Orc’s Harem

Chapter 14 – Succubi hunter

After a good night of resting (And making Nova squirt), the next morning finally arrives. Sunrays enter through the large windows, birds joyfully chirp in tandem outside, and a soft pleasant breeze flies from the opened balcony into the suite...

Orok keeps sleeping and loudly snoring while his elf assistant starts rising from her slumber. Nova lets out a yawn, stretches her arms over her head, then gently taps her palm over the bedside table next to her in a search for her glasses. "Morning..." She huskily says, grabbing the orc's shoulder and shaking him around in an attempt to awaken him. This seems futile, as the orc ambassador remains deeply asleep.

The elf sighs, moving close to him and whispering in his ear. "Hey, wake up..." She insists, giving his cheek a couple of soft slaps. "Come on, idiot... Wake up..."

The orc whines, annoyedly pushing the tiny hand away from his face. "Gaaah, shut up. Let me sleep..." He grunts, burying his head deeper into the pillow.

Nova's thin brows furrow, her lips pushed out in an angry pout as she continues attempting to make her immature master leave the bed. "You've slept more than enough... Being the ambassador of a country, you should actually be waking up even earlier than this. You are so lucky that- EEK!"

Nova lets out a high-pitched yelp as her scolding is interrupted. The orc suddenly wrapping his arms around her and carelessly hugging her close against his gigantic body like she was a teddy-bear. "Yeah, whatever you say... Now let's sleep some more..." He simply states, continuing to calmly rest.

"H-hey, let go..." The elf blushes, trying to escape Orok's strong grip and obviously failing at it. "Come on, this isn't funny, there is work to do!"

He doesn't flinch, hugging her even closer. Nova keeps trying to force her way out of the restraining hug, deeply sighing at her own fruitless efforts...

She then resigns herself to stay still within the warm embrace, sporting a frown on her face... that's it, until an idea comes to her mind. It's embarrassing, but... this might make him completely wake up. "Ugh... S-succubus pussy..." She hesitantly mumbles under her breath. The orc's eyes instantly open up wide.

"Gahaha, you are right! I should get going!" Orok cackles, letting go of his slave and energetically bouncing out from the bed, hurriedly starting to dress up while Nova silently glares at him.

The elf continues looking daggers at her master for some time, then irritatedly rolls her eyes and stands up from the bedding, still in her underwear as she walks towards a comfortable desk by the side of the room, taking a seat in front of it and starting to dutifully do the paperwork that the orc should be doing, carefully writing over piles of blank paper using the set of quill and ink laying nearby, occasionally casting glances at the annotations of her trusty notebook.

The orc, now fully dressed, accommodates the meaty bulge on his pants as he walks towards the busy, working elf. "Hey, don't miss me too much." He chuckles, playfully ruffling the girl's silver hair.

"I won't. Try not to die." She coldly huffs, not bothering to raise her nose from her collection of notes, scribbling words and numbers that make the orc feel bored just by looking at them.

"Gahahaha, you are such a tsundere."

"...A what?"

"Nothing, nothing." Orok keeps dumbly chuckling to himself, exiting the room. "See you later."



Orok leaves the capital of Malena, following the road toward the conflicted trading route. He eagerly rides his borrowed horse, the poor animal doing its best to support his weight, letting out fatigued whimpers while its hooves clap against the ground below.

Minutes pass and pass until finally, the tall grassy mountains appear into view, as well as the strategically built road making a convenient shortcut across them. Cave entrances of all sizes scattered all around, yet the place seems pretty deserted so far. Where are these hot succubi!?

The orc ambassador directs his horse towards the trading route, slowing down its speed to a soft trot as he desperately checks the area, red pupils quickly darting around. "Hey buddy, if you see a succubus, let me know." He says to the horse, the animal simply lets out an annoyed 'neigh'.

Suddenly, a sharp blowing sound resonates in the distance. A tranquilizer dart flies towards the horse's neck from an unknown location, immediately making it lose consciousness. Orok gasps in surprise as the horse bluntly stumbles to the ground, making him also fall.

"Yo, orc! You are like, trespassing. That's not cool. We are keeping your horse... and those fancy clothes you wear!" A feminine voice loudly shouts, its direction still a mystery. "Undress, leave your clothes in a pile on the ground, and run away. Hurry up!"

The orc isn't able to hide the excited smirk on his face as he stands up, wiping the dust away from his body. "Woah, you sound really cute! Are you a succubus?"

"Cute~? Tee-hee, thanks! I'm actually trying to sound scary, though." The flattered girl giggles, her voice tone suddenly turning a lot higher and friendly... Then, she seems to remember that she won't be able to intimidate anyone like that and, after awkwardly clearing her throat, she switches her tone to the deeper, more threatening one she was using before. "...And yes, I'm a part of a group of very evil succubi! So you better do as I say or we'll do terrible things to you!"

"Sure! But can I at least take a look at you first? I want to check if you are as cute as you sound."

"Waaaah, you are making me blush, dude~." That ditzy, high-pitched voice tone comes out yet again, not able to be controlled anymore... the succubus totally forgot she is in the middle of a robbery... "Alright, since you are such a charmer." She purrs, before quickly jumping out of a bush, revealing herself.

Her figure short and incredibly curvy, with juicy tits and a gigantic jiggly ass under some skimpy clothes. The best example of shortstack. Her dark horns, little wings, pointed ears, and heart-shaped pink tail notably differentiate her from a simple human and show off her succubi nature. "Hello!" She grins, excitedly waving one hand at the orc, holding her loaded blowpipe with the other. The succubus also has huge flirty eyes, plump bee-stung lips, an adorable button nose, and light-blue hair styled in little pigtails.

