Orc’s Harem

Chapter 13 – The great banquet (Part five)

"Listen, this is important, so-" Nova walks next to the orc, insistently trying to straighten his tousled clothes as they approach the head of the merchant's guild.

"Yeah, yeah, I got this. Don't worry." Orok interrupts the elf, confidently grinning as he reaches the elderly man. "Hello there!"

Amadeus doesn't bother to shift his gaze from the map in front of him. "Give me a minute." He holds up one finger in the orc's direction before continuing to talk with his associate... "We need to build a bridge right here." He decisively points at the middle of a long, wide river depicted on the map.

"T-that would take months!" The other man exclaims. "We can't afford to wait so long. We should solve this as quickly as possible."

"Do you have a better plan? We've already sent soldiers to that damned route and they haven't returned yet."

"We need to keep trying, send a knight maybe! It's just a bunch of succubi, it can't be that hard..."

"You said succubi!?" The orc excitedly forces his way into the conversation, looking down at the detailed map, his red eyes scanning all over it. "Where!?"

Amadeus and his partner confusedly look at each other and then at him. "I presume you are the ambassador of Garro?"

"Yup, that's me! I'm Orok." He grins, grabbing his elf slave and pulling her close. "And this is my assistant, Nova."

"Greetings, gentlemen. It's a pleasure." She politely nods her head, before throwing an annoyed glance at her master. "We apologize for interrupting..."

"Yeah, what she said. So where are those succubi?" The orc continues.

Amadeus raises one of his bushy eyebrows, before deeply sighing. "Over here... blocking one of our most efficient trading routes with the north." He returns to the map and slides his finger across a lengthy mountain pass in a very convenient location. "They arrived a few weeks ago and turned the nearby caves into their home, attacking and robbing anyone that passes by..."

Amadeus' associate grunts, frustratedly rubbing his forehead. "Abominable creatures..."

"Indeed... Though this is not something that should preoccupy you, ambassador. The routes leading towards Garro are untouched and working wonderfully, the trade with your country is vital for our economy and we-"

"Listen, I've decided that I'm going to help you!" The orc eagerly says, resting his hands over his hips in a heroic pose. Nova hopelessly facepalms. "You are welcome! Gahaha!"

"Huh? Excuse me...?" The disoriented merchant guild's leader asks.

"I can easily deal with those succubi." Orok simply says. "They won't bother you anymore, trust me."

Amadeus silently looks at the orc. The man next to him lets out a soft chuckle, crossing his arms. "Well, he certainly sounds confident about this... You should let him try."

"Are you absolutely sure you can do this, ambassador?" The uncertain elderly man questions, rubbing his bearded chin.

"Yeah, of course! I just need a horse to take me there, I'll go tomorrow."

"Not going to ask for a sword too...? Or some kind of armor...?"

Orok roars in laughter. "Nope! I always carry a long, thick, hard weapon with me... Right, Nova? Gahahaha." He enthusiastically nudges the elf with his elbow.

Nova blushes at the vulgar euphemism, the tips of her twitchy ears pinkening as she nervously adjusts her glasses. "Idiot..."

"We really need that route, Amadeus." The associate keeps trying to convince him, moving closer and whispering in his ear. "Also... I don't think anyone would miss this clown too much if something goes wrong and he ends up going missing. Just look at him, the orcs in Garro must be wishing for him to drop dead already. There are no actual risks here."

Amadeus spends a pair of seconds in silence before sighing again, nodding his head, and resuming to talk. "Alright, then... I'll have a steed prepared for you tomorrow. You'll be doing me and the merchant's guild a huge favor if you succeed, ambassador."

"Nice!" He delightedly rubs his hands together. "Can't wait to have fun with those succubi..."

The man clears his throat, formally clasping his hands behind his back. "Now, I wish we could take a quick moment to discuss some business regarding our countries and get a head start now that we have the opportunity. First important matter, we are in dire need of emeralds lately, we are willing to exchange more of our-"

"Oh, my nerdy assistant will manage this boring stuff." Orok says, grabbing Nova by her shoulders and carelessly dragging her in front of him. "See ya, Gahaha!" He chuckles as he walks away.

