Orc’s Harem

Chapter 27 – Time for the amazingly genius epic plan

"Cute girl~." Pink purrs, standing outside of the grand library with her two companions. The day now well advanced into the afternoon from all the hours of waiting... "Hope we can help her."

"I guess... He really needs to stop sticking his nose into everyone's business, though..." Nova sighs.

"I'm not going to stand with my arms crossed while my favorite mangaka suffers." Orok makes an exaggerated heroic pose, causing his elf slave to irritatedly frown. "Gahahaha, that sounded really cool! I'm all pumped up now."

"Whatever... Can we please go back to the castle and finally drop all this stuff...?" She huffs, gesturing at all the bags (and frog) that she and the small succubus are carrying. "My back hurts..."

"Sure! And you know what? I've decided we are also doing my master plan today!" He excitedly rubs his hands together, decidedly starting to march in the castle's direction. "Let's go! I need both of you for it."

"W-what!? Today!? You... You haven't even told us what that ridiculous plan is!" Nova furiously exclaims, chasing after him as quickly as possible with all her encumberment.

"Wrong. He already told me~." Pink snorts.

"H-huh?" The baffled elf stares daggers back at the succubus before switching the stare towards Orok, her lips pushing out in a pout and her brow deeply furrowed. "H-hey, why did you tell her first!? I-I'm supposed to be the person you annoy with your stupid ideas..." She angrily says with what could be a slight tint of irrational jealousy impregnated into her tone of voice.

"You weren't there, dork. You were busy doing elven rituals or something, Gahaha!" The orc laughs, Nova gets even grumpier. "Don't worry, it's foolproof! I'll tell you on the way."



Sorceress Grace D'Allure softly hums to herself as she works inside her restricted laboratory, carefully holding her palms on top of a large piece of linen, magic runes progressively appearing on it, intensely glowing in a light-blue color.

Just when she is about to finish, loud repeated knocks make her suddenly lose her concentration, the enchanted scroll turning into its previous blank state in an instant, all her work gone. "Tch...! You have to be kidding me." The redhead frustratedly clicks her tongue, scowling as she looks back over her shoulder at the magically locked door.

"Hey, is the witch here?" The knocks continue, Pink's voice booming on the other side. "Heeeeeeeeeeeey, don't ignore me! Open this weird door!"

"I'm very busy right now. Make an appointment like everyone else." Grace coldly says. "And it's 'sorceress', not 'witch'. You uncultured swine."

"Ha, how feisty~." The shortstack chuckles. "Yo, my name is Pink, I'm not a swine, I'm a succubus. Has that old man in the Merchant's Guild given you our potion sample?"

"Succubus!? What's a succubus doing inside the castle...? Way to do your fucking job, Olivia... Lazy hag..." She rants to herself in utter indignation, taking a quick look at the pile of stuff scattered in the crowded 'to-do' section of her desk, noticing a little glass vial filled with pink liquid. The etiquette wrapped around it stating 'SUCCUBI ELIXIR - SAFETY TESTING PENDING' in bold letters. "He did." She simply answers.

"Great! Sooooo... did you check it yet?"

"I will when I have the time and feel like it. Right now I'm doing something more important." Grace rolls her eyes, placing her delicate hands on top of the piece of linen and trying to resume her previous work. "Go away."

"Hey, my friends are going to starve if they aren't able to start selling their potions soon..." Pink insists. "Come on, it'll be quick! I'll help by answering any question you might have."

The bratty sorceress ignores her, closing her eyes and silently trying to focus on canalizing magic power into the empty scroll.

"...You do realize I'm going to stay here until you do it, right?" The succubus starts knocking at the door again. "And I'm a professional at being annoying, so if I were you, I would open this door right now..."

No answer.

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeey! Did you hear me, witch~?" Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. The door handle is also pushed up and down a couple of times, the annoying sounds booming over the entire laboratory. "Oh, we have a bitch witch! A bitchy witchy! Oh-hoho, that should be your new nickname! Heeeeeey! Bitchy witchy! Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!"

"I'm not a witch." The very offended Grace strongly grits her teeth to suppress her rage as she continues to work, the runes on the linen appearing deformed and twisted, glowing with a fainter shine than before.

"Are you busy rubbing brooms against your cunt or something? Since you are a creepy witch and all." Pink giggles. "Bitchy witchy! Bitchy witchy! Bitchy witchy!"

"OI, SHUT UP." The sorceress suddenly explodes, pure fury on her expression as she opens her eyes again. The scroll quickly turning into ash, combusted by the magic applied to it. "SHUT. UP." She stomps her heeled foot against the floor.

