
Chapter 58 Kanyu Positioning

These three peaks are all rocky mountains. There are no big trees on the mountains, only a few shrubs and weeds. Although it is spring, the temperature here is very low, the shrubs have not sprouted, and the weeds have not turned green. The mountain wind blows, which makes it even more obvious. Withered and desolate.

Since it is a mountain, it cannot be very small. These three connected peaks are about seven or eight miles south and south. Each peak is about the same size, with a range of about two or three miles and a height of about one thousand meters.

Mountainside is a very general term. As long as it is not the top of the mountain or the foot of the mountain, other areas can be counted as mountainside. It is understandable how difficult it is to search for such a large area.

I spent more than two hours conducting a simple search and found nothing.

Such a result was also expected by Wu Zhongyuan. The place where the little wizard was hiding should be a secret room. Thousands of years later, all external traces have disappeared with the passage of time, and there is no trace at all.

After taking a short breath from the shelter, Wu Zhongyuan stood up. According to Wu Zhui, at midnight on a full moon night, the position where the moonlight shines is where the little wizard hides. Today is the thirteenth day of the lunar calendar, and there is also moonlight. Thirteenth There is definitely a difference in the direction of the moon and the fifteenth moon, but it should still be in a roughly similar area.

But after getting up, he quickly sat down again. After thinking about it carefully, this road was impossible to walk at all, because it was spring and there was no snow on the mountain at all. Since there was no snow, naturally it was impossible to walk under the light of the moon. Reflected moonlight.

This detail was a big blow to Wu Zhongyuan, because even if he waited until the night after tomorrow, he still would not be able to find the hiding place of the little wizard.

The more I think about it, the more desperate I feel. Anyone with some astronomical knowledge knows that the position of the moon thousands of years ago and the moon now are also different at the same time. This may not even be possible for wizards back then. think.

The clues left by Wu Zhui were not enough to serve as a reference and basis for the search, and the road was completely blocked.

This is how to do?

The nearest village here is only about 20 miles away, and the road conditions are not bad. It is not troublesome to bring an excavator here, but the problem is that this is the source of the Yellow River. There are often travel companions wandering around, and there are villagers not far away. Grazing livestock and digging excavators in the mountains will definitely be discovered by them. If they come and ask, how do you explain it?

No, this road won't work either.

Late at night, it was very cold on the mountain, and Wu Zhongyuan did not dare to find grass to light a fire. He could only sit in a sheltered place, feeling sad and racking his brains to meditate.

There is another clue that is not a clue at the moment, and that is the stone tablet in front of the great wizard's underground palace. According to the inscription, he finally found the secret room where the young wizard was hiding. How did he find it?

Everyone has their own fixed way of thinking and thinking habits. The self in the past is the same person as the self now, and the way of thinking between that self and the present self is exactly the same. There must be a way to find the secret room where the little wizard is. And he came up with this method himself.

The first thing he thought of was Zhao Ying. Zhao Ying was backed by Western forces. To be honest, Western research in the satellite field was more advanced than domestic research and the exploration equipment was more sophisticated. As long as you get in touch with Zhao Ying, you can use satellites and advanced exploration equipment to find the location of the secret room, and the possibility of finding it is very high.

However, there are big drawbacks to cooperating with Zhao Ying, which may kill her. The appearance of the inscription provided him with some help, but also caused a lot of trouble, because he only knew the results of some things, but did not know the specific development. process,

It's like he doesn't know why he gave Wang Xinran a hug and why he killed Zhao Ying.

This method can be used, but it cannot be used unless it is absolutely necessary. After all, Zhao Ying is not alone. There are Western forces behind her. Even if Zhao Ying is trustworthy, the forces behind her are not trustworthy. This is almost the same as Wang Xinran's situation. the same.

Everyone can think, but there are huge differences in the angle, depth, and width of different people's thinking. Soon, Wu Zhongyuan thought of another clue. According to Wu Zhui, it takes three days to wake up the little wizard. The first day Feed him ice water, warm water on the second day, hot water on the third day, and light a fire nearby to keep the little wizard warm. What Wu Zhui said only applies to one situation, and that is when the ice is thawing. .

Quick freezing technology is currently being studied in various countries. Theoretically, frozen people can thaw and wake up as the temperature rises. However, the thawing process cannot be too rapid, because the human body needs a gradual adaptation process.

The most useful point of this clue is that the little wizard is frozen, but if he just freezes himself, there is no need for the little wizard to choose this place, because it is too far away from the Central Plains, and there are places closer to the Central Plains in history. Iceberg, and still is.

There are few ancient texts, and it is difficult to express accurately. The little wizard Wu Zhui wrote may not refer to the wizard's young age, but that the wizard's magic power is not as powerful as the wizard in the underground palace. But opening a wormhole is a very scary thing and requires powerful abilities. From this point of view, the young wizard cannot be too young. This person should have been practicing magic for many years.

