One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch62- Drum Island

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The ship continued sailing through the increasingly cold waters. Frost began forming on the rails, and Coby noticed Vivi shivering slightly under the blankets. He adjusted the vinegar-soaked cloth, ensuring it stayed cool against her skin.

Hours later, the crew’s excited shouts from above signaled something. Coby quickly made his way to the deck. Nami pointed ahead, and through the thick mist, he saw the outline of a snow-covered island.

As the ship neared the shore, Zoro prepared to lower the anchor. Snow blanketed the rocky coastline, and the cold wind bit at their skin. After wrapping Vivi in thick clothes, Coby carried her on his back and stepped onto the deck.

Luffy and the others were ready to step onto the island, but their anticipation shifted when they saw the locals on the shore. The villagers, led by a tall man with a stern expression, raised their arms defensively.

"Pirates, begone. We don't want you on our island," the man, Dalton, shouted.

Coby glanced at the crew. They were ready to fight, especially Luffy, who clenched his fists, but Coby stepped forward before things escalated.

"We mean no harm," Coby called out, his voice calm. "We have a sick friend and need a doctor."

Dalton’s eyes narrowed. "We don’t have doctors on this island anymore. You’re not welcome."

Coby adjusted Vivi on his back, revealing her face slightly. "Our friend is Princess Vivi of Alabasta. You should recognize her."

Dalton froze, clearly taken aback. He stared at Vivi, his mind racing as he recognized her from past Reveries. For a moment, he seemed uncertain, but then he sighed, his posture relaxing slightly.

"Fine," Dalton finally said. "You can come ashore, but if you cause any trouble, you will be forced to leave."

Coby nodded, signaling the crew. They quickly lowered the gangplank, and Coby, with Vivi on his back, led the way as they disembarked. The cold air hit them hard, but they moved quickly, following Dalton toward the village.

As they walked, Dalton glanced back at Coby. "Why is a princess with a pirate crew?"

Coby didn’t hesitate. "Hitching a ride."

Dalton nodded slowly, seeming to consider this. He could see Vivi was trusting Coby even in her delirious self, so it wasn't a kidnapping. He didn’t ask more questions, focusing instead on guiding them through the snowy path.

They reached the village, where the locals watched them warily. The tension was in the air, but Dalton kept them moving. After the reached the village, Dalton said, "The only doctor we have left is Dr. Kureha, but she lives on top of the Drum Rockies. Reaching her is difficult, especially in this weather."

Coby wasn't sure if Kureha was on top of the mountain or in the next town. In the anime, when they climbed, she had just left for the nearby village, but Coby didn’t want to risk it. Even if Kureha wasn’t there, Chopper would definitely be on the Drum Rockies. So he said, "Luffy, come with me. The rest of you stay here and don't cause trouble."

Luffy nodded, already eager to get moving. "Alright, let's go!"

Coby needed Luffy to handle any Lapahns that attacked, especially since he was carrying Vivi and then to convince Chopper to join the crew. As they left Dalton’s hut and began their journey toward the Drum Rockies, Coby shifted his weight to 1 kilogram, allowing him to move more swiftly over the snow-covered terrain.

The path was treacherous, with thick snow and sharp winds whipping around them. Before long, a group of Lapahns appeared, their large, white-furred bodies blending almost perfectly with the snowy backdrop. Their red eyes glinted with aggression as they charged forward, growling.

"Luffy, take care of them," Coby said, his voice firm.

Luffy grinned and rushed ahead. As the first Lapahn leaped at him, Luffy easily dodged, his foot coming down hard on the snow, sending the creature sprawling. Another Lapahn charged from the side, but Luffy was ready. He stretched his arm back and delivered a powerful punch, knocking it into the nearest tree.

The rest of the Lapahns hesitated, growling low as they eyed Luffy warily. Sensing they were outmatched, they retreated into the forest, their growls fading into the distance.

Coby nodded, adjusting his grip on Vivi. "Let’s keep moving."

