One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch54- Kilo Kilo

Alright! Big thanks to Игорь (Author Only) and Matthew (I Love Author Tier) for the amazing support! 🎉 Extra chapter for everyone, and I’m doing a little dance in celebration! 💃 Thank you all so much!

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We have an Image Minister as well! (He quitted)


Mr. 5, irritated by the delay, charged forward, ready to attack. Coby saw him coming and sidestepped, dodging the explosive fist aimed at him. Mr. 5 tried again, throwing another punch, but Coby avoided it easily, making sure to keep some distance. He needed Mr. 5 to pull out his breath bomb technique, which would be far more useful than his boogers.

Coby focused on keeping Mr. 5 engaged while avoiding his attacks. He needed to pressure him just enough to force him to switch tactics. As Mr. 5 came at him again, Coby ducked under a wild swing and then grabbed a nearby crate, hurling it toward his opponent. Mr. 5 shattered it with a punch, causing a small explosion, but Coby was already moving again, circling around him.

Miss Valentine, frustrated with being ignored, floated above, her weight increasing rapidly as she prepared to drop down. "10,000 Kilo Press!" she yelled, descending fast.

Coby glanced up and grinned. "Too slow." He activated the 1 Kilogram Form he had just acquired, his body becoming incredibly light. He darted out of the way in a blur, leaving Miss Valentine to crash into the ground with a thunderous impact. The cobblestones cracked beneath her weight, but Coby had already repositioned himself, ready for the next move.

Mr. 5 growled, clearly annoyed that his usual tricks weren't working. He reached into his jacket and finally pulled out what Coby had been waiting for—a small bomb. Mr. 5 smirked, holding it up. "Let's see how you handle this."

Coby's eyes lit up. This was the technique he wanted. He needed to see it in action before deciding to take it. Mr. 5 threw the bomb, and Coby quickly used his detached hands to grab a nearby barrel, tossing it toward the incoming explosive. The bomb detonated mid-air, sending shards of wood and fire scattering across the street.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Coby shifted into the 10,000 Kilogram Form. He leaped towards Mr. 5, his fist coming down with crushing force. Mr. 5 barely dodged, the ground where he had stood cracking under the impact. He retaliated with another bomb, but Coby was already moving again, lighter than air.

Miss Valentine, having recovered from her failed attack, tried to catch Coby off guard. She launched herself into the air, preparing for another drop. "This time, you won't escape!"

Coby smirked. "You sure about that?" He shifted back into his light form, dodging her attack effortlessly. Then, with a quick movement, he used his Bara Bara Detach Hand to grab her by the ankle mid-air, yanking her down hard before she could increase her weight again. She hit the ground with a thud, dazed.

Mr. 5, realizing he was running out of tricks, pulled out a special revolver. He loaded each chamber with his breath, his focus sharpening as he prepared to unleash his most powerful attack.

Coby’s eyes flicked to the revolver. This was the move he’d been waiting for. The moment Mr. 5 squeezed the trigger, the air around the revolver crackled with explosive energy. Coby barely dodged the blast, the explosion ripping through the space where he had stood.

[System Message: Skill Scan initiated on 'Breath Bomb (Mr. 5)'. Analysis in progress… This is a singular offensive ability from the Bomu Bomu no Mi. The estimated cost for acquisition is 2,520 SP. Please confirm if you wish to proceed with the Skill Scan and acquisition.]

Coby didn’t hesitate. “Confirm.”

[System Message: 'Breath Bomb (Mr. 5)' acquired. 2,520 SP deducted. This skill allows the user to create and launch explosive projectiles using their breath. Versatility may be limited, but the power is considerable.]

Coby grinned as the new ability settled into his arsenal. He quickly activated the Breath Bomb, inhaling deeply and exhaling a small sphere of concentrated energy. The bomb shot toward Mr. 5, detonating just as it reached him.

Mr. 5 barely had time to react as the explosion engulfed him, sending him crashing into a nearby wall. His suit was scorched, and he coughed violently, struggling to get back on his feet.

Mr. 5 staggered to his feet, blood trickling from his lip. He wiped it with the back of his hand, glaring at Coby. "H-how can you use my ability?" His voice trembled with a mix of confusion and anger.

