One Piece: I’m Mihawk’s Son

Amazonian Mourning

Flower Capital, Country of Wano.

The sombre weight of the recent loss hung heavy in the air. For me, it was the second time experiencing this depth of sorrow, and it felt even more profound now. Five years ago, though I wasn't weak, I was naively unaware that this world was not fiction—it was real, and people I cared about lived in it.

Before me lay the charring remains of the Kuja Fleet's heroes, scattering dust to fill the skies, they had bravely fought during the siege in Dressrosa when Hancock, Sandersonia, and Marigold were captured.

Behind me stood a multitude of women—dozens of thousands from Amazon Lily, natives, Shandian women, Skypean women, and even fishmen ladies who had found a home among us.

Beside me were Primrose, Hancock, Sandersonia, Marigold, and Gloriosa. Robin and my mother were far away but still present. The day was steeped in silence and mourning. After bidding farewell to our fallen comrades and the ceremony's conclusion, I had to make an announcement.

Elevated above them in the endless skies, I addressed the crowd. "I speak to you now as the God of Skypea and Shandia and as the Emperor of Amazon Lily, the leader of this triumvirate. The Kuja Fleet has been our pride for years, symbolizing our values and becoming the first fleet of our triumvirate. I couldn't be prouder of all of you. Among you, there are no strangers. You're either my friends or my family. Compared to the first time we met, your numbers have tripled, and you've excelled. Each one of you has earned recognition on a global scale. Never before has a Kuja captain held a bounty exceeding five hundred million bellies... but now, your Empress Boa Hancock boasts a two-billion-belly bounty!"

My words, heartfelt, ignited a hopeful cheer among the crowd. Yet, I noticed Hancock, Sandersonia, and Marigold avoiding my gaze. They knew my intentions.

"But your chiefs also hold bounties of one billion berries each, and some among you have earned your own renown, like you, Aphelandra, and you, Rindo."

"Thank you, my Emperor," Rindo said.

"Big brother, thank you!" Aphelandra added.

"I've invested hard work in your gear and training to increase your chances of survival. You haven't disappointed me. Losses are inevitable, and when you set sail, you must be prepared for the worst, as this situation demonstrated. Every victory is matched by defeat."

Silence fell over the crowd.

"But I won't tolerate more losses like this, where our tribe members perish. That's why I've decided to keep the Kuja Pirates on standby in Amazon Lily indefinitely. This order takes effect immediately."

My proclamation stirred dissent and anger, especially among the Kuja Pirates and tribe ladies, more so than the Shandians and Skypeans.

"My Emperor, you can't! Sailing is our reason for living!"

"If we can't sail, what is the purpose of our existence?"

"Hebihime, say something!"

Hancock's subjects expected her to intervene, but she remained silent, acknowledging my command instead.

"I agree with the Emperor's decision, but..." Hancock began, haltingly.

Confusion clouded my expression. We had already discussed this.

"After a period of rest in Amazon Lily, I'll divide the crew. Half will head to Dressrosa, and the other half will go to Wano where you shall stand by and protect until further orders are relayed. Our alliance obliges us to protect these lands until their armies are self-reliant, right, Mom?"

Primrose hesitated. "That's correct, dear. But you don't need to—"

"We must," Hancock interrupted, her voice firm. "As the captain of the Kuja Fleet, this is my decree. We won't let our fallen comrades' sacrifices dampen our spirits. In the last three years, you all have achieved much, and I thank you. Kuja, it's time to rest and recover. The ceremony is over; return to your homes and mourn in silence until further orders from me. You're free to do as you please. You'll continue receiving your compensation as usual."

With her resolute words, Hancock dismissed the gathering, and the crowds dispersed, returning to their duties. The Kuja Fleet, accustomed to a life of luxury, headed back to their opulent homes in the capital to recuperate after this tragedy.

Deeply displeased, I levitated back to the palace, Hancock following me closely until we reached our room.

"Darling, we need to talk—"

"You disobeyed me."

I was far from pleased. We had an agreement, a deal. They were to remain here until I deemed it safe for them to leave, no one was allowed out. I couldn't guarantee their safety in Dressrosa or Wano, especially when these countries would likely be scrutinized closely by the World Government. Pirate invasions, Marine interventions, Cipher Pol agents—anything could happen.

"To sail the seas is a reason for living for all of us, Kuja. Darling, if you take that from us, it's akin to killing us. Are you willing to imprison us on this island?"

