One Piece: I’m Mihawk’s Son

Freedom I

The dream ended and Yasharte disappeared from my sight and from my consciousness, never to be seen again. I felt a bit empty, she was a bonafide goddess and yet her self-scattered just like that. From the point of view of science, it was a great loss to not be able to study such a being. From a personal point of view... I felt a bit melancholic... to think she had been looking at me all this time, and I didn't even know she was there. 

She revealed to me a lot of precious information that I'd have to process later. But now, there is something else I have to process... and it is the overwhelming peace that I'm feeling. It was like being thrown into a mountain of delicious soft marshmallows. 

'Uhm~ so soft, warm and squishy~'.

I extended my arms and rubbed my head against that rather big marshmallow bud, biting it to my heart's content. 



I heard a rather lust-inducing noise and my drowsiness disappeared, my eyes opened to see that what lay in front of me was not a marshmallow... it was in fact something even more delicious. Sandersonia yawned and stretched before taking me into her embrace again. 

She was wearing what looked like a loose green pattern bikini with top and bottom together with a semi-transparent Hawaiian green cloth covering her crotch. I saw her, I smelled her... and I remembered her. 

"Sonia... you have grown up so much" I couldn't help but say almost at the border of tears for some reason, maybe because of how my mind had been altered, upon seeing her I felt melancholic. During the battle and the aftermath my mind had been so focused on vengeance, but now I could finally process everything... my time with Yasharte had allowed peace to return to my soul and I finally lowered my guard. 

"Grown up? What's that about, Little brother~? I'm still the same".

Well in a way she is, we have been married for five years... she has grown bigger with time and so have I, but she... she's a lot bigger. How much is a lot? she's at least three times my height. She's a titan and her nipple alone is almost the size of my head, just like Marigold. 

That's One Piece morphology for you. Thankfully three years ago I learned how to subvert this. Marigold and Sandersonia went through a depressive time in which they thought we wouldn't ever be able to do 'that' because of the difference in size... so I thought of a way to use my powers. Nevertheless, I still enjoy watching them from this perspective and playing with their gigantic bodies to my heart's content. 

"Where are we? what happened?" I looked to the sides, we were in a rather big room, I recognised this to be the Ryugu Palace as we were underwater, only this room had air in it but outside of the windows, there was water and fish.

"This is the Ryugu Palace, one of their spare royal suites. You have been sleeping and I'm tasked to protect you... Mom, Marigold and Big Sis are dealing with Aokiji and Shironeko regarding the national tribute. Mihawk and Robin are in Wano, sorting out the situation there too as to who is going to be chosen to be the shogun, you don't need to worry little brother, it won't take too long... once it is done we can head back to Amazon Lily".


It surprised me how deterministic everything she told me was. Usually, they'd ask for my opinion on several matters... but they seemed to have decided on their own already that we were heading back to Amazon Lily. I don't mind... a fight against Kaido, a fight against Big Mom, Kaido again, a fight against the hidden primordial demoness of this world... I'm tired my friend. I need some holidays, this time for real. F*ck the worship, f*ck the lab, f*ck everything... I'm going to be a good and obedient husband for a while... I don't even mind doing politics!

"Is that so? We should assist them-" I began, but her previous happy face began to contort and her body twisted, switching our positions. I had been originally resting in between her chest but now... she was pressing me down on the bed, crushing me with her marshmallows and leaving me almost breathless.

Paradise- I can't breathe!

"You don't want to be alone with me? How long has it been since it was just the two of us... alone in one room, in the bed?".

The way she tilted her head was so cute and that slittery tongue of hers... ugh, thankfully she moved a bit down, still squishing me with her softness, but I could manage. 

"O-Of course but... if it is just the two of us-".


"I don't know if I can hold back..."

She giggled and lifted up her hand, trailing a finger up and down my body. 

"You're so tiny right now, how about you become a bit bigger for big sis?~ then we can have some fun".

"We can't play games now, I have been worried, Sonia!".

She stopped for a second to look at me, that was the truth. Right now I'm so relieved... but my life had been miserable when those memories faded. If I had to compare it, it was like losing a long and harsh engineering essay I had worked my whole life doing for a fateful day. I knew I did it... I knew I needed madly it... but I didn't know where it was.

It produced a sense of anxiety, anger and frustration that I couldn't describe... and all that frustration was released in Onigashima. That feeling only became stronger and stronger until I recovered my memories of them. 

As if sensing my feelings Sonia planted a kiss on my face, it was a bit comic considering she kissed my whole face, but her countenance contained regret. 

"We're sorry for what you had to go through to save us, I'm sorry... we never wanted this, Veyron. It was a mistake".

She started sobbing, something I absolutely didn't want to see. I levitated both our bodies, bringing us back to our previous position and kissed my gigantic wife's tears away. 

"Don't apologise for that, sweetie... I'm your husband, if I don't save you who is going to save you? You girls always act so strong and independent, rely on me more often will you?"

She nodded a few times and my body began to expand in size as I trailed kisses on her neck, "I love you, Sonia..."

"Uhm~ me too!"

"It doesn't matter how many lovers I have... you and your sisters have a special spot in my heart, ever since I met you I have wanted to protect you, it is my mission..."

I began by removing her bra, then her underwear... little by little her naked body displayed in the subtle light beneath the bedsheets, it was hard for me to resist when she was like this. I stopped expanding when the size of my body matched hers, a bit more than four metres 

She started moaning as I covered us with the bedsheets.

"It hurts me to see you all suffer... it hurts me to see the Kuja Pirates suffer".

"Little brother..."

"I have something important to tell you all but I know you won't like it" I started while licking her nipple and playing with the other, she hugged me tightly to stop my movements and wrapped her legs around my waist. 

"You don't want us to sail" She whispered in my ears subtlety, exposing my thoughts.

"Big sister already thought of that and... we're willing to comply".

Now I didn't expect that, or perhaps I did. She's not talking about her desires, she's talking about the guilt she feels over the consequences of their actions. They're going to do anything I say even if they don't like it. Usually I wouldn't exploit this, but now I have no choice... I don't want this to happen again.

"As long as you allow us to sail again once your worries are cleared..."


There it is, the 'condition'.

"We can appoint a temporary captain-"

"I don't want the Kuja Fleet to sail again".


I allowed my thoughts to voice my words, it is not only them that I don't want to sail. I don't want the Kuja Fleet to sail again. Two times, two sacrifices... never again. 

"Big brother you can't... it is our reason to live, our beloved tradition! If you take this away from us-" She protested and understandably so, but I don't care. 

I pinned both of her hands above her head as she panted, her eyes begged me to reconsider. Obviously, she could still make decisions on behalf of Marigold and Hancock, those three were like mirrors in everything except physical appearance. But it was different when it came to the Kuja Fleet overall. Sailing the seas was their birthright which I was taking away.

But I'm taking it away for their own good. 

"I'm your husband but I'm also your Emperor... I have the authority to decide on this, and I will use it, Sonia. Shawty... too many have died already. I know you're all not going to agree... that's why I'll convince you first and you will help me convince the rest".

I lurked down there and spread both of her luscious legs and she gasped trying to stop me.

"W-Wait! You can't! AHN!!~"

Nothing is going to stop me from keeping the people that I care about safe. 


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