One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch61- Sick

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Coby continued running the vinegar-soaked cloth over Vivi's body, her skin still hot from the fever. He carefully wiped down her arms, then moved to her collarbone and neck. He reached her stomach, and finally down to her feet and legs. His eyes remained focused, scanning for any signs of insect bites. 

"What are you looking for?" Vivi asked weakly, noticing his careful inspection.

"I believe something bit you on Little Garden," Coby replied, his voice matter-of-fact. "This sudden fever isn’t normal. I’m checking for bite marks."

Vivi nodded, too tired to respond further. As Coby's hand reached her upper thighs, she bit her lip and turned her face away, embarrassed. "Don't look. It's embarrassing."

Coby chuckled softly. "There’s nothing to be embarrassed about."

Vivi weakly rolled her eyes. "Because it’s medical?"

Coby shook his head, a smirk forming on his lips. "No, because you have beautiful legs."

Vivi got even redder. Her flushed skin, although mostly due to illness and partly because of embarrassment, caught Coby's attention. As he looked at the natural V between her legs, covered with short shorts, he felt a heat rising within him, but he pushed it aside. This wasn’t the time.

His hand carefully climbed up her inner thigh, searching for the cause of her fever. When he found a small redness near the top of her leg, his expression darkened. "Bastard," he muttered under his breath.

Vivi, noticing his anger, asked weakly, "W-what happened?"

Coby touched the spot gently, causing her to jolt slightly at the closeness. "A bug bit this sacred place before I did," he said, frustration clear in his voice.

Vivi blinked, her cheeks reddening further as she processed his words. "That’s... you..." She was too flustered to finish her sentence.

Coby grabbed the vinegar-soaked cloth and pressed it against the bite, holding it there for a moment. Vivi flinched at the cold sensation but didn’t pull away.

"It’s going to sting a bit, but this will help," Coby said, keeping his focus on the task.

Vivi nodded, her breathing steadying as the cool cloth eased the irritation from the bite. She still looked away, trying to hide her embarrassment.

After pressing the bite with some alcohol, Coby removed the cloth and handed it to her the one with vinegar. "Keep it on that spot for a while. It’ll help reduce the swelling."

Vivi took the cloth, her fingers brushing against his. "Thank you, Coby."

He stood up, grabbing a towel from the nearby shelf and tossing it over his shoulder. "I’ll get you some more water."

As Coby headed for the door, Vivi called out softly, "Coby..."

He paused, turning back to her. "Yeah?"

Vivi looked at him, her eyes full of gratitude. "I... really appreciate everything you’ve done."

Coby smiled. "Hehe. Don’t worry about it." As he left Vivi’s room, his expression grew serious. Her symptoms matched Nami’s illness from the anime. That meant she had at most a week to live. They needed a doctor—fast. Unlike the crew in the original timeline, who had searched blindly, he knew a few clues to help. But there were a few things that bothered him.

In the anime, Nami had gotten sick, and it was Vivi who put her kingdom aside to assist the crew. Vivi had been the one helping the crew while Nami was sick whenever she could, solidifying her bond with them. That’s how she became one of them. Now, with Vivi being the one who was ill, would the others accept her as deeply? Coby wasn’t sure.

Sighing, he climbed to the upper deck. Nami was at the helm. "Nami, change the course," he said.

Nami looked surprised. "To where? The Log Pose still points at Little Garden, and we only have the Eternal Pose for Alabasta."

Coby nodded. "I know, but Vivi doesn’t have much time. I heard there’s a Doctor Island around here somewhere. It’s a winter island, so use your talent to feel the weather. Lead us to the winter zone, Nami."

Nami bit her lip. She had talent for sensing the weather, but what Coby was asking seemed impossible. No one could accurately predict the weather in the Grand Line. Before she could voice her doubts, Coby came closer, gently holding her face.

"Nami, you can do it," he said, kissing her softly on the lips. "I believe in you."

Nami's heart warmed at his words. She nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination. "I’ll do my best."

Coby then pointed to both the Log Pose and Eternal Pose. "Also, don’t just rely on them to find the next island. Place both on a map and use them as reference points. The Log Pose points to Little Garden, which we know is southeast. Alabasta is northeast from there. By using both, you can figure out a general direction to the winter island."

Nami looked at the compasses, her eyes lighting up as the realization hit her. She jumped onto Coby's lap. "You’re a genius, Coby!"

Coby chuckled, shaking his head. He wasn’t a genius, just thinking from a different perspective. Still, he accepted her praise and kissed her again. "I’ll leave it to you. I need to stay with Vivi."

Nami nodded, sending him off. Coby made his way back to the girls’ room, fetching another bucket of cold water along the way.

When Coby returned to Vivi’s side, she was still lying on the bed, her breathing steady but weak. He dipped the cloth in the cold water again, gently placing it on her armpit. The fever hadn’t broken yet, but her condition seemed stable for now.

Vivi glanced at him, her eyes half-lidded from exhaustion. "Coby... I am worried about Alabasta."

Coby held her hand. "Vivi, there's nothing to worry about. Although the situation is volatile at the moment, people are still biding their time. Crocodile too is waiting for his agents. You heard it when we questioned Mr. 3."

She gave a weak nod when she heard Coby say, "When we arrive, we will swiftly solve the problem. I promise."

She smiled and closed her eyes, falling asleep, her hand still in his.

Coby stayed by her side, his grip firm but gentle. He didn't let go, even as the ship rocked gently on the waves. Her breathing evened out, the rise and fall of her chest signaling that she was finally resting.

After a while, Nami came back in, quietly approaching the bed. She glanced at Vivi, then at Coby, who hadn't moved.

"How's she doing?" Nami asked, keeping her voice low.

"Stable for now," Coby replied. "But we need that doctor."

Nami nodded, concern still etched on her face. "We're heading in the right direction. I can feel the temperature dropping slightly. We're close."

"Good," Coby said. "Tell Luffy and others to keep their eyes open and let me know if they see anything strange."

Nami placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder before heading back to the deck.

Hours passed, and the temperature continued to drop, a clear sign they were nearing a winter island. Coby kept a close watch on Vivi, making sure she stayed comfortable.

Luffy and the others visited Vivi a few times, clearly all worried. Coby let them stay for a few seconds before sending them away. Finally, Nami returned with good news.

"Coby, the weather's stabilized. We’re close to a winter island."

Coby nodded. "Good. We need that doctor as soon as possible."

He hoped to see Wapol's ship, or more accurately, the giant submarine it used. Coby wasn’t sure if they would still encounter it, but so far, no sign. He had wanted to copy Wapol's ability, even though it would be expensive. Still, if luck was on his side, Wapol would eventually find them on Drum Island.


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