"I'd imprison all of you in my basement if it ensured your safety. Retract your decision, Hancock."

Instead of responding, she approached me, her hand tenderly caressing my cheek.

"You've changed so much in the last five years. I have too. I'm more than just your wife, and you're more than just my husband. We all have roles to fulfil, and they bring us happiness. Just as you love your workshop, I love being their captain and sailing the seas with them. Darling, please don't take this away from me. Trust me again."

Unfair. It was unfair for her to wear this expression now, to make such an analogy. Falling to her knees, she hugged my legs, sobbing uncontrollably. I had never seen her like this before.

"Stand up... don't kneel like that."

Using my powers, I raised her to her feet, her tears still flowing.

I guided us to a nearby chair, and we sat. I placed her on my lap. She broke down like a kitten, crying and wailing, apologizing for endangering me and nearly causing my death. I had fought two Yonkos to save her, even using 'Fat Man,' of which I had limited quantities.

Marigold and Sandersonia entered, evidently having eavesdropped. Primrose was listening too, although she hadn't revealed herself.

What else could I do? I love them, I worry about them... but keeping them imprisoned, unable to leave? that's not something I would do even if I had the power to do it... I would be no different from the celestial dragons that slaved them for years, I'd become their captor. 

She's right, she's not just my wife, she's the empress of Amazon Lily and we both have to reach a compromise. 

"Very well. But next time, rely on me more. I'd abandon my workshop anytime for you girls. Don't be misled. I'm not just your husband but that is my top priority, alright?"

"H-Hum..." They nodded, and I levitated all of us to the enormous bed.

"Let's sleep. I'm exhausted..."

After discarding our clothes and arranging several sheets on the bed, we all embraced, seeking solace in each other's warmth. This was what I wanted—Hancock, Sandersonia, and Marigold, all safe, with me.



Outside the room, a small crowd gathered. The door was briefly opened to reveal the massive bed, covered in sheets, where the four blessings of the triumvirate slept peacefully.

"I'm envious~," said a voice from the shadows, causing both Primrose and Mihawk to roll their eyes.

"Everything seems to be in order now. I'll send Alemina and a group to Dressrosa to assist Riku with the reconstruction. I'll ask Gan Fall to organize a team of strong Skypeans and Shandians to be sent there as well. We need a lot of dials to clean the atmosphere and rivers in Wano, so much work to do..." Primrose said to Mihawk who was standing with her arms, crossed, looking at her son. 

"What are your plans?"

"I'll just read the newspapers and have some wine. I'm tired too."

Mihawk dismissed herself most casually. Although she wished to be in Rusukaina instead, she had private quarters in the Amazon Lily palace, though she rarely used them.

"You—You lazy woman! Help me with the paperwork!" Primrose scolded.

"You're the elder, not me."

Mihawk began walking away, ignoring Primrose's indignant protests.

"Have you left Youbi?" She inquired to nobody in particular.

"Yes, I placed it inside the room." The dim darkness in the vast hallway transformed into a beautiful lady walking beside her.

"Did you find anything interesting in Wano, Robin?"

"A Poneglyph mentioning Uranus and its location—Elbaf. There were several more belonging to Kaido in Onigashima, one of them was red too, that's the first time. I haven't read all of them carefully, but I'm excited to discover the secrets within."

"It's good that you're enthusiastic. I have a proposition for you."

"Oh?" Dracule Mihawk rarely initiated conversations, let alone proposed anything.

"We're forming our crew."


"A crew, with you?!"

"Yes. You, Ali, and me."

"A-Ali? You know?"

"I do."


"I met Rocks briefly in God Valley a long time ago, he fought my father Maximus."

"That makes sense. Why do you want to start a crew? I thought you were a lone wolf."

"It won't be a typical crew. It's an intelligence group. Veyron has become too reliant on Stussy. The fact that she's a double agent is bound to be discovered eventually. It's his only weakness. I'll fill up this gap for him".



"No, I'd be delighted to form a group with you, mother-in-law~."

"Stop calling me that..."

"Of course, mother-in-law~"

"..." Mihawk gave up.

"Let me fetch my guest; I left her in Shandia. She's the princess of Alabasta, Nefertari Vivi."

"You better get her a hotel room in Vesta instead of bringing her to my palace in Rusukaina."


"Once we get there, things will get... intimate, and I don't want any bystanders."


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