Orc’s Harem

Chapter 28 – Yes, the incredible brilliant wonderful plan

Nova takes a deep breath, pensively gazing up to the cloudy sky as she sits with her legs crossed on top of a marble-made bench in a rather intimate area of the royal gardens. Next to her rests Grace's husband, Ser Frederik Blue, with a huge grin fixed on his face. "What do you think?"

"Uh? Oh, yes..." The elf exits her trance, forcing herself to politely smile at the handsome knight. A feeling of angst grows in her stomach, knowing she is forcefully involved in a plan to make the man a cuckold... "You were correct, Ser. This area is the most gorgeous spot in these gardens. Thanks for showing it to me."

Many flowers, perfectly aligned and arranged, with beautiful vibrant colors, surround the couple, while a huge thick tree casts a shadow over them and gives them privacy. The bench is laid close to a small, well-maintained pond, with a few exotic fishes playfully swimming around in circles inside it...

"I'm glad! So... What is it you wanted to talk about, Nova?" He continues smiling, though rubbing the back of his neck with a bit of awkwardness. "Is it what I suspect...?"

"I... I think it is..." The elf sighs, taking a moment to try and calm the slightly ashamed reddening of her cheeks as she recalls her rejection of the man's kiss, followed by her hurried escape. "I want to apologize for my actions. That was very rude of me and I-"

"Hey, it's okay. It was my fault. Entirely." The man softly says, gaze lowering to the ground as he makes a small pause. "I'm a married man, it wasn't correct for me to try something like that... And, you are... in a relationship with that orc? Right?"

"Right..." Nova scowls, pushing her glasses up. "A relationship..."

"Heh... My apologies for saying this about your beloved, but you could do a lot better than a smelly, ugly creep like him." The knight chuckles.

"Well, he certainly is ugly and creepy... But he is not smelly at all, I make sure he bathes regularly, and-" Nova begins nervously saying but suddenly stops. Why the hell am I defending him? Resonates inside her head. "Anyways... Yes, you might be correct."

The knight snorts, falling silent along with the girl as they both enjoy the landscape. In the distance, though, behind a bushy plant, getting a clear view of them yet not being able to hear their conversation...

"I can't fucking believe it! H-how!? W-why!?" The sorceress trembles and holds back tears in the first stage of grief, the one of pure shock and denial. She tries her best to not raise her voice too much, or cast every destruction spell she knows on the elf girl, to not reveal her spying spot. "It just can't be! N-not him! My lovely perfect Frederik wouldn't do something like that..."

"He is doing it right now! Look at them, shamelessly flirting! Gaaaaah, I'm so angry! They were having an affair right under our noses! Who knows how long this has been going on..." The orc ambassador, crouching behind, insistently tries to fake the same feelings as the sorceress in a very poor acting routine that, surprisingly, has a strong effect on the despaired woman, making her stomach sink lower, causing her pained expression to contort more and more.

"Wh-what if... That's it! Your stupid assistant has a crush on my husband! Do you know how many admirers he has...? And he is such a good, sweet person that he took her here to refuse her advances in a gentle way instead of breaking her heart!" She desperately tries to convince herself of the elaborate scenario she herself created. "Oh, Frederik. You are so nice sometimes... J-just tell that elf bitch to fuck off...! Please..."

"What...?" The orc confusedly frowns, then rolls his eyes, trying to make his expression stunned and heartbroken again. "No, they are totally having an affair. Look what I found between her stuff!" He exclaims, searching for something in his pocket. Taking out the red phoenix eye gem and holding it in front of the sorceress' face.

"This... T-this..." Grace stutters, her voice shaky as she roughly grabs the gem off the orc's hand, obsessively examining it, green eyes scanning every detail. "S-she stole this...!?"

"Gaaaah, of course not, idiot! He must have gifted it to her! Do you know what it could be?"

"I-It's a rare gem... I gave it to my husband... As a symbol of our love..." She isn't able to stop sad sobs from exiting her lips. Her makeup ruined as tears begin to rain down across her sharp cheekbones. "Frederik..."

The knight shifts his gaze toward the elf yet again. "Nova, do you mind if I share something intimate?"

"N-not at all, Ser. What is it?" She raises an eyebrow, tilting her head to the side.

