongyuan asked eagerly.

Zhao Ying didn't answer because she couldn't answer Wu Zhongyuan's question. Only Apo knew where he was going.

"What do these numbers above mean?" Wu Zhongyuan asked again. There are several columns of numbers on the telescope lens, some are fixed numbers, and some are constantly changing.

"Bearance and distance,

There is also the moving speed of the object," Zhao Ying said, "It is now five kilometers away. "

"You stay here, I'll chase him." Wu Zhongyuan slid down the haystack and ran to the southwest.

Wu Zhongyuan had night vision, but Zhao Ying did not. By the time she got off the haystack, Wu Zhongyuan had disappeared into the darkness.

Wu Zhongyuan used Qinggong and ran with all his strength. It is currently unknown where Apo is going, but one thing is certain, that is, since Apo is running, it means that its purpose is very clear, and it is going directly to a certain place. .

The moon has been waning in the past few days, and the surroundings have been very dark, and it is difficult to see very far with night vision. Therefore, every few miles he runs, Wu Zhongyuan will pick up the telescope and take a look to determine the general direction of Apo's movement, and use the route of Apo's movement to determine the direction of Apo's movement. Look, its destination is probably those three peaks in the distance.

After running for more than ten miles, Wu Zhongyuan stopped. The motorcycle he had abandoned before was still at the foot of the hillside.

After thinking about it, he continued running without riding a motorcycle. One of the reasons was that he was worried that the sound of the motorcycle would alarm Apo. Another reason was that he was not sure if there was any positioning device installed on the motorcycle by those people.

There were not only the three mountain peaks in the distance nearby, but also some smaller mountains. After more than ten minutes, Apo disappeared behind one of the small mountains.

Seeing this, Wu Zhongyuan sped up and ran to the top of the mountain. He found that Apo was not around. He looked again with a telescope and saw that Apo had already reached the foot of the northernmost mountain.

At this time, the distance between the two was about five kilometers. Before that, he only knew that goats could run better than sheep, but he did not expect that they could run so fast.

Apo reached the foot of the mountain and began to turn west. Although the three peaks did not have much vegetation, there were also shrubs and weeds. Before he could catch up, Apo's figure had disappeared on the west side of the northernmost peak.

Wu Zhongyuan used Qinggong to the extreme and ran as hard as he could. At this time, he was able to confirm that Abo's destination was the clue.

Ten minutes later, Wu Zhongyuan rushed to the foot of the northern mountain peak out of breath. Just as he was about to circle to the west, he found Abo appearing on a bluestone not far away.

The location of the bluestone was definitely not Abo's destination. This guy probably did what he wanted to do and then turned around and came back.

When Wu Zhongyuan saw Abo, Abo also saw him. Wu Zhongyuan had been taking care of him these days, so Abo was not very wary of him. After seeing him, Abo shook his stubby tail at him, and then jumped off Qingshi, run back.

Wu Zhongyuan didn't follow Abo anymore. This guy must have gone home.

There was a time difference of more than ten minutes from when Apo disappeared to when he came over. During these ten minutes, Apo must have gone somewhere and done something. What he wanted to make sure was that Apo went there. Where have you been? What have you done?

With Apo's moving speed, he could reach almost all the areas on the west side of the mountain in ten minutes. In such a large area, the possibility of finding anything in an aimless search was extremely small.

After half an hour of searching around, I didn't find anything unusual nearby. There was no deep pit or cave.

He was not surprised to find nothing, after all, he didn't even know what he was looking for.

You can imagine my mood on the way back, depressed and regretful. It would have been nice if I didn't go back for dinner, so that I could follow Apo to find the clues he needed.

Apart from being depressed, he was also more confused. What was Apo doing here so late at night?

After these days of contact, he also got a little understanding of Apo's temperament. Apo is very smart. He will even pretend to be dead when encountering danger, but his IQ does not exceed the limit of a goat's IQ. At least this guy doesn't know what's going on. Pretending to be dead in a slaughterhouse is of no use.

In addition, Apo is not the kind of high-spirited goat. If he were a human, he would definitely be a thick-skinned veteran who puts profits first.