They continued through the snow, the cold biting at their skin. Coby kept his pace steady, not wanting to jar Vivi too much as she rested on his back. The temperature dropped even further as they neared the base of the Drum Rockies.

Suddenly, the ground beneath them began to tremble. The Lapahns had returned, but this time they weren’t attacking directly. Instead, they were using their massive bodies to dislodge snow from the higher slopes, causing an avalanche.

“Luffy, up ahead!” Coby shouted as the snow began to rush down toward them.

Luffy didn’t waste a second. He stretched his arms to launch himself out of the avalanche’s path. Coby too moved as carefully as he could and got away from the avalanche's path. They landed safely on a ledge, just out of the snow’s reach.

As the avalanche subsided, the sound of a baby Lapahn crying caught their attention. It was stuck at the edge of the snow pile, its cries echoing through the mountains. Luffy immediately jumped down and sprinted toward the sound. He found the baby Lapahn trying to dig out its mother, who was buried beneath the heavy snow.

Luffy dug quickly, his hands moving the snow away from the Lapahn’s mother. After a few tense moments, he uncovered the creature, helping it to its feet. The baby Lapahn nuzzled against its mother, their relief in its eyes was obvious even without words.

Luffy gave them a quick pat before turning back to Coby. “They’re okay now!”

Coby smiled, knowing that Luffy had such a big heart, even in the middle of a mission. “Let’s go. We still have to reach the top.”

They finally arrived at the base of the Drum Rockies. The steep, ice-covered cliffs loomed above them, disappearing into the clouds.

Coby placed his hand on the rock face, testing its stability. He looked at Luffy. “We’ll have to climb slowly. Keep an eye out for any trouble.”

Luffy nodded, his usual playful grin replaced by a more focused expression. He jumped up, grabbing onto the rock and starting his climb. Coby followed, careful with each movement to avoid jarring Vivi.

The wind howled around them as they ascended, the cold making their fingers numb as they gripped the icy rocks. They moved steadily upward, the village below growing smaller with each passing minute.

Halfway up, a strong gust of wind nearly knocked them off balance. Coby pressed himself against the rock, shielding Vivi from the worst of the cold. Luffy, hanging on with one hand, stretched the other to steady Coby.

“Keep going,” Coby urged. They pushed on, muscles straining as they climbed higher.

Finally, after what felt like hours, they reached the top. The snow was deeper here, and the cold was even more intense. In the distance, a giant castle sat regally atop the mountain, its silhouette barely visible through the swirling snow.

Luffy landed beside Coby, shaking off the frost that clung to his clothes. "That must be it," he said, pointing toward the structure.

Coby nodded, adjusting Vivi on his back. "Yeah, let's get moving."

They trudged through the deep snow, making their way toward the castle. The wind howled around them but they pressed on.

As they approached the castle, Luffy noticed the giant wooden doors were open and snow had blown inside. "Woah, why's the door open?" he said, walking ahead to close it.

Coby stopped him. "Don't." He pointed above the door. A bird’s nest was perched on top, with little chicks crying out. He then noticed a strange creature hiding behind a wall—except instead of hiding his whole body, only one eye was hidden, with the rest of him exposed. It was Tony Tony Chopper.

Seeing Coby's gaze, Chopper panicked and ran off but quickly returned, his principles overcoming his fear. "I-if you're here for treatment, follow me."

Luffy finally noticed the small, blue-nosed reindeer that looked like a raccoon walking on two legs. "Woah, a monster!" he blurted out.

Chopper’s face fell, reminded of the times he’d been called that by others. Coby stepped forward, shaking his head. "My friend was bitten by a prehistoric bug on her thigh and has a high fever. Can you check on her?"

Chopper hesitated for a moment, glancing at Vivi who was still unconscious on Coby’s back. His medical instincts kicked in, overriding his nerves. "Follow me," he said, turning and leading them deeper into the castle.

AN: Always wanted to use the word gangplank even though they don't use it in One Piece, since everyone can jump a few meters lol.


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