"You know what you have to do to shut me up..."

The frowning Grace silently crosses her arms.

"No? Alright. Guess I'll practice my singing now." Pink flashes a mischievous smirk. "LALALALALALALALALALALALALALALA."

Absolutely fuming, with her eardrums about to burst, the sorceress buries her face into her open palms.


"T-that's enough! Stop that, you idiot!"


"Hnnng, I said that's ENOUGH!" Grace angrily marches towards the entrance of her lab, doing a wide circular movement with her hand and causing the door to finally swing open on its own. Finally getting a look at the short curvy succubus waiting on the other side, her hands smugly resting behind her head as she proudly smirks.

Pink's eyes, hidden behind her bangs, shamelessly examine the woman's body from head to toe, making a prolonged stop on her sizeable bosom. "Holy bazongas, he wasn't lying..." She contently whispers under her breath.

"If I check that potion, would you kindly FUCK OFF and stop annoying me!?"

"Yeah, that's all I wanted, silly! May I come in~?"

"Ugh!" Grace rolls her eyes, turns around, then walks back towards her work area. The short succubus hurriedly follows after her, gaze now focused on her jiggly backside, barely covered by her tight skirt...

The red-haired sorceress sits in front of her desk, meticulously examining a drop of the bright pink potion under a large, potent lens and making annotations. "The consistency seems stable, no risk of explosion... Oi, succubus, at which temperature did you brew this? In Fahrenheit, of course."

"Temperature...? Brew...? Fahrenwhat...? Hehe, we just stir it a bit, that's all..." Pink simply says, impolitely investigating every nook and cranny of the lab. "Yo, this place is really cool!"

"Don't. Touch. Anything." Grace sternly orders. "Everything is perfectly organized and cataloged... Keep in mind that I'll know if something is missing."

"What!? Are you calling me a thief!?"

"Yes, I am. Everyone knows succubi are amoral thieves and rapists. Your race hides in the wild like animals and attacks anyone in sight..."

"That's a bit racist... I mean, we do steal and rape a lot, but that's not an excuse for being mean, dude." The succubus snorts, crouching down to curiously open a cabinet. Stacks of expensive wine bottles laid one next to the other, the brand's elegant name absolutely unpronounceable. "Oh-hoho! What do we have here?"

"I told you to not touch anything!" Grace lifts her gaze from her lens to annoyedly stare the succubus down. "Hands off!"

"Why do you need so much wine? Are you an alcoholic or something?"

"W-what!? Of course not, dumbwit! I keep it for special occasions..."

"Yeah, like when you want to get drunk~." Pink giggles. "Hey, let's say something terrible happens... You would use this wine to, you know... numb the emotional pain, right?"

"...What the fuck are you talking about...?" The sorceress lifts one of her thin eyebrows, deeply sighing. "Just stop touching my things and come here."

"Sure, sure." Pink walks towards Grace, peeking over her shoulder. "Wassup?"

"I can't seem to recognize the ingredients mixed in this. List them."

"Oh, we use our fluids."

Grace's green eyes open wide in shock. "W-what did you just say...?"

"Our fluids! You know..." Pink amusedly laughs. "Don't make a lady talk in detail about that kind of stuff~."

"T-that's...! Y-you...! Ugh, of course..." The sorceress looks down at the sample with pure disgust, pushing it away using just one of her fingers. "There is no way I can approve that. I-"

Grace is interrupted by the unlocked entrance door of her laboratory being kicked open, the orc ambassador frenziedly hurrying inside with a stunned expression on his beastly face. "Gaaaaaaaaaah! You won't believe this!" He exclaims.

"Oi! Who said you can enter this place!?" The sorceress angrily bounces up from her seat, completely horrified of having another creature invading her cozy, intimate sanctuary. "Out! Now!"

"We are being cucked!"

"H-huh!? What do you-"

"Your stupid husband is having a date with my assistant! Gaaaaah, they are in the gardens right now, acting all romantic!"

"W-WHAT!?" The redhead loudly gasps, jaw dropping to the floor. Only a second passes before she desperately sprints out of the room as fast as she possibly can while wearing a pair of heels, rudely shoving the big orc out of her way. "BULLSHIT!"

Left alone in the room, Orok and Pink look at each other and start chuckling. "...Heh, so far so good. I think you are getting some witch pussy tonight, dude~." The succubus purrs, playfully bumping her tiny fist against the orc's much larger one...

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