One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch55- 1 Billion Berry?

Second Chapter of the Day!

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Coby walked back to Nami and Zoro, who were waiting with Vivi and Igaram. As he approached, he mentally commanded the system to show his SP total.

[System Message from Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine Fight:

Standard Fight Awards:

20 SP awarded for neutralizing Miss Valentine’s 10,000 Kilogram attack with 1 Kilogram Form evasion.

20 SP awarded for successful counterattack against Miss Valentine using 10,000 Kilogram Form.

30 SP awarded for forcing Mr. 5 to reveal Breath Bomb technique and successfully countering it.

35 SP awarded for combining Breath Bomb with wind manipulation for enhanced attack.

40 SP awarded for creative use of acquired abilities to neutralize both enemies.

Special Combination Bonus:


250 SP awarded for the unique combination of 1 Kilogram Form and 10,000 Kilogram Form in combat.

300 SP awarded for the effective use of multiple abilities in rapid succession.

400 SP awarded for neutralizing Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine without sustaining damage.

Techniques Created:

Super Heavy Stealth Foot Punch: Combining 1 Kilogram Form for evasion with 10,000 Kilogram Form for a powerful strike.

Sniper Breath Bomb: Using wind manipulation to guide a Breath Bomb with pinpoint accuracy.

Long-Distance Breath Nuke: A massive Breath Bomb carried by wind manipulation to target distant areas with devastating force.

Super Stealth Foot: Enhancing speed and agility by reducing weight to 1 kilogram, allowing for rapid movement and dodging.

Total SP Awarded for Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine Fight: 4,250 SP.]

Coby grinned, pleased with the haul.

Coby walked back to Nami and Zoro, who were standing with Vivi and Igaram. As he approached, Luffy came running over, eyes wide as he took in the scene—the bloodied ground, the unconscious or dead Baroque Works agents, and Coby’s bloodied fists.

“Coby! What the hell are you doing?” Luffy yelled, frustration clear in his voice. “These people were so nice to us—they fed us and everything! How could you hurt them?”

Coby sighed. He remembered this misunderstanding from the anime. Luffy had attacked Zoro back then, but now he seemed a bit calmer, maybe because Zoro and Nami were standing there too, along with Igaram.

Nami stepped in, her voice calm but firm. “Luffy, it’s not what you think. These people were trying to kill us. Coby took care of them before they could.”

Luffy blinked, his confusion turning to understanding as he looked around at the aftermath. “Oh… they were bad guys?” he asked, scratching his head.

Zoro nodded. “Yeah, Coby handled it. Nothing to worry about now.”

Luffy's expression shifted to relief. “Okay, that makes sense. Hahaha. Sorry, Coby, I knew you weren't a bad guy. Hahaha!” He then said with a big grin. “Good job, Coby! I knew you’d handle it!”

Coby chuckled, glad Luffy was quick to trust his friends. “Thanks, Luffy. We’re all good now.”

Vivi, standing next to Igaram, looked at Coby with gratitude and surprise. “Thank you… for everything.”

Nami, relieved that the situation was diffused, turned to Vivi and Igaram. "Now that this mess is sorted, we need to talk about Alabasta."

Then Vivi and Igaram started to explain what was going on. How Baroque Works were causing chaos in the Alabasta Kingdom, turning the citizens against the King. Vivi detailed how the organization’s boss, known as Mr. 0, was pretending to be a hero, all while secretly plotting to usurp the throne. Her voice remained calm, but the tension in her words made it clear how dire the situation was.

In the end, Vivi sighed and faced the group, her expression serious. “I’m thankful for your help, but I can’t accept it. The Kingdom doesn’t have a billion Beli, and I can’t spend money that could save our starving and thirsty citizens.”

Luffy then asked, "Who is that mysterious boss anyway?"

Vivi shook her head. "I cannot tell you. Even knowing his name might put you at risk."

Nami chuckled. "Right. We don't really know."

Vivi sighed in agreement. "Yes. Crocodile is a Shichibukai. Knowing he is the boss of a super secret organization might put you at—"

She stopped, eyes wide. Nami and Vivi locked eyes, both realizing what Vivi had just said.

"Wait… Crocodile?!" Nami exclaimed, her voice louder than she intended. The rest of the crew snapped to attention, processing the revelation.