If nothing else, the young wizard should be at least thirty or forty years old. People at this age can already think calmly. When choosing a location to freeze himself, this person should have considered the difficulty of finding him in the future, that is to say It can save him trouble, never cause him any trouble, and will do everything possible to facilitate his search.

In this case, the question arises. There are icebergs even closer. Why did the little wizard come here at all costs?

There is only one reasonable explanation, and that is that the little wizard chose this place. In addition to being suitable for freezing, there are other reasons.

This other reason is undoubtedly an auxiliary to the ice seal, which means that the ice seal alone is not enough to support the little wizard to survive, and some other factors are needed.

All the little wizard needs is what's available here.

There is something here that is not available anywhere else.

What is there that isn’t found elsewhere?

try to find!

What to look for? Using the Thirty-Six Methods of Kanyu, he always carries the Thirty-six Methods of Kanyu with him. He can use it to find out the differences between this place and other places.

This matter is also similar to taking apart a sweater, and now he has found the thread.

It is not difficult to find out the difference here, because this is the source of the Yellow River, and this is the biggest clue.

In today's terms, water is the source of life, and people cannot live without water. The two river basins are the birthplace of Chinese civilization. From Kanyu's point of view, the water rises from the ground, so it carries Yin energy, breaks through the earth and surges out, interacts with Yang energy, and obtains Yin and Yang living water to nourish all things.

Groundwater is yin, and it is pure yin. Although the water flowing on the surface is also yin, it is not pure yin, because with the addition of rainwater and sunlight, it has been mixed with a little yang energy.

The source of the river is where groundwater leaks out, and the Yin energy in this place is the strongest.

When frozen, the human body's functions come to a standstill, which is very similar to death. To maintain this state, the assistance of Yin Qi is indeed needed.

But just identifying these can only explain why the little wizard chose this place, but it still cannot determine the specific location of the secret room.

Next, we need to combine the mountain topography and water flow direction here to find the most suitable point for ice-covered sleep. This point is somewhere on the back of the third mountain peak.

Anyone who has studied physics knows that there are two states of existence of things, one is movement and development, and the other is static death. The little wizard is now in the second state. In order to maintain this state for a long time, the location the little wizard is looking for should be That place where the Yin energy is very strong and very stable.

He had helped Mr. Li do Feng Shui before, and the situation here was somewhat similar to that of Mr. Li's ancestral grave. Mr. Li's ancestral grave was located in an abandoned quarry, with a half-excavated mountain wall to the north and a crematorium to the south. The Yin Qi spread here, was blocked by the mountain wall, and gathered in the pool below.

The same is true here. The groundwater brings the Yin Qi to the outside. After reaching the ground, it spreads in all directions. There are three mountain peaks to the west. Part of the Yin Qi is blocked back. While blocking the Yin Qi from spreading to the west, the peaks themselves will also absorb some of it. , the difference in the location of the three peaks and their own mountain topography also determines the amount of Yin energy they absorb.

If you look closely, you will see that the shady side of the northernmost mountain has a steeper slope and the sunny side is steeper. The reason for this is the result of the north wind blowing all year round. Wind is also a type of Qi, and the breath of this mountain peak fluctuates too much.

The shape of the peak in the middle is like an upright spearhead, with narrow north and south sides. This is also the effect of the wind. Since it is located between the north and south peaks, no matter whether it is south wind or north wind, it cannot face it. The wind can only blow from both sides of it. Over thousands of years, the terrain has become like this. This peak is the one with the heaviest Yin Qi among the three peaks.

The southernmost mountain peak is somewhat similar to the northernmost mountain peak, but in the opposite direction. However, the slope of the sunny side of this mountain is gentler than that of the northernmost mountain. The reason for this situation is still related to the wind. Our country is significantly affected by the monsoon climate. Northerly winds are generally more numerous and stronger than southerly winds. In winter, tropical low pressures form in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, and high-pressure cold air from northern Siberia invades southward to form strong northerly winds.

There should be a place on this mountain peak where both north and south winds can blow equally. The atmosphere at this location is the most stable. The little wizard should choose that place as his final resting place.

Thinking of this, I immediately went down the mountain, not knowing the true face of Lushan Mountain. Just because I was in this mountain, I couldn't fully observe it while standing on the mountain. I had to see it from a distance.

I got on my motorcycle and ran two or three miles east. I turned around and looked back. I saw that the area below the mountainside of the southern peak was relatively depressed, where the possibility was greatest.

Remember that location, ride back, climb the mountain again, and search at a close distance. Before, I was looking for a piece of land, but now I am looking for a line. Soon, I found the suspected location almost in the middle on the back of the mountain. There are also rocks here, but... After digging through a few rocks, a flat stone wall appeared inside.

After finding something, Wu Zhongyuan felt relieved, but before he could finish his breath, he suddenly frowned.

There are many rocks under the stone wall, and one of the larger stones is relatively flat. Around this stone, there are many cigarette butts scattered...

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