"Years ago, when I was just a soldier, my unit got assigned to a post near Lavanda's border for a few months. There was a problem with feral goblins causing problems around the area and they needed more men to fight them off..." The man makes a small pause, sighing. "Despite their looks, they are smart little creatures. One night, a huge group of them managed to get me and some other soldiers into an ambush. They surrounded us in the dark, they even had a troll helping them! We fought with all we had, but that beast completely destroyed us... I somehow managed to stumble away into the woods, half-dead and delirious. I thought I was going to die..."

Nova continues listening with attention, the angsty, guilty feeling in her tummy growing even stronger.

"But I didn't... An elf that was taking a bath in a nearby river found me and nursed me back to life. She was... angelical. I kept blacking out, but I'll never forget her face... I know you aren't her, but you are almost identical, you even have the same hair color." Frederik softly smiles, sliding two of his fingers across the elf's long, smooth silver mane, causing her to let out a nervous laugh.

"Hey, why the fuck is he touching her hair? I'll go beat the fuck out of him if he doesn't stop right now." The orc exclaims, now with unfeigned annoyance. Grace on her part seems ready to cause a mass genocide, yet she finds herself frozen in place. Her whole body trembling, legs about to give up... Witnessing her husband stare at another woman with the loving gaze she thought was reserved only for her...

"When I fully woke up, I found myself hidden under a pile of leaves, with my wounds treated and bandaged... Sadly, the elf was gone. I wasn't able to ask for her name, or even to thank her..." The knight makes a few seconds of silence, staring into the distance. Then faces the elf again with a warm expression. "What I want to say with that story is that I really, really love my wife... But I can't keep myself from being captivated by you, Nova... Your sole presence gives me the greatest feeling of comfort."

"I... I-I'm flattered, Ser."

"Please simply call me Frederik."

"Alright. Frederik..." She forces herself to smile, nervously twiddling with her fingers. "L-like I said, I'm flattered... But I'm afraid we'll have to keep this, y-you know... platonic..."

"...Of course. I know." The knight slowly nods his head, resting his hands on top of the girl's fidgeting ones and giving them the slightest squeeze. "Platonic."

"Gaaaaaaaaaaah, now they are playfully holding hands! Probably interlocking fingers too! What the heck!?" Orok angrily roars. The red-haired sorceress close to him, not able to deny the facts anymore, silently drops to her knees on the grassy ground. Consumed by sorrow. Betrayed. "Hey, are you okay...? You are not going to kill yourself or something, right?" The semi-concerned orc raises an eyebrow, poking at her shoulder.

Grace doesn't answer or react, just keeps firmly staring at her 'cheating' husband in utter defeat. Black lines of makeup formed by her tears cover her cheeks, eyes reddened and puffy, plump lower lip trembling. The only man she thought she could trust, her half-orange, her first and only love... Were the things he said on their honeymoon all lies...?

"Heeeeey, earth to Grace! You should leave those two losers alone and go have a drink. Bet that'll make you feel better. You love wine, right?"

The devastated woman remains silent for almost a minute, before suddenly throwing the phoenix eye at the ground as hard and violently as possible... She then stands up and erratically stumbles away with her crying face pressed against her palms.

"Gah, finally..." Orok sighs as he watches the heavy-chested depressed woman hurry away, grabbing the scattered crimson gem and sliding it back into his pocket. He then immediately starts marching towards the area where the knight and his assistant are, upset expression on his face. "What's going on here!?"

"Oh... It's you..." Frederik simply says, not able to hide his annoyance at the interruption. He glares at the tall, corpulent orc, his hands slowly letting go of the elf's... "We are just having a pleasant chat, ambassador. Is there any problem?"

"Uh-huh! Of course there is a problem, boyo. You are putting your hands on another guy's property." The angry orc grabs Nova's arm, making her stand up from her seat and forcefully pulling her close to him.

"H-hey! Don't-" The elf yelps, feeling those huge green hands start roughly fondling her entire slender figure. Orok then grabs her chin and turns her reddened face towards his, hungrily licking and kissing her pouty lips. "N-not here! Shhhhhtop...!" Nova muffledly complains, pointy ears twitching.

Frederik furrows his brow, not having much course of action other than trying to ignore the nasty act happening right in front of him... A cold chill runs down his spine as he clenches his fists in impotence...

