
Chapter 57 Truth and Cannon

Wu Zhongyuan's mind is full of these words now. Not only is he thinking in his mind, he is also cursing in his mouth. He had always thought that he was very lucky before, but he did not expect that his luck is not good. It is not only bad, it is extremely bad. , came from eight hundred miles away to be bombarded with artillery, how unlucky it was.

At first, he had some illusions that the guns might be fired at other places, but with a deafening explosion not far away, his fantasy was shattered. They were fired at the top of this hill.

German Chancellor Bismarck once said a famous saying, "Truth is only within the range of the cannon." At this time, Wu Zhongyuan felt that he was the truth within the range of the cannon. Every cannonball exploded not far away from him, and the whole mountain was Smoke and dust are billowing, rocks are flying, and "truth" is scurrying about in the thick smoke.

Running around like this must be very dangerous. He had heard people say before that two shells would not land in the same place, and it would be safest to lie down in the crater. However, when he was there, he found that this was not the case. Sometimes two artillery shells will really land at the same location. Instead of lying in the crater and being bombarded, it is better to run out of the range of the cannon as quickly as possible.

The backpack was filled with dry food. He had been grateful for getting the dry food before, but now he didn't think so. It was too heavy and he couldn't run fast. I'm reluctant to throw it away. I may not be able to find it back after I throw it away. What will I eat in the future?

Wu Zhongyuan fled northward amidst the explosions. A few hundred meters further he would reach the top of the mountain. It should be safe if he climbed over the top of the mountain.

But when he climbed over the top of the mountain, he found that there were craters on the back of the mountain. Who the hell said that cannons can only fire in straight lines, and some cannons can also fire in arcs.

The nearest explosion was only a dozen meters away from him. In addition to a large amount of gravel, there was also a huge air wave. Wu Zhongyuan was directly overturned by the air wave and fell to pieces. After landing, he didn't think much, got up and continued running.

At this time, the sound of the explosion seemed to be much quieter. In fact, the sound was still so loud, but he was temporarily relatively deafened by the shock.

When I ran, I felt sticky on my face. I thought it was sweat, but when I reached out and wiped it, I realized it was blood. I must have been injured, but I didn't have time to determine where the injury was. It was wise to run out as soon as possible.

Wu Zhongyuan unfortunately ran into the shooting range, but he was lucky enough to escape in the end, looking disgraced and in a miserable state.

He was relieved when he reached a safe area, but he was not sure whether the place without craters was a safe area, and he did not dare to stop. He continued walking northwest, cursing as he walked, either scolding someone specifically, or venting his frustration. Angry, don't curse and hold back the panic.

When the sound of gunfire stopped completely, Wu Zhongyuan stopped to check his injuries. His left eyebrow was injured. There was a big gash. It was not caused by shrapnel, but by falling stones.

His clothes were torn, his pants were torn, and his shoes were showing off his feet. All in all, he was in a sorry state.

He had a change of clothes and shoes in his backpack, but he didn't change them. He often got scratched when walking in the mountains, and his clothes had to be torn when he changed.

Sleeping at night is a problem. On the ground, I worry about being attacked by wild animals while sleeping. In such a large mountain, there may not be tigers, but there must be wolves.

It was cold when I jumped up into a tree. It was still very cold at night in April, but I didn’t dare to light a fire for fear of being exposed.

After hesitating, I chose to drive at night and sleep during the day. I didn't delay at all, and I didn't slack off at all. I spent most of the time running, and only walked where I couldn't run.

Two days later, we left the mountain. This section of the mountain range came to an end. There were no mountains in front of us, only villages and cities.

The clothes on my body are in tatters. I haven’t encountered a stream in the past two days.

His face was covered with dirt and his hair was dirty and tangled. How could he be seen like this?

But then I thought about it, just in time, just go out like this to ensure that no one recognizes me, and I won't be afraid even if I am caught by surveillance.

Just go out like this, bypass the village, and go directly to the main road. Very few outsiders go to the village. Appearing there rashly will attract the attention of the villagers.

There are road signs on the road, reaching the boundary of Shanxi, and further west there are Shaanxi, Gansu, and then Qinghai.

I picked up a nylon bag on the road and packed it into my backpack. Someone knew this backpack and also got a hat. To be precise, it was stolen from a security guard at the factory on the roadside.

Ragged clothes, a nylon bag, and a big cap are the standard equipment of a mentally retarded homeless man. No one looks at him when he walks on the road.

He tried not to speak as much as possible. A foreign accent could easily arouse suspicion. Furthermore, he really couldn't pretend to be mentally retarded in tone and tone.

He still has more than 20,000 yuan with him. With this money, he can fly directly to Qinghai with a ticket. But where can he buy a ticket now? In order not to reveal his whereabouts, he even threw away his ID card and couldn't buy a train ticket.

Do you dare to use someone’s ID card to buy train tickets? He had had this idea before, but was quickly dismissed. Even trains had security checks these days, so he would definitely not be able to get through.

During his escape, his biggest feeling was that he must never commit a crime. There really was a dragnet and it was almost impossible to escape.

You can't fly or train, so you can only take a car, but long-distance buses are often stopped at checkpoints. The only option is to continue to pick up the car. Most of the time it is a large truck, and sometimes a small truck with a hood jumps up and is discovered. He pretended to be stupid and was kicked out.

Even if you have money, you don’t dare to spend it. When you buy some food in a remote store, you are often ripped off. Not everyone is sympathetic to the weak, and some people will bully them.