Luffy's face scrunched up in confusion. "Why would a Shichibukai be messing with your country?"

Vivi covered her mouth, clearly panicked. "I didn’t mean to… but yes, Crocodile is Mr. 0, the leader of Baroque Works. He’s the one behind everything."

The crew fell silent, the weight of her words sinking in. Even Zoro, who usually kept his cool, looked surprised.

At this time, a vulture and an otter appeared on the roof of a nearby building, catching Vivi’s slip about Crocodile. The otter quickly jumped onto the vulture’s back, and the pair took off, flying away to report what they had just heard.

Nami grabbed Vivi’s shoulders, shaking her slightly. “We’re done for! How could you blurt out his name like that?”

Vivi looked horrified. “I’m so sorry! It was an accident, I swear!”

Coby, standing a bit away from them, chuckled softly. Without drawing attention, he exhaled a small, controlled Breath Bomb in the direction of the fleeing animals. Moments later, the vulture and the otter exploded in the sky, far from the group.

Nami blinked, confused. “What was that?”

Coby shrugged, feigning ignorance. “No idea.”

Luffy scratched his head. “So what do we do now? If Crocodile knows we know, we can’t just leave Vivi hanging.”

Zoro nodded in agreement. “It’s too late to back out. We’re in this now.”

With the situation under control, Coby turned back to the crew. "So, looks like we’ve got no choice now," he said plainly. "Crocodile knows we know his secret. Helping Alabasta just became our problem too."

Vivi bowed her head, grateful yet troubled. "I’m so sorry to drag you all into this."

Luffy grinned, stepping forward. "No worries! We’ll just beat that Crocodile guy and save your country!"

Zoro smirked, cracking his knuckles. "Sounds like a plan."

Igaram appeared dressed in his Vivi disguise, the oversized blue wig and princess gown making him look ridiculous. He stepped forward confidently, addressing the crew. "I'll act as Princess Vivi and take a separate ship towards Alabasta to throw off any pursuers."

Nami raised an eyebrow. "How are you going to find your way? We have a Log Pose, but it needs time to adjust."

Igaram reached into his coat and pulled out a small compass-like device. "I have an Eternal Pose," he explained. "Unlike the Log Pose, it always points to the specific island it’s recorded. This one is set to Alabasta."

The crew gathered on the shore, watching as Igaram boarded a small ship and sailed off into the night. The water was calm, and the sound of his oars faded into the distance. The tension eased slightly, but everyone remained on edge, knowing the danger was far from over.

Suddenly, a massive explosion lit up the night sky. The blast engulfed Igaram’s ship, debris scattering across the water. The crew stood frozen, their expressions shifting from shock to horror.

Vivi bit her lip, fighting back tears. Luffy’s fists clenched in anger. "He was a fine man!" he muttered, his voice filled with fury.

Nami pulled Vivi into a tight hug, trying to comfort her. Zoro, his expression hard, turned to Nami. "How’s the Log Pose?"

Nami checked it, her hand shaking slightly. "It’s recorded. We can leave."

Coby looked out at the dark water where Igaram's ship had been. "The pursuers must be close," he said calmly. "Let’s move."

Without another word, they all turned back to the Going Merry. Luffy led the way, his anger still simmering as they headed towards their ship, not forgetting throwing Mr. 5 to the lower deck.

Coby glanced back at the others. "I’ll grab Usopp and Sanji. Get the ship ready."

Zoro nodded and headed for the ship, while Nami and Vivi followed close behind.

Inside the building, Usopp and Sanji were still sleeping, unaware of the chaos that had just unfolded. Coby stepped inside, finding Usopp sprawled out on the floor and Sanji snoring loudly on a makeshift bed. He kicked Usopp lightly, waking him up with a start.

"Time to go," Coby said simply, moving to wake Sanji. Usopp groaned, rubbing his eyes as he slowly got to his feet.

Unlike Usopp, Coby kicked Sanji across the room.

“What the hell, Coby?” the cook grumbled, rubbing his side.

“We’re leaving. Now,” Coby said, no room for argument.

Coby quickly filled them in on the situation as they walked towards the ship. Usopp, wide-eyed, asked, “We slept through all that?”

“Yeah, you two aren’t the sharpest, are you?” Coby replied, glancing at Sanji, who gritted his teeth but stayed quiet.


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