"Don't bother my assistant again, little knight. Got it?" The orc threateningly huffs, thick lines of spit still connecting his tusked mouth to the elf's as he finally breaks the kiss. The human man keeps silently scowling at him with pure aversion. "I'll take that as a yes." He says, grabbing Nova's small hand and walking away.

"I-I'm sorry..." The embarrassed elf whispers, looking back at Frederik over her shoulder as she is hurriedly dragged away. His eyes lock with her amber-colored pair, such a gentle and sweet lady, being degraded by a disgusting, brainless brute... He isn't able to stop rage from brewing on his insides, nor a single phrase from repeating in his mind...

'I'm going to kill that orc.'

"You are the worst. The worst of the worst." Nova rants as she reluctantly walks next to her master, his hand still possessively holding hers. "There was no need to do that!"

"Yeah, yeah." Orok dismissively grunts. "Hey, never talk to that idiot again."

"B-but you were the one who ordered me to do it!"

"Because I needed it for my plan! But since now that part is done, I don't want you anywhere near that prick."

"Ugh." Nova sighs, letting a few seconds of silence pass before she opens her mouth again. "Were you jealous...?"

"Gahahaha, what are you talking about? Of course not... You are the one that gets jealous all the time, not me." The orc nervously laughs. "I just don't like people thinking they can touch my slave! You are mine, only mine."

The elf's lips softly curl upwards in a smug grin. "Heh. You were sooo jealous..."

"Gaaah, I said I'm not! S-shut up!" He exclaims with growing annoyance. "I'm going to go pay a visit to that witch now. Pink must be waiting."

"Okay... Jealous little boy."

"Four-eyed nerd!"



Grace pathetically sits on the floor of her laboratory, next to her dear wine cabinet. Continuing to bawl her eyes out while bluntly chugging the expensive alcohol directly from the bottle. "W-why!?" She cries out, pressing her head against her knees.

The wine, however, has a... slightly pinkish appearance and a sweeter taste than she remembered. Too bad the sorceress was past the point of caring...

"Yeah, keep drinking that..." Pink whispers to herself, trying to stifle her giggles as she hides behind a nearby bookcase, holding the calm, half-asleep artist frog between her hands. "Now where is... Oh-hoho!"

The orc ambassador confidently walks through the door that Grace didn't have the energy to lock. "What's up?"

"Go away!" The sorceress sniffs, not even bothering to raise her head from her knees.

"Hey, don't be like that." He tries to make his voice as soft and gentle as possible, walking towards her position and kneeling in front of her. "Are you sad?"

Grace lets out a long vexed groan, her gaze moving upwards to flash the deep frown on her messy face. "W-what do you think, asshole!?" She yells, then gulps down another abundant amount of wine... I-is she getting drunk already? She is supposed to have plenty of tolerance... So why is her head spinning so much? Why is... her body getting so warm? "Wh-wha..."

"Shh, relax." Orok mischievously smirks, noticing her expression starting to transform. "Finish the bottle, okay? It'll make you feel better." He calmly says, helping her move the wine bottle towards her lips again, forcing her to swallow every single drop of liquid remaining in it.

"Hnnng... I... I'm..." Grace's breathing turns erratic, her pupils dilate, her whole face reddens until turning the same color as her hair. "H-hot... So hot..." She is only able to softly murmur.

"Gahahaha, yeah? Is your body hot?" The orc shifts closer against her, resting his humongous palm on her juicy, squishy thigh. "Hey, does this feel good?" He strokes her thick leg, moving his hand up and down.

It did felt good. It felt amazing. The woman starts shivering, eyes slightly rolling backward as the touch sends pleasure across her entire nervous system. "L-let go... Don't..." She tries to fight off her own sensations. "N-no..."

"Give up and enjoy. Be a good girl." Orok chuckles, slowly moving his face toward Grace's. Her dulled brain isn't able to order her scorching body to stop the kiss... She is just capable of staying still with a dopey expression on her face, whimpering and panting like a puppy...

The orc's lips roughly mash against hers with disgusting, loud slurps. His tongue soon joins the fun, exploring the uppity woman's mouth, twirling around her own pink little organ... The sorceress' shaky hands manage to press against his broad chest with the intention to push him away... but they never do. The animalistic, spit-swapping kiss felt heavenly. Her lips begin pushing back against his, tongue wrestling along with the wild ambassador...

"Gotcha~." Pink smiles from ear to ear, pointing the ugly frog in their direction and pressing hard on its bulging belly...

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