This kind of sheep will definitely not be able to get out early if there is no benefit. If there is no benefit, it will never run out at night.

The first thing Wu Zhongyuan thought of was food. Is there any food on this mountain that Apo particularly likes?

But he quickly rejected his idea for three reasons. First, Apo only stayed on the mountain for more than ten minutes. In such a short time, he could not eat more than a few bites of the best food. Secondly, Apo has been enjoying the treatment of a sick child recently and is fed fine food, so he should not be hungry. The last reason is that Abo's mind is not on food at all. Now is the goat's estrus season, and he is thinking about playing hooligans all day long.

I can't think of the reason, so I can only give up. This trip is in vain. Not only is it in vain, it will also have negative effects, because Apo knows that he is following behind, and Apo will be more cautious when he comes again in the future.

Wu Zhongyuan did not go back directly, but took a detour to the east bank of the river. The middle-aged Taoist had stayed under a tree for a short time that day. The baggage he brought with him was probably hidden there.

This is a poplar tree, which is very common in this area. Poplar trees have a great characteristic. This kind of tree does not have many branches, and the tree body is relatively tall. This poplar tree is as thick as an arm, with two or three branches. Ten meters high.

Since he came to search with a purpose, the first thing Wu Zhongyuan thought of was whether the middle-aged Taoist would hide the baggage in a tree. Looking up, he vaguely saw something hanging on a high tree branch. Because there are many branches around, I can't see it clearly.

Wu Zhongyuan can climb trees, but this is the first time he has climbed so high. It is more than 20 meters, which is equivalent to the height of a seven-story building. Fortunately, the climb was not in vain. It is such a small burden.

I went down to the ground, opened the bag and checked the contents inside. The first thing I saw was the iron ball that Mr. Li mentioned. When I unscrewed it, there was a white jade inside.

In addition to the iron ball, there was a change of clothes in the bag, as well as several pieces of gold jewelry and some cash.

The things in the baggage were quite mixed. There were three small bottles among them. One was a jade bottle and the other two were porcelain bottles. They looked like they were old things. After shaking them, they all contained granular things. When I pulled them out, I took off the stopper of one of them and smelled it. It smelled like medicine.

In addition to these, there are two books in the bag, both of which are modern books. One is "Metallurgy of Rare Metals" and the other is "Metal Exploration". Both books are worn. The middle-aged Taoist had previously It should be read frequently.

After checking, put everything into the backpack and go back.

Back in the village, Zhao Ying was waiting anxiously. When she saw Wu Zhongyuan coming back, she hurriedly greeted him, "The sheep have been back for a long time, where have you been?"

"I went to the other side of the river." Wu Zhongyuan said.

Wu Zhongyuan had mentioned this matter to her before, so Zhao Ying knew what he was looking for, "Did you find it?"

Wu Zhongyuan nodded.

Zhao Ying did not ask what was in the bag, but pointed at Abo and asked, "Did you find the clues you need?"

Wu Zhongyuan shook his head and briefly told her what had happened before.

After listening to what Wu Zhongyuan said, Zhao Ying was also very puzzled, "In your opinion, why did it go there?"

Wu Zhongyuan shook his head again, "I'm not a sheep, how can I know what it is thinking?"

Zhao Ying wanted to help and mentioned several possibilities for Wu Zhongyuan to refer to, but what she said were all things Wu Zhongyuan had thought of and ruled out before.

Finally, Zhao Ying thought of another possibility, "Are there any plants on that mountain that have similar medicinal effects to Viagra?"

Wu Zhongyuan frowned and looked at her.

"What do you think I'm doing? You see, it hasn't been idle these days. Kidney failure is normal." Zhao Ying said with a smile.

Naturally, Wu Zhongyuan would not believe Zhao Ying's speculation, "Okay, it's getting late, go back to sleep."

Zhao Ying smiled, took the binoculars, turned and left.

Wu Zhongyuan slept next to the haystack as usual.

He got up early the next day and continued to wait and observe, but the results of the observation made him frown. The little ewe had never been very close to Apo before, but for some reason, his attitude towards it was obviously much better today...

This book was first published on 17K Novel Network, so you can read the original content immediately!

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