One Piece: I’m Mihawk’s Son

Freedom II

The Fishman Island, Ryugu Palace. 

A shivering mermaid walked to a big table where many parties were sitting, the topic to discuss was the distribution of the national tribute stolen by the Kuja Pirates. It had been a topic on hold but so important that Admiral Aokiji had been stationed on the island this whole time waiting for this decision. 

Alongside him were his right-hand man and Admiral Shironeko who had arrived yesterday. 

He sat on one side and behind him was a white-haired man smoking a cigarette in all due impassiveness. He was a Commodore Smoker. Aokiji's unit was in the port waiting, unlike Shironeko who had arrived at Fishman Island on her own.

Overseeing the conversation was the King of the Ryugu Kingdom, Neptune and his children: Fukaboshi, Manboshi, Ryuboshi and Shirahoshi, the latter was more eager to leave and instead go and look for her new friend, Veyron, thought she was told it was better to not disturb him, hence her impatience. 

Opposite to Aokiji and Shironeko were a row of women that couldn't be underestimated. 

First and foremost the main cause of the whole incident. The Captain of the Kuja Fleet and Empress of Amazon Lily, Boa Hancock, worth two Billion Bellies. 

The main spokesperson of the independent nations of Shandora, Rusukaina and Skypea. After Dracule Veyron, she was the second in command and she also served as one of the elders of Amazon Lily, Boa Primrose, worth eight hundred million Bellies.

Between both breathtaking ladies, there was another beauty whose countenance was just as magical, she was the Queen of the Ryugu Kingdom, Otohime. Due to the national tribute being stationed in their territory, she served as the Ryugu Kingdom's delegate in this matter and she counted with the assistance of ministers of the right and left. 

What should have originally been a friendly conversation... had turned into a major political issue. The reason? this incident had caused a bifurcation of incidents to take place in which as a result two countries were involved in a wide-scale coup d'etat. Emperors of the Sea were involved and even 'high-ranked' members of the world government had involved themselves. 

"Arara... Is it necessary to have this much tension in the room?"

"You should know that this matter is not a game for us anymore" Primrose started, "Not when my husband's life was at risk".

She was so deadly serious that even Hancock was forced to gulp a bit, she was the 'official' wife... in all exterior political matters this would always be their 'facade' but Primrose was so incensed and upset that she didn't care about this anymore. 

"Do you mean it was a game before?~".


Primrose and Hancock's expressions made Aokiji whistle and shut his mouth, knowing that they were up to no jokes. 

"How is he?" Gion continued, she hadn't seen Veyron yet ever since he had arrived. She wasn't allowed to... something that hurt deeply. The girls weren't taking any chances... an opponent that had almost killed Veyron was -without a better word to describe it- someone they couldn't hope to defeat.

They didn't know their influence, powers, capabilities... nothing. That person had also attacked when everyone's guards were down, going straight for Veyron when he was at his weakest (arguably still way stronger than any of them) and defeating him.

This course of events made it so that they weren't even willing to trust Gion who was still a marine and therefore an ally of the world government. 

Thankfully, after receiving an explanation, Gion understood.

"He's safe, just tired. Now we should address the topic at hand after a long discussion we have agreed with Mihawk to return half of the national tribute. We have a better use for the other half".

"Primrose, our previous conversation... the consequences of this-" Gion tried to relay back to their previous conversation in which she had let them know that the ones suffering the most would be the kingdoms affiliated with the world government.

"Even then, won't change our position on this matter. Half of the national tribute is not going to be taken by the Kuja Fleet or any of our affiliations. It is going to be used for the betterment of Dressrosa and the country of Wano, both countries suffered major setbacks due to this incident and they're owed at least this much. Whatever repercussions there are... we will face them together".

Hancock and Primrose's decision was unwavering and they were sure Veyron would have accepted this. 

"Has he agreed to this?" Aokiji frowned, for him only Veyron's opinion mattered, after all... any repercussions would more than likely be carried by him, everybody knew Veyron was the pillar of their alliance, or so he thought. 

"Darling permitted us to decide for ourselves, this is the best resolution we could reach. It was my mistake to involve myself in this political strife between Donquixote Doflamingo and the celestial dragons. But the past can't be undone... Dressrosa and Wano are now free, but both territories need financial support to recover their stability" Hancock stated after a summary of accountability. 

'Also, with this darling doesn't have to involve himself so much in the recovery of both Wano and Dressrosa. King Riku and whoever is set to be the new Shogun of Wano can wisely use those funds to recover their autonomy' She bit her lips harshly, the current priority of their 'family' was that Veyron used his powers and involved himself in politics the least possible. 