"Gaaaaaaaaaaah, you are super cute! Hot as fuck too." Orok exclaims, taking a good look at the succubus in the distance. "Are all your succubi friends like you? I want to meet them!"

"Nope! I'm the cutest of them all~." She smugly says, clearly delighted with the interaction, her long tail wrapping itself around her thick thigh. "I kid, I kid. They are all great! But I don't think you can meet them... I can't simply let you walk into our cave just like that, you are pretty cool and all but I don't know you enough yet..."

"Aw, that sucks..." The orc takes a second to ponder, rubbing his chin. "Hey, you girls kidnap people, right?"

"Yup! We grab the handsome ones and keep them as breeders and fucktoys. Why?"

"Well, kidnap me too, then! That way I will be able to enter that cave and meet all of you, Gahahaha." The ambassador says, proudly resting his hands over his hips, very satisfied with his brilliant idea.

"Hmm..." The succubus silently shifts her weight from one foot to the other, playing with the blowpipe on her hands as she looks up and down at the orc. "Okay~! Why not. You are pretty handsome, in an orcish kinda way."

"Great! Let's-" Orok starts saying, but is interrupted as the succubus swiftly places the empty end of the blowpipe between her lips and points it at him, strongly blowing on it and causing a precise dart to fly towards his neck. The orc's eyes roll back as he passes out, falling down over his sleeping horse.



Nova softly hums as she keeps working on the report. The suite finally calm and quiet now that her master is gone, the only sounds to be heard being the pleasant howling of the wind outside and her quill brushing against paper... She still wonders if that idiot is okay, though...

...What!? N-no, she actually doesn't! Who cares. Screw him! Things always end up right for him anyway. After all the dumb things he did, annoying those pesky succubi won't be the one that gets him killed... right...?

Nova grunts, her concentration utterly interrupted by those dumb intruding thoughts. She puts the quill aside and removes her glasses, frustratedly rubbing her eyes. "I need a break..." She sighs, standing up and walking towards the balcony, leaning on the railing and taking a good look at the gorgeous landscape she thoroughly enjoys.

A few moments of relaxation go on, before a sudden metallic noise on the door's keyhole interrupts it, the entrance of the suite now unlocked... A maid? They must have sent her to clean... "Excuse me! I'm not dressed yet, please give me-" Nova talks, hurrying back into the main room and approaching the door. Yet, despite the elf's pleading, it rudely swings open...

Young princess Francesca enters the suite, a keyring with many master keys dangling from her little hand. She firmly gazes at the dumbfounded elf with a raised eyebrow before closing the door behind her.

"Oh... P-princess, i-it's a pleasure to meet you... I apologize for my... lack of clothes. I wasn't expecting such a visit." Nova nervously greets her with a bow, embarrassedly doing her best to cover her half-naked body with her hands.

"Is this the ambassador's room? Where is he?" The teenager impatiently asks, strolling around the suite like the place belonged to her, her high heels obnoxiously clicking against the floor below. "I have very important things to discuss with him."

"H-he is... busy. I'm sorry, princess. He is currently outside the capital." The elf says, hurriedly grabbing her clothes scattered around, sliding her skirt across her legs, and hastily buttoning her white shirt over her torso. "I'll let him know you want to speak when he returns."

"Tch!" She clicks her tongue like a brat, crossing her arms and casting a hostile glare in Nova's direction. "Who are you, anyway?"

"I'm Nova. The ambassador's assistant."

"Uh-huh, just that?"

The elf's ears lower as she sighs. "I-I guess we also have a... relationship..."

"So you are his wife, then." The teenager's brows furrow even more, deeply scowling.

"I..." Nova rolls her eyes, cheeks reddened. "Y-yes, I suppose I'm his... wife..."

"Grrrr..." Francesca angrily grunts like a predatory animal, taking a step closer to the assistant, her frowning expression right in front of the elf's nervous one. "You think you are his favorite, huh? Not for long. Mark my words."

"...Excuse me...?" The elf blinks, eyebrows raised.

"I'll become his favorite good girl and he will marry me. And he will be so happy with me that he won't even think of looking at you or any other woman again." The redhead says between gritted teeth, determinedly clenching her fists.

"Princess, you... I-I don't understand..."

"Enough." Francesca raises one of her hands, prompting the astounded elf to stop anxiously babbling. She then notices the messy bed in the room and quickly approaches it. "...Which pillow is his?"

Nova struggles to talk. Is this some kind of fever dream? "...T-the one on the left..." She stutters.

Francesca immediately pounces over the left pillow, pressing her button nose against it and deeply sniffing. "Daddy's scent, daddy's scent, daddy's scent..." She softly repeats to herself, manicured hands clawing at the soft pillow as she keeps happily snorting the orc's smell like it was the most expensive perfume ever created... Nova, frozen like a statue, is just able to observe while questioning reality itself.

"I'm taking this with me." Francesca suddenly talks, hugging the pillow close against her body as she starts walking towards the door of the suite. "And remember what I said, elf... I'll be his favorite." She furiously looks back at Nova over her shoulder before exiting the way she came.

...The elf, about to faint, lets herself fall over the chair in front of the paperwork-covered desk... Goddess, h-he... he wasn't lying... the princess actually has a crush on him... or something more depraved than that...

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