The dumbfounded elf stays frozen under the confused gaze of the two men. A pair of seconds pass before she takes a deep breath, grabbing her small notebook from the pocket of her coat and holding it open in front of her. "...Emeralds, you said? I think we can do that. Please tell me more."



Some tables away from the group, Juliette, who still remains a bit blushy and sweaty from her defeat and consequent lewd treatment, sits next to the court sorceress, Grace.

The blonde musclegirl nervously twiddles her thick fingers together, not able to stop pondering about the experience... Yet the arrogant busty redhead by her side pays no attention to her anxious attitude, relaxedly keeping her thick legs crossed one over the other and gently sipping from a glass of white wine.

"Hey, Grace, can I ask you something?" Juliette hesitates to talk, her voice tone soft and shy.

"I guess."

"A-am I... d-do you think I'm a... pretty girl?"

Grace raises one of her eyebrows. "Are you serious? What are you, twelve?"

"Come on... I-It's an honest question..."

"You are one foot too tall and a hundred pounds too heavy to be a pretty girl, Juliette. Why are you even asking such a stupid thing?" The sorceress bluntly says, rolling her green eyes and taking another sip of her drink before setting it down on the table.

"Y-yeah, you are right..." The strong, tall captain pouts and falls silent, resuming to idly play with her fingers.

Grace sighs, carefully examining her for a few moments, slightly tilting her head to the side before talking again. "...At least your hair is kinda cute. You should brush it more, though."

"I brush it a lot... I don't know why it keeps looking so messy."

The redhead slowly tries to comb down the disheveled locks of golden hair with her hands, failing disastrously at it, the rumpled mane instantly recovering its previous disarranged state the moment her palms stop pressing down on it. "That's weird. What shampoo do you use?"

"I don't really know the name... it has a funny image of a couple of fruits with faces on the bottle, t-that's why I bought it..."

Grace furrows her brow in confusion. "That sounds like shampoo for children. A very shitty brand, too."

"You think so...? I don't know, it smells really good."

"I'm one hundred percent sure it's for children. You are an adult, Juliette, you shouldn't be using that." She lets out a vexed sigh, rubbing her forehead. "Ugh... I guess I could give you some of the one I use... but you owe me."

"Really...? Thanks, Grace!" The blonde softly smiles, gingerly continuing towards her next question. "C-could you... could you also teach me how to use makeup, please?"

Before the sorceress is able to answer, some loud heavy steps and an annoying laugh interrupt them.

"Here you are!" The orc ambassador happily says. Juliette's eyes widen as she notices him, immediately standing up from the table and running away as fast as possible, clumsily stumbling with people on her escape. "Wait! Ugh, whatever... I'll sit here. Hello!" He says, taking a seat next to the perplexed redhead.

She looks at him for a single second before clicking her tongue and rudely shifting her gaze to the opposite way. "I'm simply going to pretend you don't exist, orc... don't bother me."

The orc shamelessly ogles her for a pair of seconds, suddenly grabbing the short, dark cape wrapped around her upper torso and holding it up over her chest, taking a good, perverse look at the pair of round breasts constricted under her tight white shirt.

"Oi! Hands off, pig!" Grace yelps, slapping Orok's hand, sliding her chair away from him.

"Gahaha, I thought you were pretending that I didn't exist." He cackles, chasing after her with his seat, dragging it as close as possible to the girl's one. "Hey, you look like a supermodel up-close, wanna fuck?"

The sorceress disgustedly glances at the orc like she was looking at a filthy piece of trash. "I would rather die a million times in the most gruesome way possible." She huffs in indignation. "You are lucky my husband isn't here at the moment, he would chop your hideous head off for disrespecting me like this... He is a true gentleman, not like your kind."