Miss Valentine, swooping down beside him, narrowed her eyes. "I suspected something was off before, but now I’m sure of it. He’s using my abilities too." She clenched her fists, trying to make sense of what she was seeing. Then, it clicked. "I remember now... The rising star of East Blue... Straw Hat Pirates... You must be Coby the Copy Ninja!"

Coby grinned, taking a casual step forward. "You got it," he replied. "Now, let's see how you handle my new combinations."

Without another word, Coby activated his Super Stealth Foot technique. His weight dropped to a mere kilogram, and he vanished from their sight. Miss Valentine frantically scanned the area, but he was already behind her. Before she could react, Coby shifted to Super Heavy Stealth Foot Punch mode, increasing his weight to 10,000 kilograms in an instant.

His fist slammed into Miss Valentine’s back with the force of a falling boulder. She was launched forward, crashing into the ground with a deafening thud. The ground cracked beneath her as she lay dazed, struggling to breathe.

Mr. 5 barely had time to register what happened before Coby reappeared in front of him, grinning. "Let's try something fun," Coby said. He inhaled deeply, charging up a Breath Bomb, then combined it with Dragon’s wind manipulation.

"Sniper Breath Bomb!" Coby called out. The wind encapsulated the explosive breath, guiding it toward Mr. 5 with pinpoint accuracy. The blast hit its mark, sending Mr. 5 flying into the wall with a fiery explosion.

Mr. 5 slumped to the ground, coughing and gasping for air. "D-damn it... What the hell are you?"

Coby didn’t answer. Instead, he grinned wider, focusing on his next technique. Gathering more air into his lungs, he created a massive Breath Bomb and isolated it within a powerful wind current. "You’ll love this one. I call it the Long-Distance Breath Nuke."

He propelled the explosive breath far into the sky, watching as it soared over the town. The wind carried the volatile energy with precision, and when it reached the designated area, Coby released it. The explosion lit up the night, a massive fireball engulfing the distant hills. The shockwave shook the ground beneath them.

Miss Valentine struggled to her feet, her eyes wide with fear. "This... This isn’t normal... We need to retreat!"

But Mr. 5, too stubborn to back down, tried one last desperate move. He charged forward, his body igniting with explosive energy. "I won’t go down that easy!" he roared, swinging wildly at Coby.

Coby sidestepped, still in 1 Kilogram Form, and avoided the explosion with ease. Before Mr. 5 could recover, Coby shifted back to 10,000 Kilogram Form and delivered a crushing blow to his gut. The impact sent Mr. 5 crashing into the ground, the breath knocked out of him.

The fight was over.

Coby walked over to the defeated Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine, his expression thinking. Zoro, standing nearby, glanced at him. "Should I finish them off?"

Coby shook his head. "No need." He leaned down, grabbing Miss Valentine, who flinched, thinking he was going to harm her. Instead, Coby slipped some Beli into her clothes. Confused, she stared at him.

"W-what are you doing?" she asked, her voice shaky. At first, she thought he was trying to molest her, but soon realized that wasn’t the case.

Coby leaned in closer, whispering so only she could hear, "This is your last chance. Go and open that chocolate shop you want."

Mikita’s eyes widened, her breath catching in her throat. "How do you even know?" she whispered back, disbelief and fear mingling in her voice.

Coby didn’t answer. He only grinned and said, "Make yourself 1 kilogram and don’t resist. If I see you again, I’ll kill you." His tone left no room for doubt.

Terrified, Mikita instinctively reduced her weight to the minimum, her body becoming as light as possible. Coby picked her up effortlessly, then walked to a nearby stone, setting her down on it. With a swift motion, he hurled the stone—and her—into the air towards East Blue’s direction.

As Mikita soared through the air, a Long-Distance Breath Nuke exploded beneath her, propelling her even further. Coby watched her disappear into the distance before turning back to Mr. 5.

"I don’t have Kairoseki handcuffs," Coby said, his voice flat. "So I’ll have to be a little forceful."

Without another word, Coby moved quickly, breaking both of Mr. 5’s arms and legs. He covered the man’s mouth and nose with a makeshift gag, ensuring he couldn’t use his powers to explode anything. Mr. 5 could barely breathe, the small dots in the mask allowing just enough air to keep him conscious.

Satisfied that Mr. 5 was neutralized, Coby stepped back. He didn’t say anything more, simply walking away from the broken man, leaving him immobilized and helpless on the ground.


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