The only options for sleeping were bridge holes and haystacks. He did not dare to go to the ATM withdrawal room. The cameras there were high-definition, and he had slept in the ATM withdrawal room before. He was worried about leaving video records.

He has a good character and does good deeds wherever he goes. There are many coal mines in Shanxi, and there are really evil mine owners who drive out at night to catch homeless people who go back to dig coal. Wu Zhongyuan's punches and kicks not only saved himself, but also saved the lives of his colleagues. A "roommate" living under a bridge.

It took two days to cross Shanxi. This was already his ultimate speed. It cannot be said that he was not delayed even a minute. At least he was able to get up at 5 o'clock and never delay until 5:30.

To the west of Shanxi is Shaanxi. Shaanxi is most famous for two things, one is the Terracotta Warriors and the other is mutton steamed buns. These two things are as famous as Lan Xiang Technical School in Shandong and Xia Yuhe. However, although he has not committed any crime, he is on the run. Naturally I won’t go to see the Terracotta Warriors and Horses, but you can eat the mutton steamed buns. It’s really delicious, but it may not be that delicious, because he is hungry and full now, and no matter what he eats, he feels delicious.

It also took two days to cross Shaanxi, and the speed was amazing. Seven days had passed since the beginning of the escape, and there were still eight days left.

Next is Gansu. Gansu is long from north to south and short from east to west. After arriving here, you need to go north. On the national map, Gansu is already a remote area in the northwest. Nian Gengyao once stayed in this place. At that time, the fourteenth prince Yinqi became the chief minister. General Wang went to Qinghai to suppress bandits. Nian Gengyao was appointed governor of Sichuan and Shaanxi and was responsible for logistics for the fourteenth. At that time, the supply of military rations was handed over in Gansu. Later, the old emperor died. After Yongzheng succeeded to the throne, he immediately instructed Nian Gengyao to let him Change the supply of military rations to the Fourteenth from one month at a time to only seven days at a time. I am afraid that if I give too much, the Fourteenth will lead his troops to fight back.

There are no famous snacks in Gansu, but Lanzhou Ramen is one of them. Now that I’m here, I have to eat a bowl of it. It’s also delicious. The noodles are delicious and the beef is even better. My master is a Taoist priest and doesn’t eat beef, so I grew up with it. He and Lin Qingming didn't eat beef very often.

It also took two days from entering Gansu to leaving Gansu, and there were still six days left.

Six days was already a long time, but Wu Zhongyuan still didn't dare to slack off, because Qinghai is very large, five as large as Shanxi and seven as large as Zhejiang. The place he was going to was very remote, and it was impossible to pick up the car again. He had to leave enough time margin to cope with emergencies.

Qinghai can be regarded as the northwest in the true sense. There are still many Han people here, followed by Tibetans, with over one million people, and Hui people with more than 800,000 people. In addition, there are some ethnic minorities such as Mongolians and Tus. The place we want to go to is Maduo County. I'm afraid not many people know about this place, but when it comes to the Yushu earthquake, more people know about it. Maduo County is just northeast of Yushu.

Due to the remoteness of the terrain, few trucks go there. You can't pick up a car, and you can't always use it. He buys a motorcycle, and he doesn't buy a new one. He goes to a motorcycle repair place to buy an old one, which is cheap. In fact, he is not short of money, maybe he is poor. I am used to living my life, and I am never willing to waste it.

Qinghai is a big place, and surveillance cannot cover it all. You can change your clothes. Find a small bathhouse to take a bath, put on your clothes, and hit the road on a motorcycle.

It was the evening of April 12th, and there were still three full days before April 15th, but Wu Zhongyuan did not feel relaxed, not because of time, but because of nervousness.

The place he was going to was Xingxiu Sea in Maduo County. As the three peaks in the distance became clearer and clearer, he became more and more nervous. The reason why he said this was a suspected location before was because the three peaks here were not They are frozen all year round, probably due to the difference in climate between ancient times and modern times. These three peaks are only covered with ice and snow in winter.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Wu Zhongyuan came to the peaks. The three peaks were very steep and rocky. There were no trees on them. According to Wu Zhui, the little wizard's hiding place was on the shady side of the mountainside on the far left, but the ones on the left and right were The expressions of the directions are relative. If you stand on the east side of the mountain, the one on the far left is the one to the south. If you stand on the west side of the mountain, the one on the far left is the one to the north.

However, according to conventional inference, Wu Zhui's leftmost point should be the mountain facing the south, which is at least 90% likely.

Arriving at the foot of the southernmost peak, Wu Zhongyuan began to worry, because he only knew the general direction. As for the specific location where the little wizard was hiding, he had to wait for an hour on a full moon night to accurately locate it through the moonlight.

April 15th refers to the solar calendar. The waxing and waning of the moon follows the lunar calendar. This year is 2014. March 15th this year is April 14th in the solar calendar. This means that we need to wait until late at night two days later to be accurate. Find where the little wizard is hiding.

No, one day is too tight. Even if the location is accurate, it still needs to be dug. Who knows how long it will take?

Furthermore, if the calculation is accurate, the time from midnight to sunset the next day is no more than eighteen hours. It is too dangerous to wait. You have to go and find it first.

It is very cold at night in the northwest. The higher you climb, the stronger the wind and the lower the temperature. But Wu Zhongyuan feels warm in his heart. If everything goes well, he will be able to go home soon...


. I hope that all lovers in the world will eventually get married. If you really like someone, tell them bravely, give them a choice, and give yourself a chance. Even if they are not accepted, at least you will have no regrets.

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