"Woah, that sounds very scary." Orok smirks. "Anyways, I think that true gentleman you talk about wants to fuck my assistant... Maybe he has gotten bored of you, dunno... Personally, I wouldn't be able to live just fucking the same woman every time, no matter how hot she is."

Grace's angry frown grows deeper and deeper. "What the hell are you talking about!? Your assistant? You mean the elf?"

"Yeah, Nova told me your husband shamelessly flirted with her... Gahaha, it seems he is actually a huge pervert who can't control himself, just like I am."

"HA! She wishes! That little knife-eared bitch must be soooo fucking jealous of the gorgeous hunk of a loving husband that I have, so she has to make shit up... He would NEVER do something like that, Frederik is a strong, loyal, perfect man. We've been married for years and our bond is unbreakable." The sorceress rants, letting out an irritated offended 'hmph!' before grabbing her glass and taking a hearty sip of wine.

"Sure, but don't call my assistant those things... She is a bit bitchy, but I'm the only one who can call her names."

"I'll call that little BITCH a BITCH as many times I want." She slams the now empty glass against the table, sternly pointing one of her slender fingers at the orc. "Now go away, and stop annoying me!"

The unfazed ambassador simply rolls his eyes, looking at her in silence before swiftly repeating the same lewd process of tugging on her cape and leering at her oversized boobs.


"Gahahaha, sorry. You shouldn't be wearing that thing, though. It hides part of your perfect tits... Are you embarrassed about their size or something?"

Grace furiously grits her teeth as hard as possible, adjusting her elegant cape. Then, after making sure no guest is looking her way, she points her open palm at the ambassador and casts a moderated electricity spell, yellowish bolts of lighting flying from her fingertips and towards his direction.

"Gaaaaaaah, hey! What's your problem!?" Orok squeaks as he violently bounces on his chair, almost falling off it. The spell nothing more serious than a brief corrective measure, yet a very painful one...

"Next time I won't hold myself back, orc." She grunts. "Now, kindly fuck off."

"Jeez, alright." He stands up from his seat, rubbing the sore areas of his body. "But tell your hubby to stay away from my assistant."

Grace scowls, threateningly pointing her open palm toward the orc, who decides to prudently hurry away.



Nova examines the pages of her notebook, letting out a satisfied sigh before sliding it back into her pocket. That went... better than expected, trade between Garro and Malena is certainly as efficient as everybody says. The discussion with Amadeus was probably just an introduction, but, heh, that was kinda fun... Yet, there is still that huge elephant in the room that complicates things... succubi... what the hell is he thinking!?

"Yo." Her orc master suddenly interrupts her line of thought. "What's up?"

Nova crosses her arms with a frown. "There is absolutely nothing I can say to keep you from going to that trading route and getting yourself killed, right?" She grunts in defeat.

"Huh?" He raises one of his eyebrows, suddenly remembering his plans for the next day and excitedly grinning. "Oh, that! Nah, I'm definitely going. I always wanted to fuck a succubus, their pussies must feel amazing!"

"Ugh..." The elf deeply sighs, tiredly rubbing the bridge of her nose. "...Whatever, I don't think there is anything else we can do here. Can we go back to our room? These high heels are killing me..."

"Yeah, sure. I already ate a lot, I'm full. This banquet was amazing!" He pats his stomach. "And, before I forget. Remember that I told you I wanted to fuck those three women and that you were going to help me?"

"Please tell me you changed your mind about that..."

"Gahaha, of course not! I'm actually developing a plan to have cow-tits over there bouncing on my cock." He points at the redheaded court sorceress sitting in the distance. "I need you to become close with her husband. If you see him around in the upcoming days, act like you are interested in him."

"W-what? Ser Frederik? W-why!?" Nova blushes, amber eyes opening wide like plates.

"You saw him wink his eye at you or something like that, right? I can't believe that loser has a crush on my little slave, Gahaha! I'm definitely going to take advantage of that."

Nova firmly clenches her fists, letting out a little frustrated whimper before turning around and angrily marching towards the exit of the great hall without saying another word. Orok follows behind her...

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