Aokiji and Shironeko looked at each other and shrugged in lamentation.

"If this decision has been made then the matter is out of our hands" She sighed. 

"I will report this to the fleet admiral then" Aokiji followed, taking out his lazy den den mushi to call their 'boss' and brief him on the situation, he wasn't going to like it and they'd probably get scolded... but that is the job. 

"Pero per- Kacha~ Aokiji!".

The den den mushi didn't even ring for more than a few seconds before a scream was already coming from the other side much to the Admiral's exasperation. 

"Why haven't you answered any of my calls!?".

"*cough* My apologies, Fleet Admiral Sengoku... I was waiting for the resolution of this case before I called you to brief you on the situation. Shironeko arrived yesterday and we're currently in front of Boa Hancock and Boa Primrose".


"He... is not here. This is what happened..."

Aokiji then explained to Sengoku everything he had done on Fishman Island, carefully avoiding the topic of his improvised holidays, he then explained the decision made by Hancock and Primrose regarding the national tribute knowing that it was something both Dracule Veyron and Dracule Mihawk succinctly agreed on, quite frankly put him in a mishap. 

"What a headache... I want to speak to Veyron personally".

It was then that Primrose snapped.


Her Conqueror Haki let loose, alarming everyone on the table, Smoker brandished his weapon made out of sea stone and prepared to attack at any moment but Aokiji raised his hand, telling him to back down. The last thing they needed right now was a useless fight. 

"You have nothing to speak to Veyron about, Sengoku... I'm in charge of this matter! IF YOU HAVE ANY COMPLAINTS THEN COME FACE ME AND STOP ANNOYING MY HUSBAND!".


She was sick and tired of Veyron having to deal with everything and putting his life at risk when he could be peacefully making his inventions in his workshop or spending time with his family as he loved. Instead, the world seemed hellbent on involving him in this chessboard of power. 

"Mother, calm down..."

Hancock tugged on Primrose's dress, she had never seen her so angry, even Otohime backed off a bit when the table started to rot. 

"Boa Primrose, you do realise this is going to increase the tension between us further?! We have received our orders, to not engage... but not allow his influence to keep spreading in the new world. Do you think I want to be that brat's enemy? I would leave him alone if I could help it but the national tribute is a delicate topic, don't make matters more difficult than they already are"

"I don't care, Sengoku... my husband almost died back there, I almost lost my daughters too. Do you think I care about diplomacy at this stage?! Regardless of what you think or what your real motivations are... Right now, I, Boa Primrose as the main spokesperson of all my husband's territories... declare the world government as our deadly enemy!".


It was a powerful declaration, so much in fact that Aokiji and Shireneko immediately got on guard, Gion looked hurt and in disbelief.


"M-Mother, are you sure about this...!?" Hancock had to ask a second time. If what she said was the truth, then she'd be obliged to engage Gion and Aokiji right now. 

Primrose wasn't a nobody. Veyron had given her a lot of power... it was more than just writing paperwork, but that was a power she had been reluctant to use until now. The army went way beyond just the Kuja Fleet. Shandora, Skypea, Rusukaina and Amazon Lily each had their separate armies separate from the Fleet, all under her, Veyron and Mihawk's control.

Those weren't words that could be taken back. It was not a declaration of war... but it was a declaration of animosity that implied that she'd stop at nothing to protect Veyron and their land from the world goverment. 

"Any agent of cypher pol, any marine, any celestial dragon... any individual employed by the world government that dares trespass our maritime and air borders is going to be erased WITHOUT EXCEPTIONS. I don't trust any of you one bit. There won't be negotiations. Half of the national tribute, take it or leave it. If you don't give me a satisfactory answer in the next two minutes then I'll have to stop considering the Kingdom of Ryugu as a neutral territory and the Kuja Fleet shall openly engage both of your Admirals. So make your decision now and stop wasting my time, I have places to be".

Primrose wasn't playing games. One could tell she was beyond upset and the glare in her eyes was fixed against a stuttery Gion whose fists were clenched, from that gaze she sensed a threat. But as a woman, she understood where Primrose's wrath was coming from.

It was the wrath that originated from fear. 

"Don't do this, Primrose... I'm not your enemy!"

"I lost my best friend, I lost half of my ship, then it happened again... we lost them again in Dressrosa. I almost lost my daughters, I even forgot them... in Wano I almost lost my husband. I will not repeat myself, Gion. THERE WON'T BE NEGOTIATIONS!". 


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